Gartner Survey Reveals That Only 48% of Digital Initiatives Meet or Exceed Their Business Outcome Targets

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A Gartner survey reveals that only 48% of digital initiatives meet or exceed their business outcome targets. However, a group called the 'Digital Vanguard' achieves a 71% success rate. This group distinguishes itself by co-owning digital delivery between CIOs and CxOs.

Key findings include:

  • Digital vanguard CxOs dedicate 35% of their business staff to technology work
  • Over 80% of CIOs expect to increase investments in cybersecurity, AI/GenAI, business intelligence, and integration technologies in 2025
  • 43% of CIOs plan to decrease investment in legacy infrastructure
  • Only 16% of CIOs prioritize building a technology workforce enterprise-wide
  • 18% of CIOs prioritize sharing technology leadership with other business areas

The survey suggests that CIOs' success now depends on their CxOs' success in co-leading digital initiatives.

Un sondaggio di Gartner rivela che solo il 48% delle iniziative digitali raggiunge o supera gli obiettivi di business. Tuttavia, un gruppo chiamato 'Digital Vanguard' raggiunge un tasso di successo del 71%. Questo gruppo si distingue per co-gestire la consegna digitale tra CIO e CxO.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • I CxO del digital vanguard dedicano il 35% del loro personale alle attività tecnologiche
  • Oltre l'80% dei CIO prevede di aumentare gli investimenti in cybersecurity, AI/GenAI, business intelligence e tecnologie di integrazione nel 2025
  • Il 43% dei CIO pianifica di diminuire gli investimenti in infrastrutture legacy
  • Solo il 16% dei CIO dà priorità alla costruzione di una forza lavoro tecnologica a livello aziendale
  • Il 18% dei CIO dà priorità alla condivisione della leadership tecnologica con altre aree aziendali

Il sondaggio suggerisce che il successo dei CIO dipende ora dal successo dei loro CxO nella co-leadership delle iniziative digitali.

Una encuesta de Gartner revela que solo el 48% de las iniciativas digitales cumplen o superan sus objetivos empresariales. Sin embargo, un grupo llamado 'Digital Vanguard' logra una tasa de éxito del 71%. Este grupo se distingue por compartir la entrega digital entre CIO y CxO.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Los CxO del digital vanguard dedican el 35% de su personal a trabajos tecnológicos
  • Más del 80% de los CIO esperan aumentar las inversiones en ciberseguridad, IA/GenAI, inteligencia empresarial y tecnologías de integración en 2025
  • El 43% de los CIO planea disminuir la inversión en infraestructura heredada
  • Solo el 16% de los CIO prioriza la construcción de una fuerza laboral tecnológica a nivel empresarial
  • El 18% de los CIO prioriza compartir el liderazgo tecnológico con otras áreas del negocio

La encuesta sugiere que el éxito de los CIO ahora depende del éxito de sus CxO en la co-lideranza de las iniciativas digitales.

가트너의 조사에 따르면 디지털 이니셔티브의 48%만 비즈니스 성과 목표를 달성하거나 초과합니다. 그러나 '디지털 뱅가드'라는 그룹은 71%의 성공률을 달성합니다. 이 그룹은 CIO와 CxO 간에 디지털 전달을 공동 소유함으로써 차별화됩니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 디지털 뱅가드 CxO는 비즈니스 직원의 35%를 기술 업무에 할당합니다
  • 80% 이상의 CIO가 2025년에 사이버 보안, AI/GenAI, 비즈니스 인텔리전스 및 통합 기술에 대한 투자를 늘릴 계획입니다
  • 43%의 CIO가 레거시 인프라에 대한 투자를 줄일 계획입니다
  • 16%의 CIO만이 기업 전체의 기술 인력 구축을 우선시합니다
  • 18%의 CIO가 다른 비즈니스 분야와 기술 리더십을 공유하는 것을 우선시합니다

조사는 CIO의 성공이 이제 CxO의 성공에 달려 있다는 것을 제안합니다. 디지털 이니셔티브의 공동 리더십에서.

Une enquête de Gartner révèle que seulement 48% des initiatives numériques atteignent ou dépassent leurs objectifs commerciaux. Cependant, un groupe appelé 'Digital Vanguard' atteint un taux de réussite de 71%. Ce groupe se distingue par le partage de la livraison numérique entre les CIO et CxO.

