What Is the Lifecycle of a Box?
International Paper details the circular lifecycle of containerboard boxes, starting from forest harvesting to final recycling. The process begins with renewable fiber transported to paper mills, where it's converted to pulp. The company highlights that 70% of their mill energy comes from carbon-neutral biomass residuals, a manufacturing byproduct.
The lifecycle continues through converting processes where containerboard is transformed into custom boxes. Nearly all trimmings and scrap paper from box plants are recovered and recycled. After customer use, materials are collected through recycling networks and returned to mills, completing the circular process.
As part of their Vision 2030 goals, IP focuses on minimizing fossil fuel use, improving energy efficiency, and expanding renewable energy usage. While wood fiber has a finite recycling life before becoming too brittle, these 'lost' fibers are repurposed as biomass-based fuel for mill operations.
International Paper descrive il ciclo di vita circolare delle scatole in cartone ondulato, partendo dalla raccolta del legname fino al riciclo finale. Il processo inizia con la fibra rinnovabile trasportata agli stabilimenti cartotecnici, dove viene trasformata in pasta. L'azienda sottolinea che il 70% dell'energia dei loro stabilimenti proviene da residui di biomassa carbon-neutral, un sottoprodotto della produzione.
Il ciclo di vita continua attraverso processi di trasformazione in cui il cartone ondulato viene convertito in scatole personalizzate. Quasi tutti i ritagli e la carta di scarto degli impianti di produzione di scatole vengono recuperati e riciclati. Dopo l'uso da parte dei clienti, i materiali vengono raccolti attraverso reti di riciclo e restituiti agli stabilimenti, completando così il processo circolare.
Come parte dei loro obiettivi Vision 2030, IP si concentra sulla riduzione dell'uso di combustibili fossili, migliorando l'efficienza energetica e ampliando l'uso di energie rinnovabili. Anche se la fibra di legno ha una vita di riciclo finita prima di diventare troppo fragile, queste fibre 'perdute' vengono riutilizzate come combustibile a base di biomassa per le operazioni degli stabilimenti.
International Paper detalla el ciclo de vida circular de las cajas de cartón, comenzando desde la recolección forestal hasta el reciclaje final. El proceso comienza con la fibra renovable transportada a las fábricas de papel, donde se convierte en pulpa. La compañía destaca que el 70% de la energía de sus fábricas proviene de residuos de biomasa carbononeutral, un subproducto de la fabricación.
El ciclo de vida continúa a través de procesos de conversión en los que el cartón se transforma en cajas personalizadas. Casi todos los recortes y papel de desecho de las plantas de cajas son recuperados y reciclados. Después de su uso por parte de los clientes, los materiales son recolectados a través de redes de reciclaje y devueltos a las fábricas, completando así el proceso circular.
Como parte de sus objetivos Vision 2030, IP se enfoca en minimizar el uso de combustibles fósiles, mejorar la eficiencia energética y expandir el uso de energía renovable. Aunque la fibra de madera tiene una vida útil de reciclaje finita antes de volverse demasiado quebradiza, estas fibras 'perdidas' se reutilizan como combustible basado en biomasa para las operaciones de la fábrica.
International Paper는 산림 수확부터 최종 재활용까지의 골판지 상자의 순환 생애 주기를 설명합니다. 이 과정은 재생 가능 섬유가 제지 공장으로 운반되어 펄프로 변환되는 것으로 시작됩니다. 회사는 제지 공장의 에너지 70%가 탄소 중립 바이오매스 잔여물에서 나온다고 강조합니다. 이는 제조의 부산물입니다.
생애 주기는 골판지의 맞춤형 상자로 변환되는 과정에서 계속됩니다. 상자 공장에서 나오는 거의 모든 잘린 부분과 스크랩 종이는 회수되어 재활용됩니다. 고객 사용 후, 자재는 재활용 네트워크를 통해 수집되어 공장으로 되돌려져 순환 과정을 완료합니다.
Vision 2030 목표의 일환으로 IP는 화석 연료 사용을 최소화하고 에너지 효율성을 향상시키며 재생 에너지 사용을 확대하는 데 집중합니다. 나무 섬유는 너무 부서지기 전에 재활용될 수 있는 한계가 있지만, 이러한 '잃어버린' 섬유는 공장 운영을 위한 바이오매스 기반 연료로 재활용됩니다.
International Paper détaille le cycle de vie circulaire des boîtes en carton ondulé, depuis la récolte des forêts jusqu'au recyclage final. Le processus commence par des fibres renouvelables transportées vers des papeteries, où elles sont converties en pâte. L'entreprise souligne que 70 % de l'énergie de ses usines provient de résidus de biomasse carboneutres, un sous-produit de la fabrication.
