Interpublic Announces Third Quarter and First Nine Months 2024 Results

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Interpublic announced its Q3 and first nine months 2024 financial results. Total revenue for Q3 was $2.63 billion, while net revenue was $2.24 billion, unchanged organically from Q3 2023. The company reported a non-cash goodwill impairment expense of $232.1 million related to digital specialist agencies and the sale process for R/GA and Huge. Net income was $20.1 million, with adjusted EBITA of $385.8 million and a margin of 17.2% on net revenue. Diluted earnings per share were $0.05 as reported and $0.70 adjusted.

For the first nine months, total revenue was $7.83 billion, with net revenue at $6.75 billion, a 0.9% decrease. The company saw an organic revenue increase of 1.0%. Operating income was $635.3 million, including the same goodwill impairment. Adjusted EBITA was $930.2 million, with a 13.8% margin.

Interpublic highlighted a strong new business pipeline and aims for 1% organic growth for the year. The company repurchased 7.3 million shares for $230.1 million and declared a dividend of $0.33 per share in Q3.

Interpublic ha annunciato i risultati finanziari per il terzo trimestre e i primi nove mesi del 2024. Il fatturato totale per il terzo trimestre è stato di 2,63 miliardi di dollari, mentre il fatturato netto è stato di 2,24 miliardi di dollari, invariato organicamente rispetto al terzo trimestre del 2023. L'azienda ha riportato una spesa per deterioramento dell'avviamento non monetaria di 232,1 milioni di dollari legata ad agenzie specializzate nel digitale e al processo di vendita per R/GA e Huge. L'utile netto è stato di 20,1 milioni di dollari, con un EBITA rettificato di 385,8 milioni di dollari e un margine del 17,2% sul fatturato netto. Le utili diluiti per azione erano di 0,05 dollari come riportato e 0,70 dollari rettificati.

Per i primi nove mesi, il fatturato totale è stato di 7,83 miliardi di dollari, con un fatturato netto di 6,75 miliardi di dollari, una diminuzione dello 0,9%. L'azienda ha registrato un aumento del fatturato organico dell'1,0%. L'utile operativo è stato di 635,3 milioni di dollari, compreso lo stesso deterioramento dell'avviamento. L'EBITA rettificato è stato di 930,2 milioni di dollari, con un margine del 13,8%.

Interpublic ha sottolineato un forte pipeline di nuovi affari e mira a un crescita organica dell'1% per l'anno. L'azienda ha riacquistato 7,3 milioni di azioni per 230,1 milioni di dollari e ha dichiarato un dividendo di 0,33 dollari per azione nel terzo trimestre.

Interpublic anunció sus resultados financieros del tercer trimestre y de los primeros nueve meses de 2024. Los ingresos totales para el tercer trimestre fueron de 2.63 mil millones de dólares, mientras que los ingresos netos fueron de 2.24 mil millones de dólares, sin cambios orgánicos respecto al tercer trimestre de 2023. La empresa reportó un gasto por deterioro de goodwill no monetario de 232.1 millones de dólares relacionado con agencias digitales especializadas y el proceso de venta de R/GA y Huge. El ingreso neto fue de 20.1 millones de dólares, con un EBITA ajustado de 385.8 millones de dólares y un margen del 17.2% sobre los ingresos netos. Las ganancias diluidas por acción fueron de 0.05 dólares según lo informado y 0.70 dólares ajustadas.

En los primeros nueve meses, los ingresos totales fueron de 7.83 mil millones de dólares, con ingresos netos de 6.75 mil millones de dólares, una disminución del 0.9%. La empresa vio un aumento del ingreso orgánico del 1.0%. El ingreso operativo fue de 635.3 millones de dólares, incluyendo el mismo deterioro de goodwill. El EBITA ajustado fue de 930.2 millones de dólares, con un margen del 13.8%.

Interpublic destacó un fuerte pipeline de nuevos negocios y aspira a un crecimiento orgánico del 1% para el año. La empresa recompró 7.3 millones de acciones por 230.1 millones de dólares y declaró un dividendo de 0.33 dólares por acción en el tercer trimestre.

인터퍼블릭은 2024년 3분기 및 첫 9개월 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 3분기 총 수익은 26억 3천만 달러였고, 순수익은 22억 4천만 달러로 2023년 3분기와 유기적으로 변동이 없었습니다. 회사는 디지털 전문 기관과 R/GA 및 Huge의 판매 과정과 관련된 비현금 영업권 손상 비용으로 2억 3천 2백만 달러를 보고했습니다. 순 이익은 2천 만 달러였고, 조정된 EBITA는 3억 8천 5백만 달러였으며, 순수익 대비 17.2%의 마진을 기록했습니다. 희석 주당순이익은 보고된 바에 따르면 0.05달러이고 조정 후 0.70달러입니다.

