IP Celebrates World Rivers Day by Highlighting the Restoration of Wetlands in the Savannah Watershed, Helping At-Risk Species

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In celebration of World Rivers Day, International Paper (IP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are highlighting their collaboration through the Forestland Stewards Partnership. This partnership supports initiatives like The Longleaf Alliance to restore ephemeral and seasonal wetlands in the Savannah River watershed in South Carolina.

The restoration project, led by the University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Lab, aims to revitalize wetlands and surrounding longleaf pine forests to improve water quality and protect at-risk species. These efforts are important for maintaining the drinking water supply for over 500,000 residents and providing habitats for rare amphibians like the gopher frog.

IP is also part of the Savannah River Clean Water Fund, working with The Nature Conservancy to protect and manage forests across the watershed. These initiatives demonstrate IP's commitment to sustainable forestry management and ecosystem preservation.

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dei Fiumi, International Paper (IP) e la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) stanno evidenziando la loro collaborazione attraverso il Partenariato dei Custodi delle Foreste. Questo partenariato supporta iniziative come The Longleaf Alliance per ripristinare paludi effimere e stagionali nel bacino del fiume Savannah in Carolina del Sud.

Il progetto di ripristino, guidato dal Laboratorio di Ecologia del Fiume Savannah dell'Università della Georgia, mira a rivitalizzare le paludi e le foreste di pino a foglia lunga circostanti per migliorare la qualità dell'acqua e proteggere le specie a rischio. Questi sforzi sono fondamentali per mantenere la fornitura di acqua potabile per oltre 500.000 residenti e fornire habitat per rarità come il rana gopher.

IP è anche parte del Fondo per la Pulizia dell'Acqua del Fiume Savannah, collaborando con The Nature Conservancy per proteggere e gestire le foreste in tutto il bacino. Queste iniziative dimostrano l'impegno di IP per una gestione forestale sostenibile e la preservazione degli ecosistemi.

En celebración del Día Mundial de los Ríos, International Paper (IP) y la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) destacan su colaboración a través de la Asociación de Guardianes de Bosques. Esta asociación apoya iniciativas como The Longleaf Alliance para restaurar humedales efímeros y estacionales en la cuenca del río Savannah en Carolina del Sur.

El proyecto de restauración, liderado por el Laboratorio de Ecología del Río Savannah de la Universidad de Georgia, tiene como objetivo revitalizar los humedales y los bosques de pinos de hojas largas circundantes para mejorar la calidad del agua y proteger las especies en peligro. Estos esfuerzos son importantes para mantener el suministro de agua potable para más de 500,000 residentes y proporcionar hábitats para anfibios raros como la rana gopher.

IP también forma parte del Fondo de Agua Limpia del Río Savannah, trabajando con The Nature Conservancy para proteger y gestionar bosques en toda la cuenca. Estas iniciativas demuestran el compromiso de IP con la gestión forestal sostenible y la preservación de los ecosistemas.

세계 강의 날을 맞아 International Paper (IP)국립 어류 및 야생 동물 재단 (NFWF)숲 관리 파트너십을 통해 협력을 강조하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 사우스 캐롤라이나의 사반나 강 유역에서 일시적 및 계절성 습지를 복원하기 위해 The Longleaf Alliance와 같은 이니셔티브를 지원합니다.

조지아 대학교 사반나 강 생태 연구소가 주도하는 이 복원 프로젝트의 목표는 습지와 주변의 긴잎 소나무 숲을 활성화하여 수질을 개선하고 위험에 처한 종을 보호하는 것입니다. 이러한 노력은 50만 명 이상의 주민에게 식수 공급을 유지하고 고퍼 개구리와 같은 희귀한 양서류를 위한 서식지를 제공하는 데 중요합니다.

IP는 사반나 강 맑은 물 기금에도 참여하여 The Nature Conservancy와 함께 유역 전역의 숲을 보호하고 관리하고 있습니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 지속 가능한 산림 관리와 생태계 보전에 대한 IP의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

À l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale des Rivières, International Paper (IP) et la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) mettent en avant leur collaboration à travers le Partenariat des Gardiens des Forêts. Ce partenariat soutient des initiatives comme The Longleaf Alliance pour restaurer des zones humides éphémères et saisonnières dans le bassin du fleuve Savannah en Caroline du Sud.

Le projet de restauration, dirigé par le Laboratoire d'Écologie du Fleuve Savannah de l'Université de Georgie, vise à revitaliser les zones humides et les forêts de pin à longues feuilles environnantes pour améliorer la qualité de l'eau et protéger les espèces menacées. Ces efforts sont essentiels pour maintenir l'approvisionnement en eau potable pour plus de 500 000 habitants et fournir des habitats pour des amphibiens rares comme la grenouille gopher.

IP fait également partie du Fonds de l'Eau Propre du Fleuve Savannah, travaillant avec The Nature Conservancy pour protéger et gérer les forêts à travers le bassin. Ces initiatives démontrent l'engagement d'IP envers la gestion forestière durable et la préservation des écosystèmes.