Les principales conclusions comprennent :

  • Les CxO du digital vanguard consacrent 35% de leur personnel commercial au travail technologique
  • Plus de 80% des CIO s'attendent à augmenter les investissements dans la cybersécurité, l'IA/GenAI, l'intelligence d'affaires et les technologies d'intégration en 2025
  • 43% des CIO prévoient de diminuer l'investissement dans les infrastructures héritées
  • Seulement 16% des CIO priorisent la construction d'une main-d'œuvre technologique à l'échelle de l'entreprise
  • 18% des CIO priorisent le partage du leadership technologique avec d'autres domaines d'activité

L'enquête suggère que le succès des CIO dépend maintenant du succès de leurs CxO dans la co-direction des initiatives numériques.

Eine Umfrage von Gartner zeigt, dass nur 48% der digitalen Initiativen ihre Geschäftsergebnisse erreichen oder übertreffen. Eine Gruppe namens 'Digital Vanguard' erreicht jedoch eine Erfolgsquote von 71%. Diese Gruppe zeichnet sich durch die gemeinsame Verantwortung für die digitale Lieferung zwischen CIOs und CxOs aus.

Wesentliche Erkenntnisse sind:

  • Die CxOs der digitalen Avantgarde widmen 35% ihres Geschäftspersonals der Technologiearbeit
  • Über 80% der CIOs erwarten, dass sie 2025 die Investitionen in Cybersicherheit, KI/GenAI, Business Intelligence und Integrationstechnologien erhöhen
  • 43% der CIOs planen, die Investitionen in Legacy-Infrastruktur zu reduzieren
  • Nur 16% der CIOs priorisieren den Aufbau einer technologischen Belegschaft im gesamten Unternehmen
  • 18% der CIOs priorisieren das Teilen von Technologie-Leitung mit anderen Geschäftsbereichen

Die Umfrage legt nahe, dass der Erfolg der CIOs jetzt vom Erfolg ihrer CxOs bei der gemeinsamen Leitung digitaler Initiativen abhängt.

  • None.
  • None.

In 2025, CIOs Expect to Increase Investments in Cybersecurity, AI/GenAI, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, and Integration Technologies/APIs

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- On average, only 48% of digital initiatives enterprise-wide meet or exceed their business outcome targets according to Gartner, Inc.’s annual global survey of more than 3,100 CIOs and technology executives, and more than 1,100 executive leaders outside of IT (CxOs). A small cohort of CIOs and CxOs, known as the “Digital Vanguard,” has the highest achievement rate, where 71% of their digital initiatives meet or exceed outcome targets.

Figure 1: Changes in Technology Funding, from 2024 to 2025 (Percentage of Respondents) - Source: Gartner (October 2024) (Graphic: Business Wire)

Figure 1: Changes in Technology Funding, from 2024 to 2025 (Percentage of Respondents) - Source: Gartner (October 2024) (Graphic: Business Wire)

“This digital vanguard distinguishes themselves from the rest of CIOs and CxOs because they co-own digital delivery,” said Raf Gelders, VP, Research at Gartner. “CIOs and CxOs are equally responsible, accountable and involved in delivering the digital solutions their enterprises need. This is a radical departure from the traditional paradigm of IT delivery and business ‘project sponsorship’ that predominates in most enterprises.”

Gartner analysts presented the survey findings during Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place here through Thursday. The 2025 Gartner CIO and Technology Executive Survey gathered data from 3,186 CIOs and technology executives in 88 countries and all major industries, representing approximately $17.6 trillion in revenue/public-sector budgets and $351 billion in IT spending. This survey was supplemented with insights from 1,126 executive leaders outside of IT (CXOs).

Digital vanguard CxOs distinguish themselves from other CxOs because they dedicate more of their personal time and resources to digital delivery. They co-own digital delivery end to end with their CIOs, as well as dedicate 35% of their business area staff to do technology work (vs 21% of the rest of CxOs). They also work very closely with IT, meeting with their CIOs four times more often than the rest of CxOs.

