How International Paper Works With Forest Landowners for Conservation Impact

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International Paper (IP) is progressing towards its goal of conserving and restoring 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland by 2030. The company's strategy involves working with wood suppliers, forest landowners, community stakeholders, and conservation organizations. A key example is IP's long-standing relationship with Wise Batten, who owns a forest plantation in Black Swamp along the Savannah River floodplain.

Batten's land provides renewable fiber for IP's products while also serving as a habitat for wildlife, including the Swallow-tailed Kite. Through best management practices and conservation easements, Batten is helping to protect thousands of acres for future generations. IP collaborates with landowners like Batten to organize tours for customers, showcasing sustainable forestry practices and their importance in creating healthier, more abundant forests.

International Paper (IP) sta facendo progressi verso il suo obiettivo di conservare e ripristinare 1 milione di acri di foreste ecologicamente significative entro il 2030. La strategia dell'azienda prevede la collaborazione con fornitori di legno, proprietari terrieri, parti interessate della comunità e organizzazioni per la conservazione. Un esempio significativo è la lunga relazione di IP con Wise Batten, che possiede una piantagione forestale nel Black Swamp lungo la pianura alluvionale del fiume Savannah.

Il terreno di Batten fornisce fibra rinnovabile per i prodotti di IP e funge anche da habitat per la fauna selvatica, compreso il Kite a coda di rondine. Attraverso migliori pratiche di gestione e servitù di conservazione, Batten contribuisce a proteggere migliaia di acri per le future generazioni. IP collabora con proprietari terrieri come Batten per organizzare tour per i clienti, mostrando pratiche forestali sostenibili e la loro importanza per creare foreste più sane e abbondanti.

International Paper (IP) está avanzando hacia su objetivo de conservar y restaurar 1 millón de acres de tierras forestales ecológicamente significativas para 2030. La estrategia de la compañía incluye trabajar con proveedores de madera, propietarios de tierras forestales, partes interesadas de la comunidad y organizaciones de conservación. Un ejemplo clave es la relación a largo plazo de IP con Wise Batten, que es propietario de una plantación forestal en Black Swamp a lo largo de la llanura de inundación del río Savannah.

La tierra de Batten proporciona fibra renovable para los productos de IP y también sirve como hábitat para la vida silvestre, incluyendo el aguilucho de cola en forma de swall. A través de mejores prácticas de gestión y servidumbres de conservación, Batten está ayudando a proteger miles de acres para las futuras generaciones. IP colabora con propietarios de tierras como Batten para organizar recorridos para los clientes, mostrando prácticas de silvicultura sostenible y su importancia para crear bosques más sanos y abundantes.

International Paper (IP)는 2030년까지 100만 에이커의 생태적으로 중요한 산림을 보존하고 복원하는 목표를 향해 나아가고 있습니다. 이 회사의 전략은 목재 공급업체, 산림 소유자, 지역 이해관계자 및 보존 조직들과 협력하는 것을 포함합니다. 주요 예시로는 IP와 Wise Batten 간의 오랜 관계가 있으며, Batten은 사바나 강의 범람원에 있는 숲 속 농장의 소유자입니다.

Batten의 땅은 IP 제품에 대한 재생 가능한 섬유를 제공하며, 스왈로우테일 카이트를 포함한 야생동물의 서식지 역할도 합니다. 최고의 관리 관행 및 보존 유산을 통해 Batten은 미래 세대를 위해 수천 에이커를 보호하는 데 도움을 주고 있습니다. IP는 Batten과 같은 토지 소유자와 협력하여 고객을 위한 투어를 조직하며, 지속 가능한 임업 관행과 보다 건강하고 풍부한 숲을 만드는 데 있어 그 중요성을 보여줍니다.

International Paper (IP) progresse vers son objectif de conserver et de restaurer 1 million d'acres de forêts écologiquement significatives d'ici 2030. La stratégie de l'entreprise implique de travailler avec des fournisseurs de bois, des propriétaires forestiers, des acteurs communautaires et des organisations de conservation. Un exemple clé est la relation de longue date d'IP avec Wise Batten, qui possède une plantation forestière dans le Black Swamp le long de la plaine inondable de la rivière Savannah.

