Intelligent Protection Management Corp. Reports 2025 Business Objectives and Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results

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Intelligent Protection Management (NASDAQ:IPM) has reported its Q4 and full-year 2024 results, marking a significant business transformation. Following its January 2025 acquisition of Newtek Technology Solutions (NTS) and the sale of its Paltalk, Camfrog, and Vumber applications, the company has refocused on cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity services.

Key Q4 2024 results show continuing operations revenue increased 9.1% to $0.3M, while total revenue including discontinued operations decreased 21% to $2.1M. The company reported a significant net loss increase of 1840% to $5.5M, largely due to a $3.8M impairment loss on divested assets and transaction-related expenses.

For full-year 2024, continuing operations revenue grew 14% to $1.1M, while total revenue declined 17% to $9.1M. The company ended 2024 with $10.6M in cash and no long-term debt. Notably, IPM won a $65.7M jury verdict in a patent infringement lawsuit against Cisco, though the company expects to receive no more than one-third of the gross proceeds after expenses.

Intelligent Protection Management (NASDAQ:IPM) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, segnando una significativa trasformazione aziendale. A seguito dell'acquisizione di Newtek Technology Solutions (NTS) a gennaio 2025 e della vendita delle sue applicazioni Paltalk, Camfrog e Vumber, l'azienda si è rifocalizzata su infrastrutture cloud e servizi di cybersecurity.

I risultati chiave del Q4 2024 mostrano che i ricavi delle operazioni continuative sono aumentati del 9,1% a $0,3M, mentre i ricavi totali, inclusi quelli delle operazioni discontinue, sono diminuiti del 21% a $2,1M. L'azienda ha riportato un significativo aumento della perdita netta del 1840% a $5,5M, principalmente a causa di una perdita di valore di $3,8M su beni dismessi e spese relative alle transazioni.

Per l'intero anno 2024, i ricavi delle operazioni continuative sono cresciuti del 14% a $1,1M, mentre i ricavi totali sono diminuiti del 17% a $9,1M. L'azienda ha chiuso il 2024 con $10,6M in contante e senza debiti a lungo termine. È notevole che IPM ha vinto un verdetto della giuria di $65,7M in una causa per violazione di brevetto contro Cisco, sebbene l'azienda preveda di ricevere non più di un terzo dei proventi lordi dopo le spese.

Intelligent Protection Management (NASDAQ:IPM) ha reportado sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, marcando una transformación empresarial significativa. Tras la adquisición de Newtek Technology Solutions (NTS) en enero de 2025 y la venta de sus aplicaciones Paltalk, Camfrog y Vumber, la empresa se ha reenfocado en infraestructura en la nube y servicios de ciberseguridad.

Los resultados clave del Q4 2024 muestran que los ingresos de las operaciones continuas aumentaron un 9.1% a $0.3M, mientras que los ingresos totales, incluyendo operaciones descontinuadas, disminuyeron un 21% a $2.1M. La empresa reportó un aumento significativo de la pérdida neta del 1840% a $5.5M, principalmente debido a una pérdida por deterioro de $3.8M en activos desinvertidos y gastos relacionados con transacciones.

Para el año completo 2024, los ingresos de las operaciones continuas crecieron un 14% a $1.1M, mientras que los ingresos totales cayeron un 17% a $9.1M. La empresa finalizó 2024 con $10.6M en efectivo y sin deuda a largo plazo. Notablemente, IPM ganó un veredicto del jurado de $65.7M en una demanda por infracción de patente contra Cisco, aunque la empresa espera recibir no más de un tercio de los ingresos brutos después de los gastos.

인텔리전트 프로텍션 매니지먼트 (NASDAQ:IPM)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 발표하며 중요한 비즈니스 변화를 알렸습니다. 2025년 1월에 뉴텍 테크놀로지 솔루션(NTS)을 인수하고 Paltalk, Camfrog 및 Vumber 애플리케이션을 판매한 후, 회사는 클라우드 인프라 및 사이버 보안 서비스에 다시 집중하게 되었습니다.

2024년 4분기 주요 결과는 계속 운영된 수익이 9.1% 증가하여 $0.3M에 달했으며, 중단된 운영을 포함한 총 수익은 21% 감소하여 $2.1M에 그쳤습니다. 회사는 자산 매각에 따른 $3.8M의 손실과 거래 관련 비용으로 인해 순손실이 1840% 증가한 $5.5M에 달했다고 보고했습니다.