첫 9개월 동안 총 수익은 78억 3천만 달러였고, 순수익은 67억 5천만 달러로 0.9% 감소했습니다. 회사는 1.0%의 유기적 수익 증가를 보았습니다. 운영 이익은 6억 3천 5백만 달러였으며, 동일한 영업권 손상을 포함하고 있습니다. 조정된 EBITA는 9억 3천 2백만 달러였으며, 13.8%의 마진을 기록했습니다.

인터퍼블릭은 강력한 신규 사업 파이프라인을 강조하며 연간 1%의 유기적 성장을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2억 3천만 달러에 730만 주를 재매입하고 3분기 주당 0.33달러의 배당금을 선언했습니다.

Interpublic a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le troisième trimestre et les neuf premiers mois de 2024. Le chiffre d'affaires total pour le troisième trimestre s'élevait à 2,63 milliards de dollars, tandis que le chiffre d'affaires net était de 2,24 milliards de dollars, inchangé au niveau organique par rapport au troisième trimestre 2023. L'entreprise a rapporté une charge de dépréciation goodwill non monétaire de 232,1 millions de dollars liée à des agences spécialisées dans le numérique et au processus de vente de R/GA et Huge. Le résultat net était de 20,1 millions de dollars, avec un EBITA ajusté de 385,8 millions de dollars et une marge de 17,2% sur le chiffre d'affaires net. Les bénéfices dilués par action étaient de 0,05 dollar tel que rapporté et de 0,70 dollar ajusté.

Pour les neuf premiers mois, le chiffre d'affaires total s'élevait à 7,83 milliards de dollars, avec un chiffre d'affaires net de 6,75 milliards de dollars, soit une baisse de 0,9%. L'entreprise a enregistré une augmentation organique du chiffre d'affaires de 1,0%. Le résultat d'exploitation était de 635,3 millions de dollars, incluant la même charge de goodwill. L'EBITA ajusté était de 930,2 millions de dollars, avec une marge de 13,8%.

Interpublic a souligné un fort pipeline de nouveaux contrats et vise une croissance organique de 1% pour l'année. L'entreprise a racheté 7,3 millions d'actions pour 230,1 millions de dollars et a déclaré un dividende de 0,33 dollar par action au troisième trimestre.

Interpublic hat seine Finanzberichte für das dritte Quartal und die ersten neun Monate 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Gesamtumsatz im dritten Quartal betrug 2,63 Milliarden Dollar, während der Netto-Umsatz 2,24 Milliarden Dollar betrug, was organisch unverändert gegenüber dem dritten Quartal 2023 ist. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einer nicht zahlungswirksamen Goodwill-Abschreibung in Höhe von 232,1 Millionen Dollar in Bezug auf digitale Spezialagenturen sowie den Verkaufsprozess von R/GA und Huge. Der Netto-Einkommen betrug 20,1 Millionen Dollar, mit einem bereinigten EBITA von 385,8 Millionen Dollar und einer Marge von 17,2% auf den Netto-Umsatz. Die verwässerten Erträge pro Aktie lagen bei 0,05 Dollar laut Bericht und 0,70 Dollar bereinigt.

Für die ersten neun Monate betrug der Gesamtumsatz 7,83 Milliarden Dollar, wobei der Netto-Umsatz bei 6,75 Milliarden Dollar lag, was einem Rückgang von 0,9% entspricht. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen organischen Umsatzanstieg von 1,0%. Der Betriebsgewinn betrug 635,3 Millionen Dollar, einschließlich derselben Goodwill-Abschreibung. Das bereinigte EBITA betrug 930,2 Millionen Dollar mit einer Marge von 13,8%.

Interpublic hob ein starkes Neugeschäfts-Pipeline hervor und strebt für das Jahr ein organisches Wachstum von 1% an. Das Unternehmen hat 7,3 Millionen Aktien für 230,1 Millionen Dollar zurückgekauft und eine Dividende von 0,33 Dollar pro Aktie im dritten Quartal erklärt.

  • Adjusted EBITA margin of 17.2% for Q3 2024.
  • Organic revenue growth of 1.0% for the first nine months of 2024.
  • Strong new business pipeline for Q4 and longer-term opportunities.
  • Repurchased 7.3 million shares for $230.1 million.
  • Non-cash goodwill impairment expense of $232.1 million.
  • Reported net income decreased to $20.1 million from $64.3 million in Q3 2023.
  • Decreased total revenue and net revenue for the first nine months of 2024.


