IQST - iQSTEL Announces 126% Revenue Growth to $130 Million on Track to Reach $290 Million FY-2024 Annual Forecast

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iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) has reported 126% revenue growth to $130 million for the first six months of 2024, on track to reach its $290 million FY-2024 forecast. The company's Q2 revenue grew 53% from Q1, with gross profit increasing by 57%. Despite this growth, iQSTEL reported a net loss of $2.54 million, primarily due to $2.73 million in non-operating expenses, of which $1.2 million were non-cash, one-time charges.

The Telecom Division generated $909,370 in positive operating income, a 68.29% year-over-year increase. iQSTEL maintains 183.5 million outstanding shares, demonstrating commitment to responsible capital structure management. The company is preparing for a Nasdaq uplisting, having achieved all corporate requirements. Management expects to reduce non-operating expenses and achieve 7-digit positive operating income in FY-2024.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ha riportato una Crescita del fatturato del 126%, arrivando a 130 milioni di dollari per i primi sei mesi del 2024, in linea con la previsione di 290 milioni di dollari per l'intero anno fiscale 2024. Il fatturato del secondo trimestre è aumentato del 53% rispetto al primo trimestre, con un profitto lordo che è cresciuto del 57%. Nonostante questa crescita, iQSTEL ha registrato una perdita netta di 2,54 milioni di dollari, principalmente a causa di 2,73 milioni di dollari in spese non operative, di cui 1,2 milioni erano oneri non monetari una tantum.

La divisione Telecom ha generato 909.370 dollari di reddito operativo positivo, con un aumento del 68,29% rispetto all'anno precedente. iQSTEL mantiene 183,5 milioni di azioni in circolazione, dimostrando un impegno per una gestione responsabile della struttura di capitale. L'azienda si sta preparando per un'uscita su Nasdaq, avendo soddisfatto tutti i requisiti aziendali. La direzione prevede di ridurre le spese non operative e raggiungere un reddito operativo positivo a 7 cifre nel FY-2024.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ha reportado un crecimiento en ingresos del 126%, alcanzando los 130 millones de dólares en los primeros seis meses de 2024, encauzándose hacia su proyección de 290 millones de dólares para el año fiscal 2024. Los ingresos del segundo trimestre crecieron un 53% en comparación con el primer trimestre, con una ganancia bruta que aumentó un 57%. A pesar de este crecimiento, iQSTEL reportó una pérdida neta de 2.54 millones de dólares, principalmente debido a 2.73 millones de dólares en gastos no operativos, de los cuales 1.2 millones fueron cargos no monetarios y únicos.

La División de Telecomunicaciones generó 909,370 dólares en ingresos operativos positivos, un aumento del 68.29% en comparación con el año anterior. iQSTEL mantiene 183.5 millones de acciones en circulación, demostrando un compromiso con la gestión responsable de la estructura de capital. La empresa se está preparando para una salida a Nasdaq, habiendo cumplido con todos los requisitos corporativos. La dirección espera reducir los gastos no operativos y lograr ingresos operativos positivos de 7 dígitos en el año fiscal 2024.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST)는 2024년 첫 6개월 동안 수익이 126% 증가하여 1억 3천만 달러에 도달했다고 보고했습니다. 이는 2024 회계연도 목표 2억 9천만 달러에 맞춰 가고 있습니다. 회사의 2분기 수익은 1분기 대비 53% 증가하였으며, 총 이익은 57% 늘어났습니다. 이러한 성장에도 불구하고 iQSTEL은 254만 달러의 순손실을 보고했으며, 이는 주로 273만 달러의 비운영비용에 기인하며, 그중 120만 달러는 비현금성 일회성 비용이었습니다.

통신 부문은 909,370달러의 긍정적인 운영 수익을 창출하였으며, 이는 연간 68.29% 증가한 수치입니다. iQSTEL은 1억 8천3백50만 주의 유통 주식을 유지하고 있으며, 이는 책임 있는 자본 구조 관리를 위한 헌신을 보여줍니다. 회사는 모든 기업 요구 사항을 충족하여 나스닥 상장을 준비하고 있습니다. 경영진은 비운영비용을 줄이고 2024 회계연도에 7자리 수익을 달성할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) a rapporté une croissance du chiffre d'affaires de 126%, atteignant 130 millions de dollars pour les six premiers mois de 2024, sur la bonne voie pour atteindre sa prévision de 290 millions de dollars pour l'exercice 2024. Les revenus du deuxième trimestre ont augmenté de 53% par rapport au premier trimestre, le bénéfice brut ayant crû de 57%. Malgré cette croissance, iQSTEL a enregistré une perte nette de 2,54 millions de dollars, principalement en raison de 2,73 millions de dollars de dépenses non opérationnelles, dont 1,2 million de dollars étaient des charges non monétaires ponctuelles.

