Nurturing a Love of Papermaking in Our Communities

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International Paper Company's Cedar Rapids, Iowa containerboard mill and box plant recently hosted two local Boy Scout troops, providing them with a firsthand look at the papermaking process. This visit was part of the scouts' journey to earn their pulp and paper merit badge. The scouts observed the entire process, from recycled material entering the pulper tub to the creation of finished boxes.

The tour included demonstrations in the design lab, where structural designer Kelsey Schwartz showcased prototype cutting for customers. Jason Lee, NAC sales enablement manager and a scout parent, noted the scouts' enthusiasm for seeing large equipment in action and observing teamwork.

This event is part of IP's broader initiative to engage with youth organizations, schools, and technical programs to foster interest in papermaking and manufacturing careers. Maris Peno, retain and recruit program lead, emphasized the importance of these experiences in building a future workforce pipeline. The company encourages community involvement and exploration of manufacturing careers, with Manufacturing Day events available throughout October.

Lo stabilimento di cartone ondulato e produzione di scatole della International Paper Company a Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ha recentemente ospitato due troupe locali degli Scout, offrendo loro un'opportunità diretta di vedere il processo di produzione della carta. Questa visita faceva parte del percorso degli scout per guadagnare il distintivo di merito per la pasta e la carta. Gli scout hanno osservato l'intero processo, dall'ingresso del materiale riciclato nel tubi della pasta fino alla creazione delle scatole finite.

Il tour ha incluso dimostrazioni nel laboratorio di design, dove il progettista strutturale Kelsey Schwartz ha mostrato il taglio di prototipi per i clienti. Jason Lee, responsabile della gestione delle vendite NAC e genitore di uno scout, ha notato l'entusiasmo degli scout nel vedere grandi attrezzature in azione e nel osservare il lavoro di squadra.

Questo evento fa parte di una iniziativa più ampia di IP per coinvolgere organizzazioni giovanili, scuole e programmi tecnici per promuovere l'interesse nella produzione di carta e nelle carriere manifatturiere. Maris Peno, responsabile dei programmi di retention e reclutamento, ha sottolineato l'importanza di queste esperienze per costruire una futura pipeline di forza lavoro. L'azienda incoraggia il coinvolgimento nella comunità e l'esplorazione delle carriere manifatturiere, con eventi per la Giornata della Manifattura disponibili per tutto ottobre.

La planta de cartón de International Paper Company en Cedar Rapids, Iowa, recibió recientemente a dos tropas locales de scouts, dándoles una oportunidad directa de ver el proceso de fabricación de papel. Esta visita fue parte del viaje de los scouts para obtener su insignia de mérito en pulpa y papel. Los scouts observaron todo el proceso, desde que el material reciclado ingresó al tanque de pulpa hasta la creación de las cajas terminadas.

El recorrido incluyó demostraciones en el laboratorio de diseño, donde la diseñadora estructural Kelsey Schwartz mostró el corte de prototipos para los clientes. Jason Lee, gerente de habilitación de ventas de NAC y padre de un scout, destacó el entusiasmo de los scouts al ver grandes equipos en acción y al observar el trabajo en equipo.

Este evento es parte de una iniciativa más amplia de IP para involucrar a organizaciones juveniles, escuelas y programas técnicos para fomentar el interés en las carreras de fabricación y producción de papel. Maris Peno, líder del programa de retención y reclutamiento, enfatizó la importancia de estas experiencias en la construcción de una futura fuerza laboral. La empresa fomenta la participación comunitaria y la exploración de carreras en la fabricación, con eventos del Día de la Manufactura disponibles a lo largo de octubre.

International Paper Company의 아이오와주 시더랩ید스에 있는 골판지 공장과 박스 공장은 최근 두 개의 지역 스카우트 대원을 초대하여 종이 제조 과정을 직접 체험하게 했습니다. 이 방문은 스카우트가 펄프와 종이 공로 배지를 받기 위한 여정의 일환이었습니다. 스카우트들은 재활용된 재료가 펄퍼 통으로 들어가는 것부터 완성된 상자가 만들어지는 과정까지 전체 과정을 관찰했습니다.

투어에는 구조 디자이너인 Kelsey Schwartz가 고객을 위한 프로토타입 절단을 보여주는 디자인 실험실에서의 시연이 포함되었습니다. NAC 영업 지원 관리자이자 스카우트의 부모인 Jason Lee는 스카우트들이 대형 장비가 작동하는 모습을 보고 팀워크를 관찰하는 것에 대한 열정을 보였다고 언급했습니다.

이번 행사는 IP의 젊은 조직, 학교 및 기술 프로그램과의 관계를 강화하여 종이 제조 및 제조 경력에 대한 관심을 키우기 위한 더 넓은 이니셔티브의 일환입니다. Maris Peno, 유지 및 채용 프로그램 리더는 이러한 경험이 미래 인력 파이프라인을 구축하는 데 중요하다고 강조했습니다. 회사는 지역 사회 참여와 제조 경력 탐색을 장려하며, 10월 내내 제조의 날 행사도 진행됩니다.

L'usine de cartons ondulés et de fabrication de boîtes de la International Paper Company à Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a récemment accueilli deux troupes locales de scouts, leur offrant ainsi un aperçu direct du processus de fabrication du papier. Cette visite faisait partie du parcours des scouts pour obtenir leur insigne de mérite en pâte et papier. Les scouts ont observé l'ensemble du processus, depuis l'entrée du matériau recyclé dans la cuve de pulpe jusqu'à la création des boîtes finies.

La visite a inclus des démonstrations dans le laboratoire de conception, où la conceptrice structurelle Kelsey Schwartz a présenté des prototypes de découpe pour les clients. Jason Lee, responsable de l'habilitation des ventes de NAC et parent scout, a noté l'enthousiasme des scouts à voir de gros équipements en action et à observer le travail d'équipe.

