IQST - iQSTEL Announces Strategic Partnership with ONAR to Elevate Market Position and Drive Investor Growth Through Rebranding

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iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST) has announced a strategic partnership with ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) to launch a transformative rebranding initiative. This collaboration aims to enhance iQSTEL's visibility, amplify its value proposition, and position the company for accelerated growth in telecommunications, fintech, electric vehicles, and AI services. The initiative comes as iQSTEL prepares for its Nasdaq uplisting and targets $1 billion in revenue by 2027.

iQSTEL projects revenue growth from $144.5 million in 2023 to $290 million in 2024, with one-third of this growth expected to be organic. The partnership with ONAR and its agency STORIA aims to increase iQSTEL's appeal to institutional investors by effectively communicating the company's growth prospects and leadership in key market segments.

The rebranding effort is designed to establish iQSTEL as a forward-thinking tech company, capitalizing on its strong business platform and trust with major telecommunications partners. This initiative is expected to drive long-term shareholder value and support iQSTEL's expansion into high-margin sectors.

iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST) ha annunciato una partnership strategica con ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) per avviare un'iniziativa di rebranding trasformativa. Questa collaborazione mira a migliorare la visibilità di iQSTEL, amplificare la sua proposta di valore e posizionare l'azienda per una crescita accelerata nei settori delle telecomunicazioni, fintech, veicoli elettrici e servizi di IA. L'iniziativa arriva mentre iQSTEL si prepara per il suo uplisting sul Nasdaq e punta a 1 miliardo di dollari di fatturato entro il 2027.

iQSTEL prevede una crescita dei ricavi da 144,5 milioni di dollari nel 2023 a 290 milioni di dollari nel 2024, con un terzo di tale crescita previsto in modo organico. La partnership con ONAR e la sua agenzia STORIA mira ad aumentare l'attrattiva di iQSTEL per gli investitori istituzionali comunicando in modo efficace le prospettive di crescita e la leadership dell'azienda in segmenti di mercato chiave.

Lo sforzo di rebranding è progettato per stabilire iQSTEL come un'azienda tecnologica lungimirante, capitalizzando sulla sua forte piattaforma commerciale e fiducia con i principali partner di telecomunicazioni. Questa iniziativa si prevede porterà valore agli azionisti a lungo termine e supporterà l'espansione di iQSTEL in settori ad alto margine.

iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST) ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) para lanzar una iniciativa de rebranding transformadora. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar la visibilidad de iQSTEL, amplificar su propuesta de valor y posicionar a la empresa para un crecimiento acelerado en telecomunicaciones, fintech, vehículos eléctricos y servicios de IA. La iniciativa llega mientras iQSTEL se prepara para su uplisting en Nasdaq y se propone alcanzar 1 mil millones de dólares en ingresos para 2027.

iQSTEL proyecta un crecimiento de ingresos de 144.5 millones de dólares en 2023 a 290 millones de dólares en 2024, con un tercio de este crecimiento esperado de manera orgánica. La asociación con ONAR y su agencia STORIA tiene como objetivo aumentar el atractivo de iQSTEL para los inversores institucionales comunicando de manera efectiva las perspectivas de crecimiento y el liderazgo de la empresa en segmentos de mercado clave.

El esfuerzo de rebranding está diseñado para establecer a iQSTEL como una empresa tecnológica visionaria, aprovechando su sólida plataforma comercial y la confianza con sus principales socios de telecomunicaciones. Esta iniciativa se espera que impulse el valor a largo plazo para los accionistas y apoye la expansión de iQSTEL en sectores de alto margen.

iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST)ONAR (OTCQB: RELT)과의 전략적 파트너십을 발표하며 혁신적인 리브랜딩 프로젝트를 시작합니다. 이 협력은 iQSTEL의 가시성을 높이고, 가치 제안을 강화하며, 통신, 핀테크, 전기차 및 AI 서비스 분야에서 회사의 빠른 성장을 위한 포지셔닝을 목표로 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 iQSTEL이 나스닥 상장을 준비하면서 2027년까지 10억 달러의 수익 목표를 설정한 것입니다.

iQSTEL은 2023년 1억 4450만 달러에서 2024년 2억 9000만 달러로의 수익 성장을 예상하고 있으며, 그 성장의 3분의 1은 유기적 성장일 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. ONAR와 그 에이전시 STORIA와의 파트너십은 iQSTEL의 성장 전망과 주요 시장 부문에서의 리더십을 효과적으로 전달하여 기관 투자자들에게의 매력을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

리브랜딩 노력은 iQSTEL을 미래 지향적인 기술 회사로 자리잡게 하여, 강력한 비즈니스 플랫폼과 주요 통신 파트너들과의 신뢰를 바탕으로 하고자 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 장기적인 주주 가치를 높이고 iQSTEL의 고수익 부문으로의 확장을 지원할 것으로 예상됩니다.

iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST) a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) pour lancer une initiative de rebranding transformative. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer la visibilité d'iQSTEL, à amplifier sa proposition de valeur et à positionner l'entreprise pour une croissance accélérée dans les secteurs des télécommunications, de la fintech, des véhicules électriques et des services d'IA. Cette initiative intervient alors qu'iQSTEL se prépare pour son uplisting sur le Nasdaq et vise à atteindre 1 milliard de dollars de revenus d'ici 2027.

iQSTEL prévoit une croissance de son chiffre d'affaires de 144,5 millions de dollars en 2023 à 290 millions de dollars en 2024, avec un tiers de cette croissance prévu de manière organique. Le partenariat avec ONAR et son agence STORIA vise à accroître l'attrait d'iQSTEL pour les investisseurs institutionnels en communiquant efficacement les perspectives de croissance et le leadership de l'entreprise dans des segments de marché clés.

L'effort de rebranding est conçu pour établir iQSTEL comme une entreprise technologique innovante, tirant parti de sa solide plateforme commerciale et de la confiance accordée par de grands partenaires en télécommunications. Cette initiative devrait générer de la valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires et soutenir l'expansion d'iQSTEL dans des secteurs à forte marge.

iQSTEL (OTCQX: IQST) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit ONAR (OTCQB: RELT) angekündigt, um eine transformative Neupositionierung zu starten. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Sichtbarkeit von iQSTEL zu erhöhen, das Wertversprechen zu verstärken und das Unternehmen für ein beschleunigtes Wachstum in den Bereichen Telekommunikation, Fintech, Elektrofahrzeuge und KI-Dienste zu positionieren. Die Initiative erfolgt, während iQSTEL sich auf das Uplisting an der Nasdaq vorbereitet und ein Ziel von 1 Milliarde Dollar Umsatz bis 2027 anstrebt.

iQSTEL prognostiziert ein Umsatzwachstum von 144,5 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023 auf 290 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2024, wobei ein Drittel dieses Wachstums voraussichtlich organisch erfolgen wird. Die Partnerschaft mit ONAR und deren Agentur STORIA zielt darauf ab, die Attraktivität von iQSTEL für institutionelle Investoren zu erhöhen, indem die Wachstumsaussichten und die Marktführerschaft des Unternehmens in wichtigen Segmenten effektiv kommuniziert werden.

Die Neupositionierungsinitiative soll iQSTEL als zukunftsorientiertes Technologieunternehmen etablieren, das von seiner starken Geschäftsplattform und dem Vertrauen zu bedeutenden Telekommunikationspartnern profitiert. Diese Initiative wird voraussichtlich langfristigen Mehrwert für die Aktionäre schaffen und iQSTELs Expansion in margenstarke Bereiche unterstützen.

  • Strategic partnership with ONAR for rebranding initiative to enhance market visibility and investor appeal
  • Projected revenue growth from $144.5 million in 2023 to $290 million in 2024
  • Preparation for Nasdaq uplisting
  • Target of $1 billion in revenue by 2027
  • Strong business platform with over 400 high-value network interconnections with major telecommunications companies
  • None.

NEW YORK, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iQSTEL, Inc. (OTCQX: IQST), a rapidly growing telecommunications and technology provider, today announced a strategic partnership with ONAR (OTCQB: RELT), a leading network of specialized marketing agencies, to launch an ambitious and transformative rebranding initiative. This exciting collaboration is designed to enhance iQSTEL's visibility, amplify its unique value proposition, and strategically position the company for accelerated growth in high-potential markets, including telecommunications, fintech, electric vehicles (EV motorcycles and mid-speed car), and AI services.

Since 2018, iQSTEL has achieved exponential growth, fueled by its strategic acquisitions across multiple sectors, establishing itself as a diversified leader in cutting-edge industries. As the company prepares for its uplisting to Nasdaq and targets an impressive $1 billion in revenue by 2027, this partnership with ONAR marks a critical milestone in strengthening iQSTEL's market identity, reflecting its dynamic evolution and bold future ambitions.

Investor Impact and Strategic Rationale

This rebranding initiative comes at a pivotal time, as iQSTEL continues to hit new milestones. The company projects revenue growth from $144.5 million in 2023 to an anticipated $290 million in 2024—where one-third of this growth is expected to come organically. Through this partnership with ONAR and its flagship marketing agency, STORIA, iQSTEL aims to translate its operational successes into greater brand recognition and enhanced investor value. This collaboration is poised to increase iQSTEL's appeal to institutional investors by communicating the company's robust growth prospects and leadership in key market segments more effectively.

Aligning with ONAR's expertise in tech-driven marketing and brand strategy, iQSTEL seeks to further establish its position as a forward-thinking tech company, ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities in high-margin sectors such as fintech, electric vehicles, and AI-driven services. The company has been building a strong business platform with its customers, which include some of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. These customers trust iQSTEL, having interconnected their networks with us—resulting in more than 400 high-value network interconnections. This deep level of trust positions iQSTEL perfectly to begin offering high-tech, high-value services, leveraging our long-standing business relationships to expand into these emerging areas.

