Sustainability Oversight: Guiding International Paper’s ESG Commitments

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International Paper has established a comprehensive ESG governance structure to oversee and guide its sustainability commitments. The Board of Directors, through specialized committees, oversees various aspects of ESG strategy and performance. Key committees include:

- Public Policy and Environment Committee (PPE): Oversees environmental topics, public policy, legal, and health and safety issues.
- Audit and Finance Committee (A&F): Reviews processes for external reporting.
- Management Development and Compensation Committee (MDCC): Approves CEO stewardship objectives and evaluates performance.

At the management level, the CEO and Senior Leadership Team are responsible for corporate sustainability strategy. The company has established various councils and teams to implement Vision 2030 goals. The Chief Sustainability Officer leads the Sustainability Team, coordinating activities across the company.

International Paper considers ESG performance in its incentive plans, including metrics for Health & Safety, Environment & Sustainability, Human Capital & Culture, Governance, and Diversity & Inclusion. The company engages with diverse stakeholders to gain insights and guide its sustainability efforts.

International Paper ha stabilito una struttura di governance ESG completa per supervisionare e guidare i propri impegni di sostenibilità. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione, attraverso comitati specializzati, sovrintende a vari aspetti della strategia e delle prestazioni ESG. I principali comitati includono:

- Comitato Politiche Pubbliche e Ambiente (PPE): Supervisiona i temi ambientali, le politiche pubbliche, le questioni legali e di salute e sicurezza.
- Comitato Audit e Finanza (A&F): Rivede i processi per la rendicontazione esterna.
- Comitato Sviluppo Management e Compensazione (MDCC): Approva gli obiettivi di responsabilità del CEO e valuta le prestazioni.

A livello di gestione, il CEO e il Team di Leadership Senior sono responsabili della strategia di sostenibilità aziendale. L'azienda ha istituito vari consigli e team per attuare gli obiettivi di Vision 2030. Il Chief Sustainability Officer guida il Team di Sostenibilità, coordinando le attività in tutta l'azienda.

International Paper considera le prestazioni ESG nei propri piani di incentivazione, inclusi i parametri per Salute e Sicurezza, Ambiente e Sostenibilità, Capitale Umano e Cultura, Governance e Diversità e Inclusione. L'azienda si impegna con diversi stakeholder per raccogliere intuizioni e orientare i propri sforzi di sostenibilità.

International Paper ha establecido una estructura de gobernanza ESG integral para supervisar y guiar sus compromisos de sostenibilidad. La Junta Directiva, a través de comités especializados, supervisa varios aspectos de la estrategia y el desempeño ESG. Los comités clave incluyen:

- Comité de Políticas Públicas y Medio Ambiente (PPE): Supervisa temas ambientales, políticas públicas, cuestiones legales y de salud y seguridad.
- Comité de Auditoría y Finanzas (A&F): Revisa los procesos de información externa.
- Comité de Desarrollo de Gestión y Compensación (MDCC): Aprueba los objetivos de responsabilidad del CEO y evalúa el desempeño.

A nivel de gestión, el CEO y el Equipo de Liderazgo Senior son responsables de la estrategia de sostenibilidad corporativa. La empresa ha establecido varios consejos y equipos para implementar los objetivos de Visión 2030. El Chief Sustainability Officer lidera el Equipo de Sostenibilidad, coordinando actividades en toda la empresa.

International Paper considera el desempeño ESG en sus planes de incentivos, incluyendo métricas para Salud y Seguridad, Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, Capital Humano y Cultura, Gobernanza y Diversidad e Inclusión. La empresa se involucra con diversos grupos de interés para obtener información y guiar sus esfuerzos de sostenibilidad.

International Paper는 지속 가능성 약속을 감독하고 안내하기 위해 포괄적인 ESG 거버넌스 구조를 확립했습니다. 이사회는 전문 위원회를 통해 ESG 전략과 성과의 다양한 측면을 감독합니다. 주요 위원회는 다음과 같습니다:

- 공공 정책 및 환경 위원회 (PPE): 환경 주제, 공공 정책, 법률 및 건강과 안전 문제를 감독합니다.
- 감사 및 재무 위원회 (A&F): 외부 보고를 위한 프로세스를 검토합니다.
- 관리 개발 및 보상 위원회 (MDCC): CEO의 책임 목표를 승인하고 성과를 평가합니다.