2024년 전체 연도에 대해 계속 운영된 수익은 14% 증가하여 $1.1M에 도달했으며, 총 수익은 17% 감소하여 $9.1M에 그쳤습니다. 회사는 2024년을 $10.6M의 현금과 장기 부채 없이 마감했습니다. 특히, IPM은 Cisco를 상대로 한 특허 침해 소송에서 $65.7M의 배심원 판결을 얻었지만, 회사는 비용을 제외한 총 수익의 3분의 1 이상은 받지 않을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Intelligent Protection Management (NASDAQ:IPM) a publié ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'année 2024, marquant une transformation commerciale significative. Suite à l'acquisition de Newtek Technology Solutions (NTS) en janvier 2025 et à la vente de ses applications Paltalk, Camfrog et Vumber, l'entreprise s'est recentrée sur l'infrastructure cloud et les services de cybersécurité.

Les résultats clés du T4 2024 montrent que les revenus des opérations continues ont augmenté de 9,1 % pour atteindre 0,3 million de dollars, tandis que les revenus totaux, y compris ceux des opérations abandonnées, ont diminué de 21 % pour s'établir à 2,1 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a signalé une augmentation significative de la perte nette de 1840 % pour atteindre 5,5 millions de dollars, principalement en raison d'une perte de valeur de 3,8 millions de dollars sur des actifs cédés et des frais liés aux transactions.

Pour l'année 2024, les revenus des opérations continues ont augmenté de 14 % pour atteindre 1,1 million de dollars, tandis que les revenus totaux ont diminué de 17 % pour s'établir à 9,1 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a terminé 2024 avec 10,6 millions de dollars en espèces et sans dettes à long terme. Notamment, IPM a remporté un verdict du jury de 65,7 millions de dollars dans une affaire de violation de brevet contre Cisco, bien que l'entreprise s'attende à ne recevoir pas plus d'un tiers des produits bruts après les frais.

Intelligent Protection Management (NASDAQ:IPM) hat seine Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Gesamtjahr 2024 veröffentlicht und damit eine bedeutende Geschäftsveränderung markiert. Nach der Übernahme von Newtek Technology Solutions (NTS) im Januar 2025 und dem Verkauf seiner Anwendungen Paltalk, Camfrog und Vumber hat sich das Unternehmen auf Cloud-Infrastruktur und Cybersicherheitsdienste neu fokussiert.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Q4 2024 zeigen, dass die Einnahmen aus fortgeführten Betrieben um 9,1 % auf 0,3 Millionen US-Dollar gestiegen sind, während die Gesamteinnahmen einschließlich der aufgegebenen Betriebe um 21 % auf 2,1 Millionen US-Dollar gesunken sind. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einem signifikanten Anstieg des Nettoverlusts um 1840 % auf 5,5 Millionen US-Dollar, was hauptsächlich auf einen Wertverlust von 3,8 Millionen US-Dollar auf veräußerte Vermögenswerte und transaktionsbezogene Kosten zurückzuführen ist.

Für das Gesamtjahr 2024 wuchsen die Einnahmen aus fortgeführten Betrieben um 14 % auf 1,1 Millionen US-Dollar, während die Gesamteinnahmen um 17 % auf 9,1 Millionen US-Dollar zurückgingen. Das Unternehmen schloss das Jahr 2024 mit 10,6 Millionen US-Dollar in bar und ohne langfristige Schulden ab. Bemerkenswert ist, dass IPM in einem Patentverletzungsverfahren gegen Cisco ein Urteil in Höhe von 65,7 Millionen US-Dollar gewonnen hat, obwohl das Unternehmen erwartet, nach Abzug der Kosten nicht mehr als ein Drittel der Bruttoeinnahmen zu erhalten.

  • Continuing operations revenue grew 14% to $1.1M for full-year 2024
  • Strong cash position of $10.6M with no long-term debt
  • Potential significant income from $65.7M patent lawsuit verdict against Cisco
  • Strategic repositioning into high-growth cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity sectors
  • New referral arrangement with NewtekOne provides access to thousands of potential clients
  • Total revenue declined 17% to $9.1M in 2024
  • Net loss increased 690% to $8.4M for full-year 2024
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss widened 338% to $4.4M
  • $3.8M one-time impairment loss on divested assets
  • Significant increase in professional fees and operating expenses


IPM's Q4 and FY2024 results reflect a company in significant transition, with mixed financial signals that deserve careful examination. The 9.1% increase in continuing operations revenue to $0.3M in Q4 and 14% increase for the full year to $1.1M shows growth in their remaining business. However, this is overshadowed by substantial losses - net loss increased 1840% to $5.5M in Q4 and 690% to $8.4M for the full year.

