iRhythm Data Presented at the American Heart Association 2024 Scientific Sessions Reinforce Clinical and Health Economic Value of Zio Long-Term Continuous Monitoring

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iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) presented five new studies at the American Heart Association's 2024 Scientific Sessions, focusing on three key areas of long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM): digital patient engagement, arrhythmia patterns during sleep/activity, and healthcare economic impact. Key findings showed that digital tools improved device return compliance to 94.8% when both app and text messaging were used, compared to 74.6% without digital intervention. The new Zio monitor demonstrated 14% better wear comfort than its predecessor. A significant cost analysis revealed higher healthcare costs for arrhythmia patients with diabetes and COPD, suggesting potential savings through early detection.

iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) ha presentato cinque nuovi studi alle Sessioni Scientifiche 2024 dell'American Heart Association, concentrandosi su tre aree chiave del monitoraggio continuo a lungo termine (LTCM): coinvolgimento digitale dei pazienti, modelli di aritmia durante il sonno/l'attività e impatto economico della salute. I risultati chiave hanno mostrato che gli strumenti digitali hanno migliorato la conformità al ritorno del dispositivo al 94,8% quando sono stati utilizzati sia l'app che i messaggi di testo, rispetto al 74,6% senza intervento digitale. Il nuovo monitor Zio ha dimostrato un comfort di utilizzo superiore del 14% rispetto al predecessore. Un'analisi dei costi significativa ha rivelato costi sanitari più elevati per i pazienti con aritmia affetti da diabete e BPCO, suggerendo potenziali risparmi attraverso una diagnosi precoce.

iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) presentó cinco nuevos estudios en las Sesiones Científicas 2024 de la Asociación Americana del Corazón, enfocándose en tres áreas clave del monitoreo continuo a largo plazo (LTCM): participación digital del paciente, patrones de arritmia durante el sueño/la actividad, y el impacto económico en la salud. Los hallazgos clave mostraron que las herramientas digitales mejoraron la conformidad de devolución del dispositivo al 94.8% cuando se utilizaron tanto la aplicación como los mensajes de texto, en comparación con el 74.6% sin intervención digital. El nuevo monitor Zio demostró un 14% más de comodidad en su uso que su predecesor. Un análisis de costos significativo reveló mayores costos sanitarios para pacientes con arritmia que padecen diabetes y EPOC, sugiriendo un potencial ahorro a través de la detección temprana.

iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC)는 미국심장협회 2024년 과학 회의에서 다섯 개의 새로운 연구를 발표하였으며, 장기 지속 모니터링(LTCM)의 세 가지 주요 분야에 초점을 맞추었습니다: 디지털 환자 참여, 수면/활동 중의 부정맥 패턴, 그리고 의료 경제적 영향. 주요 발견은 디지털 도구를 사용할 때 앱과 문자 메시지를 함께 사용할 경우 기기 반환 준수율이 74.6%에서 94.8%로 향상된 것을 보여주었습니다. 새로운 Zio 모니터는 이전 모델에 비해 착용 편안함이 14% 향상되었습니다. 상당한 비용 분석 결과, 당뇨병 및 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환(COPD) 환자의 부정맥 비용이 더 높다는 것이 밝혀져 조기 발견을 통해 잠재적인 절감 효과가 있음을 시사했습니다.

iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) a présenté cinq nouvelles études lors des Sessions Scientifiques 2024 de l'American Heart Association, mettant l'accent sur trois domaines clés de la surveillance continue à long terme (LTCM) : l'engagement numérique des patients, les modèles d'arythmie pendant le sommeil/l'activité et l'impact économique sur la santé. Les résultats clés ont montré que les outils numériques ont amélioré le taux de conformité de retour des dispositifs à 94,8 % lorsque l'application et les messages texte étaient utilisés, contre 74,6 % sans intervention numérique. Le nouveau moniteur Zio a démontré un confort de port supérieur de 14 % par rapport à son prédécesseur. Une analyse des coûts significative a révélé des coûts de santé plus élevés pour les patients arythmiques souffrant de diabète et de BPCO, suggérant des économies potentielles grâce à une détection précoce.

iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) hat auf den wissenschaftlichen Sitzungen der American Heart Association 2024 fünf neue Studien präsentiert, die sich auf drei Schlüsselbereiche des langfristigen kontinuierlichen Monitorings (LTCM) konzentrieren: digitale Patientenbindung, Arrhythmie-Muster während des Schlafs/Aktivität und wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf das Gesundheitswesen. Wichtige Erkenntnisse zeigten, dass digitale Werkzeuge die Rücksendebereitschaft des Geräts auf 94,8% verbesserten, wenn sowohl die App als auch Textnachrichten verwendet wurden, verglichen mit 74,6% ohne digitale Intervention. Der neue Zio-Monitor zeigte 14% besseren Tragekomfort als sein Vorgänger. Eine umfassende Kostenanalyse ergab höhere Gesundheitskosten für Arrhythmie-Patienten mit Diabetes und COPD, was auf ein potenzielles Einsparungspotential durch frühzeitige Erkennung hinweist.

  • Digital engagement tools improved device return compliance by 20.2 percentage points
  • New Zio monitor showed 14% improvement in wear comfort compared to previous version
  • Algorithm showed high sensitivity (97%) and specificity (100%) in activity detection
  • Healthcare costs significantly higher for arrhythmia patients (T2D: $34,171 vs $18,687; COPD: $37,719 vs $25,656)
  • Hospitalization rates more than doubled for arrhythmia patients
  • Length of hospital stay increased by 2-5 days for arrhythmia patients


The five studies presented at AHA 2024 demonstrate significant clinical and economic value for iRhythm's Zio monitoring system. Key findings show 94.8% compliance when using both app and text messaging features, compared to 74.6% without digital interventions. The new Zio monitor achieved a 14% improvement in wear comfort versus the previous generation.

Most notably, the economic analysis revealed substantial cost implications - patients with diabetes and arrhythmias incurred $34,171 annual costs versus $18,687 for those without arrhythmias. For COPD patients, the difference was $37,719 versus $25,656. This data strongly supports early arrhythmia detection as a cost-saving measure.

The sleep/activity pattern analysis capabilities add a valuable diagnostic dimension, showing certain arrhythmias like pauses are 2.58 times more likely during sleep. This feature positions Zio as a more comprehensive monitoring solution compared to traditional Holter monitors.

The real-world evidence on healthcare resource utilization presents compelling economic advantages for early arrhythmia detection. The data shows hospitalization costs were significantly higher for patients with undetected arrhythmias - reaching $28,316 per patient annually for diabetic patients versus $19,439 for controlled groups.

Critical findings include 2x higher hospitalization rates and 2-5 additional hospital days for arrhythmia patients. The 30-day post-diagnosis costs were particularly striking, with arrhythmia patients incurring $18,414 versus $1,928 for controls in diabetic populations.

These findings suggest substantial cost-saving opportunities through early detection, potentially reducing expensive acute care interventions and length of stays. For insurers and healthcare systems, this represents a strong economic case for adopting long-term continuous monitoring solutions.

Five new studies span three focus areas for LTCM devices: digital engagement and patient satisfaction, arrhythmia patterns during sleep and activity, and the potential health care resource and economic impact of early arrhythmia detection in patients with type 2 diabetes and COPD

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:IRTC) today announced the results of five new studies presented at the American Heart Association’s 2024 Scientific Sessions in Chicago, IL. The findings underscore iRhythm’s commitment to advancing ambulatory cardiac monitoring services to improve patient outcomes, enhance healthcare resource utilization, and provide access to affordable care, including for patients with chronic conditions.

