Global Report from Jack Morton Reveals Consumers Increasingly Agree to Exchange Their Personal Data for Better Brand Experiences Over Cash

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Jack Morton, a global brand experience agency, has released new research exploring consumer attitudes towards data privacy and brand trust in the AI era. The study, Experience Better/Insights, surveyed 5,000 consumers across five countries in Q2 2024. Key findings include:

1. Data privacy concerns are weakening, with 52% of US consumers insisting on keeping data private post-ChatGPT, down from 61% previously.

2. 48% of consumers would share data for a better, more personalized brand experience, compared to 30% who would exchange it for cash or goods.

3. 63% of consumers expect AI-driven brand experiences to be more engaging, with 59% anticipating increased personalization.

The research highlights a significant opportunity for brands to offer clear value propositions in exchange for consumer data, emphasizing the need for transparency and alignment with consumer values.

Jack Morton, un'agenzia globale di esperienze di marca, ha pubblicato una nuova ricerca che esplora le attitudini dei consumatori riguardo alla privacy dei dati e la fiducia nei marchi nell'era dell'IA. Lo studio, Experience Better/Insights, ha intervistato 5.000 consumatori in cinque paesi nel secondo trimestre del 2024. I principali risultati includono:

1. Le preoccupazioni per la privacy dei dati stanno diminuendo, con il 52% dei consumatori statunitensi che insiste nel mantenere i dati privati dopo il lancio di ChatGPT, rispetto al 61% precedente.

2. Il 48% dei consumatori sarebbe disposto a condividere i propri dati per un'esperienza di marca migliore e più personalizzata, rispetto al 30% che lo farebbe in cambio di denaro o beni.

3. Il 63% dei consumatori si aspetta che le esperienze di marca alimentate dall'IA siano più coinvolgenti, con il 59% che prevede un aumento della personalizzazione.

La ricerca evidenzia un'opportunità significativa per i marchi di offrire chiare proposte di valore in cambio dei dati dei consumatori, enfatizzando la necessità di trasparenza e allineamento con i valori dei consumatori.

Jack Morton, una agencia global de experiencia de marca, ha publicado una nueva investigación que explora las actitudes de los consumidores hacia la privacidad de los datos y la confianza en las marcas en la era de la IA. El estudio, Experience Better/Insights, encuestó a 5,000 consumidores en cinco países durante el segundo trimestre de 2024. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Las preocupaciones sobre la privacidad de los datos están disminuyendo, con un 52% de los consumidores estadounidenses insistiendo en mantener sus datos privados después de ChatGPT, frente al 61% anterior.

2. El 48% de los consumidores compartiría datos a cambio de una experiencia de marca mejor y más personalizada, en comparación con el 30% que lo haría a cambio de dinero o bienes.

3. El 63% de los consumidores espera que las experiencias de marca impulsadas por IA sean más atractivas, con el 59% anticipando una mayor personalización.

La investigación destaca una oportunidad significativa para que las marcas ofrezcan propuestas de valor claras a cambio de los datos de los consumidores, enfatizando la necesidad de transparencia y alineación con los valores de los consumidores.

Jack Morton, 글로벌 브랜드 경험 에이전시,는 AI 시대에 소비자의 데이터 프라이버시 및 브랜드 신뢰도에 대한 태도를 탐구하는 새로운 연구를 발표했습니다. 이 연구 Experience Better/Insights는 2024년 2분기에 다섯 개국에서 5,000명의 소비자를 대상으로 진행되었습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 데이터 프라이버시 우려가 약화되고 있으며, ChatGPT 이전의 61%에서 52%의 미국 소비자들이 개인 정보를 유지하겠다고 주장하고 있습니다.

2. 48%의 소비자가 더 나은 맞춤형 브랜드 경험을 위해 데이터를 공유할 의사가 있으며, 현금이나 상품과 교환하기 위해 데이터를 공유할 의사가 있는 소비자는 30%입니다.

3. 63%의 소비자는 AI 기반 브랜드 경험이 더욱 매력적일 것으로 기대하며, 59%는 개인화의 증가를 예상하고 있습니다.

이 연구는 브랜드가 소비자 데이터를 대가로 명확한 가치 제안을 제공할 수 있는 중요한 기회를 강조하며, 소비자의 가치에 대한 투명성과 일치가 필요함을 강조합니다.