La division Télécom a généré 909 370 dollars de revenus opérationnels positifs, soit une augmentation de 68,29% par rapport à l'année précédente. iQSTEL maintient 183,5 millions d'actions en circulation, démontrant son engagement envers une gestion responsable de la structure du capital. L'entreprise se prépare à une inscription sur le Nasdaq, ayant atteint toutes les exigences corporatives. La direction s'attend à réduire les dépenses non opérationnelles et à réaliser un revenu opérationnel positif à 7 chiffres pour l'exercice 2024.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) hat ein Umsatzwachstum von 126% auf 130 Millionen Dollar für die ersten sechs Monate von 2024 berichtet und ist auf dem besten Weg, die Prognose von 290 Millionen Dollar für das gesamte Geschäftsjahr 2024 zu erreichen. Der Umsatz im zweiten Quartal stieg um 53% im Vergleich zum ersten Quartal, während der Bruttogewinn um 57% zunahm. Trotz dieses Wachstums meldete iQSTEL einen Nettoverlust von 2,54 Millionen Dollar, der hauptsächlich auf 2,73 Millionen Dollar nicht-operativer Ausgaben zurückzuführen ist, von denen 1,2 Millionen Dollar nicht zahlungswirksame einmalige Belastungen waren.

Die Telekommunikationsabteilung erzielte 909.370 Dollar positiven Betriebsergebnis, was einem Anstieg von 68,29% im Jahresvergleich entspricht. iQSTEL hat 183,5 Millionen ausstehende Aktien, was das Engagement für eine verantwortungsvolle Kapitalstrukturverwalter zeigt. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich auf eine Nasdaq-Notierung vor und hat alle Unternehmensanforderungen erfüllt. Das Management erwartet, nicht-operative Ausgaben zu senken und im Geschäftsjahr 2024 ein positives Betriebsergebnis im siebenstelligen Bereich zu erzielen.

  • Revenue growth of 126% to $130 million in first half of 2024
  • Q2 revenue increased 53% from Q1, with gross profit up 57%
  • On track to reach $290 million FY-2024 revenue forecast
  • Telecom Division generated $909,370 in positive operating income, up 68.29% YoY
  • Maintained 183.5 million outstanding shares, showing responsible capital management
  • Achieved all corporate requirements for Nasdaq uplisting
  • Net loss of $2.54 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024
  • $2.73 million in non-operating expenses, including $1.2 million in non-cash, one-time charges
  • Increased professional services expenses related to M&A activity and Nasdaq uplisting initiative
  • Higher technological expenses in the Telecom Division

NEW YORK, Aug 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ( a US-based, multinational, fully reporting and audited publicly listed telecommunications and technology company preparing for a Nasdaq up-listing today announced publishing its Q2 FY-2024 financial report on SEC Form 10Q.  The company achieved a revenue of $130 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of 126% compared to the same period of the previous year. There is also a significant increase in revenues and Gross Profit when comparing first quarter versus second quarter of 2024 with revenue growing 53% from $51,414,878 to $78,635,764 and gross profit growing 57% from $1,379,026 to $2,163,624. Management indicates the revenue is on track to achieve the company's $290 million FY-2024 annual forecast, since as of June 30, 2024 we have achieved 45% of that goal and the seasonality of the business indicates that in the second half of the year the revenue is higher than in the first half of the year. Also margin performance is on track for the company to achieve its 7-digit positive operating income goal. Detailed information on Q2 FY-2024 performance can be found in the company's SEC Form 10Q filed today.

We are very proud that in the first six months of this year we have done 90% of the revenue done in the 12 months of 2023 ($130 million as of June 30, 2024 compared to $144.5 million as of December 31, 2023). Basically, we have doubled the size of the company in six months in terms of sales.