The five studies presented by iRhythm span three focus areas for long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM): patient engagement and satisfaction through digital tools and patient-centered product enhancements, evaluating arrhythmia patterns during periods of sleep and activity, and assessing the potential healthcare resource and economic impact of early arrhythmia detection in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

"These new findings underscore iRhythm's commitment to rigorous scientific evidence," said Mintu Turakhia, MD, iRhythm's Chief Medical and Scientific Officer and EVP of Product Innovation. "Our data demonstrates the significant health economic benefits of early arrhythmia detection in often-overlooked conditions like diabetes and COPD, highlights greater patient engagement through our patient-centered digital tools that complement our services, and reveals distinct arrhythmia patterns associated with sleep and activity."

LTCM Patient Engagement and Satisfaction Through Digital Tool and Product Enhancements
Two studies validated the impact of digital health tools on improving patient compliance with timely device return and demonstrate the value of using patient-centric feedback to guide enhancements in the latest Zio® monitor.

  • “Digital Engagement With a Patient Smartphone App and Text Messaging is Associated with Increased Compliance in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Continuous Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring”
  • “Feasibility of Point-Of-Wear Patient Satisfaction Surveys to Validate Patient-Centered Product Enhancements: Results From Over 300,000 Patients for Long-Term Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring”

Evaluating Sleep and Activity Arrhythmia Patterns Using LTCM
Two studies assessed the feasibility and clinical utility of using the Zio system to monitor arrhythmias in relation to sleep and activity patterns.1 Analyzing and classifying arrhythmia occurrences during sleep and physical exertion provides insights that may inform more personalized arrhythmia management.

  • “Determining the Accuracy of Sleep and Activity Patterns in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Ambulatory ECG Monitoring”
  • “Characterization of Arrhythmia Occurrence During Sleep and Activity in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Continuous Ambulatory ECG Monitoring”

Potential Healthcare Resource and Economic Value of Early Arrhythmia Detection in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

This retrospective analysis of medical claims data examined the healthcare resource burden and medical costs of managing undiagnosed and untreated arrhythmias in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The analysis was conducted by Eversana (Overland Park, KS, USA) and the preliminary findings suggest that early detection with arrhythmia monitoring devices has the combined potential to help prevent serious outcomes like stroke and heart failure and significantly reduce acute care utilization and related costs in these populations.

  • “Real World Evidence on Health Care Resources Utilization and Economic Burden of Arrhythmias in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)”

These data, presented at the American Heart Association’s 2024 Scientific Sessions, are part of iRhythm’s comprehensive clinical evidence program, encompassing over 100 original research publications2 and insights from over 1.5 billion hours of curated heartbeat data.2 This ongoing commitment reflects iRhythm's dedication to expanding clinical evidence that supports improved patient outcomes.

iRhythm’s AHA Presentations Details:

Digital engagement with a patient smartphone app and text messaging is associated with increased compliance in patients undergoing long-term continuous ambulatory cardiac monitoring study

This study sought to determine if two optional direct-to-patient digital interventions, the MyZio smartphone app and short messages services (SMS) text notifications, impacts patient compliance (i.e., activation, wear, and device return within 45 days) in patients who self-applied and activated a Zio 14-day patch-based long-term continuous ambulatory monitoring (LTCM) device shipped directly to their home. Distribution of the use of digital tools and compliance outcomes was evaluated in 169,131 patients. Device activation, usage, and return compliance was highest (94.8%) when both the app and text messaging were used vs. 74.6% in cases where neither digital intervention was used. Opting in to SMS text was associated with compliance improvement vs. no digital intervention but was inferior to app use. These data support the use of patient digital health interventions in home-based diagnostics and underscore the importance of post-implementation evaluation of outcomes.