Ce événement fait partie de l'initiative plus large d'IP visant à établir des liens avec des organisations jeunesse, des écoles et des programmes techniques pour susciter l'intérêt pour les carrières dans la fabrication et la production de papier. Maris Peno, responsable du programme de maintien et de recrutement, a souligné l'importance de ces expériences pour construire un futur vivier de main-d'œuvre. L'entreprise encourage l'engagement communautaire et l'exploration de carrières dans la fabrication, avec des événements pour la Journée de la fabrication disponibles tout au long du mois d'octobre.

Das Containerboard-Werk und die Boxenfabrik der International Paper Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, haben kürzlich zwei lokale Pfadfindergruppen empfangen, um ihnen einen direkten Einblick in den Papierherstellungsprozess zu geben. Dieser Besuch war Teil der Reise der Pfadfinder, um das Verdienstabzeichen für Papier und Zellstoff zu erwerben. Die Pfadfinder beobachteten den gesamten Prozess, vom Recyclingmaterial, das in das Pulper-Tank gelangt, bis zur Herstellung der fertigen Boxen.

Die Tour umfasste Vorführungen im Designlabor, wo die Strukturdesignerin Kelsey Schwartz Prototypenschneidungen für die Kunden zeigte. Jason Lee, Vertriebsmanager von NAC und Pfadfinder-Elternteil, bemerkte die Begeisterung der Pfadfinder, große Maschinen in Aktion zu sehen und Teamarbeit zu beobachten.

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil von IPs umfassenderer Initiative, mit Jugendorganisationen, Schulen und technischen Programmen in Kontakt zu treten, um das Interesse an Papierherstellung und Produktionsberufen zu fördern. Maris Peno, Leiterin des Programms zur Bindung und Rekrutierung, betonte die Bedeutung dieser Erfahrungen im Aufbau einer zukünftigen Arbeitskräftepipeline. Das Unternehmen fördert das Engagement in der Gemeinschaft und die Erkundung von Produktionsberufen, wobei im gesamten Oktober Veranstaltungen zum Manufacturing Day stattfinden.

  • Engagement with local youth organizations to promote interest in papermaking and manufacturing careers
  • Showcasing the company's production processes and technology to potential future employees
  • Building a workforce pipeline through community outreach and educational initiatives
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / International Paper Company

The Boy Scouts of America has been a hallmark organization for instilling leadership, character and a sense of responsibility in young people for over a century. One of the most recognizable aspects of a scout's journey is the pursuit of merit badges. With over 130 merit badges available, scouts can explore a wide range of interests including the art and science of papermaking.

"[Kids] can't be what they don't see," said retain and recruit program lead Maris Peno, quoting one of her colleagues. All the ways our teams engage the local community add up to a strong workforce pipeline for the future.

When the IP's Cedar Rapids, Iowa containerboard mill and box plant hosted two local Boy Scout troops, they gave the youth a firsthand look at the process of papermaking, just one checkpoint needed to earn their pulp and paper merit badge. Scouts saw the entire process: from recycled material entering the pulper tub, to spools of paper coming together to become the familiar boxes they welcome at their front door. They learned what makes a good sheet of containerboard, the on-box print process and what characteristics make a high-quality product that our customers expect.

"The tour was an excellent experience for these young scouts. They loved seeing the large equipment running. Some told me that they could see everyone working together in a team environment, which impressed them," said Jason Lee, NAC sales enablement manager and parent of a visiting scout.

The troops also spent time with structural designer Kelsey Schwartz in her design lab at the box plant. Scouts watched as she demonstrated how she uses her machines to cut prototypes for customers. To commemorate the visit, she created signs for each troop to take with them. "I always strive to make what we do at Cedar Rapids Box relatable to the visitor, something that expands beyond a standard box that they can remember their tour by and show how versatile corrugate can be," said Schwartz.

Visits like this happen frequently in our mill communities. Our teams actively engage youth organizations, high schools, community colleges and technical programs to nurture a love of papermaking.

"Our goal is to provide a unique experience, showing individuals that IP is not only a great place to work, but also a place to gain a lifelong, sustainable career," said Maris. "There's a place for everyone in manufacturing."

If you have youth of your own, we challenge you to find what they are interested in and dive deep into whatever it may be. Take classes, attend local community or church events and allow them to explore. You never know what seed may be planted that you helped nourish.

During the month of October, you can find a Manufacturing Day event in your community at

About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

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Spokesperson: International Paper Company

SOURCE: International Paper Company

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What event did International Paper (IP) host for Boy Scout troops in Cedar Rapids, Iowa?

International Paper's Cedar Rapids, Iowa containerboard mill and box plant hosted two local Boy Scout troops, providing them with a tour of the papermaking process as part of their journey to earn the pulp and paper merit badge.

How is International Paper (IP) engaging with youth to promote careers in manufacturing?

IP is actively engaging with youth organizations, high schools, community colleges, and technical programs to nurture interest in papermaking and manufacturing careers. They provide tours, demonstrations, and hands-on experiences to showcase the industry and potential career opportunities.

What did the Boy Scouts learn during their visit to International Paper's (IP) Cedar Rapids facility?

The Boy Scouts learned about the entire papermaking process, from recycled material entering the pulper tub to the creation of finished boxes. They also observed the on-box print process, learned about product quality, and saw demonstrations in the design lab where prototypes are cut for customers.

How can people find Manufacturing Day events in their community related to International Paper (IP)?

People can find Manufacturing Day events in their community during October by visiting, as mentioned in the press release.

International Paper Co.


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