ImmunoPrecise Subsidiary Signs Material Transfer Agreement with Biotheus

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ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) and Biotheus have entered into a Material Transfer and Evaluation Agreement (MTEA) for the development of a bispecific therapy against solid tumors. Biotheus will evaluate Talem Therapeutics' AI-enhanced TATX-20 lead candidate for potential use in creating novel bispecific antibodies to treat hypoxic solid tumors.

The collaboration aims to combine IPA's AI-driven antibody discovery expertise with Biotheus' bispecific engineering capabilities. If successful, Biotheus plans to further develop the bispecific molecules, targeting the creation of a clinically successful product for treating hypoxic solid tumors resistant to current therapies.

This strategic partnership could accelerate the development of innovative cancer treatments and potentially lead to breakthrough clinical outcomes, bringing value to both companies and patients in need of advanced treatment options.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) e Biotheus hanno stipulato un Accordo di Trasferimento e Valutazione Materiale (MTEA) per lo sviluppo di una terapia bispecifica contro i tumori solidi. Biotheus valuterà il candidato principale TATX-20 di Talem Therapeutics potenziato dall'IA per un possibile utilizzo nella creazione di nuovi anticorpi bispecifici per trattare i tumori solidi ipossici.

La collaborazione mira a combinare l'expertise di IPA nella scoperta di anticorpi guidata dall'IA con le capacità di ingegneria bispecifica di Biotheus. Se avrà successo, Biotheus prevede di sviluppare ulteriormente le molecole bispecifiche, puntando alla creazione di un prodotto clinicamente efficace per il trattamento dei tumori solidi ipossici resistenti alle attuali terapie.

Questa partnership strategica potrebbe accelerare lo sviluppo di trattamenti innovativi per il cancro e potenzialmente portare a risultati clinici dirompenti, portando valore a entrambe le aziende e ai pazienti che necessitano di opzioni di trattamento avanzate.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) y Biotheus han firmado un Acuerdo de Transferencia y Evaluación de Materiales (MTEA) para el desarrollo de una terapia bispecífica contra tumores sólidos. Biotheus evaluará el candidato principal TATX-20 de Talem Therapeutics mejorado con IA para su posible uso en la creación de nuevos anticuerpos bispecíficos para tratar tumores sólidos hipóxicos.

La colaboración busca combinar la experiencia de IPA en el descubrimiento de anticuerpos impulsado por IA con las capacidades de ingeniería bispecífica de Biotheus. Si tiene éxito, Biotheus planea desarrollar aún más las moléculas bispecíficas, con el objetivo de crear un producto clínicamente exitoso para tratar tumores sólidos hipóxicos resistentes a las terapias actuales.

Esta asociación estratégica podría acelerar el desarrollo de tratamientos innovadores para el cáncer y posiblemente conducir a resultados clínicos innovadores, aportando valor a ambas empresas y a los pacientes que necesitan opciones de tratamiento avanzadas.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA)와 Biotheus는 고형 종양에 대한 이중 특이성 치료제 개발을 위해 물질 이전 및 평가 계약(MTEA)을 체결했습니다. Biotheus는 Talem Therapeutics의 AI 향상 TATX-20 주요 후보를 평가할 것입니다 고식적 고형 종양 치료를 위한 새로운 이중 특이성 항체 제작 가능성을 위해서입니다.

이 협력은 IPA의 AI 기반 항체 발견 전문성과 Biotheus의 이중 특이성 엔지니어링 능력을 결합하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 성공할 경우, Biotheus는 현재 치료에 저항성인 저산소 고형 종양 치료를 위한 임상적으로 성공적인 제품을 만들기 위해 이중 특이적 분자를 더 개발할 계획입니다.

이 전략적 파트너십은 혁신적인 암 치료 개발을 가속화하고 잠재적으로 획기적인 임상 성과로 이어져, 양쪽 회사와 고급 치료 옵션이 필요한 환자들에게 가치를 가져다줄 수 있습니다.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) et Biotheus ont conjointement signé un Accord de Transfert et d'Évaluation de Matériaux (MTEA) pour le développement d'une thérapie bispécifique contre les tumeurs solides. Biotheus évaluera le candidat principal TATX-20 de Talem Therapeutics, renforcé par l'IA pour un usage potentiel dans la création de nouveaux anticorps bispécifiques afin de traiter les tumeurs solides hypoxiques.

Cette collaboration vise à combiner l'expertise d'IPA dans la découverte d'anticorps alimentée par l'IA avec les capacités d'ingénierie bispécifique de Biotheus. En cas de succès, Biotheus prévoit de développer encore plus les molécules bispécifiques, visant à créer un produit cliniquement efficace pour traiter les tumeurs solides hypoxiques résistantes aux traitements actuels.

