Iridium Unveils Iridium Certus GMDSS: Defining a New Standard in Maritime Safety and Communications

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Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) has unveiled Iridium Certus® GMDSS, a revolutionary advancement in maritime safety, compliance, and communication. This new system integrates distress alert, safety voice, Maritime Safety Information (MSI), Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), and Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) into a single, versatile solution.

Key features of Iridium Certus GMDSS include:

  • Global coverage, including polar regions
  • Small, lightweight equipment with no moving parts
  • Easy installation and virtually maintenance-free
  • Cost-effective and reliable solution meeting safety and regulatory requirements
  • Broadband and midband voice and data capabilities

Industry-leading manufacturers will introduce Iridium Certus 700 and 200 GMDSS solutions in the coming months, setting a new standard for maritime safety and communication efficiency.

Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) ha presentato Iridium Certus® GMDSS, un avanzamento rivoluzionario nella sicurezza marittima, conformità e comunicazione. Questo nuovo sistema integra avvisi di emergenza, comunicazioni vocali di sicurezza, Informazioni di Sicurezza Marittima (MSI), Identificazione e Tracciamento a Lunga Distanza (LRIT) e Sistema di Allerta per la Sicurezza delle Navi (SSAS) in una singola soluzione versatile.

Le caratteristiche principali di Iridium Certus GMDSS includono:

  • Copertura globale, comprese le regioni polari
  • Attrezzature piccole e leggere senza parti mobili
  • Installazione semplice e praticamente senza manutenzione
  • Soluzione economica e affidabile che soddisfa i requisiti di sicurezza e normativi
  • Capacità di voce e dati a banda larga e media

I produttori leader di settore introdurranno le soluzioni GMDSS Iridium Certus 700 e 200 nei prossimi mesi, stabilendo un nuovo standard per la sicurezza marittima e l'efficienza della comunicazione.

Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) ha presentado Iridium Certus® GMDSS, un avance revolucionario en seguridad marítima, cumplimiento y comunicación. Este nuevo sistema integra alertas de emergencia, voz de seguridad, Información de Seguridad Marítima (MSI), Identificación y Seguimiento a Larga Distancia (LRIT) y Sistema de Alerta de Seguridad de Buques (SSAS) en una única solución versátil.

Las características clave de Iridium Certus GMDSS incluyen:

  • Cobertura global, incluidas las regiones polares
  • Equipos pequeños y ligeros sin piezas móviles
  • Fácil instalación y prácticamente sin mantenimiento
  • Solución económica y confiable que cumple con los requisitos de seguridad y normativos
  • Capacidades de voz y datos de banda ancha y media

Los fabricantes líderes de la industria lanzarán las soluciones GMDSS Iridium Certus 700 y 200 en los próximos meses, estableciendo un nuevo estándar para la seguridad marítima y la eficiencia de la comunicación.

Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM)가 해양 안전, 규정 준수 및 통신에서 혁신적인 발전인 Iridium Certus® GMDSS를 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 시스템은 비상 경고, 안전 음성, 해양 안전 정보(MSI), 장거리 식별 및 추적(LRIT), 선박 보안 경고 시스템(SSAS)을 통합하여 단일의 다재다능한 솔루션으로 제공합니다.

Iridium Certus GMDSS의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 극지역을 포함한 글로벌 커버리지
  • 움직이는 부품이 없는 작고 가벼운 장비
  • 쉬운 설치와 사실상 유지 보수가 필요 없는 시스템
  • 안전 및 규제 요건을 충족하는 경제적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 솔루션
  • 광대역 및 중간 대역 음성 및 데이터 기능

업계 선도 제조업체들은 다음 몇 달 내에 Iridium Certus 700 및 200 GMDSS 솔루션을 출시하여 해양 안전과 통신 효율성의 새로운 기준을 설정할 것입니다.

Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) a dévoilé Iridium Certus® GMDSS, une avancée révolutionnaire en matière de sécurité maritime, de conformité et de communication. Ce nouveau système intègre des alertes de détresse, des communications vocales de sécurité, des Informations de Sécurité Maritimes (MSI), une Identification et un Suivi à Longue Portée (LRIT) ainsi qu'un Système d'Alerte de Sécurité des Navires (SSAS) en une seule solution polyvalente.

Les caractéristiques clés d'Iridium Certus GMDSS comprennent :

  • Couverture mondiale, y compris les régions polaires
  • Équipements petits et légers sans pièces mobiles
  • Installation facile et pratiquement sans maintenance
  • Solution économique et fiable répondant aux exigences de sécurité et réglementaires
  • Capacités vocales et de données à large bande et à bande intermédiaire

Des fabricants leaders du secteur introduiront les solutions GMDSS Iridium Certus 700 et 200 dans les mois à venir, établissant une nouvelle norme pour la sécurité maritime et l'efficacité de la communication.

Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) hat Iridium Certus® GMDSS vorgestellt, einen revolutionären Fortschritt in der maritimen Sicherheit, Compliance und Kommunikation. Dieses neue System integriert Notfallwarnungen, Sicherheitsstimmen, Maritime Safety Information (MSI), Langstreckenidentifikation und -verfolgung (LRIT) sowie das Sicherheitssystem für Schiffe (SSAS) in eine einzige, vielseitige Lösung.

Wichtige Funktionen von Iridium Certus GMDSS umfassen:

  • Globale Abdeckung, einschließlich polarer Regionen
  • Kleine, leichte Geräte ohne bewegliche Teile
  • Einfache Installation und nahezu wartungsfrei
  • Kosteneffektive und zuverlässige Lösung, die Sicherheits- und regulatorischen Anforderungen entspricht
  • Breitband- und Mittelfrequenz-Sprach- und Datenfunktionen

Führende Hersteller der Branche werden in den kommenden Monaten die Lösungen GMDSS Iridium Certus 700 und 200 einführen und damit einen neuen Standard für maritime Sicherheit und Kommunikationseffizienz setzen.

  • Introduction of Iridium Certus GMDSS, integrating multiple maritime safety and communication services
  • Global coverage, including polar regions, enhancing safety across all oceans
  • Partnerships with leading equipment manufacturers for Iridium Certus 700 and 200 GMDSS solutions
  • Cost-effective and efficient solution meeting safety and regulatory requirements
  • Potential for increased market share in maritime communications sector
  • None.

Iridium's new Certus GMDSS represents a significant leap in maritime safety and communication technology. By integrating critical services like distress alerts, LRIT and SSAS into a single terminal, it streamlines vessel operations and enhances safety measures. The system's global coverage, including polar regions, addresses a important gap in maritime communications.

The compact, lightweight design with no moving parts is a game-changer for easy installation and maintenance, potentially reducing downtime and operational costs for shipping companies. This innovation could disrupt the market, challenging existing providers and potentially leading to more competitive pricing in maritime safety solutions.

However, the true test will be in its real-world performance and adoption rate by the maritime industry. If successful, it could set a new industry standard, potentially influencing future IMO regulations and ship design considerations.

Iridium's introduction of Certus GMDSS could have a positive impact on the company's financial outlook. By consolidating multiple services into one solution, Iridium is positioning itself to capture a larger share of the maritime communications market. This move could lead to increased recurring revenue streams from subscription-based services.

The partnership with leading equipment manufacturers like Cobham Satcom and Thales suggests strong industry buy-in, which could accelerate market penetration. However, investors should monitor the initial adoption rates and any potential regulatory hurdles.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the potential for increased market share in the SOLAS-class ship segment could significantly boost Iridium's maritime sector revenues. The company's stock (NASDAQ: IRDM) may see positive momentum if the product launch is successful and meets market expectations.

Iridium Certus GMDSS aligns well with IMO's focus on enhancing maritime safety. By integrating multiple safety services into one system, it simplifies compliance for ship operators while potentially improving emergency response times. The global coverage, including polar regions, addresses a critical safety gap in remote areas.

The system's ability to facilitate immediate voice communication with rescue coordination centers during emergencies is a significant advancement over previous GMDSS implementations. This could lead to more effective rescue operations and potentially save lives at sea.

Regulatory bodies may view this technology favorably, as it enhances overall maritime safety standards. However, thorough testing and certification processes will be important before widespread adoption. The maritime industry should closely monitor any updates to IMO regulations that might arise from this technological advancement.

MCLEAN, Va., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) today unveiled Iridium Certus® GMDSS, a generational advancement in maritime safety, compliance, and communication. Building on the powerful capabilities of Iridium Certus technology, Iridium Certus GMDSS features distress alert, safety voice and Maritime Safety Information (MSI), while integrating additional regulated services like Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) and Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). The combination of capabilities offered by Iridium Certus GMDSS terminals sets a new standard for the cost, efficiency, and performance of maritime safety and security solutions, making it the critical connectivity service needed for any ship's hybrid network system.

By adding GMDSS, LRIT, and SSAS into Iridium Certus terminals, the maritime industry can take advantage of a single, versatile, and reliable communications solution for its fleets. Industry leading equipment manufacturers including Cobham Satcom, Intellian, Lars Thrane, and Thales will introduce a combination of Iridium Certus 700 and 200 GMDSS solutions within the forthcoming months.

In addition to providing broadband and midband voice and data capabilities, Iridium Certus GMDSS will support truly global, comprehensive safety services across the world's oceans, including polar regions. The small, lightweight equipment has no moving parts, making it virtually maintenance free. Easily hand-carried aboard any vessel,  installation can be quickly completed, while providing a cost-effective and reliable solution that meets safety and regulatory requirements.

