IP Celebrates Wildlife Conservation Day with Milestone Achievement for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

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International Paper (IP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are celebrating Wildlife Conservation Day by highlighting a significant milestone in red-cockaded woodpecker conservation. The species has been downlisted from 'endangered' to 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act.

Through their Forestland Stewards Partnership, IP and NFWF have collaborated with various stakeholders to restore thousands of acres of longleaf pine across the U.S. South, creating important habitats for woodpecker populations. The restoration efforts focus on reestablishing longleaf pine ecosystems, which provide the specific mature, open-canopy environments these birds require.

The initiative not only benefits the red-cockaded woodpecker but also supports numerous other species dependent on the longleaf ecosystem, contributing to overall biodiversity enhancement in the region.

International Paper (IP) e la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) stanno celebrando la Giornata della Conservazione della Fauna Selvatica evidenziando un traguardo significativo nella conservazione del picchio crestato rosso. Questa specie è stata declassata da 'in pericolo' a 'minacciata' secondo la legge sulle specie in via di estinzione.

Attraverso la loro Forestland Stewards Partnership, IP e NFWF hanno collaborato con vari portatori di interesse per ripristinare migliaia di acri di pino longleaf nel sud degli Stati Uniti, creando habitat importanti per le popolazioni di picchi. Gli sforzi di restauro si concentrano sul ripristino degli ecosistemi di pino longleaf, che forniscono gli specifici ambienti maturi e a canopeo aperto di cui questi uccelli hanno bisogno.

L'iniziativa non solo beneficia il picchio crestato rosso, ma supporta anche numerose altre specie dipendenti dall'ecosistema di pino longleaf, contribuendo all'incremento della biodiversità nella regione.

International Paper (IP) y la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) están celebrando el Día de la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre resaltando un hito significativo en la conservación del pico de madera de copete rojo. Esta especie ha sido reclasificada de 'en peligro' a 'amenazada' bajo la Ley de Especies En Peligro.

A través de su Forestland Stewards Partnership, IP y NFWF han colaborado con diferentes actores para restaurar miles de acres de pinos Longleaf en el sur de EE. UU., creando hábitats importantes para las poblaciones de picos. Los esfuerzos de restauración se centran en restablecer los ecosistemas de pinos Longleaf, que proveen los específicos ambientes maduros y de dosel abierto que estos pájaros requieren.

La iniciativa no solo beneficia al pico de madera de copete rojo, sino que también apoya a numerosas otras especies que dependen del ecosistema Longleaf, contribuyendo al aumento general de la biodiversidad en la región.

인터내셔널 페이퍼 (IP)와 내셔널 피시 앤 와일드라이프 재단 (NFWF)은 붉은머리딱따구리 보존에서 중요한 이정표를 강조함으로써 야생 동물 보호의 날을 기념하고 있습니다. 이 종은 멸종 위기에서 위협받는 종으로 등급이 하향 조정되었습니다.

그들의 포레스트랜드 스튜어드 파트너십을 통해 IP와 NFWF는 여러 이해관계자와 협력하여 미국 남부 전역의 롱리프 파인 숲을 수천 에이커 복원하였습니다. 이 복원 노력은 이러한 새들이 필요한 특정한 성숙하고 가슴을 열 수 있는 환경을 제공하는 롱리프 파인 생태계의 재건에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 붉은머리딱따구리에게만 이익을 주는 것이 아니라 롱리프 생태계에 의존하는 수많은 다른 종들도 지원하여 지역 내 전반적인 생물 다양성 향상에 기여하고 있습니다.

International Paper (IP) et la National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) célèbrent la Journée de la Conservation de la Faune en mettant en lumière une étape importante dans la conservation du pic à tête rouge. Cette espèce a été déclassée de 'en danger' à 'menacée' dans le cadre de la Loi sur les Espèces en Danger.

Grâce à leur Forestland Stewards Partnership, IP et NFWF ont collaboré avec divers acteurs pour restaurer des milliers d'acres de pins longleaf dans le sud des États-Unis, créant des habitats importants pour les populations de pics. Les efforts de restauration se concentrent sur la réhabilitation des écosystèmes de pins longleaf, qui fournissent les environnements matures et à couvert ouvert spécifiques dont ces oiseaux ont besoin.

L'initiative bénéficie non seulement au pic à tête rouge, mais elle soutient également de nombreuses autres espèces dépendant de l'écosystème longleaf, contribuant à l'amélioration de la biodiversité globale dans la région.