The Q3 2024 results for Interpublic Group (IPG) present a mixed picture. While organic revenue remained flat year-over-year, the company faced significant challenges:

  • A $232.1 million non-cash goodwill impairment charge related to digital specialist agencies and the sale process for R/GA and Huge
  • Net income dropped to $20.1 million from $252.6 million in Q3 2023
  • Diluted EPS fell to $0.05 from $0.63 last year

However, there are some positive aspects:

  • Adjusted EBITA margin remained strong at 17.2%
  • Adjusted EPS held steady at $0.70
  • The company maintained its full-year organic growth target of 1%

The impairment charge reflects challenges in IPG's digital specialist agencies, but the company is taking strategic actions to address this. The stable adjusted metrics suggest underlying business performance remains solid despite macroeconomic headwinds. Investors should monitor the progress of IPG's restructuring efforts and the potential impact on future growth.

IPG's Q3 results highlight both challenges and opportunities in the advertising industry:

  • Flat organic growth indicates a cautious spending environment among clients
  • Strong performance in media services, sports marketing and data management shows shifting priorities
  • The $232.1 million goodwill impairment suggests structural changes in digital marketing

The launch of Interact, IPG's new marketing intelligence engine, is a significant development. This AI-powered platform integrates data across the entire marketing lifecycle, potentially giving IPG a competitive edge in delivering personalized, data-driven campaigns.

The strong new business pipeline mentioned for Q4 and beyond is encouraging, but the 1% organic growth target for the full year remains modest. This reflects ongoing economic uncertainties and the evolving landscape of marketing services.

Investors should watch for the completion of R/GA and Huge sales, as well as the adoption and impact of the Interact platform on client retention and new business wins in the coming quarters.

New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

  • Total revenue including billable expenses was $2.63 billion
  • Revenue before billable expenses ("net revenue") was $2.24 billion, with organic revenue unchanged from the third quarter of 2023
  • Non-cash goodwill impairment expense of $232.1 million, related to digital specialist agencies and the sale process for R/GA and Huge
  • Reported net income was $20.1 million
  • Adjusted EBITA was $385.8 million
  • Margin of adjusted EBITA was 17.2% on revenue before billable expenses
  • Diluted earnings per share including goodwill charge was $0.05 as reported and $0.70 as adjusted

Philippe Krakowsky, CEO of Interpublic:

“Net revenue in the third quarter was unchanged organically from the same period a year ago, which brings organic growth over the first nine months of this year to 1.0%. During the quarter, we saw solid contributions to growth from media services, sports marketing, data management and public relations. Our adjusted EBITA margin was 17.2%, underscoring continued operating discipline as we continue our enterprise-wide investments in growth and business transformation.

“Third quarter results include non-cash goodwill impairment expense of $232 million related to our digital specialist agencies and progress with the strategic sales process for R/GA and Huge.

“The quarter also continued to see progress in the evolution of our offerings and organizational structure, as we invest in the stronger, growing areas within the portfolio. The launch of Interact marks the next evolution of our marketing intelligence engine, which integrates data flows across the campaign lifecycle and consumer journey. This core technology connects our entire portfolio, from brand research as well as audience insights and audience creation, all the way through to creative ideation, production, commerce, and personalized CRM programs through the use of generative AI. It also powers media activation and optimization, including earned and owned channels, delivering better marketing results across media channels and touchpoints for our clients, in real time.

“Looking forward, we are seeing a strong new business pipeline, for both Q4 activity and longer-term AOR opportunities, and we remain focused on achieving organic growth of approximately 1% this year. At that level, we continue to target adjusted EBITA margin of 16.6%. Our long-standing commitment to capital returns remains an important priority and our strong balance sheet provides a solid foundation from which to continue to evolve our offerings and the solutions we provide for marketers.”



  • Third quarter 2024: Total revenue, which includes billable expenses, was $2.63 billion, compared $2.68 billion in the third quarter of 2023.
  • Revenue before billable expenses ("net revenue") was $2.24 billion, a reported decrease of 2.9% from the third quarter of 2023.
  • The organic change of net revenue was flat compared to the third quarter of 2023.
  • First nine months 2024: Total revenue, which includes billable expenses, was $7.83 billion, compared $7.87 billion in the first nine months of 2023.
  • Revenue before billable expenses ("net revenue") was $6.75 billion, a reported decrease of 0.9% from the first nine months of 2023.
  • The organic increase of net revenue was 1.0% from the first nine months of 2023.