The financial deterioration stems from two primary factors: increased professional fees related to their strategic transactions ($0.6M in Q4) and a massive $3.8M one-time impairment loss on divested assets. Their Adjusted EBITDA loss of $1.5M (up 594%) signals operational challenges beyond these one-time expenses.

The $65.7M patent infringement award against Cisco represents a potential financial windfall, though the company estimates receiving only about one-third after legal expenses. With $10.6M cash and no long-term debt, IPM has financial runway to execute its transition to cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity.

This strategic pivot from communications software to managed technology solutions represents a fundamental business model transformation. The future earn-out structure from divested assets could provide additional revenue streams if their former businesses perform well under new ownership, but these potential payments are highly speculative and contingent on meeting specific revenue thresholds.

IPM's strategic pivot into cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity represents a fundamental repositioning of the business. By divesting consumer-facing applications (Paltalk, Camfrog, Vumber) and acquiring Newtek Technology Solutions, the company is shifting from B2C communications to B2B managed technology services - a market with different competitive dynamics and growth characteristics.

This transition is timely considering the cybersecurity sector's rapid expansion and the increasing cloud infrastructure demands across all business segments. The company's statement that "cybersecurity is a technology area that is top of mind for all companies" reflects market reality, as organizations of all sizes struggle with growing security threats.

Their referral arrangement with NewtekOne could prove valuable for customer acquisition, leveraging an established financial holding company's extensive client network. Additionally, retaining ManyCam as a cross-selling opportunity maintains some continuity with their previous technology portfolio.

The jury award in their patent litigation against Cisco validates their intellectual property portfolio's strength. However, successfully transitioning from a communications software provider to a managed technology solutions provider will require significant operational adjustments, new expertise, and potentially different sales cycles. The management's mention of "ample merger and acquisition opportunities" suggests further consolidation strategy, which will require careful execution given their current financial losses.

Refocused on Technology Service Offerings in the Cloud Infrastructure and Cybersecurity Sectors

JERICHO, NY / ACCESS Newswire / March 24, 2025 / Intelligent Protection Management Corp. ("IPM," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (NASDAQ:IPM), a managed technology solutions provider focused on cybersecurity and cloud infrastructure, today announced financial and operational results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024.

As previously disclosed, in January 2025, the Company completed its acquisition of Newtek Technology Solutions, Inc. ("NTS") from NewtekOne, Inc. and the sale of its "Paltalk", "Camfrog" and "Vumber" applications and certain assets and liabilities related to such applications (the "Transferred Assets") to Meteor Mobile Holdings, Inc. (together, the "Transactions").

Following the Transactions, the Company's business is focused on providing server hosting, cloud hosting, data storage, managed security, backup and disaster recovery, and other related services, including consulting and implementing technology solutions. The financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024 discussed below relate to the Company's business prior to the consummation of the Transactions.

Key Financial Highlights for Fourth Quarter Ended December 31, 2024 Compared to Prior Year Period

For the purposes of this earnings release and the financial information provided herein, assets and liabilities related to the Transferred Assets are presented as held for sale/discontinued operations, and the results of operations related to the Transferred Assets are presented as discontinued operations. Subsequent to year end, on January 2, 2025, the Company completed the sale of the Transferred Assets.

  • Revenue from continuing operations increased 9.1% to $0.3 million from nearly $0.3 million, as a result of increased sales from ManyCam. Including revenue from discontinued operations of $1.9 and $2.4 for the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively (which is included in loss from discontinued operations on the statement of operations), revenue decreased 21% to $2.1 million from $2.7 million, primarily due to a decrease in subscription and virtual gift revenue from Paltalk and Camfrog, partially offset by increased revenue from advertising.

  • Net loss from continuing operations increased by 142% to $1.4 million compared to a net loss from continuing operations of $0.6 million and included $0.6 million of increased professional fees incurred in connection with the Transactions, as well as increased public company expenses and an increase in compensation expense related to the Transactions.

  • Loss from discontinued operations increased by 1449% to $4.1 million compared to income from discontinued operations of $0.3 million and included a one-time impairment loss on divested assets of $3.8 million, as well as a decrease in virtual gift revenue from discontinued operations compared to the three months ended December 31, 2023.

  • Net loss increased by 1840% to $5.5 million compared to $0.3 million.