Feasibility of point-of-wear patient satisfaction surveys to validate patient-centered product enhancements: results from over 300,000 patients for long-term ambulatory cardiac monitoring survey

Researchers sought to understand the feasibility and value of collecting patient survey data at the point of care to assess quality improvements associated with use of a novel 14-day patch-based long-term continuous ambulatory ECG monitor (LTCM). Specifically, the study compared product experience and patient satisfaction associated with the prior generation LTCM (Zio® XT) to that of a next-generation, FDA-cleared LTCM product (Zio® monitor) designed with patient-centered features, including a more breathable adhesive, waterproof housing,3,4 thinner profile, and lighter weight.2 Among 334,054 respondents, the new LTCM was associated with a greater proportion of affirmative responses across all survey categories, including a 14-percentage point improvement in wear comfort as compared to the prior generation device (79.1% vs. 64.7%, p<0.001). The finding demonstrated patient survey data for post-market quality assessment is feasible for digital health technologies, in this case leading to over 300,000 total respondents in one year. Measures of patient satisfaction were higher with the new device, which may be due to patient-centered product enhancements.

Determining the Accuracy of Sleep and Activity Patterns in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Ambulatory ECG Monitoring study

Researchers sought to develop and assess performance of an algorithm to classify periods of sleep, activity (>2mph walking), and inactivity1 using a novel ambulatory ECG (AECG) patch (Zio® monitor) with embedded accelerometry. A prospective clinical study enrolled participants across four American Academy of Sleep Medicine- (AASM) qualified sleep centers to support algorithm training and validation. Eighty-one (81) study participants wore the Zio® monitor AECG patch and a commercially available actigraphy reference device simultaneously over a 14-day study period, which included in-clinic overnight polysomnography (PSG) sleep testing and a 6-minute walk test. Data acquired were split into training (n=40) and validation (n=41) sets. Feature and model selection utilized five-fold cross-validation on the training set, focusing on total activity and body angle. Algorithm sensitivity and specificity (assessed over 1-minute epochs vs. PSG reference) in sleep detection were 88.8% and 54.0%, respectively for the validation set. Sensitivity and specificity in activity detection were 97.0% and 100%, respectively. Study authors concluded the assessment of sleep and activity during AECG is feasible, with performance comparable to FDA-cleared actigraphy and consumer devices.5 This feature offers insights into patient wellness patterns, highlighting its potential for personalized healthcare monitoring.

Characterization of Arrhythmia Occurrence During Sleep and Activity in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Continuous Ambulatory ECG Monitoring study

Researchers sought to quantify the occurrence of arrhythmias detected by long-term (≤14 days) continuous ambulatory ECG monitoring (LTCM) during periods of sleep, activity and inactivity.1 The analysis is the largest study of its kind, and included 23,962 patients (57.7% female, age 60.9±18.0 years) who underwent monitoring with a next generation LTCM (Zio® monitor) device. An Al algorithm previously developed and validated was used to classify periods of sleep and activity using LTCM accelerometry data (see study Accuracy of Sleep and Activity Patterns study described above). Rhythms were classified by an FDA-cleared deep learning algorithm,6 confirmed by a cardiographic technician and time-aligned to the algorithm-generated sleep/wake and activity/inactivity labels. Odds ratios (OR) associated with time in arrhythmia for sleep and activity periods were calculated by rhythm type. Among the rhythms having the highest association with sleep (vs. wake) were pause (OR=2.58; 95% CI 2.55-2.60) and 3rd degree heart block, (OR=1.37; 95% CI 1.37-1.37). Notably, the analysis identified ventricular tachycardia (VT) was among the arrhythmias least likely to occur during sleep (OR=0.51; 95% Cl 0.50-0.51). Ventricular tachycardia and 3rd degree heart block had the highest OR associated with periods of activity. Results demonstrate the feasibility of integrating sleep and activity labeling with LTCM findings and the potential to give context to arrhythmias, such onset or termination during sleep, wake, or exertion.