Operating Results

  • In the third quarter of 2024, operating income was $132.9 million compared to $376.8 million in 2023. Operating results in the third quarter of 2024 include non-cash goodwill impairment of $232.1 million related to the write down of the carrying value of digital specialist agencies to fair value. Adjusted EBITA before restructuring charges was $385.8 million compared to $397.2 million for the same period in 2023. Third quarter 2024 margin of adjusted EBITA before restructuring charges was 17.2% on revenue before billable expenses.
  • In the first nine months of 2024, operating income was $635.3 million compared to $875.8 million in 2023. Operating results in the first nine months of 2024 include non-cash goodwill impairment of $232.1 million in the third quarter related to the write down of the carrying value of digital specialist agencies to fair value. Adjusted EBITA before restructuring charges was $930.2 million compared to $938.2 million for the same period in 2023. First nine months 2024 margin of adjusted EBITA before restructuring charges was 13.8% on revenue before billable expenses.
  • Refer to reconciliations in the appendix within this press release for further detail.

Net Results

  • In the third quarter of 2024, the income tax provision was $85.3 million on income before income taxes of $109.5 million.
  • Third quarter 2024 net income available to IPG common stockholders was $20.1 million, resulting in earnings of $0.05 per basic share and $0.05 per diluted share compared to earnings of $0.64 per basic share and $0.63 per diluted share for the same period in 2023. Net income and earnings per share in the third quarter of 2024 include after-tax expense of $211.4 million related to the non-cash charge to write down goodwill. Adjusted earnings were $0.70 per diluted share which was the same as a year ago. Third quarter 2024 adjusted earnings excludes after-tax amortization of acquired intangibles of $16.1 million, after-tax impairment of goodwill of $211.4 million, after-tax restructuring charges of $0.4 million and an after-tax loss of $16.5 million on the sales of businesses.
  • In the first nine months of 2024, the income tax provision was $208.2 million on income before income taxes of $565.8 million.
  • First nine months 2024 net income available to IPG common stockholders was $345.0 million, resulting in earnings of $0.92 per basic share and $0.91 per diluted share compared to earnings of $1.65 per basic share and $1.64 per diluted share for the same period in 2023. Net income and earnings per share in the first nine months of 2024 include after-tax expense of $211.4 million related to the non-cash charge to write down goodwill. Adjusted earnings were $1.66 per diluted share compared to adjusted earnings per diluted share of $1.81 a year ago. In 2023, earnings per share, both as reported and adjusted, included a benefit of $0.17 per diluted share related to the settlement of U.S. Federal Income Tax Audits for the years 2017-2018. First nine months 2024 adjusted earnings excludes after-tax amortization of acquired intangibles of $48.8 million, after-tax impairment of goodwill of $211.4 million, after-tax restructuring charges of $1.1 million and an after-tax loss of $22.9 million on the sales of businesses.
  • Refer to reconciliations in the appendix within this press release for further detail.

Operating Results

Revenue before billable expenses of $2.24 billion in the third quarter of 2024 decreased 2.9% compared with the same period in 2023. Compared to the third quarter of 2023, the effect of foreign currency translation was negative 0.5%, the impact of net dispositions was negative 2.4%, and organic net revenue was unchanged from prior year. The organic net revenue change in the third quarter excludes agencies R/GA and Huge, due to their classification as held-for-sale during the quarter.

Revenue before billable expenses of $6.75 billion in the first nine months of 2024 decreased 0.9% compared with the same period in 2023. Compared to the first nine months of 2023, the effect of foreign currency translation was negative 0.3%, the impact of net dispositions was negative 1.6%, and the resulting organic increase of net revenue was 1.0%.

Operating Expenses
In the third quarter of 2024, total operating expenses, excluding billable expenses, restructuring charges, and amortization and impairment of acquired intangibles decreased 2.9%. In the first nine months of 2024, total operating expenses, excluding billable expenses, restructuring charges, and amortization and impairment of acquired intangibles decreased 0.9% when compared to the first nine months of 2023.

In the third quarter of 2024, staff cost ratio, which is total salaries and related expenses as a percentage of revenue before billable expenses, decreased to 65.3% compared to 66.3% for the same period in 2023. Total salaries and related expenses in the third quarter of 2024 were $1.46 billion, a decrease of 4.4% from a year ago. The decrease was primarily driven by decreased base salaries, benefits and tax, performance-based employee compensation expense and temporary help expense. In the first nine months of 2024, staff cost ratio decreased to 68.0% compared to 69.1% for the same period in 2023. Total salaries and related expenses in the first nine months of 2024 were $4.59 billion, a decrease of 2.4% from a year ago. The decrease was primarily driven by factors similar to those noted above for the third quarter of 2024, partially offset by increased severance expense.

