IQST - iQSTEL and Cycurion Form Exclusive Cybersecurity Partnership to Supercharge Expansion into High-Tech, High-Margin Markets

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iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) has announced an exclusive partnership with Cycurion, INC. to offer top-tier cybersecurity products to the U.S. telecommunications industry and expand into other sectors internationally. This collaboration leverages iQSTEL's global presence across 17 time zones and 7 offices worldwide, aiming to deliver high-margin, high-tech offerings to telecom clients in various regions.

The partnership addresses critical challenges faced by telecom operators, including security compliance, cybersecurity professional shortage, and data breaches. Cycurion's AI-powered cybersecurity services include 24/7 monitoring, threat detection, incident response, and compliance management. This strategic move is expected to drive significant revenue growth for iQSTEL, tapping into the global cybersecurity market projected to reach $376 billion by 2029.

iQSTEL's CEO, Leandro Iglesias, emphasized that this partnership comes at a pivotal time, allowing the company to offer future-proof, high-margin services that meet the demands of today's digital landscape. The collaboration is set to enhance iQSTEL's product lineup, increase customer loyalty, and secure long-term revenue growth.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) ha annunciato una partnership esclusiva con Cycurion, INC. per offrire prodotti di cybersecurity di alto livello all'industria delle telecomunicazioni statunitensi ed espandersi in altri settori a livello internazionale. Questa collaborazione sfrutta la presenza globale di iQSTEL in 17 fusi orari e 7 uffici nel mondo, puntando a fornire offerte ad alta tecnologia e ad alto margine ai clienti delle telecomunicazioni in diverse regioni.

La partnership affronta sfide critiche che devono affrontare gli operatori di telecomunicazioni, tra cui la conformità alla sicurezza, la carenza di professionisti della cybersecurity e le violazioni dei dati. I servizi di cybersecurity alimentati dall'IA di Cycurion includono monitoraggio 24/7, rilevamento delle minacce, risposta agli incidenti e gestione della conformità. Questa mossa strategica è destinata a generare una significativa crescita dei ricavi per iQSTEL, sfruttando il mercato globale della cybersecurity che si prevede raggiunga i 376 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029.

Il CEO di iQSTEL, Leandro Iglesias, ha sottolineato che questa partnership arriva in un momento fondamentale, consentendo all'azienda di offrire servizi futuri e ad alto margine che soddisfano le esigenze dell'attuale panorama digitale. La collaborazione è destinata a migliorare l'offerta di prodotti di iQSTEL, aumentare la fedeltà dei clienti e garantire una crescita dei ricavi a lungo termine.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) ha anunciado una asociación exclusiva con Cycurion, INC. para ofrecer productos de ciberseguridad de primer nivel a la industria de telecomunicaciones de EE. UU. y expandirse a otros sectores a nivel internacional. Esta colaboración aprovecha la presencia global de iQSTEL en 17 zonas horarias y 7 oficinas en todo el mundo, con el objetivo de entregar ofertas de alta tecnología y alto margen a los clientes de telecomunicaciones en diversas regiones.

La asociación aborda desafíos críticos a los que se enfrentan los operadores de telecomunicaciones, incluidos el cumplimiento de la seguridad, la escasez de profesionales de ciberseguridad y las violaciones de datos. Los servicios de ciberseguridad impulsados por AI de Cycurion incluyen monitoreo 24/7, detección de amenazas, respuesta a incidentes y gestión de cumplimiento. Este movimiento estratégico se espera que genere un crecimiento significativo en los ingresos de iQSTEL, aprovechando el mercado global de ciberseguridad que se proyecta alcanzará los 376 mil millones de dólares para 2029.

El CEO de iQSTEL, Leandro Iglesias, enfatizó que esta asociación llega en un momento crucial, permitiendo a la empresa ofrecer servicios sostenibles y de alto margen que satisfacen las demandas del panorama digital actual. La colaboración está destinada a mejorar la línea de productos de iQSTEL, aumentar la lealtad del cliente y asegurar un crecimiento de ingresos a largo plazo.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST)Cycurion, INC.와 독점 파트너십을 체결하고 미국 통신 산업을 위한 최고의 사이버 보안 제품을 제공하며 국제적으로 다른 분야로 확장한다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 17개 시간대와 7개 사무소를 통한 iQSTEL의 글로벌 존재를 활용하여 다양한 지역의 통신 고객에게 고수익성의 첨단 기술 제품을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 파트너십은 통신 опера터가 직면한 중요한 문제, 즉 보안 준수, 사이버 보안 전문가 부족, 데이터 유출 등을 해결합니다. Cycurion의 AI 기반 사이버 보안 서비스에는 24/7 모니터링, 위협 감지, 사건 대응 및 준수 관리가 포함됩니다. 이 전략적 움직임은 2029년까지 3,760억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 글로벌 사이버 보안 시장을 활용하여 iQSTEL의 수익 성장을 크게 유도할 것으로 예상됩니다.