International Paper (IP) und die National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) feiern den Tag der Wildtierschutz, indem sie einen bedeutenden Meilenstein im Schutz des Rotkappenbunttickers hervorheben. Die Art wurde gemäß dem Gesetz über gefährdete Arten von 'gefährdet' auf 'bedroht' herabgestuft.

Durch ihre Forestland Stewards Partnership haben IP und NFWF mit verschiedenen Beteiligten zusammengearbeitet, um Tausende von Hektar Langleaf-Kiefern im Süden der USA wiederherzustellen, die wichtige Lebensräume für die Buntvogelpopulationen schaffen. Die Restaurierungsmaßnahmen konzentrieren sich darauf, die Langleaf-Kiefer-Ökosysteme wiederherzustellen, die die spezifischen reifen, offenen Baumkronen-Umgebungen bieten, die diese Vögel benötigen.

Die Initiative kommt nicht nur dem Rotkappenbuntticker zugute, sondern unterstützt auch zahlreiche andere Arten, die vom Langleaf-Ökosystem abhängen, was zur allgemeinen Verbesserung der biologischen Vielfalt in der Region beiträgt.

  • None.
  • None.

MEMPHIS, TN / ACCESSWIRE / December 4, 2024 / International Paper Company

In celebration of Wildlife Conservation Day, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and International Paper (IP) are proud to highlight a critical milestone in the conservation of the red-cockaded woodpecker, a species whose resilience symbolizes the success of collaborative conservation. Recently downlisted from "endangered" to "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act, this achievement underscores the progress in restoring vital habitats.

Through their Forestland Stewards Partnership, NFWF and IP have supported alongside numerous government agencies, local conservation organizations and landowners to restore thousands of acres of longleaf pine across the U.S. South, a crucial step in providing suitable habitat for red-cockaded woodpecker populations. These efforts have enabled new populations of birds to be established, benefiting the species and strengthening biodiversity across the region.

"By investing in long-term habitat restoration, we're not only helping to secure a future for the red-cockaded woodpecker but also strengthening the broader ecosystem that supports countless other species," said Sophie Beckham, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer at International Paper. "This Wildlife Conservation Day, we celebrate the resilience of this iconic bird and reaffirm our commitment to sustainable forestry practices that protect wildlife."

The restoration efforts focus on reestablishing longleaf pine ecosystems, which provide the specific mature, open-canopy environments that red-cockaded woodpeckers require. Alongside benefiting the red-cockaded woodpecker, this project supports a range of other species that rely on the longleaf ecosystem, further strengthening biodiversity.

"The downlisting of the red-cockaded woodpecker represents a remarkable success story for conservation and underscores the importance of partnerships in restoring biodiversity," said Jay Jensen, southern region director with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. "Our collaborative efforts with International Paper and local conservation partners are bringing life back to critical habitats, ensuring that these resilient woodpeckers can thrive for future generations."

The Forestland Stewards Partnership has helped conserve and enhance vital forestland across the Southeastern United States, safeguarding essential habitats and supporting the recovery of at-risk species. These initiatives align with national conservation goals and demonstrate the transformative power of public-private partnerships in addressing complex environmental challenges.

Learn more about the Forestland Stewards Partnership here:


About International Paper
International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Europe, Latin America and North Africa. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Chartered by Congress in 1984, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) protects and restores the nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. Working with federal, corporate, foundation and individual partners, NFWF has funded more than 6,800 organizations and generated a total conservation impact of more than $10 billion. NFWF is an equal opportunity provider. Learn more at

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SOURCE: International Paper Company

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What milestone did IP achieve for red-cockaded woodpecker conservation in 2024?

The red-cockaded woodpecker was downlisted from 'endangered' to 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act, marking a significant conservation achievement through IP's Forestland Stewards Partnership with NFWF.

How is IP helping to conserve red-cockaded woodpeckers in the U.S. South?

IP is working through the Forestland Stewards Partnership to restore thousands of acres of longleaf pine across the U.S. South, creating suitable habitats with mature, open-canopy environments for red-cockaded woodpecker populations.

What ecosystem is IP restoring to protect the red-cockaded woodpecker?

IP is focusing on restoring longleaf pine ecosystems, which provide the specific mature, open-canopy environments that red-cockaded woodpeckers require for their habitat.

What is the significance of IP's Wildlife Conservation Day announcement in 2024?

The announcement highlights the successful downlisting of the red-cockaded woodpecker from endangered to threatened status, demonstrating the effectiveness of IP's conservation partnerships and habitat restoration efforts.

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