"When we introduced Iridium® GMDSS a few years ago, we broke a long-standing monopoly,  bringing much needed innovation to this life-saving service," said Matt Desch, CEO, Iridium. "But we didn't stop there. We wanted to make the most powerful and efficient GMDSS-capable solution ever, and by getting all this functionality into one terminal, we've once again raised the bar we set with our first GMDSS solution."

Wouter Deknopper, vice president of maritime, Iridium, added, "Regardless of whether a ship chooses a GEO or LEO broadband provider, Iridium Certus GMDSS solutions are the ideal companion needed to support uninterrupted operations and the critical connectivity that a vessel needs. This new and comprehensive solution consolidates and simplifies maritime communications while enhancing safety, meeting compliance requirements and supporting continuous business operations. It is simply unmatched in the industry."

Standalone, or as a companion to a ship's Ka/Ku-band broadband system, the Iridium Certus GMDSS system offers the maximum capability for equipment mandated to be on all SOLAS-class ships by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The GMDSS service ensures that ships can always send distress communications, receive important safety information and get help in emergencies. When facing an emergency, crew members can press the red distress button and connect with a rescue coordination center (RCC) in seconds. Iridium Certus GMDSS equipped vessels will immediately receive a phone call from the responding RCC to ascertain the nature of the distress alert, allowing the vessel to provide pertinent information to assist rescue.   

As the maritime industry faces evolving environmental, regulatory, and technological challenges, the requirement to communicate effectively and ensure the safety of crew and cargo is paramount. Iridium Certus GMDSS can offer peace of mind and simplicity for fleets around the world, with them knowing that their compliance and critical safety requirements are accounted for along with truly global coverage. The maritime industry is undergoing rapid evolution, and Iridium GMDSS represents the mariner's vision for a complete and modern safety and communications solution.

About Iridium Communications Inc.

Iridium® is the only mobile voice and data satellite communications network that spans the entire globe. Iridium enables connections between people, organizations, and assets to and from anywhere, in real time. Together with its ecosystem of partner companies, Iridium delivers an innovative and rich portfolio of reliable solutions for markets that require truly global communications. In 2024, Iridium acquired Satelles, Inc. and announced the Iridium Satellite Time and Location service. Iridium Communications Inc. is headquartered in McLean, Va., U.S.A., and its common stock trades on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol IRDM. For more information about Iridium products, services, and partner solutions, visit

Forward-Looking Statements Disclosure

Statements in this press release that are not purely historical facts may constitute forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has based these statements on its current expectations and the information currently available to us. Forward-looking statements in this press release include statements regarding the capabilities of the Iridium Certus GMDSS service. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the words "anticipates," "may," "can," "believes," "expects," "projects," "intends," "likely," "will," "to be" and other expressions that are predictions or indicate future events, trends or prospects. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Iridium to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, uncertainties regarding the company's ability to maintain the health, capacity and content of its satellite constellation, as well as general industry and economic conditions, and competitive, legal, governmental and technological factors. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements include those factors listed under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on February 15, 2024, and the Company's Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on July 23, 2024, as well as other filings Iridium makes with the SEC from time to time. There is no assurance that Iridium's expectations will be realized. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if Iridium's underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those expected, estimated or projected. Iridium's forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Iridium undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements.

Press Contact:
Jordan Hassin
Iridium Communications Inc.
+1 (703) 287-7421
X: @Iridiumcomm

Investor Contact:
Kenneth Levy
Iridium Communications Inc.
+1 (703) 287-7570

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SOURCE Iridium Communications Inc.


What is Iridium Certus GMDSS and what features does it offer?

Iridium Certus GMDSS is a new maritime safety and communication system that integrates distress alert, safety voice, Maritime Safety Information (MSI), Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), and Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) into a single solution. It offers global coverage, including polar regions, with small, lightweight equipment that is easy to install and maintain.

How does Iridium Certus GMDSS improve maritime safety?

Iridium Certus GMDSS improves maritime safety by providing a comprehensive, global solution for distress communications, safety information, and emergency assistance. It allows crew members to instantly connect with rescue coordination centers in emergencies and ensures continuous communication capabilities across all oceans, including polar regions.

When will Iridium Certus GMDSS solutions be available from equipment manufacturers?

According to the press release, industry-leading equipment manufacturers including Cobham Satcom, Intellian, Lars Thrane, and Thales will introduce Iridium Certus 700 and 200 GMDSS solutions within the forthcoming months.

How does Iridium Certus GMDSS compare to previous GMDSS solutions?

Iridium Certus GMDSS represents a significant advancement over previous solutions by integrating multiple safety and communication services into a single, versatile terminal. It offers improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and performance compared to traditional GMDSS systems, while also providing broadband and midband voice and data capabilities.

Iridium Communications Inc.


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