IsoEnergy Reopens the Underground and Initiates Comprehensive Work Program at the Tony M Mine in Utah

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IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF) has successfully reopened the main decline at the Tony M uranium mine in Utah on July 26, 2024. The company is initiating a comprehensive work program to restart uranium production in 2025. Key highlights include:

1. Ongoing rehabilitation by Tomcat Mining, expected to take 8-10 weeks.
2. Engagement of top-tier consultants SRK Consulting and Call & Nicholas for ventilation and ground control plans.
3. Upcoming underground and surface mapping, including a LiDAR survey.
4. Planned technical and economic study to establish production rates and costs.
5. Expansion of land position in the Henry Mountains by over 400%.

CEO Philip Williams emphasized the strategic importance of restarting production amid rising uranium prices and growing demand for nuclear power.

IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF) ha riaperto con successo il principale declivio presso la miniera di uranio Tony M nello Utah il 26 luglio 2024. L'azienda sta avviando un programma di lavoro completo per riavviare la produzione di uranio nel 2025. I punti salienti includono:

1. Riabilitazione in corso da parte di Tomcat Mining, prevista per durare 8-10 settimane.
2. Coinvolgimento di consulenti di primo livello, SRK Consulting e Call & Nicholas, per i piani di ventilazione e controllo del terreno.
3. Prossima mappatura sotterranea e superficiale, incluso un'indagine LiDAR.
4. Studio tecnico ed economico pianificato per stabilire le rate di produzione e i costi.
5. Espansione della posizione terriera nelle Henry Mountains di oltre il 400%.

Il CEO Philip Williams ha sottolineato l'importanza strategica di riavviare la produzione in un contesto di aumento dei prezzi dell'uranio e della crescente domanda di energia nucleare.

IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF) ha reabierto con éxito la principal inclinación en la mina de uranio Tony M en Utah el 26 de julio de 2024. La empresa está iniciando un programa de trabajo integral para reiniciar la producción de uranio en 2025. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

1. Rehabilitación en curso por parte de Tomcat Mining, que se espera que dure entre 8 y 10 semanas.
2. Compromiso de consultores de alto nivel, SRK Consulting y Call & Nicholas, para los planes de ventilación y control del terreno.
3. Próxima mapeo subterráneo y de superficie, incluida una encuesta LiDAR.
4. Estudio técnico y económico planificado para establecer las tasas de producción y los costos.
5. Expansión de la posición de tierras en las Henry Mountains de más del 400%.

El CEO Philip Williams enfatizó la importancia estratégica de reiniciar la producción en medio del aumento de los precios del uranio y la creciente demanda de energía nuclear.

IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF)는 2024년 7월 26일 유타주 Tony M 우라늄 광산의 주요 경사면을 다시 열었다고 발표했습니다. 회사는 2025년 우라늄 생산을 재개하기 위한 종합 작업 프로그램을 시작하고 있습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. Tomcat Mining에 의한 ongoing rehabilitation, 예상 소요 시간: 8-10주.
2. 통풍 및 지반 제어 계획을 위한 최고급 컨설턴트 SRK Consulting 및 Call & Nicholas의 참여.
3. LiDAR 조사를 포함한 곧 있을 지하 및 지상 매핑.
4. 생산 속도와 비용을 설정하기 위한 계획된 기술 및 경제 연구.
5. 헨리 마운틴에서 400% 이상 토지 위치 확장.

CEO 필립 윌리엄스는 우라늄 가격 상승과 핵 에너지에 대한 수요 증가 속에서 생산 재개가 전략적으로 중요하다고 강조했습니다.

IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF) a réouvert avec succès le principal déclin de la mine d'uranium Tony M dans l'Utah le 26 juillet 2024. L'entreprise lance un programme de travail complet pour redémarrer la production d'uranium en 2025. Les points clés incluent :

1. Réhabilitation en cours par Tomcat Mining, qui devrait durer 8 à 10 semaines.
2. Engagement de consultants de haut niveau, SRK Consulting et Call & Nicholas, pour les plans de ventilation et de contrôle des terrains.
3. Prochainement des cartes souterraines et de surface, y compris une enquête LiDAR.
4. Étude technique et économique prévue pour établir les taux de production et les coûts.
5. Expansion de la position foncière dans les Henry Mountains de plus de 400 %.

Le PDG Philip Williams a souligné l'importance stratégique de redémarrer la production dans un contexte de hausse des prix de l'uranium et de la demande croissante d'énergie nucléaire.

IsoEnergy (TSX: ISO, OTCQX: ISENF) hat am 26. Juli 2024 erfolgreich das Hauptgefälle in der Uranmine Tony M in Utah wiedereröffnet. Das Unternehmen beginnt ein umfassendes Arbeitsprogramm, um die Uranproduktion im Jahr 2025 wieder aufzunehmen. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

1. Laufende Rehabilitation durch Tomcat Mining, die 8-10 Wochen dauern soll.
2. Engagement von erstklassigen Beratern SRK Consulting und Call & Nicholas für Lüftungs- und Bodensteuerungspläne.
3. Anstehende unterirdische und oberirdische Kartierung, einschließlich einer LiDAR-Umfrage.
4. Geplante technische und wirtschaftliche Studie zur Festlegung der Produktionsraten und -kosten.
5. Erweiterung der Landposition in den Henry Mountains um über 400 %.

CEO Philip Williams betonte die strategische Bedeutung der Wiederaufnahme der Produktion angesichts steigender Uranpreise und wachsender Nachfrage nach Nuklearkraft.

  • Successful reopening of the Tony M mine's main decline, indicating good condition of underground infrastructure
  • Engagement of top-tier consultants SRK Consulting and Call & Nicholas for critical mine planning aspects
  • Planned LiDAR survey and mapping to improve mine planning and potentially optimize operations
  • Guaranteed access to the White Mesa Mill through a toll milling agreement, providing a significant operational advantage
  • 440% increase in IsoEnergy's Henry Mountain land package, expanding potential uranium resources
  • 8-10 week rehabilitation period may extend depending on ground conditions encountered
  • Significant work and investment required before production can restart in 2025

- Expands land position in the Henry Mountains by over 400% 

TORONTO, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - IsoEnergy Ltd. ("IsoEnergy" or the "Company") (TSX: ISO) (OTCQX: ISENF) is pleased to provide an update on the reopening of the underground and comprehensive work program at the Tony M uranium mine in Utah ("Tony M" or the "Mine"). As announced in a press release on February 29, 2024, the Company made a strategic decision to reopen access to the underground with the goal of restarting uranium production operations in 2025. The main decline at Tony M was successfully reopened on July 26, 2024, and several initiatives are now underway in preparation for the comprehensive work program, as detailed below.


  • Successful Reopening of the Underground – The main decline at Tony M is now reopened with initial observations of underground conditions indicating that the main decline and underground equipment shops are in good condition (Figure 1).

  • Rehabilitation in Progress – Tomcat Mining is carrying out the rehabilitation of the underground, which includes scaling, installation of ground support and ventilation systems (Figure 2). This work is expected to take 8 to 10 weeks depending on the ground conditions encountered.

  • Top Tier Consultants Engaged
    • SRK Consulting Limited, a leading international mining consulting firm, has been working with the Company on the design and implementation of the ventilation plans.
    • Call & Nicholas, Inc., an international mining consulting firm that specializes in geological engineering, geotechnical engineering, and hydrogeology, is working with the Company on the design and implementation of the ground control plans.

  • Underground and Surface Mapping Commencing Shortly – As sections of the underground are made safe for entry, it is expected that the exploration/geology team will enter the Mine and begin to map the orebody from underground. This work, which will include a LiDAR survey, which is expected to commence in 3 weeks and will take approximately 1 month to complete.