경영 수준에서 CEO와 고위 리더십 팀은 기업 지속 가능성 전략을 책임집니다. 회사는 Vision 2030 목표를 달성하기 위해 다양한 위원회와 팀을 구성했습니다. Chief Sustainability Officer가 지속 가능성 팀을 이끌고 있으며, 회사 전반의 활동을 조정합니다.

International Paper는 건강 및 안전, 환경 및 지속 가능성, 인적 자본 및 문화, 거버넌스 및 다양성 및 포용성을 포함한 인센티브 계획에서 ESG 성과를 고려합니다. 회사는 지속 가능성 노력을 안내하기 위해 다양한 이해 관계자와 소통합니다.

International Paper a établi une structure de gouvernance ESG complète pour superviser et guider ses engagements en matière de durabilité. Le Conseil d'Administration supervise divers aspects de la stratégie et de la performance ESG à travers des comités spécialisés. Les principaux comités incluent :

- Comité des politiques publiques et de l'environnement (PPE) : Surveille les questions environnementales, les politiques publiques, les affaires juridiques et les questions de santé et de sécurité.
- Comité de vérification et de finances (A&F) : Examine les processus de reporting externe.
- Comité de développement du management et de la rémunération (MDCC) : Approuve les objectifs de responsabilité du PDG et évalue les performances.

Au niveau de la direction, le PDG et l'équipe de direction senior sont responsables de la stratégie de durabilité de l'entreprise. La société a constitué divers conseils et équipes pour mettre en œuvre les objectifs de la Vision 2030. Le directeur de la durabilité dirige l'équipe de durabilité, coordonnant les activités dans l'ensemble de l'entreprise.

International Paper prend en compte la performance ESG dans ses plans d'incitation, y compris les indicateurs pour la santé et la sécurité, l'environnement et la durabilité, le capital humain et la culture, la gouvernance ainsi que la diversité et l'inclusion. L'entreprise interagit avec divers intervenants pour obtenir des idées et guider ses efforts de durabilité.

International Paper hat eine umfassende ESG-Governance-Struktur etabliert, um ihre Nachhaltigkeitsverpflichtungen zu überwachen und zu lenken. Der Vorstand überwacht durch spezialisierte Ausschüsse verschiedene Aspekte der ESG-Strategie und -Leistung. Zu den wichtigsten Ausschüssen gehören:

- Ausschuss für öffentliche Politik und Umwelt (PPE): Überwacht Umweltfragen, öffentliche Politik, rechtliche Angelegenheiten sowie Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsfragen.
- Prüfungs- und Finanzausschuss (A&F): Überprüft die Prozesse der externen Berichterstattung.
- Ausschuss für Managemententwicklung und Vergütung (MDCC): Genehmigt die Verantwortungsziele des CEO und bewertet die Leistung.

Auf Managementebene sind der CEO und das Führungsteam für die Unternehmensstrategie zur Nachhaltigkeit verantwortlich. Das Unternehmen hat verschiedene Räte und Teams eingerichtet, um die Ziele von Vision 2030 zu verwirklichen. Der Chief Sustainability Officer leitet das Nachhaltigkeitsteam und koordiniert die Aktivitäten im gesamten Unternehmen.

International Paper berücksichtigt die ESG-Leistung in seinen Anreizplänen, einschließlich der Kennzahlen für Gesundheit und Sicherheit, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit, Humankapital und Kultur, Governance sowie Diversität und Inklusion. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich mit verschiedenen Stakeholdern, um Einblicke zu gewinnen und seine Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen zu lenken.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 8, 2024 / International Paper Company

Originally published in International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report

International Paper has an integrated board and executive-level governance structure to oversee and set the tone on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) topics across our businesses. The full board periodically reviews components of our sustainability strategy and performance including material ESG developments and issues.

Within our Board of Directors, the Public Policy and Environment Committee (PPE) has oversight over environmental topics as well as public policy, legal, and health and safety issues or risks that could affect the Company. The Audit and Finance Committee (A&F) reviews processes and controls for external reporting, and the Management Development and Compensation Committee (MDCC) approves CEO stewardship-focused objectives and evaluates performance related to compensation.