Leandro Iglesias, CEO of iQSTEL, commented: "This partnership with ONAR is not just about rebranding—it's about accelerating iQSTEL's momentum. As we continue executing our strategy to become a powerhouse corporation, having a bold and cohesive market identity will be key to our capital-raising initiatives and expanding our reach into new investor segments. With the trust of our global telecommunications partners and the strength of our network interconnections, we are in a prime position to offer next-generation services, using our history and customer relationships as leverage. We are confident this will drive long-term shareholder value."

ONAR CEO, Claude Zdanow, echoed this sentiment, stating: "iQSTEL's impressive expansion across multiple industries presents both a unique challenge and an incredible opportunity. We are excited to bring ONAR's innovative marketing strategies to help iQSTEL shape a brand that truly resonates with investors, customers, and partners alike."

Key Objectives of the Partnership:

  • Enhanced Market Visibility: Establish a strong, cohesive brand identity that resonates across iQSTEL's core sectors—telecommunications, fintech, EV, and AI services.
  • Institutional Appeal: Craft a refined messaging strategy to attract institutional investors as iQSTEL moves towards its Nasdaq uplisting.
  • Maximizing Shareholder Value: Strengthen investor confidence by clearly communicating iQSTEL's growth potential, including its projected doubling of revenues by 2024.

As iQSTEL continues to expand and scale its operations globally, this rebranding initiative will be a cornerstone of the company's efforts to align its identity with its ambitious goals, positioning iQSTEL for future success in an increasingly competitive market. 

About ONAR

ONAR ( is a dynamic marketing and business solutions network, publicly traded after its reverse merger with Reliant Holdings (OTCQB: RELT), and currently pending FINRA approval to become Onar Holding Corporation (OTCQB: ONAR). ONAR's mission is to provide unparalleled service through an integrated, AI-driven approach, leveraging its diverse brand family's strengths. Committed to honor, candor, and best-in-class results, ONAR aims to lead the industry by example, ensuring every client relationship is deeply rooted in trust and excellence.


iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ( is a US-based, multinational publicly listed company preparing for a Nasdaq up-listing with an FY2023 $144 million revenue, and with a $290 Million Dollar Revenue forecast and a Positive Operating Income of 7 digits forecast for FY-2024. iQSTEL's mission is to serve basic human needs in today's modern world by making the necessary tools accessible regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, or identity. iQSTEL recognizes that in today's modern world, the pursuit of the human hierarchy of needs (physiological, safety, relationship, esteem and self-actualization) is marginalized without access to ubiquitous communications, the freedom of virtual banking, clean affordable mobility and information and content. iQSTEL has 4 Business Divisions delivering accessibly to the necessary tools in today's pursuit of basic human needs: Telecommunications, Fintech, Electric Vehicles and AI services.

  • The Enhanced Telecommunications Services Division (Communications) includes VoIP, SMS, International Fiber-Optic, Proprietary Internet of Things (IoT), and a Proprietary Mobile Portability Blockchain Platform.
  • The Fintech Division (Financial Freedom) includes remittances services, top up services, Master Card Debit Card, a US Bank Account (No SSN required), and a Mobile App.
  • The Electric Vehicles (EV) Division (Mobility) offers Electric Motorcycles and plans to launch a Mid Speed Car.
  • The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services Division (information and content) includes an enriched and immersive white label proprietary AI-Enhanced Metaverse platform to access products, services, content, entertainment, information, customer support, and more in a virtual 3D interface.

The company continues to grow and expand its suite of products and services both organically and through mergers and acquisitions. iQSTEL has completed 11 acquisitions since June 2018 and continues to develop an active pipeline of potential future acquisitions.

Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other information relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our business based partly on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may and are likely to differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release, and iQSTEL Inc. undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. This press release does not constitute a public offer of any securities for sale. Any securities offered privately will not be or have not been registered under the Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.

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What is the purpose of iQSTEL's partnership with ONAR?

iQSTEL's partnership with ONAR aims to launch a transformative rebranding initiative to enhance the company's visibility, amplify its value proposition, and strategically position it for accelerated growth in telecommunications, fintech, electric vehicles, and AI services.

What is iQSTEL's revenue projection for 2024?

iQSTEL projects revenue growth from $144.5 million in 2023 to $290 million in 2024, with one-third of this growth expected to come organically.

What is iQSTEL's long-term revenue target?

iQSTEL is targeting $1 billion in revenue by 2027.

How many network interconnections does iQSTEL have with telecommunications companies?

iQSTEL has more than 400 high-value network interconnections with some of the largest telecommunications companies in the world.

What stock exchange is iQSTEL preparing to uplist to?

iQSTEL is preparing for an uplisting to Nasdaq.



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Telecom Services
Communication Services
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