iQSTEL의 CEO인 레안드로 이글레시아스는 이 파트너십이 결정적인 시점에 이루어져 현재 디지털 환경의 요구를 충족하는 미래 지향적이고 고수익성의 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 해준다고 강조했습니다. 이 협력은 iQSTEL의 제품 라인업을 향상시키고 고객 충성도를 높이며 장기적인 수익 성장을 확보할 것입니다.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) a annoncé un partenariat exclusif avec Cycurion, INC. pour offrir des produits de cybersécurité de premier plan à l'industrie des télécommunications américaine et s'étendre à d'autres secteurs à l'international. Cette collaboration exploite la présence mondiale d'iQSTEL dans 17 fuseaux horaires et 7 bureaux à travers le monde, visant à fournir des offres de haute technologie et à forte marge aux clients de télécommunications dans diverses régions.

Le partenariat aborde des défis critiques auxquels sont confrontés les opérateurs de télécommunications, y compris la conformité en matière de sécurité, la pénurie de professionnels de la cybersécurité et les violations de données. Les services de cybersécurité alimentés par l'IA de Cycurion comprennent la surveillance 24/7, la détection de menaces, la réponse aux incidents et la gestion de la conformité. Ce mouvement stratégique devrait générer une croissance significative des revenus pour iQSTEL, en tirant parti du marché mondial de la cybersécurité, qui devrait atteindre 376 milliards de dollars d'ici 2029.

Le PDG d'iQSTEL, Leandro Iglesias, a souligné que ce partenariat se présente à un moment crucial, permettant à l'entreprise d'offrir des services durables et hautement rentables qui répondent aux exigences du paysage numérique actuel. La collaboration est destinée à améliorer la gamme de produits d'iQSTEL, à accroître la fidélité des clients et à garantir une croissance des revenus à long terme.

iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) hat eine exklusive Partnerschaft mit Cycurion, INC. angekündigt, um erstklassige Cybersecurity-Produkte für die US-Telekommunikationsbranche anzubieten und in andere Sektoren international zu expandieren. Diese Zusammenarbeit nutzt die globale Präsenz von iQSTEL in 17 Zeitzonen und 7 Büros weltweit und zielt darauf ab, hochtechnologische und hochprofitables Angebote an Telekommunikationskunden in verschiedenen Regionen zu liefern.

Die Partnerschaft geht auf kritische Herausforderungen ein, mit denen Telekommunikationsanbieter konfrontiert sind, einschließlich Sicherheitscompliance, Fachkräftemangel im Bereich Cybersecurity und Datenverletzungen. Die KI-gesteuerten Cybersecurity-Dienste von Cycurion umfassen 24/7-Überwachung, Bedrohungserkennung, Incident Response und Compliance-Management. Diese strategische Entscheidung wird voraussichtlich ein signifikantes Umsatzwachstum für iQSTEL fördern, indem der globale Cybersecurity-Markt erschlossen wird, der bis 2029 voraussichtlich 376 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird.

Der CEO von iQSTEL, Leandro Iglesias, betonte, dass diese Partnerschaft zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt kommt, der es dem Unternehmen ermöglicht, zukunftssichere, hochprofitable Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die den Anforderungen der heutigen digitalen Landschaft entsprechen. Die Zusammenarbeit wird die Produktpalette von iQSTEL verbessern, die Kundenbindung erhöhen und langfristiges Umsatzwachstum sichern.

  • Exclusive partnership with Cycurion to offer cybersecurity products to the U.S. telecommunications industry
  • Expansion into high-margin, high-tech markets including cybersecurity, fintech, EV, and AI
  • Access to Cycurion's AI-powered cybersecurity services trusted by government agencies
  • Projected revenue of $290 million for FY-2024
  • Potential for significant revenue growth by tapping into the global cybersecurity market
  • None.

NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST), a dynamic leader in telecommunications, fintech, electric vehicle (EV), and AI-driven solutions, is thrilled to announce an exclusive partnership with Cycurion, INC. This strategic collaboration will allow iQSTEL to offer Cycurion's top-tier cybersecurity products exclusively to the U.S. telecommunications industry, while also expanding into other sectors internationally. Leveraging iQSTEL's global presence across 17 time zones, from California to Melbourne, and 7 offices worldwide, this partnership is set to unleash a new wave of high-margin, high-tech offerings for telecommunications clients in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States, all while delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions to an increasingly challenging market.