Jack Morton, une agence mondiale d'expérience de marque, a publié une nouvelle recherche explorant les attitudes des consommateurs envers la confidentialité des données et la confiance envers les marques à l'ère de l'IA. L'étude, Experience Better/Insights, a interrogé 5 000 consommateurs dans cinq pays au deuxième trimestre 2024. Les principales conclusions incluent :

1. Les préoccupations concernant la confidentialité des données s’affaiblissent, avec 52 % des consommateurs américains insistant pour maintenir leurs données privées après ChatGPT, contre 61 % auparavant.

2. 48 % des consommateurs seraient prêts à partager des données pour une expérience de marque meilleure et plus personnalisée, par rapport à 30 % qui le feraient en échange d'argent ou de biens.

3. 63 % des consommateurs s'attendent à ce que les expériences de marque alimentées par l'IA soient plus engageantes, avec 59 % anticipant une personnalisation accrue.

La recherche souligne une opportunité significative pour les marques d'offrir des propositions de valeur claires en échange des données des consommateurs, en mettant l'accent sur la nécessité de transparence et d'alignement avec les valeurs des consommateurs.

Jack Morton, eine globale Marken-Erlebnisagentur, hat eine neue Forschung veröffentlicht, die die Einstellungen der Verbraucher zur Datensicherheit und zum Vertrauen in Marken im KI-Zeitalter untersucht. Die Studie, Experience Better/Insights, befragte im zweiten Quartal 2024 5.000 Verbraucher in fünf Ländern. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

1. Die Bedenken hinsichtlich der Datensicherheit schwinden, wobei 52 % der US-Verbraucher nach ChatGPT darauf bestehen, ihre Daten privat zu halten, im Vergleich zu zuvor 61 %.

2. 48 % der Verbraucher wären bereit, Daten für ein besseres, personalisierteres Markenerlebnis zu teilen, im Vergleich zu 30 %, die es gegen Bargeld oder Waren eintauschen würden.

3. 63 % der Verbraucher erwarten, dass KI-gesteuerte Markenerlebnisse ansprechender sein werden, wobei 59 % eine höhere Personalisierung erwarten.

Die Forschung hebt eine bedeutende Gelegenheit für Marken hervor, klare Wertangebote im Austausch für Verbraucherdaten zu schaffen, und betont die Notwendigkeit von Transparenz und Übereinstimmung mit den Werten der Verbraucher.

  • 48% of consumers are willing to share data for better brand experiences, indicating potential for increased customer engagement
  • 63% of consumers expect AI-driven brand experiences to be more engaging, suggesting opportunities for improved customer satisfaction
  • Decreasing data privacy concerns (52% post-ChatGPT vs 61% previously) may lead to increased data availability for personalization
  • 52% of US consumers still insist on keeping their data private, potentially limiting data collection efforts
  • Significant regional variations in willingness to share data (e.g., 71% in KSA vs 19% in UK) may complicate global marketing strategies


This research provides valuable insights into changing consumer attitudes towards data privacy and brand experiences in the AI era. The willingness of 48% of consumers to share data for better brand experiences, compared to only 30% for cash or goods, signals a significant shift in consumer priorities. This trend is particularly pronounced in the UAE and KSA (70% and 71% respectively), indicating regional variations that brands must consider.

The research also highlights generational differences, with younger consumers more open to data sharing. This presents opportunities for brands to tailor their data collection and experience strategies based on demographic segments. The high expectations for AI-driven experiences (63% expect more engaging experiences) suggest that brands investing in AI-powered personalization could gain a competitive edge.

For IPG, as a global marketing services company, this research is crucial. It provides a roadmap for developing more effective, personalized marketing strategies for clients across different regions and demographics. The insights could drive innovation in IPG's service offerings, potentially leading to increased client satisfaction and market share in the evolving digital marketing landscape.

Brands That Prioritize Deep Consumer Engagement Will Build Lasting Loyalty and Stronger Relationships

BOSTON, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jack Morton, a leading global brand experience agency, today announced new research that explores consumers' shifting attitudes toward data privacy and brand trust in an era where AI offers the opportunity for personalization at scale. Experience Better/Insights highlights the evolving landscape of consumer data privacy and brand trust in a post-ChatGPT world. According to the study, more consumers would exchange their data for an AI-driven brand experience than would exchange it for cash or other goods and services.

While only 30% of consumers said they would exchange their data for cash and goods, almost half (48%) would share it for a better brand experience. The agency surveyed 5,000 consumers across the US, UK, UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Singapore in Q2 2024. The report examined consumer behavior using the introduction of ChatGPT as a pivotal moment.