“Behind every digital vanguard CxO, a digital vanguard CIO is guiding and enabling CxOs and their teams to co-lead and co-build digital delivery with IT,” said Jaime Capella, Distinguished VP, Research at Gartner. “Digital vanguard CIOs nurture their peers to become digital vanguard CxOs. Those CIOs make it easier for their CxOs to lead digital with them and for business area staff to build digital solutions together with IT.

“CIOs' success now depends on their CxOs’ success,” continued Capella. “To succeed at the next phase of digital initiatives, CIOs need their CxOs to work together and co-lead with them. So their fortunes are intertwined: one cannot succeed without the other.”

CIOs Seek Compelling, Easy-to-Use Platforms for All Technologists

Over 80% of CIOs polled in the 2025 CIO and Technology Executive Survey said they expect to increase their investments in 2025 in strong foundational capabilities and technologies such as cybersecurity, AI/GenAI, business intelligence and data analytics, or integration technologies/APIs (see Figure 1).

“Digital vanguard CIOs do not invest in these technologies to be used by their IT staff only. They also make them easy to use for potential or actual technologists outside of IT,” said Gelders. “On average, there is 26% of business/corporate area staff outside of IT dedicated to building, implementing or managing technology. Many of these technologies naturally lend themselves to easing the burden of work enterprise-wide, accelerating time-to-market and time-to-value, and fostering the accountability of CxOs.”

At the other end of the spectrum, 43% of CIOs said they expect to decrease their investment in legacy infrastructure and data center technologies. This is a trend that has become more common in recent years, mainly due to migrating to cloud-based solutions. That compares with 33% who said they expect to increase it, which can be attributed, in part, to those organizations that acquired on-premise infrastructure to experiment and produce GenAI solutions.

CIOs Look to Develop Tech and Digital Leadership Skills for All Technologists Across the Enterprise

Only 16% of CIOs surveyed prioritize building a technology workforce enterprise-wide (beyond their own IT departments) in 2025. That will limit the enterprise’s ability to get the most from their digital investments. It condemns them to perpetuate the low number (48%) of digital initiatives that meet or exceed their business outcome targets.

Furthermore, just 18% of CIOs said they will prioritize sharing technology leadership with other business areas, a paramount must-have to grow the digital vanguard (see Figure 2).

“Digital vanguard CIOs plan the needs of digital skills not just for IT staff but also for all potential and actual technologists across the enterprise,” said Gelders.

Two-thirds of digital vanguard CIOs (vs 22% of the rest of CIOs) go beyond that and help business areas forecast their own needs of digital skills among business staff.

More information can be found in “2025 CIO and Technology Executive Agenda: Grow The Digital Vanguard.”

About Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo is the world's most important gathering for CIOs and other IT executives. IT executives rely on these conferences to learn how to amplify the impact of the technology, insights and trends shaping the future of IT and business. Follow news and updates from the conferences on X using #GartnerSYM, and on the Gartner Newsroom.

Upcoming dates and locations for Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo include:

October 28-30 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
November 4-7 2024 | Barcelona, Spain
November 11-13 2024 | Kochi, India

About Gartner for Information Technology Executives

Gartner for Information Technology Executives provides actionable, objective insight to CIOs and IT leaders to help them drive their organizations through digital transformation and lead business growth. Additional information is available at

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Matt LoDolce


Catherine Howley


Source: Gartner, Inc.


What percentage of digital initiatives meet or exceed business outcome targets according to the Gartner survey?

According to the Gartner survey, only 48% of digital initiatives enterprise-wide meet or exceed their business outcome targets.

What is the 'Digital Vanguard' and what is their success rate for digital initiatives?

The 'Digital Vanguard' is a small cohort of CIOs and CxOs who co-own digital delivery. Their success rate for digital initiatives is 71%, significantly higher than the average.

What technologies do CIOs expect to increase investments in for 2025?

Over 80% of CIOs expect to increase investments in cybersecurity, AI/GenAI, business intelligence and data analytics, and integration technologies/APIs in 2025.

What percentage of CIOs plan to decrease investment in legacy infrastructure?

43% of CIOs said they expect to decrease their investment in legacy infrastructure and data center technologies in 2025.

How many CIOs prioritize building a technology workforce enterprise-wide for 2025?

Only 16% of CIOs surveyed prioritize building a technology workforce enterprise-wide (beyond their own IT departments) in 2025.

Gartner, Inc.


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