A Transformational Move for iQSTEL.

This partnership is a bold leap forward in iQSTEL's ongoing journey to diversify and expand its portfolio. Over the past few years, iQSTEL has meticulously built a strong business platform, earning the trust of its global customer base. Now, with this deep foundation in place, iQSTEL is perfectly positioned to cross-sell high-margin, high-tech products such as Fintech, EV, and AI-based services. With this partnership, iQSTEL is adding cybersecurity to its offerings, further solidifying its presence in emerging markets.

Leandro Iglesias, CEO of iQSTEL, stated:

"This partnership with Cycurion couldn't have come at a more pivotal time for iQSTEL. We've earned the trust of our clients by building a strong foundation, and now we're amplifying that strength by offering the high-tech solutions they need, especially in cybersecurity. We're delivering future-proof, high-margin services that not only meet the demands of today's digital landscape but also cement our leadership in these rapidly growing sectors. Investors should take note: we're just getting started."

The partnership is laser-focused on addressing critical challenges faced by telecom operators, including meeting stringent security compliance requirements, navigating a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals, and mitigating the increasing number of data breaches. By combining iQSTEL's operational excellence with Cycurion's advanced cybersecurity expertise, the companies are poised to deliver unparalleled security solutions to telecom customers, turning these challenges into high-margin growth opportunities.

A Next-Generation Cybersecurity Strategy

Cycurion's portfolio of cybersecurity services, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), includes 24/7 monitoring, advanced threat detection, incident response, vulnerability assessments, and compliance management. The AI-driven platform continuously adapts to emerging threats, enhancing its ability to detect and respond to cyber risks in real time. Trusted by government agencies such as FEMA, TSA, and the US Courts, Cycurion's proven track record of delivering world-class security services will empower iQSTEL to enhance its product lineup, further increasing customer loyalty and securing long-term revenue growth.

This partnership is expected to drive significant revenue growth for iQSTEL, tapping into the rapidly expanding global cybersecurity market, projected to reach $376 billion by 2029.

Kevin Kelly, CEO of Cycurion, commented:

"Our partnership with iQSTEL opens up tremendous opportunities. We're bringing our cybersecurity expertise to iQSTEL's already strong business platform, enabling them to offer next-level protection to telecom clients. This isn't just about security—it's about enhancing customer confidence, increasing profitability, and ultimately growing both companies' market share in the cybersecurity space."

Key Benefits for iQSTEL Customers and Investors:

  • 24/7/365 Threat and Risk Management: Immediate, real-time protection from the most advanced cybersecurity threats.
  • Revenue-Driving Public Confidence: Enhanced security measures lead to greater trust from customers, preventing breaches that could undermine public and stakeholder confidence.
  • Privacy Protection & Compliance: Strengthening privacy safeguards while ensuring clients meet evolving regulatory standards.
  • Volume Pricing & Financial Advantage: iQSTEL's purchasing power ensures significantly lower cybersecurity costs for customers, while maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Expanding into High-Growth Sectors: With Cycurion's services, iQSTEL will continue expanding its reach into high-margin markets such as Fintech, EV, and AI, reinforcing its leadership position.

Empowering the Future with iQSTEL's Strong Business Platform.

This partnership exemplifies iQSTEL's long-term strategy: leveraging the strong foundation of its customer relationships to seamlessly introduce high-tech, high-margin products. The trust that iQSTEL's customers place in its services positions the company to capitalize on massive opportunities in rapidly growing industries like cybersecurity, fintech, electric vehicles, and AI.

Investors are invited to join iQSTEL on this exciting journey. With a projected revenue of $290 million for FY-2024 and plans to continue delivering innovative solutions, iQSTEL's growth trajectory is stronger than ever. This partnership with Cycurion sets the stage for significant revenue expansion and positions iQSTEL as a major player in the high-margin tech markets of the future.

About Cycurion Inc.

Cycurion, headquartered in McLean, Virginia, is a premier cybersecurity provider specializing in multi-layered defense systems, monitoring, incident response, and compliance management. With a strong leadership team and a growing portfolio of services, Cycurion is dedicated to protecting its clients' most valuable digital assets across both the public and private sectors.

