International Paper Chief Sustainability Officer Recognized as One of the Most Important CSOs in North America

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International Paper's Chief Sustainability Officer Sophie Beckham received the Bronze Award at Futur/io's 2024 CSO Awards North America. The awards recognize North American CSOs driving corporate sustainability with high, scalable impact. Beckham was chosen through a rigorous selection process developed by Futur/io and partners, using a four-quadrant model criteria.

The selection considered corporate behaviors, ESG and SDG performance, environmental and human impact, and a self-assessment survey. A Grand Jury selected the final winners from the Top 20 ranking CSOs. Beckham, who holds a Master of Forestry degree from Yale, has been advancing IP's planet stewardship initiatives since 2013.

She expressed honor at being selected among talented sustainability leaders, attributing the award to the collective efforts at IP in advancing their Vision 2030 goals.

La Chief Sustainability Officer di International Paper, Sophie Beckham, ha ricevuto il Premio Bronzo agli 2024 CSO Awards North America di Futur/io. I premi riconoscono i CSO nordamericani che promuovono la sostenibilità aziendale con un impatto elevato e scalabile. Beckham è stata scelta attraverso un rigoroso processo di selezione sviluppato da Futur/io e dai suoi partner, utilizzando criteri basati su un modello a quattro quadranti.

La selezione ha considerato i comportamenti aziendali, le performance ESG e SDG, l'impatto ambientale e umano, e un questionario di autovalutazione. Una Grand Jury ha selezionato i vincitori finali dalla Top 20 dei CSO classificati. Beckham, che possiede un Master in Selvicoltura dell'Università di Yale, sta portando avanti le iniziative di responsabilità ambientale di IP dal 2013.

Ha espresso onore per essere stata selezionata tra i talentuosi leader della sostenibilità, attribuendo il premio agli sforzi collettivi presso IP per il raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi Vision 2030.

La Directora de Sostenibilidad de International Paper, Sophie Beckham, recibió el Premio de Bronce en los 2024 CSO Awards de Futur/io en América del Norte. Los premios reconocen a los CSO de América del Norte que impulsan la sostenibilidad empresarial con un impacto alto y escalable. Beckham fue elegida a través de un riguroso proceso de selección desarrollado por Futur/io y sus socios, utilizando un modelo de criterios en cuatro cuadrantes.

La selección consideró los comportamientos corporativos, el rendimiento en ESG y SDG, el impacto ambiental y humano, y una encuesta de autoevaluación. Un Gran Jurado seleccionó a los ganadores finales de los 20 mejores CSO clasificados. Beckham, que posee una Maestría en Silvicultura de Yale, ha estado avanzando en las iniciativas de responsabilidad ambiental de IP desde 2013.

Expresó su honor por haber sido seleccionada entre talentosos líderes en sostenibilidad, atribuyendo el premio a los esfuerzos colectivos en IP para avanzar en sus metas de Visión 2030.

인터내셔널 페이퍼의 최고 지속 가능성 책임자 소피 베컴이 2024년 북미 CSO 어워드에서 브론즈 상을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 높은 영향력과 확장성을 가진 기업 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 북미 지역의 CSO를 인정합니다. 베컴은 Futur/io와 파트너가 개발한 엄격한 선정 과정을 통해 선정되었습니다. 이 과정은 네 가지 사분면 모델 기준을 사용했습니다.

선정 과정은 기업 행동, ESG 및 SDG 성과, 환경적이고 인간적인 영향, 자가 평가 설문을 고려했습니다. 그랜드 저리가 상위 20개 CSO의 최종 우승자를 선출했습니다. 예일 대학교에서 산림학 석사 학위를 받은 베컴은 2013년부터 IP의 지구 관리 이니셔티브를 발전시키고 있습니다.

그녀는 유능한 지속 가능성 리더들 사이에서 선정된 것에 대한 영광을 표명하며, 이 상을 IP가 비전 2030 목표를 발전시키기 위한 집단적인 노력 덕분이라고 밝혔습니다.

Sophie Beckham, Directrice de la Durabilité d'International Paper, a reçu le Prix de Bronze aux 2024 CSO Awards Amérique du Nord de Futur/io. Ces prix reconnaissent les CSO nord-américains qui promeuvent la durabilité d'entreprise avec un impact élevé et évolutif. Beckham a été choisie grâce à un processus de sélection rigoureux développé par Futur/io et ses partenaires, utilisant un modèle de critères en quatre quadrants.

La sélection a pris en compte les comportements d'entreprise, les performances ESG et SDG, l'impact environnemental et humain, ainsi qu'une auto-évaluation. Un Grand Jury a sélectionné les lauréats finaux parmi les 20 meilleurs CSO. Beckham, qui possède une maîtrise en foresterie de Yale, fait avancer les initiatives de gestion de la planète d'IP depuis 2013.