Key findings include:

  • Data privacy concerns persist but are weakening. Despite the rise of AI, consumers remain cautious about sharing their data. While more than 61% of US consumers previously insisted on keeping their data private1, this number has dropped to 52% post-ChatGPT. Older consumers (50+) are particularly keen to maintain data privacy (76%) compared to younger (18-29) consumers (42%).

  • Willingness to share data for value. Consumers (30%) are increasingly interested in exchanging personal data for tangible benefits (cash or goods and services). Younger consumers (18-29) are most willing (38%) older individuals are l least (9%). That number jumps to 48% overall when the exchange is for a better a more personalized brand experience.

  • Across the globe, the data varies, but the story is the same. In the Middle East, 70% of people in the UAE and 71% in KSA are willing to trade their data for a better brand experience. In Singapore, the number dips to 56% and in the US and UK, people are more skeptical. Only 23% in the US and 19% in the UK would be interested. The results highlight a critical opportunity for brands to offer clear value propositions in exchange for data.

  • The expectation of AI on brand experiences. More than half (63%) of consumers expect AI-driven brand experiences to be more engaging, personalized (59%), relevant (57%), and environmentally friendly (57%). The ability of AI to deliver a 1:1 experience at scale is a significant draw for consumers willing to share their data.

"We're in the thick of the AI era, and the arrival of tools like ChatGPT mark a major shift in brand-consumer relationships. The opportunity for scalable personalized experiences is clear, but brands must be very clear about the value consumers receive in exchange for their data," said Joe Panepinto, PhD, SVP, Executive Strategy Director, and Global Head of Learning and Engagement at Jack Morton.

"It's an exciting time for brand experience. The potential to disrupt, challenge, and reimagine has never been more vibrant. Brands should not hesitate to leverage AI to transform how people interact with brand stories, products, and services in new places, spaces, channels, and platforms. But with innovation comes evolution, and brands need to embrace complete transparency and ensure they deliver not only valuable and relevant experiences but ones that resonate with consumer values, such as being good for the planet," commented Damian Ferrar, EVP, Global Innovation Director.

The Experience Better/Insights report is divided into two parts:

  • Part 1 examines data privacy and consumer willingness to share personal data for better experiences.
  • Part 2 explores the evolution of brand trust and consumer expectations regarding brand behavior. It will be released in the Fall of 2024.

The research was conducted by Jack Morton with support from YouGov and RepData during April and May 2024. Consumers were asked questions about sharing personal data, the expectations for AI and experiences and feelings about how brands behave.

To access the full Experience Better Insights report and gain deeper understanding into consumer attitudes toward data privacy and brand trust, visit our website to download.

About Jack Morton
Jack Morton is an award-winning global brand experience agency. We partner with the world's most powerful companies to build stronger relationships between brands and the people who matter most to them. Driven by our mission to "Be extraordinary," we inspire the world to experience better. We do this through integrated marketing campaigns with experience at the core. Our specialized practice brands include Jack HealthViviJack 39Jack X, and Genuine. Our work and agency culture has won some of the world's most prestigious industry awards, including AdWeek's Experiential Agency of the Year, Cannes Lions, Effies, D&AD pencils, Clios, Emmys, EX Awards, and Campaign's Experience Awards, as well as Global Agency of the Year and Best Places to Work. Founded in 1939, Jack Morton is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies (NYSE: IPG). Visit us at or follow us on LinkedInInstagram and YouTube

1 Jack Morton in conjunction with the Project Liberty Experience, 2022

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SOURCE Jack Morton Worldwide


What percentage of consumers would exchange their data for a better brand experience according to Jack Morton's research?

According to Jack Morton's research, 48% of consumers would share their data for a better, more personalized brand experience.

How have consumer attitudes towards data privacy changed since the introduction of ChatGPT?

The research shows that data privacy concerns have weakened since the introduction of ChatGPT. The percentage of US consumers insisting on keeping their data private has dropped from 61% to 52%.

What percentage of consumers expect AI-driven brand experiences to be more engaging?

The study reveals that 63% of consumers expect AI-driven brand experiences to be more engaging.

How does willingness to share data for better brand experiences vary across different countries?

The willingness to share data for better brand experiences varies significantly across countries. For example, 71% in KSA and 70% in UAE are willing, compared to only 23% in the US and 19% in the UK.

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