Cycurion's leadership team brings a wealth of experience from various sectors, including technology, finance, and cybersecurity:

  • Emmit McHenry, Chairman: Founder of NetCom Solutions International, which grew to nearly $300 million in revenue within six years, with operations in the U.S., UK, and South Africa. He also founded Network Solutions, which was later sold to SAIC. McHenry is a U.S. Marine Corps service-disabled veteran and has held executive positions at major firms like Allstate Insurance.
  • Kevin Kelly, CEO: Former CEO of Halo Privacy, a cybersecurity company, and Heidrick & Struggles, a leading executive search firm. He also served as CEO and President of North America for APP - Asia Pulp and Paper. Kelly holds an MBA from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
  • Alvin McCoy, CFO: Former Managing Partner of Quantum Capital Partners and President & CEO of The McCoy Group, LLC. McCoy managed over $75 billion in new debt origination at Merrill Lynch and has served on the boards of financial institutions with assets up to $5 billion. He holds an MBA in Finance from Duke University.

Key Facts About Cycurion:

  • Headquarters: McLean, Virginia
  • R&D Center: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Staff: 80 highly skilled employees, with an impressive list of industry certifications
  • DoD Cleared Facilities
  • 30% of employees hold Top Secret security clearances
  • 45 large active contracts
  • 2023 Year-End Revenue: $19.6 million

Cycurion Security Platform: Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), Cycurion has developed an enhanced, multi-layered SaaS solution designed to protect clients' digital assets while minimizing false positives. This AI-driven platform continuously improves its threat detection and incident response capabilities, delivering effective defense in an increasingly complex and evolving cyber landscape.

About iQSTEL (Updated Oct. 2024):

iQSTEL Inc. (OTC-QX: IQST) ( is a US-based multinational publicly listed company in the final stages of the path to becoming listed on NASDAQ. With FY2023 revenues of $144 million and a forecasted $290 million in revenue, alongside positive operating income of seven digits for FY-2024, iQSTEL is positioning itself for explosive growth. iQSTEL's mission is to serve basic human needs in today's modern world by making essential tools accessible, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, or identity. The company recognizes that modern human needs such as physiological, safety, relationship, esteem, and self-actualization are marginalized without access to ubiquitous communications, financial freedom, clean, affordable mobility, and information.

iQSTEL has been building a strong business platform with its customers, and by leveraging this trust, the company is now beginning to sell high-tech, high-margin products across its divisions. iQSTEL is strategically positioned to achieve $1 billion in revenue by 2027 through organic growth, acquisitions, and high-margin product expansion.

  • Telecommunications Services Division (Communications):
    Includes VoIP, SMS, International Fiber-Optic, Proprietary Internet of Things (IoT), and a Proprietary Mobile Portability Blockchain Platform.
  • Fintech Division (Financial Freedom):
    Provides remittance services, top-up services, a MasterCard Debit Card, US bank accounts (no SSN required), and a Mobile App.
  • Electric Vehicles (EV) Division (Mobility):
    Offers Electric Motorcycles and plans to launch a Mid-Speed Car.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services Division (Information and Content):
    Features an enriched, immersive white-label proprietary AI-Enhanced Metaverse platform that provides access to products, services, entertainment, information, and customer support in a virtual 3D interface.
  • Cybersecurity Services:
    Through a new partnership with Cycurion, iQSTEL will offer advanced cybersecurity solutions, including 24/7 monitoring, threat detection, incident response, vulnerability assessments, and compliance management, providing essential protection to telecommunications clients and beyond.

iQSTEL has completed 11 acquisitions since June 2018 and continues to develop an active pipeline of potential future acquisitions, further expanding its suite of products and services both organically and through mergers and acquisitions.

Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other information relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our business based partly on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may and are likely to differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release, and iQSTEL Inc. undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. This press release does not constitute a public offer of any securities for sale. Any securities offered privately will not be or have not been registered under the Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.

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What is the new partnership announced by iQSTEL (IQST)?

iQSTEL (IQST) has announced an exclusive partnership with Cycurion, INC. to offer top-tier cybersecurity products to the U.S. telecommunications industry and expand into other sectors internationally.

How will the partnership with Cycurion benefit iQSTEL (IQST)?

The partnership will allow iQSTEL (IQST) to offer high-margin, high-tech cybersecurity solutions, expand into new markets, address critical challenges faced by telecom operators, and potentially drive significant revenue growth.

What is iQSTEL's (IQST) projected revenue for FY-2024?

iQSTEL (IQST) has projected a revenue of $290 million for FY-2024.

What cybersecurity services will iQSTEL (IQST) offer through the Cycurion partnership?

Through the partnership with Cycurion, iQSTEL (IQST) will offer AI-powered cybersecurity services including 24/7 monitoring, advanced threat detection, incident response, vulnerability assessments, and compliance management.



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Telecom Services
Communication Services
United States of America
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