  • Upcoming Technical / Economic Study Following completion of the rehabilitation and mapping programs, the Company intends to complete a technical and economic study, establishing production rates, operating and capital costs.

IsoEnergy CEO and Director Philip Williams stated, "The reopening of underground at Tony M is an important step in restarting production and establishing IsoEnergy as a near-term uranium producer. Long-term uranium prices have nearly doubled, from $41/lb U3O8 to $79/lb U3O8, since we acquired the Tony M, Daneros and Rim Mines in Utah, and with the exceedingly positive global outlook for nuclear power we expect that trend to continue. We believe that proven producing assets in tier one jurisdictions, like Tony M, will be highly coveted by end users making this an ideal time to pursue a restart. We have assembled a first-rate team of operators and consultants, who I would like to thank for their tireless efforts in advancing the project to this point, and we look forward to updating all our stakeholders on our progress as we move forward."

Tony M Mine Work Program

Over the last year, the Company has been working toward reopening the Tony M underground for access. Ensuring safe operations is paramount to the Company. The Company has engaged with the San Juan County mine rescue team as part of its plans. Site communications have been re-established, electrical systems have been upgraded and refurbished where necessary, including the installation of at least one new generator that meets tier 4 emission standards. Several new fans have been installed and will continue to be installed as part of the rehabilitation, along with the refurbishment of several of the existing fans. The Company is using state of the art radon monitoring.

The main portals were opened July 26 and Tomcat Mining has begun to assess ground conditions and work its way into the underground. While the Company estimates 8-10 weeks of rehabilitation work, this will be dependent on conditions encountered.

As sections of the underground are made safe for entry, it is expected that the exploration/geology team will enter the mine and begin to map out the orebody from underground. The Company is also in the process of contracting a surveying company to complete a LiDAR survey of the complete underground at Tony M, the first time any such survey has been completed at the Mine. This will be an important tool in the future mine planning at Tony M.

Figure 1 – Underground at Tony M Mine (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)

Figure 2 – Completion of Ventilation Fan Installation at Tony M Mine (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)

Figure 3 – Garfield County Commissioner Jerry Taylor with IsoEnergy COO Marty Tunney underground (left) and members of the IsoEnergy Team with Garfield County representatives in front of the main portal (right) at the Tony M Mine (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)

IsoEnergy has guaranteed access to the White Mesa Mill by way of a toll milling agreement with Energy Fuels, providing a significant advantage to the Company. The White Messa Mill is the only operational conventional uranium mill in the U.S. with licensed capacity of over 8Mlbs of U3O8 per year. The Mill is within trucking distance to Tony M.


The Flatiron area was acquired by staking 370 claims and winning bids on two Utah state leases totalling an additional 8,680 acres. This represents a 440% increase in IsoEnergy's Henry Mountain land package that is centred on the Tony M Mine.

Figure 4 (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)

About Tony M Mine

The Tony M Mine is located in eastern Garfield County, southeastern Utah, approximately 66 air miles (107 kilometers) west northwest of the town of Blanding and 215 miles (347 kilometers) south-southeast of Salt Lake City. The project is the site of the Tony M underground uranium mine that was developed by Plateau Resources, a subsidiary of Consumer Power Company, in the mid-1970s.

Uranium and vanadium mineralization at the Tony M mine is hosted in sandstone units of the Salt Wash Member of the Jurassic age Morrison Formation, one of the principal hosts for uranium deposits in the Colorado Plateau region of Utah and Colorado.

Tony M has the following current mineral resource estimate:

Table 1: Summary of Mineral Resources – Effective Date September 9, 2022


(short tons)

(% eU3O8)

Contained Metal
(lbs. eU3O8)











Reported in the Technical Report on the Tony M Project, Utah, USA Report for NI 43-101, prepared for
Consolidated Uranium Inc. by SLR International Corporation; Mark B. Mathisen, Qualified Person, Effective
Date September 9, 2022.


CIM (2014) definitions were followed for all Mineral Resource categories.