  • Adjusted EBITDA1 loss was $1.5 million compared to Adjusted EBITDA1 loss of $0.2 million, an increase of 594%.

  • Net cash used in operating activities for the quarter was $1.5 million.

Key Financial Highlights for Year Ended December 31, 2024 Compared to Prior Year Period

  • Revenue from continuing operations increased 14% to $1.1 million from $1.0 million as a result of increased sales from ManyCam. Including revenue from discontinued operations of $8.0 and $10.0 for the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively (which is included in the loss from discontinued operations on the statement of operations), revenue decreased 17% to $9.1 million from $10.9 million, primarily due to a decrease in subscription and virtual gift revenue from Paltalk and Camfrog, partially offset by increased revenue from advertising.

  • Net loss from continuing operations increased by 59% to $4.3 million compared to net loss from continuing operations of $2.7 million and included $1.8 million of increased professional fees incurred in connection with the Transactions, as well as increased public company expenses and an increase in compensation expense related to the Transactions.

  • Loss from discontinued operations increased by 357% to $4.2 million compared to income from discontinued operations of $1.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2024 and included a one-time impairment loss on divested assets of $3.8 million, as well as a decrease in virtual gift revenue from discontinued operations compared to the three months ended December 31, 2023.

  • Net loss increased by 690% to $8.4 million compared to a net loss of $1.1 million.

  • Adjusted EBITDA1 loss was $4.4 million compared to Adjusted EBITDA1 loss of $1.0 million, an increase of 338%.

  • The Company had $10.6 million in cash and no long-term debt on its balance sheet as of December 31, 2024.

2025 Business Objectives

For the near term, our business objectives include:

  • continuing the integration of our comprehensive range of IT-related solutions;

  • incorporate ManyCam as an offering for our new customers and seek to optimize our cross-selling efforts with our other technology solutions;

  • continuing to explore strategic opportunities, including, but not limited to, potential mergers or acquisitions of other assets or entities that are synergistic to our businesses; and

  • continuing to defend our intellectual property.

1 Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please see the discussion below under the heading "Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Metrics" and the reconciliations at the end of this release for additional information concerning this and other non-GAAP financial measures.

Management Commentary

Jason Katz, Chairman and CEO of IPM, commented, "With the closing of our acquisition of NTS and our divestiture of our communication software and multimedia social platforms in early January 2025, we have officially moved our Company into the cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity sectors. We believe these transformational Transactions will have a meaningful impact on our revenue and will provide us with additional opportunities for growth and a strong value proposition for our stockholders."

Mr. Katz continued, "While we are focused on delivering growth and increasing profitability as a managed technology solutions provider, we believe we bolstered our value in 2024 by successfully defending our intellectual property. In addition, as a result of the divesture, IPM is eligible to receive certain earn-out payments in the future based on the buyer's cash revenue, attributable to the Paltalk, Camfrog and Vumber applications."

Mr. Katz concluded, "We are very excited with the prospect of expanding our managed technology solutions business, particularly in the cloud infrastructure and cybersecurity sectors. Following the Transactions, our team is re-energized and focused on the growth of our business. Additionally, we expect that the recently announced referral arrangement with NewtekOne, a current client and a financial holding company with tens of thousands of its own business clients, has great potential to help us find new customers. We believe that cybersecurity is a technology area that is top of mind for all companies, small and large, and ripe for growth. Additionally, we believe there will be ample merger and acquisition opportunities to further scale growth. We look forward to growing the business and building a healthy pipeline of prospective and new customers."

Patent Litigation Update

On July 23, 2021, our wholly owned subsidiary, Paltalk Holdings, Inc., filed a patent infringement lawsuit (the "Lawsuit") against WebEx Communications, Inc., Cisco WebEx LLC, and Cisco Systems, Inc. (collectively, "Cisco"), in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (the "Court"). We alleged that certain of Cisco's products infringed U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858, and that we were entitled to damages.

On August 29, 2024, the jury awarded us $65.7 million (the "Award") in a jury verdict in connection with the Lawsuit. On October 8, 2024, an order granting a motion for final judgment (the "Final Judgment") was entered into in the Court in connection with the Lawsuit. The Final Judgment was entered in our favor in the amount of the Award and started the time for filing any post-trial motions or appeal.

The exact amount of the Award proceeds to be received by us will be determined based on a number of factors and will reflect the deduction of significant litigation-related expenses, including legal fees. Consequently, we estimate that we would receive no more than one third of the gross proceeds in connection with the Award, subject to post-trial proceedings (including any potential appellate proceedings by Cisco). We have not recorded any gain contingency in connection with the Award.