Zur Feier des Weltflusstages heben International Paper (IP) und die National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) ihre Zusammenarbeit durch die Forestland Stewards Partnership hervor. Diese Partnerschaft unterstützt Initiativen wie The Longleaf Alliance, um ephemere und saisonale Feuchtgebiete im Savannah River Watershed in South Carolina wiederherzustellen.

Das Wiederherstellungsprojekt, das vom Savannah River Ecology Lab der Universität Georgia geleitet wird, zielt darauf ab, Feuchtgebiete und die umliegenden Langblatt-Kieferwälder zu revitalisieren, um die Wasserqualität zu verbessern und gefährdete Arten zu schützen. Diese Bemühungen sind wichtig für die Aufrechterhaltung der Trinkwasserversorgung für über 500.000 Einwohner und bieten Lebensräume für seltene Amphibien wie den Gopherfrosch.

IP ist auch Teil des Savannah River Clean Water Fund, das mit The Nature Conservancy zusammenarbeitet, um Wälder in der gesamten Einzugsgebietsregion zu schützen und zu verwalten. Diese Initiativen zeigen IPs Engagement für nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft und den Erhalt von Ökosystemen.

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SAVANNAH RIVER WATERSHED,SC / ACCESSWIRE / September 30, 2024 / In honor of World Rivers Day, International Paper (IP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are celebrating their longstanding collaboration through the Forestland Stewards Partnership. This partnership, supporting grantees like The Longleaf Alliance, underscores the critical intersection of water quality and sustainable forestry management to maintain healthy ecosystems for people and wildlife.

To safeguard water quality and protect vulnerable wildlife, an initiative is underway to restore the ephemeral and seasonal wetlands embedded within the longleaf pine forests of the Savannah River watershed in South Carolina. These critical wetlands, which play a vital role in filtering water and providing habitat for at-risk species, have degraded over time, threatening the ecosystem and the drinking water supply for over 500,000 residents in the area.

The restoration project, led by the University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Lab and supported by NFWF and IP's grantee, The Longleaf Alliance, focuses on revitalizing these wetlands and surrounding longleaf pine forests to improve their ecological function. Healthy, sustainable forests are key to maintaining water quality, and the restoration of these wetlands will help ensure the longevity of the watershed's health.

IP is also part of the Savannah River Clean Water Fund, which is working in the same area to protect and responsibly manage forests to improve water quality. The Fund is a collaborative initiative in partnership with The Nature Conservancy aimed at protecting and managing forests to safeguard water quality across the Savannah River Watershed.

These wetlands and longleaf pine forests are crucial for filtering water that flows into the Savannah River, a significant source of drinking water for the region. They also provide critical habitats for rare amphibian species, such as the gopher frog, which spend much of their life in the upland forests but rely on the seasonal pools for reproduction. However, the longleaf pine ecosystem has suffered due to fire suppression and other factors, leading to the degradation of these wetlands and a decline in the gopher frog population.

"On World Rivers Day, we are proud to stand with our partners and grantees who help restore the forestry landscape," said Sophie Beckham, IP Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer. "At International Paper, we recognize that healthy forests and wetlands are the backbone of thriving ecosystems and vital water resources. Our commitment to projects like restoring the Savannah River watershed will ensure that these critical ecosystems continue to provide clean water and support diverse wildlife for generations to come."

These restoration efforts are part of a broader initiative to help landowners manage their forests sustainably. By encouraging practices that support water quality and wildlife, NFWF, IP, and their partners aim to restore and maintain healthy forests, ensuring they continue to provide critical ecosystems, especially for rare amphibian species like gopher frogs. Healthy forests, particularly those in the longleaf pine ecosystem, are essential for protecting water resources and preserving biodiversity.


About International Paper
International Paper (NYSE:IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Chartered by Congress in 1984, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) protects and restores the nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. Working with federal, corporate, foundation and individual partners, NFWF has funded more than 6,800 organizations and generated a total conservation impact of more than $10 billion. NFWF is an equal opportunity provider. Learn more at

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What is International Paper (IP) doing to celebrate World Rivers Day?

International Paper (IP) is celebrating World Rivers Day by highlighting its collaboration with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) through the Forestland Stewards Partnership. They are focusing on restoring wetlands in the Savannah River watershed to improve water quality and protect at-risk species.

How is IP (ticker: IP) helping to restore the Savannah River watershed?

IP is supporting the restoration of ephemeral and seasonal wetlands in the Savannah River watershed through its partnership with NFWF and The Longleaf Alliance. The project aims to revitalize wetlands and longleaf pine forests to improve water quality and provide habitats for rare species like the gopher frog.

What is the significance of the wetland restoration project supported by IP (ticker: IP) in South Carolina?

The wetland restoration project in South Carolina is important for maintaining the drinking water supply for over 500,000 residents and protecting habitats for at-risk species. It helps filter water flowing into the Savannah River and supports the preservation of the longleaf pine ecosystem.

How does International Paper's (IP) involvement in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund contribute to water quality?

IP's involvement in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, focuses on protecting and responsibly managing forests across the Savannah River Watershed. This collaborative initiative aims to safeguard water quality by maintaining healthy forest ecosystems.

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