In the third quarter of 2024, office and other direct expenses as a percentage of revenue before billable expenses increased to 14.6% compared to 13.8% for the same period in 2023. Office and other direct expenses were $327.1 million in the third quarter of 2024, an increase of 2.6% from a year ago, reflecting increased expenses for technology and software, as well as professional consulting. In the first nine months of 2024, office and other direct expenses as a percentage of revenue before billable expenses increased to 14.9% compared to 14.5% for the same period in 2023. Office and other direct expenses were $1.01 billion in the first nine months of 2024, an increase of 1.8% from a year ago, primarily due to increases in technology and software costs and general corporate expenses, partially offset by decreases in occupancy expense.

Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses were $20.8 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $16.9 million a year ago, primarily due to increased strategic investment in base salaries, benefits and tax and technology & software. SG&A expenses were $86.4 million in the first nine months of 2024, compared to $43.7 million a year ago, primarily due to factors similar to those noted above for the third quarter of 2024.

Depreciation and amortization expense decreased by 1.1% and 1.8% during the third quarter and the first nine months of 2024, respectively.

During the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, we recorded goodwill impairment of $232.1 million.

Non-Operating Results and Tax
Net interest expense decreased by $2.9 million to $20.7 million in the third quarter of 2024 from a year ago, primarily attributable to higher interest rates, offset by lower average balances on net deposits. Net interest expense decreased by $10.8 million to $56.1 million in the first nine months of 2024 from a year ago, primarily due to factors similar to those noted above for the third quarter of 2024.

Other expense, net was $2.7 million in the third quarter of 2024, and primarily related to losses on sales of businesses and the classification of certain assets and liabilities as held for sale, as well as pension and postretirement costs. Other expense, net was $13.4 million in the first nine months of 2024, and primarily related to factors similar to those noted above for the third quarter of 2024.

The income tax provision in the third quarter of 2024 was $85.3 million on income before income taxes of $109.5 million. This compares to an income tax provision of $91.5 million for the third quarter of 2023 on income before income taxes of $339.5 million. The income tax provision in the first nine months of 2024 was $208.2 million on income before income taxes of $565.8 million. This compares to an income tax provision of $135.9 million for the first nine months of 2023 on income before income taxes of $784.1 million, which included a benefit of $64.2 million related to the settlement of U.S. Federal Income Tax Audits for the years 2017-2018, which was primarily non-cash.

Balance Sheet
At September 30, 2024, cash and cash equivalents totaled $1.53 billion, compared to $2.39 billion at December 31, 2023 and $1.57 billion on September 30, 2023. Total debt was $2.94 billion at September 30, 2024, compared to $3.20 billion at December 31, 2023.

Share Repurchase Program
During the first nine months of 2024, the Company repurchased 7.3 million shares of its common stock at an aggregate cost of $230.1 million and an average price of $31.40 per share, including fees.

Common Stock Dividend
During the third quarter of 2024, the Company declared and paid a common stock cash dividend of $0.330 per share, for a total of $123.2 million.

For further information regarding the Company's financial results as well as certain non-GAAP measures including organic revenue before billable expenses change, adjusted EBITA, adjusted EBITA before restructuring charges and adjusted earnings per diluted share, and the reconciliations thereof, please refer to the appendix within this press release and our Investor Presentation filed on Form 8-K herewith and available on our website,

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About Interpublic

Interpublic (NYSE: IPG) ( is a values-based, data-fueled, and creatively-driven provider of marketing solutions. Home to some of the world’s best-known and most innovative communications specialists, IPG global brands include Acxiom, Craft, FCB, FutureBrand, Golin, Huge, Initiative, IPG Health, IPG Mediabrands, Jack Morton, KINESSO, MAGNA, McCann, Mediahub, Momentum, MRM, MullenLowe Global, Octagon, R/GA, UM, Weber Shandwick and more. IPG is an S&P 500 company with total revenue of $10.89 billion in 2023.

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Contact Information

Tom Cunningham
(212) 704-1326

Jerry Leshne
(Analysts, Investors)
(212) 704-1439

Cautionary Statement

This release contains forward-looking statements. Statements in this report that are not historical facts, including statements regarding goals, intentions and expectations as to future plans, trends, events, or future results of operations or financial position, constitute forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “project,” “forecast,” “plan,” “intend,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “will likely result” or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause our actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

Actual results and outcomes could differ materially for a variety of reasons, including, among others:

  • the effects of a challenging economy on the demand for our advertising and marketing services, on our clients’ financial condition and on our business or financial condition;
  • our ability to attract new clients and retain existing clients;
  • our ability to retain and attract key employees;
  • risks associated with the effects of global, national and regional economic and political conditions, including counterparty risks and fluctuations in interest rates, inflation rates and currency exchange rates;
  • the economic or business impact of military or political conflict in key markets;
  • the impacts on our business of any pandemics, epidemics, disease outbreaks or other public health crises;
  • risks associated with assumptions we make in connection with our critical accounting estimates, including changes in assumptions associated with any effects of a challenging economy;
  • potential adverse effects if we are required to recognize impairment charges or other adverse accounting-related developments;
  • developments from changes in the regulatory and legal environment for advertising and marketing services companies around the world, including laws and regulations related to data protection and consumer privacy; and
  • the impact on our operations of general or directed cybersecurity events.