Uranium Mineral Resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 0.14% U3O8.


The cut-off grade is calculated using a metal price of $65/lb U3O8.


No minimum mining width was used in determining Mineral Resources.


Mineral Resources are based on a tonnage factor of 15 ft3/ton (Bulk density 0.0667 ton/ft3 or 2.14 t/m3).


Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.


Past production (1979-2008) has been removed from the Mineral Resource.


Totals may not add due to rounding.


Mineral Resources are 100% attributable to IsoEnergy and are in situ.

Qualified Person Statement

The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dean T. Wilton: PG, CPG, MAIG, a consultant of IsoEnergy who is a "Qualified Person" (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).

About IsoEnergy Ltd.

IsoEnergy Ltd. (TSXV: ISO) (OTCQX: ISENF) is a leading, globally diversified uranium company with substantial current and historical mineral resources in top uranium mining jurisdictions of Canada, the U.S., and Australia at varying stages of development, providing near, medium, and long-term leverage to rising uranium prices. IsoEnergy is currently advancing its Larocque East Project in Canada's Athabasca Basin, which is home to the Hurricane deposit, boasting the world's highest grade Indicated uranium Mineral Resource.

IsoEnergy also holds a portfolio of permitted, past-producing conventional uranium and vanadium mines in Utah with a toll milling arrangement in place with Energy Fuels Inc. These mines are currently on stand-by, ready for rapid restart as market conditions permit, positioning IsoEnergy as a near-term uranium producer.

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Neither the TSX Exchange nor its Regulations Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Information

The information contained herein contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. "Forward-looking information" includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including, without limitation, statements with respect to the expected condition of the main decline and underground equipment shops at Tony M; planned rehabilitation and work program, the expected timing and potential results and benefits thereof; expectations regarding the timing and completion of a LIDAR survey at Tony M; expectations regarding the preparation and timing of a plans for the potential restart of mining operations at Tony M; the Company's ongoing business plan, sampling, exploration and work programs. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.

Such forward-looking information and statements are based on numerous assumptions, including among others, that the results of planned exploration activities are as anticipated, the price of uranium, the anticipated cost of planned exploration activities, that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, that third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct the Company's planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by the Company in providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate.

Forward-looking information and statements also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual events or results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future events or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or statements, including, among others: negative operating cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional financing, no known mineral reserves, the limited operating history of the Company, the influence of a large shareholder, alternative sources of energy and uranium prices, aboriginal title and consultation issues, reliance on key management and other personnel, actual results of exploration activities being different than anticipated, changes in exploration programs based upon results, availability of third party contractors, availability of equipment and supplies, failure of equipment to operate as anticipated; accidents, effects of weather and other natural phenomena and other risks associated with the mineral exploration industry, environmental risks, changes in laws and regulations, community relations and delays in obtaining governmental or other approvals and the risk factors with respect to the Company set out in the Company's annual information form in respect of the year ended December 31, 2023 and other filings with the Canadian securities regulators and available under IsoEnergy's profile on SEDAR+ at

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or reissue forward-looking information as a result of new information or events except as required by applicable securities laws.

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SOURCE IsoEnergy Ltd.


When did IsoEnergy (ISENF) reopen the main decline at the Tony M uranium mine?

IsoEnergy reopened the main decline at the Tony M uranium mine on July 26, 2024.

What is IsoEnergy's (ISENF) target date for restarting uranium production at Tony M?

IsoEnergy aims to restart uranium production operations at the Tony M mine in 2025.

How much has IsoEnergy (ISENF) expanded its land position in the Henry Mountains?

IsoEnergy has expanded its land position in the Henry Mountains by over 400%, adding 8,680 acres through staking and winning bids on Utah state leases.

What key consultants has IsoEnergy (ISENF) engaged for the Tony M mine project?

IsoEnergy has engaged SRK Consulting for ventilation plans and Call & Nicholas, Inc. for ground control plans at the Tony M mine.



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