Six months ended June 30





$  57,491,358

Gross Profit

$    3,542,650

$    2,001,202

Operating Loss

$      (525,555)

$      (570,248)

Net Loss

$   (2,544,103)

$      (320,466)


Three months ended

June 30, 2024

March 31, 2024


$     78,635,764

$  51,414,878

Gross Profit

$       2,163,624

$    1,379,026

% Gross Profit

2.75 %

2.68 %


On $130 million in revenue, the company reported a net loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024 of $2.54 million. The loss is due primarily to the $2.73 million in non-operating expenses.  Over $1.2 million of the non-operating expenses result from a non-cash, one-time charges. Management does not expect the bulk of these non-operating expenses to be recurring. See the chart below and the associated notes for more detailed information.

Relevant non-operating expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024

Value of shares issued for consulting agreement

$     279,660

Note 1

Consulting agreement - cash paid

$       97,500

Note 1

Value of additional share compensations

$       77,665

Note 2

Audit and accounting services

$     192,322

Note 3

Change in fair value of derivative liabilities

$   1,115,510

Note 4

Loss on settlement of debt

$     102,660

Note 4

Interest expense

$     861,554

Note 5

$   2,726,871



  1. The company increased its professional services expense in connection with funding its recent M&A activity, and in conjunction with its Nasdaq up-listing initiative.  This expense is expected to end as the associated business objectives are achieved.
  2. Stock-based compensations not associated to management role.
  3. Even though the Audit Services is recurring it´s important to remark that due to the increase in the number of subsidiaries, the audit labor has increased accordingly, and it is expected to subside as we consolidate operations.
  4. This is a non-monetary accounting treatment of the M2B note, used for funding the acquisition of QXTEL.
  5. To minimize shareholder dilution, the company strategically secured interest bearing loans instead of pursuing loans convertible into stock.

To illustrate the strength of the company's operations, consider that without the $2.73 million in interim non-operating expenses, the company would report $0.18 million in positive net income for the first six months of 2024.

Additional Financial Performance Highlights and Further Analysis

  • Telecomm Division stand-alone performance continues to deliver explosive results

iQSTEL's overall business strategy is built on the foundation of its rapidly expanding Telecom Division. We are growing a robust telecom business while building complimentary high margin technology offerings designed to both add value to our telecom services and ultimately increase our earnings. Currently, it is our Telecom Division that is generating revenue with a positive operating Income. The Telecom Division generated $909,370 of positive operating income in the first half of the year FY-2024 compared to $540,363 for the same period of previous year which represent a significant increase of 68.29% year over year.

Telecom Division

For the six months ended June 30,




$   130,050,642

$  57,491,358

Gross Profit

$       3,542,650

$    2,001,202

Operating Income

$          909,370

$       540,363


Management expects the bottom line results of the Telecom Division to improve in the second half of the year.

We have identified some improvement opportunities. For instance, the technological expense of our telecom division in the six months ended June 30, 2024, increased to $542,140 vs $185,975 in the same period last year. The company plans to consolidate the telecom division into one single platform, and in so doing, reduce the technological expense by half, increasing the bottom line.

  • The company keeps growing and adding value to the shareholders

Management continues in its commitment to raise growth capital while maintaining a total issued and outstanding share count of 183.5 million common shares demonstrating an unwavering commitment to responsible capital structure management. We believe this disciplined approach has ensured that each issuance of shares is accretive, directly contributing to increasing the intrinsic business value of iQSTEL.

The effectiveness of this strategy is evident in the company's Revenue Per Share (RPS) performance. The following graph illustrates the evolution of RPS from FY-2020 to FY-2024. For FY-2024, the projected RPS is based on a forecasted revenue of $290 million and an outstanding share count of 193 million shares. While these FY-2024 figures are projections and may change, they indicate a potential RPS of approximately $1.50, representing a 79% increase compared to the $0.84 RPS achieved in FY-2023.

This sustained growth in RPS underscores the Company's ability to utilize raised funds effectively, driving value creation and delivering tangible returns to our shareholders.

Notice: the 2024 figures are based on projections; there are no assurances that the RPS will be the final figures for FY-2024.