Potential Earn-Out Payable to IPM

As a closing condition to the NTS acquisition, IPM completed the sale of its telecommunications services provider, "Vumber", as well as its "Paltalk" and "Camfrog" applications and certain related assets and liabilities (the "Transferred Assets") to Meteor Mobile Holdings, Inc. IPM is eligible to receive certain payments based on cash revenue attributable to the Transferred Assets. The cash payable to IPM for each Earn-Out Period is set forth below:

  • Earn-Out Period 1 - an amount equal to (i) for any revenue greater than or equal to $3,500,000 and less than $4,250,000, the amount of such revenue multiplied by 0.30, plus (ii) for any revenue greater than or equal to $4,250,000, the amount of such revenue in excess of $4,250,000 multiplied by 0.40; and

  • Earn-Out Period 2, Earn-Out Period 3 and Earn-Out Period 4 - an amount equal to (i) for any revenue greater than or equal to $7,000,000 and less than $8,500,000, the amount of such revenue multiplied by 0.30, plus (ii) for any revenue greater than or equal to $8,500,000, the amount of such revenue in excess of $8,500,000 multiplied by 0.40.

The Earn-Out Periods are set forth below:

  • Earn-Out Period 1 = 7/1/25 - 12/31/25

  • Earn-Out Period 2 = 1/1/26 - 12/31/26

  • Earn-Out Period 3 = 1/1/27 - 12/31/27

  • Earn-Out Period 4 = 1/1/28 - 12/31/28

Three Months Ended

December 31,














Net loss from continuing operations









(Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of tax








Net loss











Net cash used in operating activities











Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure)











Year Ended

December 31,












Net loss from continuing operations









(Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of tax








Net loss











Net cash used in operating activities











Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure)












Intelligent Management Protection Corp. is a managed technology solutions provider focused on cybersecurity and cloud infrastructure. IPM provides dedicated server hosting, cloud hosting, data storage, managed security, backup and disaster recovery, and other related services, including consulting and implementing technology solutions for enterprise and commercial clients across the United States. IPM also operates ManyCam. The Company has an over 20-year history of technology innovation and holds 8 patents. For more information, please visit:

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements anticipated in such statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to estimates of future synergies and efficiencies as a result of the NTS acquisition, expectations regarding the Company's ability to effectively integrate assets it acquired as a result of the NTS acquisition, expectations of future plans, priorities, focus and benefits of the NTS acquisition, the Company's ability to realize the intended benefits of the referral arrangement with NewtekOne, the Company's plans, objectives, strategies, expectations, intentions and other statements that are not statements of historical fact, and may be identified by words such as "aim," "anticipates," "believes," "building," "continue," "could," "drive," "estimates," "expects," "extent," "focus," "forecasts," "goal," "guidance," "intends," "may," "might," "outlook," "plan," "position," "probable," "progressing," "projects," "prudent," "seeks," "should," "steady," "target," "view," "will" or "would" or the negative of these words and phrases or similar words or phrases. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements: the possibility of security vulnerabilities, cyber-attacks and network disruptions, including breaches of data security and privacy leaks, data loss, and business interruptions; the Company's ability to operate its secure private cloud through its data centers; the intense competition in the industry in which the Company operates and its ability to effectively compete with existing competitors and new market entrants; the Company's ability to consummate favorable acquisitions and effectively integrate any companies or businesses that the Company acquires; the impact of adverse economic and market conditions, including those related to fluctuations in inflation and geopolitical conflicts; the Company's reliance on a limited number of customers for its revenues and income; the Company's ability to attract new customers, retain existing customers and sell additional services to customers; the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property rights; and other events outside of the Company's control. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at

All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement was made, except to the extent required by applicable securities laws.

Investor Contacts:


Three Months Ended

Year Ended

December 31,

December 31,





Reconciliation of net loss to Adjusted EBITDA:

Net loss













Stock-based compensation expense





Depreciation and amortization expense





Impairment loss in connection with the Divestiture





Interest income, net









Other income, net







Income tax benefit









Adjusted EBITDA













Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The Company has provided in this release Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure, to supplement the consolidated financial statements, which are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States ("GAAP"). Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net (loss) income adjusted to exclude stock-based compensation expense, depreciation and amortization expenses, impairment loss in connection with the Divestiture, interest income, net, other (income) expense, net, and income tax (benefit) expense. The impairment loss in connection with the Divestiture relates to a one-time impairment charge recorded in connection with the Company's divestiture of its Paltalk, Camfrog and Vumber applications.

