Strengthening Community Ties: International Paper’s Commitment to Local Stakeholders and Forest Conservation

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International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company's commitment to community engagement and forest conservation. Key initiatives include:

1. Partnering with the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation to support historically underserved communities in protecting forestland and building intergenerational wealth.

2. A decade-long collaboration with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, committing $10 million for wildlife and working forest conservation.

3. Ongoing work with The Nature Conservancy on reduced-impact logging and carbon sequestration projects globally.

4. Partnerships with the American Bird Conservancy and Arbor Day Foundation for bird conservation and community tree recovery programs.

5. Joining WWF's Forests Forward program to support nature-based strategies for forests.

Il Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023 di International Paper evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda verso il coinvolgimento delle comunità e la conservazione delle foreste. Le iniziative chiave includono:

1. Collaborazione con il Center for Heirs' Property Preservation per sostenere le comunità storicamente trascurate nella protezione delle terre forestali e nella costruzione di ricchezze intergenerazionali.

2. Una collaborazione decennale con la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, con un impegno di 10 milioni di dollari per la conservazione della fauna selvatica e delle foreste lavorative.

3. Lavoro continuo con The Nature Conservancy su progetti di disboscamento a basso impatto e di sequestrazione del carbonio a livello globale.

4. Collaborazioni con l'American Bird Conservancy e la Arbor Day Foundation per la conservazione degli uccelli e programmi di recupero degli alberi comunitari.

5. Adesione al programma Forests Forward del WWF per supportare strategie basate sulla natura per le foreste.

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de International Paper destaca el compromiso de la empresa con el compromiso comunitario y la conservación de los bosques. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:

1. Asociación con el Center for Heirs' Property Preservation para apoyar a las comunidades históricamente desatendidas en la protección de tierras forestales y la creación de riqueza intergeneracional.

2. Una colaboración de diez años con la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, comprometiendo $10 millones para la conservación de la vida silvestre y los bosques productivos.

3. Trabajo continuo con The Nature Conservancy en proyectos de tala de bajo impacto y secuestro de carbono a nivel global.

4. Alianzas con la American Bird Conservancy y la Arbor Day Foundation para la conservación de aves y programas de recuperación de árboles comunitarios.

5. Participación en el programa Forests Forward de WWF para apoyar estrategias basadas en la naturaleza para los bosques.

International Paper의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 회사의 지역사회 참여산림 보존에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:

1. Center for Heirs' Property Preservation와 협력하여 역사적으로 소외된 지역사회를 지원하고 산림 보호 및 세대 간 부의 구축을 돕습니다.

2. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation과 10년 간의 협력으로 야생 동물과 지속 가능한 산림 보존을 위한 1천만 달러를 약속합니다.

3. The Nature Conservancy와의 지속적인 작업을 통해 전 세계적으로 저영향 벌목 및 탄소 포집 프로젝트를 진행합니다.

4. American Bird ConservancyArbor Day Foundation와 파트너십을 통해 조류 보존 및 지역 사회 나무 회복 프로그램을 지원합니다.

5. WWF의 Forests Forward program에 참여하여 산림을 위한 자연 기반 전략을 지원합니다.

Le rapport de durabilité 2023 d'International Paper met en lumière l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de participation communautaire et de préservation des forêts. Les initiatives clés incluent:

1. Partenariat avec le Center for Heirs' Property Preservation pour soutenir les communautés historiquement mal desservies dans la protection des terres forestières et la construction d'une richesse intergénérationnelle.

2. Une collaboration de dix ans avec la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, engageant 10 millions de dollars pour la conservation de la faune et des forêts de travail.

3. Un travail continu avec The Nature Conservancy sur des projets de déforestation à faible impact et de séquestration du carbone au niveau mondial.

4. Partenariats avec l'American Bird Conservancy et la Arbor Day Foundation pour la conservation des oiseaux et des programmes de récupération des arbres communautaires.

5. Adhésion au programme Forests Forward du WWF pour soutenir des stratégies basées sur la nature pour les forêts.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von International Paper hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Gemeinwesenbeteiligung und Waldschutz hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Initiativen gehören:

1. Partnerschaft mit dem Center for Heirs' Property Preservation, um historisch benachteiligte Gemeinschaften dabei zu unterstützen, Waldflächen zu schützen und intergenerationalen Wohlstand aufzubauen.

2. Eine zehnjährige Zusammenarbeit mit der National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, die 10 Millionen Dollar für den Schutz von Wildtieren und arbeitenden Wäldern bereitstellt.

3. Fortlaufende Arbeiten mit The Nature Conservancy zu ressourcenschonenden Arbeiten und CO2-Sequestrierungsprojekten weltweit.

4. Partnerschaften mit American Bird Conservancy und Arbor Day Foundation zur Vogelkonservierung und zur Wiederherstellung von Bäumen in Gemeinden.

5. Teilnahme am Forests Forward-Programm des WWF zur Unterstützung naturbasierter Strategien für Wälder.

  • Renewed partnership with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, committing $10 million for conservation
  • Expanded collaboration with The Nature Conservancy on global forestry practices and carbon sequestration
  • Recognition by AF&PA with Leadership in Sustainability Award for forest conservation efforts
  • Joined WWF's Forests Forward program, demonstrating commitment to responsible forestry
  • None.

Originally published in International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / International Paper Company

Working with community stakeholders

The future of forests and the future of local communities are closely intertwined. Forests don't just play a critical role in the local socio-economic fabric; they also directly impact the quality of life of people living nearby. Bearing this in mind, we have made it a priority to engage in meaningful partnerships with community stakeholders. This approach fosters a sense of shared responsibility and helps build resilient communities that are economically and environmentally connected to the forests.