  • The company is preparing for a Nasdaq uplisting

The company continues preparing for a Nasdaq uplisting. Having achieved all the corporate requirements for an uplisting, the company has developed a detailed plan to finalize the uplisting and achieve further business objectives made possible with the uplisting.  The plan was published in an 8K on August 6th 2024.  Management will present the key components of the plan in the online Emerging Growth Conference on August 21st at 11:25 am EST. Here is the link to attend.


The Q2 FY-2024 financial report illustrates a transitional period where interim non-operating expenses associated with the acquisition of QXTEL results in a temporary negative impact to net profit. Management expects the mid and long term impact of the QXTEL application to ultimately have a very positive P&L impact.  Again, these transitional non-operating expenses are not expected to continue.  Management is committed to reducing the non-operating expenses as rapidly as possible.

The Q2 FY-2024 financial results demonstrate the success of iQSTEL's ability to acquire and integrate new telecom operations and rapidly achieve synergistic organic growth. 

Management is committed to making this FY-2024 the best ever.  We plan to achieve or surpass $290 million revenue mark this year. We also expect to achieve 7-digit positive operating income.  

On behalf of our Independent Board of Directors we want to thank our partners, customers, shareholders, investors, management, and our employees for all the loyal support throughout our journey to become a one billion dollar revenue company.

All the Best.

Leandro Iglesias

CEO and Chairman iQSTEL

About IQSTEL (updated):

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ( is a US-based, multinational publicly listed company preparing for a Nasdaq up-listing with an FY2023 $144 million revenue, and with a $290 Million Dollar Revenue forecast and a Positive Operating Income of 7 digits forecast for FY-2024. iQSTEL's mission is to serve basic human needs in today's modern world by making the necessary tools accessible regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, or identity.  iQSTEL recognizes that in today's modern world, the pursuit of the human hierarchy of needs (physiological, safety, relationship, esteem and self-actualization) is marginalized without access to ubiquitous communications, the freedom of virtual banking, clean affordable mobility and information and content. iQSTEL has 4 Business Divisions delivering accessibly to the necessary tools in today's pursuit of basic human needs: Telecommunications, Fintech, Electric Vehicles and Metaverse.

  • The Enhanced Telecommunications Services Division (Communications) includes VoIP, SMS, International Fiber-Optic, Proprietary Internet of Things (IoT), and a Proprietary Mobile Portability Blockchain Platform.
  • The Fintech Division (Financial Freedom) includes remittances services, top up services, Master Card Debit Card, a US Bank Account (No SSN required), and a Mobile App.
  • The Electric Vehicles (EV) Division (Mobility) offers Electric Motorcycles and plans to launch a Mid Speed Car.
  • The Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enhanced Metaverse Division (information and content) includes an enriched and immersive white label proprietary AI-Enhanced Metaverse platform to access products, services, content, entertainment, information, customer support, and more in a virtual 3D interface.

The company continues to grow and expand its suite of products and services both organically and through mergers and acquisitions.  iQSTEL has completed 12 acquisitions since June 2018 and continues to develop an active pipeline of potential future acquisitions.

Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other information relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our business based partly on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may and are likely to differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release, and iQSTEL Inc. undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. This press release does not constitute a public offer of any securities for sale. Any securities offered privately will not be or have not been registered under the Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.

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What was iQSTEL's (IQST) revenue growth in the first half of 2024?

iQSTEL (IQST) reported a 126% revenue growth to $130 million for the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period in the previous year.

Is iQSTEL (IQST) on track to meet its 2024 revenue forecast?

Yes, iQSTEL (IQST) is on track to achieve its $290 million FY-2024 annual revenue forecast, having reached 45% of that goal as of June 30, 2024.

What was iQSTEL's (IQST) net income for the first half of 2024?

iQSTEL (IQST) reported a net loss of $2.54 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, primarily due to non-operating expenses.

How did iQSTEL's (IQST) Telecom Division perform in the first half of 2024?

iQSTEL's (IQST) Telecom Division generated $909,370 of positive operating income in the first half of 2024, a 68.29% increase compared to the same period in the previous year.

What is iQSTEL's (IQST) progress towards a Nasdaq uplisting?

iQSTEL (IQST) has achieved all corporate requirements for a Nasdaq uplisting and has developed a detailed plan to finalize the process, which will be presented at the Emerging Growth Conference on August 21, 2024.



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Telecom Services
Communication Services
United States of America
Coral Gables