Le cycle de vie se poursuit à travers des processus de transformation où le carton ondulé est transformé en boîtes sur mesure. Pratiquement tous les chutes et papiers de rebut des usines de boîtes sont récupérés et recyclés. Après utilisation par les clients, les matériaux sont collectés via des réseaux de recyclage et renvoyés aux usines, complétant ainsi le processus circulaire.
Dans le cadre de ses objectifs Vision 2030, IP met l'accent sur la minimisation de l'utilisation des combustibles fossiles, l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique et l'expansion de l'utilisation des énergies renouvelables. Bien que les fibres de bois aient une durée de vie de recyclage finie avant de devenir trop cassantes, ces fibres 'perdues' sont réutilisées comme combustible à base de biomasse pour les opérations des usines.
International Paper beschreibt den zirkulären Lebenszyklus von Wellpappenboxen, beginnend mit der Holzernte bis hin zum endgültigen Recycling. Der Prozess beginnt mit nachwachsenden Fasern, die zu Papierfabriken transportiert werden, wo sie zu Zellstoff verarbeitet werden. Das Unternehmen hebt hervor, dass 70% ihrer Energie in den Fabriken aus kohlenstoffneutralen Biomasse-Reststoffen stammt, einem Nebenprodukt der Herstellung.
Der Lebenszyklus setzt sich durch Umwandlungsprozesse fort, bei denen Wellpappe in maßgefertigte Boxen umgewandelt wird. Nahezu alle Reste und Altpapier aus den Boxenfabriken werden wiederverwertet. Nach der Benutzung durch die Kunden werden die Materialien über Recycling-Netzwerke gesammelt und an die Fabriken zurückgegeben, wobei der zirkuläre Prozess abgeschlossen wird.
Im Rahmen ihrer Vision 2030 Ziele konzentriert sich IP darauf, den Einsatz fossiler Brennstoffe zu minimieren, die Energieeffizienz zu verbessern und die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien auszubauen. Während Holzfasern eine begrenzte Recycling-Lebensdauer haben, bevor sie zu spröde werden, werden diese 'verlorenen' Fasern als biobasierter Brennstoff für die Betriebsabläufe der Fabrik umfunktioniert.
- 70% of mill energy derived from carbon-neutral biomass residuals
- Efficient recycling system with nearly all box plant trimmings recovered
- Operational cost reduction through biomass fuel usage and closed-loop manufacturing
- High capital costs required for mill and box plant equipment updates
- lifecycle of wood fiber recycling due to fiber degradation
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 4, 2024 / International Paper Company
Originally published in International Paper's *Thinking Inside the Box* white paper
Rethinking economic production as a continuous cycle of use and renewal has become a subject of great interest for businesses committed to a sustainable future. Likewise, economic benefits are gained from reduced fuel and raw material costs, and a closed-loop manufacturing process that minimizes energy waste.
For the containerboard box, circularity begins in the forest. From the forest, renewable fiber is transported to a paper mill, where it is converted to pulp in a process that yields cooking "liquors" as well as biomass that can be reintroduced into the process as fuel, considered carbon neutral biomass energy.
Paper mills are the catalyst in the circular lifecycle of a box: these facilities realize incredible energy savings through efficient biomass cycles and effective water treatment. Due in part to the high capital cost of updating mill and box plant equipment, the paper and packaging industry has a broad range of technology and energy efficiency in facilities. International Paper is committed to demonstrating strong leadership in manufacturing excellence, emissions reduction and process improvements. As part of IP's Vision 2030 goals, the company is focusing its efforts on projects that minimize fossil fuel use, improve energy efficiency and expand the use of renewable energy. As a result,
International Paper implements circular principles and practices throughout its value chain to ensure that its products are responsibly sourced, recovered and recycled into new boxes. While wood fiber cannot be used indefinitely, it can be used many times before the fibers are too brittle and short and considered "lost". These "lost" fibers, and other manufacturing byproducts, are captured and used for biomass-based fuel to power the mill.
After pulp is transformed into containerboard, it enters the converting process, where rolls of containerboard are cut, shaped and printed to fit customer specifications at box plants. Nearly all trimmings and scrap paper at box plants are recovered and returned to the paper mill to be recycled into new containerboard. After customer use, a robust network of recycling collectors, including IP's own recycling business, transports recovered materials to a recycling facility, then to paper mills, where the fiber is broken down and reintroduced, beginning the circular process again.
Download International Paper's white paper to learn more.
About International Paper
International Paper (NYSE:IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were
About International Paper - EMEA
In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.
Contact Info:
Spokesperson: International Paper Company
Website: https://www.3blmedia.com/profiles/international-paper-company
Email: info@3blmedia.com
SOURCE: International Paper Company
View the original press release on accesswire.com
How does International Paper (IP) achieve energy efficiency in its mills?
What percentage of International Paper's (IP) mill energy comes from biomass residuals?