At the management level, our CEO and Senior Leadership Team are responsible for corporate sustainability strategy and leadership, with functionspecific councils reporting to them.

Our Stewardship Council is made up of representatives from areas across our businesses and functional teams. In addition, the Manufacturing Council, Environment, Health and Safety Council and the Global Diversity and Inclusion Council guide implementation of the related Vision 2030 goals and assess progress against them.

In support of the Stewardship Council, the Renewable Solutions Steering Team, Global Certification and Sustainability Task Team and the Energy and GHG Steering Team develop the tactics needed to further advance implementation of our Vision 2030 goals and targets.

Our Chief Sustainability Officer leads our Sustainability Team and is ultimately responsible for the development and execution of our sustainability strategy. In turn, the Sustainability Team coordinates activities across IP businesses and functional areas to deliver on our Vision 2030 targets.

Rewarding our ESG performance

The purpose of our incentive plans is to drive improved financial performance and results for the short- and long-term success of the company. We work to achieve our Vision 2030 goals because we believe it's the right thing to do.

Our Annual Incentive Plan (AIP), considers performance against our sustainability targets when applying the individual performance modifier for members of the Senior Leadership Team, corporate officers and their direct reports. We believe performance in this area enables the achievement of our Vision 2030 goals. We currently consider metrics in the following areas when determining their individual payout under AIP:

  • Health & Safety

  • Environment & Sustainability

  • Human Capital & Culture

  • Governance

  • Diversity & Inclusion

International Paper's stewardship value is also a driver of long-term shareowner value. This is measured in our Long-Term Incentive Plan through the Total Shareholder Return metric, which determines 50% of the award. Every year, we evaluate the short- and long-term incentive plan metrics and make a recommendation to our MDCC for approval.

ESG governance

Full board

  • Periodic review of components of sustainability strategy and performance

  • Review material ESG-related developments and issues


  • Review processes and controls for external reporting of sustainability and social impact data and metrics

  • Review related disclosures in Sustainability Report and Form 10-K


  • Review and reassess adequacy of, and oversee compliance with Corporate Governance Guidelines

  • Seek Board candidates with diverse backgrounds


  • Review sustainability and social impact policies, plans and performance to continuously improve and comply with commitment to stewardship

  • Review environmental policies, plans, performance and social impact


  • Approve CEO ESG-focused objectives, evaluate performance

  • Consider ESG factors in Senior Vice President (SVP) compensation and overall compensation plan

  • Review related disclosures in CD&A

Stakeholder engagement

Our operations impact a wide range of stakeholders, from employees and local communities, to customers and shareholders. Engaging with these diverse groups allows us to gain valuable insights, understand their expectations and address their concerns. By fostering open and constructive dialogue, we can identify material issues, prioritize emerging global issues and industry trends, and gain vital information to guide our sustainability efforts and strategies (see page 99).

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About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

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SOURCE: International Paper Company

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How does International Paper's board oversee ESG matters?

International Paper's board oversees ESG matters through specialized committees. The full board reviews sustainability strategy and performance periodically. The Public Policy and Environment Committee oversees environmental topics, while the Audit and Finance Committee reviews reporting processes, and the Management Development and Compensation Committee approves CEO stewardship objectives.

What is International Paper's Vision 2030?

Vision 2030 refers to International Paper's sustainability goals and targets set for the year 2030. Various councils and teams within the company, such as the Stewardship Council, Manufacturing Council, and Environment, Health and Safety Council, guide the implementation of these Vision 2030 goals and assess progress against them.

How does International Paper (IP) incorporate ESG performance into executive compensation?

International Paper (IP) incorporates ESG performance into executive compensation through its Annual Incentive Plan (AIP). The AIP considers performance against sustainability targets when applying individual performance modifiers for senior leadership and corporate officers. Metrics include Health & Safety, Environment & Sustainability, Human Capital & Culture, Governance, and Diversity & Inclusion.

What role does stakeholder engagement play in International Paper's ESG strategy?

Stakeholder engagement plays a important role in International Paper's ESG strategy. The company engages with diverse groups including employees, local communities, customers, and shareholders. This engagement allows IP to gain valuable insights, understand expectations, address concerns, identify material issues, prioritize emerging global issues and industry trends, and guide their sustainability efforts and strategies.

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