Ce partenariat stratégique pourrait accélérer le développement de traitements innovants contre le cancer et potentiellement conduire à des résultats cliniques révolutionnaires, apportant de la valeur aux deux entreprises et aux patients ayant besoin d'options de traitement avancées.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) und Biotheus haben eine Materialtransfer- und Evaluierungsvereinbarung (MTEA) zur Entwicklung einer bispezifischen Therapie gegen solide Tumoren unterzeichnet. Biotheus wird den KI-verbesserten Hauptkandidaten TATX-20 von Talem Therapeutics bewerten für mögliche Verwendung zur Schaffung neuartiger bispezifischer Antikörper zur Behandlung von hypoxischen soliden Tumoren.

Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, IPAs KI-gesteuerte Antikörperentdeckungsexpertise mit Biotheus‘ bispezifischer Ingenieurfähigkeiten zu kombinieren. Bei Erfolg plant Biotheus, die bispezifischen Moleküle weiterzuentwickeln, mit dem Ziel, ein klinisch erfolgreiches Produkt zur Behandlung hypoxischer solider Tumoren, die gegen aktuelle Therapien resistent sind, zu schaffen.

Diese strategische Partnerschaft könnte die Entwicklung innovativer Krebsbehandlungen beschleunigen und potenziell zu bahnbrechenden klinischen Ergebnissen führen, was Wert sowohl für die Unternehmen als auch für Patienten schaffen würde, die fortschrittliche Behandlungsoptionen benötigen.

  • Potential for developing innovative bispecific antibodies for treating hypoxic solid tumors
  • Strategic partnership leveraging IPA's AI-driven antibody discovery and Biotheus' bispecific engineering expertise
  • Opportunity to accelerate the development of targeted cancer therapies
  • Possible creation of a clinically successful product for resistant solid tumors
  • Success of the collaboration depends on positive evaluation results
  • No immediate financial impact disclosed from the agreement


This MTEA between ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (IPA) and Biotheus is a significant development in the field of cancer therapeutics. The collaboration leverages IPA's AI-enhanced antibody discovery platform and Biotheus' expertise in bispecific antibody engineering. The focus on developing bispecific antibodies targeting hypoxic solid tumors addresses a critical unmet need in oncology.

Key points to consider:

  • The agreement involves Talem's AI-enhanced TATX-20 lead candidate, showcasing the potential of AI in drug discovery.
  • Targeting hypoxic solid tumors could lead to more effective treatments for difficult-to-treat cancers.
  • This collaboration may accelerate the development timeline for novel cancer therapies.
  • If successful, this partnership could result in first-in-class bispecific antibodies, potentially leading to significant market opportunities.

While it's too early to predict clinical or commercial success, this agreement demonstrates IPA's ability to monetize its AI-driven platforms and expand its pipeline through strategic partnerships. For investors, this collaboration highlights IPA's innovative approach and could enhance its long-term growth prospects in the competitive biotech landscape.

The collaboration between ImmunoPrecise Antibodies and Biotheus represents a promising approach in oncology research, particularly for solid tumors. The focus on bispecific antibodies targeting hypoxic environments is noteworthy, as tumor hypoxia is a significant challenge in cancer treatment, often associated with resistance to conventional therapies and poor prognosis.

Key aspects to consider:

  • Bispecific antibodies can potentially enhance tumor targeting and immune system engagement compared to traditional monoclonal antibodies.
  • Addressing tumor hypoxia could improve treatment efficacy for a wide range of solid tumors.
  • The combination of AI-driven antibody discovery (from IPA) with Biotheus' development expertise may accelerate the path to clinical trials.

While the potential is significant, it's important to note that many promising preclinical candidates fail in later stages. The success of this collaboration will depend on the performance of the TATX-20 lead candidate in Biotheus' evaluation and subsequent development stages. Investors should monitor for updates on preclinical results and any progression towards clinical trials.

Talem Therapeutics' Antibody Asset to be Evaluated for Bispecific Development Against Solid Tumors

VICTORIA, British Columbia & ZHUHAI, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd. (the “Company” or “IPA”) (NASDAQ: IPA), an AI-driven biotherapeutic research and technology company, and Biotheus Inc. (Biotheus), a clinical-stage biotech company dedicated to the discovery and development of biologics for oncology and inflammatory diseases, jointly announce that the two parties have entered into a Material Transfer and Evaluation Agreement (MTEA) pertaining to a Talem therapeutic antibody asset for the development of a bispecific therapy against solid tumors. Under this MTEA, Biotheus will obtain the rights to further evaluate the suitability of Talem’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enhanced TATX-20 lead candidate for the development of novel bispecific antibodies for the treatment of hypoxic solid tumors.

Under this agreement, Biotheus will receive a specialized antibody asset from Talem Therapeutics, a subsidiary of ImmunoPrecise Antibodies. Biotheus plans to use this asset in conjunction with its own proprietary technology and binders to develop a new class of cancer-fighting drugs. These innovative therapeutics, known as bispecific antibodies, are designed to simultaneously target two different targets on tumors, specifically those found in oxygen-deprived environments. This approach could potentially lead to breakthrough therapies that address the complex challenges of treating cancer, particularly in difficult-to-target tumor environments. The ultimate goal is to identify the most promising molecule for advancement into clinical trials, potentially accelerating the development of novel cancer treatments.