Elle a exprimé son honneur d'être sélectionnée parmi des leaders talentueux en matière de durabilité, attribuant le prix aux efforts collectifs de l'IP pour la réalisation de ses objectifs Vision 2030.

Sophie Beckham, die Chief Sustainability Officer von International Paper, erhielt den Bronzepreis bei den 2024 CSO Awards Nordamerika von Futur/io. Die Auszeichnungen würdigen nordamerikanische CSOs, die Unternehmensnachhaltigkeit mit hohem, skalierbarem Einfluss vorantreiben. Beckham wurde durch einen strengen Auswahlprozess von Futur/io und Partnern ausgewählt, der auf einem Vier-Quadranten-Modell basierte.

Die Auswahl berücksichtigte Unternehmensverhalten, ESG- und SDG-Leistungen, Umwelt- und Menschen Auswirkungen sowie eine Selbstbewertung. Eine Großjury wählte die endgültigen Gewinner aus den Top 20 der CSOs. Beckham, die einen Master in Forstwirtschaft von Yale hat, setzt sich seit 2013 für die Umweltschutzinitiativen von IP ein.

Sie drückte ihre Ehre aus, unter talentierten Führungskräften im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich ausgewählt worden zu sein und schrieb den Preis den kollektiven Anstrengungen bei IP zu, um ihre Vision 2030-Ziele voranzutreiben.

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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / International Paper's Chief Sustainability Officer Sophie Beckham was recognized this week at Futur/io's 2024 CSO Awards North America.

The CSO Awards honor North American Chief Sustainability Officers who are driving corporate sustainability for major companies in USA and Canada, with high, scalable impact. Beckham received the Bronze Award, alongside the CSOs of Starbucks (Gold) and Salesforce (Silver).

The CSO Awards North America is an initiative of the Futur/io Institute, a pioneering organization dedicated to nurturing and inspiring leadership in sustainable innovation and building the most impactful network of Chief Sustainability Officers globally.

"Our mission for the CSO Awards North America goes beyond rewarding the companies," said Harald Neidhardt CEO & Curator, Futur/io Institute. "We shine a light on the role of the Chief Sustainability Officers that are active change-makers fostering action and ambition across their organisations."

Beckham was chosen after a rigorous selection process developed by Futur/io and scientific partner Leonardo Centre on Business for Society at Imperial College Business School, and supported by knowledge partners Denominator, specialized in human-centric data, and Rainforest Partnership, focused on biodiversity.

According to Futur/io, recipients were selected using a four-quadrant model criteria, taking into consideration the maturity of corporate behaviors, regulatory performance on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) criteria, environmental and human impact and also a self-assessment survey. The Top 20 ranking CSOs were then assessed by a Grand Jury, who selected the final winners.

"I am so honored to have been selected from among so many talented and dedicated leaders in sustainability," Beckham said. "This award is for all of us at IP and for all the work that our teams around the world do to advance our Vision 2030 goals."

Sophie Beckham is VP and Chief Sustainability Officer at International Paper, where she works across the enterprise to develop sustainability strategies that achieve the company's Vision 2030 goals. She also serves as the company's primary external spokesperson and thought leader on issues related to sustainability and stewardship.

Her career has been dedicated to driving sustainable business outcomes through purposeful leadership in consumer goods and forest product manufacturing sectors. Sophie has been advancing IP's planet stewardship initiatives since 2013, serving in various roles throughout her time with the company. She holds a Master of Forestry degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, now known as the Yale School of the Environment.

Learn more about Futur/io's 2024 CSO Awards North America at

About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

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SOURCE: International Paper Company

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What award did International Paper's CSO Sophie Beckham receive in 2024?

Sophie Beckham received the Bronze Award at Futur/io's 2024 CSO Awards North America, recognizing her as one of the most important CSOs driving corporate sustainability in North America.

How were the winners of the 2024 CSO Awards North America selected?

Winners were selected using a four-quadrant model criteria, considering corporate behaviors, ESG and SDG performance, environmental and human impact, and a self-assessment survey. The Top 20 ranking CSOs were then assessed by a Grand Jury to select the final winners.

What is Sophie Beckham's role at International Paper (IP)?

Sophie Beckham is the VP and Chief Sustainability Officer at International Paper, where she develops sustainability strategies to achieve the company's Vision 2030 goals and serves as the primary external spokesperson on sustainability and stewardship issues.

Who organized the 2024 CSO Awards North America?

The 2024 CSO Awards North America was organized by Futur/io Institute, a pioneering organization dedicated to nurturing and inspiring leadership in sustainable innovation and building a network of Chief Sustainability Officers globally.

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