Promoting social equity

Our commitment to promoting social equity entails re-examining certain barriers that prevent equal access to sustainable resources. Heirs' property is land passed down from generation to generation informally, often because landowners die without having written a will. In the absence of a will, the land is considered jointly owned by all heirs and split between multiple family members regardless of whether they have set foot on the land, lived on the property or paid the taxes. Since its ownership is unclear, the land often ends up in forced sale, leading to forest fragmentation. This disproportionally affects Black families, contributing to over 11 million acres of land lost in the last hundred years and counting.

That's where the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation® (CHPP) comes in. Working in partnership with International Paper, CHPP supports historically underserved communities to build intergenerational resilience. In 2023, International Paper announced its partnership with CHPP. The center works alongside the Mississippi Center for Justice to provide legal services, assistance and resources to help historically underserved Mississippians, with support from World Wildlife Fund and Kimberly-Clark Corporation. This effort, known as the Mobile Basin Heirs' Property Support Initiative, is designed to help families in Mississippi protect and keep their forestland, build intergenerational wealth and promote productive, sustainably managed forests.

Longstanding partnerships with conservation groups

2023 was a milestone year for our work with conservation organizations. As we celebrated a decade of partnering with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, we also continued our endeavors to preserve and protect our planet's delicate ecosystems together with other strategic conservation partners.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)

International Paper and NFWF began working together to restore and enhance forested ecosystems in 2013. Our Forestland Stewards Partnership (FSP) has delivered many significant accomplishments, including establishing or enhancing more than 700,000 acres of native forest and wildlife habitat to date, including the iconic longleaf pine ecosystem. Now entering its second decade, FSP has funded 177 projects across 13 states that, once completed, will restore, enhance or protect more than 1.6 million acres of forest habitat. The FSP was recently renewed for another five-year period, with International Paper committing $10 million for wildlife and working forest conservation. To learn more about our work with NFWF, visit this website.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Start-of-the-art forestry practices have been at the heart of our collaboration with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) since 2018. This work reaches beyond International Paper's traditional supply chain in an effort to identify nature-based climate solutions that can be replicated anywhere around the world. For instance, the first phase of the Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon (RIL-C) initiative provided land managers in Indonesia and Gabon with practical, science-based toolkits to improve carbon sequestration in working forests. The second phase of this engagement saw the expansion of TNC's RIL-C toolkit to new geographies in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and the Republic of Congo. This funding also allowed TNC and partners at the University of Wisconsin to develop bioacoustics monitoring protocols, which use sound recordings to measure forest a closer look biodiversity and understand the impacts of logging and other disturbances to forestbased wildlife species.

With the first two phases completed, our partnership is now scaling up efforts to inform responsible forestry, carbon sequestration and biodiversity monitoring on the ground in the Central Appalachian region of the U.S. and in Mexico.

American Bird Conservancy (ABC)

Since 2020, International Paper has been partnering with the American Bird Conservancy, an organization dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats, to promote forest bird awareness and conservation within our supply chain. Our work engages IP's Fiber Supply Team, academia, forestry and wildlife experts, our wood suppliers and forest landowners in our mill basins in the Southeastern U.S. Specifically, we hold field-based bird workshops, conduct bird surveys, collaborate on academic research and implement bird-friendly forest management practices on strategic sites identified via ForSite™. In 2023, our work was recognized by the AF&PA with the Leadership in Sustainability Award for Resilient U.S. Forests (see page 32).

The Arbor Day Foundation

Our partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation dates back to 2019 and continued to flourish and deliver tangible benefits for people and the planet in 2023.

In the past, we have joined with the Arbor Day Foundation to strengthen community resilience through the Community Tree Recovery Program. This public-private partnership distributes free trees to residents in communities affected by natural disasters and supports the restoration of affected forestland. As one of 17 founding members of the Arbor Day Foundation's Evergreen Alliance, we also champion the Foundation's ambitions to plant 500 million trees focusing on neighborhoods and forests of greatest need in the next five years.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

After working with WWF for more than a decade on responsible sourcing and landscape investments, International Paper was one of the first five U.S. companies to join WWF's Forests Forward program for corporate action in support of nature, climate and people. Forests Forward engages with companies and other stakeholders around the globe to deliver effective nature-based strategies for forests that help achieve their business and sustainability goals. Most recently, we partnered with WWF to support the Mobile Basin Heirs' Property Support Initiative in a closer look the Southeastern U.S. (see page 35).

Other strategic partnerships to advance forest sustainability

  • American Forest Foundation (see page 67)

  • Celebrate Planet Earth • WBCSD Forest Solutions Group

About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

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What is International Paper's (IP) partnership with the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation?

International Paper partnered with the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation in 2023 to support historically underserved communities in Mississippi. The initiative helps families protect and manage their forestland, build intergenerational wealth, and promote sustainable forest management.

How much has International Paper (IP) committed to wildlife and forest conservation with NFWF?

International Paper has committed $10 million to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for wildlife and working forest conservation over the next five years, renewing their Forestland Stewards Partnership.

What is International Paper's (IP) involvement in the Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon initiative?

International Paper collaborates with The Nature Conservancy on the Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon (RIL-C) initiative. This project provides land managers with tools to improve carbon sequestration in working forests, expanding from Indonesia and Gabon to Mexico and the Republic of Congo.

How is International Paper (IP) contributing to bird conservation?

Since 2020, International Paper has partnered with the American Bird Conservancy to promote forest bird awareness and conservation within its supply chain. Activities include field-based bird workshops, bird surveys, academic research, and implementing bird-friendly forest management practices.

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