Investors should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties that may affect our business, including those outlined in more detail under Item 1A, Risk Factors, in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and our other SEC filings. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. We undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any of them in light of new information, future events, or otherwise.


(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)
  Three Months Ended September 30,
  2024 2023 Fav. (Unfav.)
% Variance
 Revenue before Billable Expenses        $2,242.7          $2,309.0   (2.9) %
 Billable Expenses             386.1               369.5   4.5 %
Total Revenue          2,628.8            2,678.5   (1.9) %
Operating Expenses:     
 Salaries and Related Expenses          1,464.0            1,531.1   4.4 %
 Office and Other Direct Expenses             327.1               318.8   (2.6) %
 Billable Expenses             386.1               369.5   (4.5) %
 Cost of Services          2,177.2            2,219.4   1.9 %
 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses               20.8                 16.9   (23.1) %
 Depreciation and Amortization                65.3                 66.0   1.1 %
 Impairment of Goodwill             232.1                    —  >(100)%
 Restructuring Charges                 0.5                 (0.6) >(100)%
Total Operating Expenses          2,495.9            2,301.7   (8.4) %
Operating Income             132.9               376.8   (64.7) %
Expenses and Other Income:     
 Interest Expense             (54.9)              (58.7)  
 Interest Income               34.2                 35.1   
 Other Expense, Net               (2.7)              (13.7)  
Total (Expenses) and Other Income             (23.4)              (37.3)  
Income Before Income Taxes             109.5               339.5   
 Provision for Income Taxes               85.3                 91.5   
Income of Consolidated Companies               24.2               248.0   
 Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates                  —                 (2.3)  
Net Income               24.2               245.7   
 Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests               (4.1)                (2.0)  
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders             $20.1             $243.7   
Earnings Per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders:     
Basic             $0.05               $0.64   
Diluted             $0.05               $0.63   
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding:     
Basic             373.9               383.6   
Diluted             376.8               385.5   
Dividends Declared Per Common Share           $0.330             $0.310   

(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)
  Nine Months Ended September 30,
  2024 2023 Fav. (Unfav.)
% Variance
 Revenue before Billable Expenses        $6,752.7          $6,814.4   (0.9) %
 Billable Expenses          1,082.0            1,051.6   2.9 %
Total Revenue          7,834.7            7,866.0   (0.4) %
Operating Expenses:     
 Salaries and Related Expenses          4,594.4            4,707.0   2.4 %
 Office and Other Direct Expenses          1,007.6               989.6   (1.8) %
 Billable Expenses          1,082.0            1,051.6   (2.9) %
 Cost of Services          6,684.0            6,748.2   1.0 %
 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses               86.4                 43.7   (97.7) %
 Depreciation and Amortization              195.5               199.0   1.8 %
 Impairment of Goodwill             232.1                    —  >(100)%
 Restructuring Charges                 1.4                 (0.7) >(100)%
Total Operating Expenses          7,199.4            6,990.2   (3.0) %
Operating Income             635.3               875.8   (27.5) %
Expenses and Other Income:     
 Interest Expense           (175.6)            (164.2)  
 Interest Income             119.5                 97.3   
 Other Expense, Net             (13.4)              (24.8)  
Total (Expenses) and Other Income             (69.5)              (91.7)  
Income Before Income Taxes             565.8               784.1   
 Provision for Income Taxes             208.2               135.9   
Income of Consolidated Companies             357.6               648.2   
 Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates               (0.2)                (1.7)  
Net Income             357.4               646.5   
 Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests             (12.4)              (11.3)  
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders           $345.0             $635.2   
Earnings Per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders:     
Basic             $0.92               $1.65   
Diluted             $0.91               $1.64   
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding:     
Basic             376.2               385.0   
Diluted             378.7               386.8   
Dividends Declared Per Common Share           $0.990             $0.930   

(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)

 Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
 As Reported Amortization of Acquired Intangibles  Impairment of Goodwill Restructuring Charges Net Losses on Sales of Businesses1 Adjusted    Results   (Non-GAAP)
Operating Income and Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges2            $132.9              $(20.3)           $(232.1)               $(0.5)               $385.8
Total (Expenses) and Other Income3              (23.4)                    $(1.7)               (21.7)
Income Before Income Taxes              109.5                (20.3)             (232.1)                 (0.5)                 (1.7)                364.1
Provision for Income Taxes                85.3                    4.2                  20.7                    0.1                (14.8)                  95.5
Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates                  0.0                            0.0
Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests                (4.1)                         (4.1)
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders              $20.1              $(16.1)           $(211.4)               $(0.4)             $(16.5)              $264.5
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Basic              373.9                        373.9
Dilutive effect of stock options and restricted shares                  2.9                            2.9
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Diluted              376.8                        376.8
Earnings per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders4:           
  Basic              $0.05              $(0.04)             $(0.57)             $(0.00)             $(0.04)                $0.71
  Diluted              $0.05              $(0.04)             $(0.56)             $(0.00)             $(0.04)                $0.70
1 Primarily relates to losses on complete dispositions of businesses and the classification of certain assets as held for sale.
2 Refer to non-GAAP reconciliation of Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges on page A5 in the appendix.
3 Consists of non-operating expenses including interest expense, interest income and other expense, net.
4 Earnings per share amounts are calculated on an unrounded basis but rounded for purposes of presentation.
Note: Management believes the resulting comparisons provide useful supplemental data that, while not a substitute for GAAP measures, allow for greater transparency in the review of our financial and operational performance.


(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)

 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
 As Reported Amortization of Acquired Intangibles  Impairment of Goodwill Restructuring Charges Net Losses on Sales of Businesses1 Adjusted    Results   (Non-GAAP)
Operating Income and Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges2            $635.3              $(61.4)           $(232.1)               $(1.4)               $930.2
Total (Expenses) and Other Income3              (69.5)                     $(6.4)               (63.1)
Income Before Income Taxes              565.8                (61.4)             (232.1)                 (1.4)                 (6.4)               867.1
Provision for Income Taxes              208.2                  12.6                  20.7                    0.3                (16.5)               225.3
Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates                (0.2)                         (0.2)
Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests              (12.4)                       (12.4)
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders            $345.0              $(48.8)           $(211.4)               $(1.1)             $(22.9)             $629.2
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Basic              376.2                        376.2
Dilutive effect of stock options and restricted shares                  2.5                            2.5
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Diluted              378.7                        378.7
Earnings per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders4:           
  Basic              $0.92              $(0.13)             $(0.56)             $(0.00)             $(0.06)               $1.67
  Diluted              $0.91              $(0.13)             $(0.56)             $(0.00)             $(0.06)               $1.66
1 Primarily relates to losses on complete dispositions of businesses and the classification of certain assets as held for sale.
2 Refer to non-GAAP reconciliation of Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges on page A5 in the appendix.
3 Consists of non-operating expenses including interest expense, interest income and other expense, net.
4 Earnings per share amounts are calculated on an unrounded basis but rounded for purposes of presentation.
Note: Management believes the resulting comparisons provide useful supplemental data that, while not a substitute for GAAP measures, allow for greater transparency in the review of our financial and operational performance.


(Amounts in Millions)

 Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30,
 2024 2023 2024 2023
Revenue Before Billable Expenses     $2,242.7          $2,309.0          $6,752.7          $6,814.4   
Non-GAAP Reconciliation:        
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders          $20.1             $243.7             $345.0             $635.2   
Add Back:        
Provision for Income Taxes            85.3                 91.5               208.2               135.9   
Total (Expenses) and Other Income          (23.4)              (37.3)              (69.5)              (91.7)  
Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates              0.0                 (2.3)                (0.2)                (1.7)  
Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests            (4.1)                (2.0)              (12.4)              (11.3)  
Operating Income          132.9               376.8               635.3               875.8   
Add Back:        
Amortization of Acquired Intangibles            20.3                 21.0                 61.4                 63.1   
Impairment of Goodwill          232.1                    —               232.1                    —   
Adjusted EBITA        $385.3             $397.8             $928.8             $938.9   
Adjusted EBITA Margin on Revenue before Billable Expenses % 17.2 %  17.2 %  13.8 %  13.8 %
Restructuring Charges              0.5                 (0.6)                  1.4                 (0.7)  
Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges        $385.8             $397.2             $930.2             $938.2   
Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges Margin on Revenue before Billable Expenses % 17.2 %  17.2 %  13.8 %  13.8 %
Note: Management believes the resulting comparisons provide useful supplemental data that, while not a substitute for GAAP measures, allow for greater transparency in the review of our financial and operational performance.