Les terres de Batten fournissent des fibres renouvelables pour les produits d'IP tout en servant également d'habitat pour la faune, y compris le Faucon à queue d'hirondelle. Grâce à des meilleures pratiques de gestion et des servitudes de conservation, Batten aide à protéger des milliers d'acres pour les générations futures. IP collabore avec des propriétaires fonciers comme Batten pour organiser des visites pour les clients, mettant en avant les pratiques forestières durables et leur importance pour créer des forêts plus saines et plus abondantes.

International Paper (IP) macht Fortschritte in Richtung seines Ziels, bis 2030 1 Million Acres ökologisch bedeutender Waldflächen zu erhalten und zu regenerieren. Die Strategie des Unternehmens beinhaltet die Zusammenarbeit mit Holzlieferanten, Waldbesitzern, Gemeinschaftsakteuren und Naturschutzorganisationen. Ein wichtiges Beispiel ist die langjährige Beziehung von IP zu Wise Batten, der eine Waldplantage im Black Swamp entlang der Überschwemmungsgebiets des Savannah River besitzt.

Battens Land bietet erneuerbare Fasern für die Produkte von IP und dient gleichzeitig als Lebensraum für Wildtiere, einschließlich des Schwalben-schwanzes. Durch beste Managementpraktiken und Naturschutzverträge hilft Batten, Tausende von Acres für zukünftige Generationen zu schützen. IP arbeitet mit Landbesitzern wie Batten zusammen, um Touren für Kunden zu organisieren, die nachhaltige Forstwirtschaftspraktiken und deren Bedeutung für die Schaffung gesünderer, reichhaltigerer Wälder hervorheben.

  • Progress towards conserving and restoring 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland by 2030
  • Long-term partnerships with forest landowners for sustainable fiber sourcing
  • Implementation of conservation easements to protect land in perpetuity
  • Promotion of sustainable forestry practices through customer tours
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 23, 2024 / International Paper Company
Originally published in International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report

Engaging with suppliers and partners

As we move toward our target of conserving and restoring 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland by 2030, we are working with strategic partners to safeguard the long-term resilience of our forests and the communities they sustain. Our cooperation with partners has three strands:

1. Working directly with wood suppliers and forest landowners to promote sustainable management practices

2. Engaging stakeholders in the communities where we operate

3. Collaborating with conservation organizations to enhance ecologically important areas and restore forests worldwide

Working with forest landowners

For over two decades, IP has cultivated a strong relationship with Wise Batten who, together with his family, owns a forest plantation covering thousands of acres in Black Swamp. Located along the floodplain of the Savannah River, this land provides some of the valuable renewable fiber used in International Paper's products.

Working with forest landowners like Batten is one way we live out our commitment to responsible forest stewardship. With development steadily moving inland from the coast and demand for residential housing and manufacturing sites growing, selling the Loblolly pine trees grown there offers Batten a way to protect the land while also enjoying and sharing the recreational opportunities it affords to the community.

Black Swamp isn't just a working forest; it also provides habitat for deer, turkey and many other types of migratory and non-migratory birds. Since the land sits in a strategic location along the migration path of the Swallow-tailed Kite, Batten is supporting IP's work to help understand and protect natural wildlife in the region through our partnership with the American Bird Conservancy (see page 32).

Through best management practices and conservation efforts, Batten is also helping save the land for generations. Alongside community partners, Batten has helped protect thousands of acres in perpetuity at Black Swamp through conservation easements. These easements are voluntary, legal agreements between the landowner and land trust or government agency that permanently limit the use of the land to protect its conservation value.

To help share the importance of sustainable forestry, International Paper teams up with landowners like Batten to hold tours for customers who purchase IP products. During these tours, customers can learn more about the practices that create healthier and more abundant forests and discover what sustainable forestry means to landowners.

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About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE:IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

Wise Batten, Forest Landowner

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SOURCE: International Paper Company

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What is International Paper's conservation target for 2030?

International Paper aims to conserve and restore 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland by 2030.

How does International Paper (IP) work with forest landowners like Wise Batten?

IP works with forest landowners like Wise Batten to promote sustainable management practices, protect land through conservation easements, and provide renewable fiber for IP's products while preserving wildlife habitats.

What conservation efforts are being implemented at Black Swamp by International Paper and Wise Batten?

At Black Swamp, International Paper and Wise Batten are implementing best management practices, supporting wildlife conservation efforts, and using conservation easements to protect thousands of acres in perpetuity.

How does International Paper educate customers about sustainable forestry?

International Paper organizes tours with forest landowners like Wise Batten for customers to learn about sustainable forestry practices and their importance in creating healthier, more abundant forests.

International Paper Co.


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