Real World Evidence on Health Care Resources Utilization and Economic Burden of Arrhythmias in Patients with Diabetes and COPD” study

This study examined healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) and medical costs of managing arrhythmias in T2D and COPD, and the potential impact of early detection on the rate of hospitalization and ER visits. Research included a retrospective claims analysis using the Merative MarketScan and the Symphony Integrated Dataverse databases. Study participants were > 18 years with claims for T2D or COPD or both T2D and COPD (T2D-COPD) and assigned into groups: Target: patients without prior history of arrythmias, followed by arrythmias claims. Control: patients with either of the conditions, but without arrhythmia claims. Target and control were matched 1:1 on demographic, year of first episode of arrhythmia, risk (ECI, DSI, Goki criteria). HCRU and medical cost drivers over 24 months were analyzed. HCRU of patients with the primary comorbidity and an associated arrhythmia was compared to those without an arrhythmia. The total cost of care per patient / year was significantly higher for all target patients compared to control (T2D $34,171/ $18,687; COPD $37,719/$25,656: T2D COPD $46,484/$30,824). The per patient / year cost of hospitalization was higher in the target patient's vs control (T2D $28,316/$19,439; COPD $25,098/$17,906; T2D COPD $28,694/$19,352). Much of this cost difference was also higher in the target patient's vs control in the 30 days post index date (arrhythmia diagnosis) (T2D $18,414/$1,928; COPD $17,920/$3,278; T2D COPD $18,415/$4,162). ER cost per patient/year was 35%-50% higher in the target cohort. Arrhythmia patients were hospitalized more than 2x per 1,000 cohort patients per year than non-arrhythmia patients, and of the diabetes, COPD and combined cohorts, 49%, 68%, and 74% of the patients were hospitalized respectively. The length of stay increased by 2-5 days for arrhythmia patients, with the diabetes, COPD and combined cohorts having an average length of stay of 10, 13, and 16 days respectively. The rate of ER visits were more than 2x for the arrhythmia cohort relative to the non-arrhythmia cohort, and of the diabetes, COPD and combined cohorts, 66%, 83%, and 86% of the patients have been hospitalized respectively. The preliminary study findings suggest that arrythmias significantly increase HCRU and total cost for T2D and COPD, particularly in patients requiring ER visits and hospitalization, and that early detection with arrhythmia monitoring devices, could reduce the utilization of acute care and associated costs.

About iRhythm Technologies
iRhythm is a leading digital health care company that creates trusted solutions that detect, predict, and prevent disease. Combining wearable biosensors and cloud-based data analytics with powerful proprietary algorithms, iRhythm distills data from millions of heartbeats into clinically actionable information. Through a relentless focus on patient care, iRhythm’s vision is to deliver better data, better insights, and better health for all.

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Kassandra Perry

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Stephanie Zhadkevich

1 The accelerometer data and the sleep and activity classification algorithm presented in this study are intended exclusively for research purposes and are not available for any commercial use.
2 Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2023.
3 Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2017, 2023.
4 The Zio monitor device should not be submerged in water. During a bath, keep the device above water. Please refer to the Zio monitor labeling instructions or Patient Guide for the full set of details.
5 Chinoy ED, Cuellar JA, Huwa KE, Jameson JT, Watson CH, Bessman SC, Hirsch DA, Cooper AD, Drummond SPA, Markwald RR. Performance of seven consumer sleep-tracking devices compared with polysomnography. Sleep. 2021 May 14;44(5):zsaa291.
6 Hannun AY, Rajpurkar P, Haghpanahi M, Tison GH, Bourn C, Turakhia MP, Ng AY. Cardiologist-level arrhythmia detection and classification in ambulatory electrocardiograms using a deep neural network. Nat Med. 2019 Jan;25(1):65-69. Current FDA-cleared rhythm classification algorithm: K222389.


What were the key findings from iRhythm's (IRTC) AHA 2024 presentations?

The studies showed improved device compliance with digital tools, better patient comfort with the new Zio monitor, and significant healthcare cost implications for early arrhythmia detection in diabetes and COPD patients.

How much did digital tools improve Zio device return compliance for IRTC?

When both app and text messaging were used, device return compliance reached 94.8%, compared to 74.6% when no digital interventions were used.

What were the healthcare cost differences for IRTC's arrhythmia patients with diabetes?

Total healthcare costs were $34,171 per year for diabetes patients with arrhythmias compared to $18,687 for those without arrhythmias.

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