Management uses Adjusted EBITDA internally in analyzing the Company's financial results to assess operational performance and to determine the Company's future capital requirements. The presentation of this financial information is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company believes that both management and investors benefit from referring to Adjusted EBITDA in assessing its performance and when planning, forecasting and analyzing future periods. The Company believes Adjusted EBITDA is useful to investors and others to understand and evaluate the Company's operating results and it allows for a more meaningful comparison between the Company's performance and that of competitors. Our use of Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider this performance measure in isolation from or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under GAAP. Some of these limitations are that Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect, among other things: cash capital expenditures for assets underlying depreciation and amortization expense that may need to be replaced or for new capital expenditures; interest income, net; other expense, net; income tax expense from continuing operations; our working capital requirements; the potentially dilutive impact of stock-based compensation; and the provision for income taxes. Other companies, including companies in our industry, may calculate Adjusted EBITDA differently, which reduces its usefulness as a comparative measure.

Because of these limitations, you should consider Adjusted EBITDA along with other financial performance measures, including total revenues, subscription revenue, deferred revenue and net loss, presented in accordance with GAAP.


December 31,




Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents





Employee retention tax credit receivable, net



Prepaid expense and other current assets



Assets held for sale - current



Total current assets



Operating lease right-of-use asset



Assets held for sale - noncurrent



Intangible assets, net



Other assets



Total assets





Liabilities and stockholders' equity

Current liabilities:

Accounts payable




Accrued expenses and other current liabilities



Operating lease liabilities, current portion



Deferred subscription revenue



Liabilities held for sale - current



Total current liabilities



Deferred tax liability



Total liabilities



Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:

Common stock, $0.001 par value, 25,000,000 shares authorized, 9,878,950 shares issued and 9,236,987 and 9,222,157 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively



Treasury stock, 641,963 shares repurchased as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 respectively





Additional paid-in capital



Accumulated deficit





Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and stockholders' equity





Years Ended
December 31,




Subscription revenue





Costs and expenses

Costs of revenue



Sales and marketing expense



Product development expense



General and administrative expense



Total costs and expenses



Loss from continuing operations





Interest income, net



Other income, net



Loss from continuing operations before income tax benefit





Income tax benefit



Net loss from continuing operations





(Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of income tax expense of $24,357 and $7,695, respectively




Net loss







Net loss per share of common stock:

Basic - continuing operations







Diluted - continuing operations







Basic - discontinued operations






Diluted - discontinued operations




















Weighted average number of shares of common stock used in calculating net loss per share of common stock:








Years Ended
December 31,



Cash flows from operating activities:

Net loss







Net loss (income) from discontinued operations




Net loss from continuing operations







Adjustments to reconcile net loss from continuing operations to net cash used in operating activities:

Amortization of intangible assets



Amortization of operating lease right-of-use assets



Income tax benefit





Deferred tax liability





Stock-based compensation



Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Operating lease liability





Employee retention tax credit receivable, net




Prepaid expense and other current assets




Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities




Deferred subscription revenue




Net cash used in operating activities - continuing operations





Net cash used in provided by operating activities -discontinued operations




Net cash used in operating activities





Cash flows from investing activities:

Payment of contingent consideration




Net cash used in investing activities




Cash flows from financing activities:

Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options



Purchase of treasury stock




Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities




Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents





Balance of cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year



Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of year





SOURCE: Intelligent Protection Management Corp.

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What was IPM's revenue performance in Q4 2024?

IPM's Q4 2024 continuing operations revenue increased 9.1% to $0.3M, while total revenue including discontinued operations decreased 21% to $2.1M.

How much did IPM win in the patent lawsuit against Cisco?

IPM won a $65.7M jury verdict against Cisco in August 2024, but expects to receive no more than one-third after legal expenses.

What are the terms of IPM's earn-out agreement from the asset sale?

IPM can receive 30-40% of revenue above certain thresholds from the sold assets during four earn-out periods from July 2025 through December 2028.

How much cash does IPM have on its balance sheet?

IPM had $10.6M in cash and no long-term debt as of December 31, 2024.

What was IPM's net loss for Q4 2024?

IPM's net loss increased by 1840% to $5.5M in Q4 2024, primarily due to a $3.8M impairment loss on divested assets.
Intelligent Protection Management Corp


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