"We are happy to enter into a collaboration with ImmunoPrecise Antibodies, a leading AI-driven biotech with powerful multi-omics modelling expertise." stated Xiaolin Liu, Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Biotheus. “Biotheus' broad expertise in antibody discovery and development is powered by our fully integrated capabilities. By virtue of the AI-informed molecules spawned by ImmunoPrecise's platform, we aim to develop novel bispecific antibodies with first-in-class potential and bring forth breakthrough therapies to cancer patients in the world."

Dr. Jennifer Bath, CEO of ImmunoPrecise Antibodies, stated: "We're excited to transfer our AI-enhanced therapeutic antibody asset to Biotheus for bispecific molecule development. This strategic move leverages our cutting-edge technology in antibody discovery and Biotheus' expertise in bispecific engineering. Our collaboration aims to accelerate the creation of innovative cancer treatments, potentially leading to groundbreaking clinical outcomes. This agreement not only demonstrates the value of our AI-enhanced assets but also sets the stage for a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership that could transform the landscape of cancer therapeutics. We anticipate this collaboration will drive significant value for both companies and, most importantly, for patients in need of advanced treatment options."

The transfer of this therapeutic asset to Biotheus aims to accelerate the development of targeted therapies that could potentially improve outcomes for patients with solid tumors. Following the transfer, Biotheus will evaluate the TATX-20 lead candidate. If the evaluation proves successful, Biotheus intends to further develop the bispecific molecules, with the objective of creating a clinically successful product that addresses the challenges associated with treating hypoxic solid tumors resistant to current therapies.

About Biotheus

Biotheus Inc. is a leading biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Zhuhai, China, dedicated to discovering and developing innovative therapies for oncology and immunology diseases. Biotheus is focused on creating cutting-edge bispecific antibodies and other biologics to target challenging tumor types and improve patient outcomes. Since its inception, Biotheus has established several innovative platforms for antibody discovery. With an experienced development team, Biotheus has built a robust pipeline of ten programs at various stages of clinical development. For more information, visit

About Talem Therapeutics LLC

Talem Therapeutics LLC, a subsidiary of ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd., specializes in the discovery and development of AI-driven, next-generation antibodies with the primary goal of out-licensing them to pharmaceutical partners. Talem focuses on creating innovative therapeutic biologics up to the preclinical stage, leveraging advanced platforms to accelerate antibody development for oncology and other therapeutic areas. The company aims to streamline the path to the clinic for its partners by providing high-quality antibody assets ready for further development and clinical testing. For more information, visit

About ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd.

ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd. is a biotechnology company that leverages multi-omics modeling and complex artificial intelligence through a series proprietary and patented technologies. The Company owns an integrated end-to-end suite of capabilities to support the development of therapeutic antibodies and are known for solving very complex industry challenges. IPA has several subsidiaries in North America and Europe including entities such as Talem Therapeutics LLC, BioStrand BV, ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (Canada) Ltd. and ImmunoPrecise Antibodies (Europe) B.V. (collectively, the “IPA Family”).

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable United States securities laws and Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of words such as “expects” “estimates”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward–looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding bispecific molecule development and the development of a bispecific therapy against solid tumors. Although the Company believes that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement, we caution you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors currently known by us and our expectations of the future, about which we cannot be certain. Our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect due to factors largely outside our control, including risks and uncertainties related to market and other conditions and the impact of general economic, industry or political conditions in the United States, Canada or internationally. You should also consult our quarterly and annual filings with the Canadian and U.S. securities commissions for additional information on risks and uncertainties. These forward–looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statements for any reason, even if new information becomes available in the future.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements stated herein to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks, as discussed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended April 30, 2024 (which may be viewed on the Company’s SEDAR+ profile at and EDGAR profile at Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results, performance, or achievements may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this news release. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this news release. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this release and, accordingly, are subject to change after such date. The Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time by us or on our behalf, except as required by applicable law.

Investor Relations Contact

Kirsten Beduya

Quantum Media Group, LLC

Source: ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd.


What is the purpose of the Material Transfer Agreement between ImmunoPrecise Antibodies and Biotheus?

The agreement allows Biotheus to evaluate IPA's AI-enhanced TATX-20 lead candidate for developing bispecific antibodies to treat hypoxic solid tumors.

How does the collaboration between IPA (NASDAQ: IPA) and Biotheus aim to advance cancer treatment?

The collaboration combines IPA's AI-driven antibody discovery with Biotheus' bispecific engineering to potentially create innovative therapies for treating resistant solid tumors.

What is the potential outcome of the IPA (NASDAQ: IPA) and Biotheus partnership?

If successful, the partnership could lead to the development of a clinically successful product for treating hypoxic solid tumors that are resistant to current therapies.

What role does artificial intelligence play in ImmunoPrecise Antibodies' (NASDAQ: IPA) contribution to this agreement?

IPA's AI-enhanced TATX-20 lead candidate, developed through their AI-driven platform, is being transferred to Biotheus for evaluation and potential bispecific molecule development.



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