(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)

 Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
 As Reported Amortization of Acquired Intangibles  Restructuring Charges Net Losses on Sales of  Businesses1 Adjusted    Results    (Non-GAAP)
Operating Income and Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges2            $376.8              $(21.0)                 $0.6                $397.2
Total (Expenses) and Other Income3              (37.3)                 $(12.1)               (25.2)
Income Before Income Taxes              339.5                (21.0)                   0.6                (12.1)               372.0
Provision for Income Taxes                91.5                    4.3                  (0.2)                   2.6                  98.2
Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates                (2.3)                       (2.3)
Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests                (2.0)                       (2.0)
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders            $243.7              $(16.7)                 $0.4                $(9.5)             $269.5
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Basic              383.6                      383.6
Dilutive effect of stock options and restricted shares                  1.9                          1.9
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Diluted              385.5                      385.5
Earnings per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders4:         
  Basic              $0.64              $(0.04)               $0.00              $(0.02)               $0.70
  Diluted              $0.63              $(0.04)               $0.00              $(0.02)               $0.70
1 Primarily relates to losses on complete dispositions of businesses and the classification of certain assets as held for sale.
2 Refer to non-GAAP reconciliation of Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges on page A5 in the appendix.
3 Consists of non-operating expenses including interest expense, interest income and other expense, net.
4 Earnings per share amounts are calculated on an unrounded basis but rounded for purposes of presentation.
Note: Management believes the resulting comparisons provide useful supplemental data that, while not a substitute for GAAP measures, allow for greater transparency in the review of our financial and operational performance.


(Amounts in Millions except Per Share Data)

 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
 As Reported Amortization of Acquired Intangibles  Restructuring Charges Net Losses on Sales of  Businesses1 Adjusted    Results    (Non-GAAP)
Operating Income and Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges2            $875.8              $(63.1)                 $0.7                $938.2
Total (Expenses) and Other Income3              (91.7)                 $(20.4)               (71.3)
Income Before Income Taxes              784.1                (63.1)                   0.7                (20.4)               866.9
Provision for Income Taxes              135.9                  12.7                  (0.3)                   4.0                152.3
Equity in Net Loss of Unconsolidated Affiliates                (1.7)                       (1.7)
Net Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests              (11.3)                     (11.3)
Net Income Available to IPG Common Stockholders            $635.2              $(50.4)                 $0.4              $(16.4)             $701.6
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Basic              385.0                      385.0
Dilutive effect of stock options and restricted shares                  1.8                          1.8
Weighted-Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding - Diluted              386.8                      386.8
Earnings per Share Available to IPG Common Stockholders4,5:         
  Basic              $1.65              $(0.13)               $0.00              $(0.04)               $1.82
  Diluted              $1.64              $(0.13)               $0.00              $(0.04)               $1.81
1 Primarily relates to losses on complete dispositions of businesses and the classification of certain assets as held for sale, as well as a loss related to the sale of an equity investment.
2 Refer to non-GAAP reconciliation of Adjusted EBITA before Restructuring Charges on page A5 in the appendix.
3 Consists of non-operating expenses including interest expense, interest income and other expense, net.
4 Earnings per share amounts are calculated on an unrounded basis but rounded for purposes of presentation.
5 Basic and diluted earnings per share, both As Reported and Adjusted Results (Non-GAAP), includes a positive impact of $0.17 related to the settlement of U.S. Federal Income Tax Audits for the years 2017-2018.
Note: Management believes the resulting comparisons provide useful supplemental data that, while not a substitute for GAAP measures, allow for greater transparency in the review of our financial and operational performance.



What was Interpublic's total revenue for Q3 2024?

Interpublic's total revenue for Q3 2024 was $2.63 billion.

How did Interpublic's net revenue perform in Q3 2024?

Interpublic's net revenue in Q3 2024 was $2.24 billion, unchanged organically from Q3 2023.

What was the non-cash goodwill impairment expense reported by Interpublic in Q3 2024?

Interpublic reported a non-cash goodwill impairment expense of $232.1 million in Q3 2024.

What was Interpublic's adjusted EBITA for Q3 2024?

Interpublic's adjusted EBITA for Q3 2024 was $385.8 million.

What was Interpublic's diluted earnings per share for Q3 2024?

Interpublic's diluted earnings per share for Q3 2024 were $0.05 as reported and $0.70 adjusted.

What is Interpublic's organic revenue growth target for 2024?

Interpublic aims for approximately 1% organic revenue growth for 2024.

The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.


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