DS Smith Drypack Solution Benefits Seafood Industry
International Paper (IP) subsidiary DS Smith has introduced DryPack, an innovative seafood packaging solution that offers significant benefits for the seafood industry. The 100% water-resistant box maintains fresh fish below 40°F for over 40 hours in cold chain operations.
The DryPack solution features notable advantages:
- IATA-approved for air freight transportation
- Ships flat to processors, reducing freight costs and emissions
- 100% recyclable and FBA-approved
- Manufactured using patented Greencoat® technology
- Holds USDA, CFIA, FDA certifications
The technology is already being successfully implemented by customers like Kvarøy Arctic, a Norwegian salmon producer. DS Smith's initiative aligns with their sustainability goals, having replaced over 1 billion plastic items and created more than 30,000 circular-ready projects through their Circular Design Metrics tool.
International Paper (IP) ha presentato attraverso la sua sussidiaria DS Smith DryPack, una soluzione innovativa per l'imballaggio dei frutti di mare che offre vantaggi significativi per l'industria ittica. La scatola, completamente resistente all'acqua, mantiene il pesce fresco al di sotto dei 40°F per oltre 40 ore nelle operazioni della catena del freddo.
La soluzione DryPack presenta vantaggi notevoli:
- Approvata dall'IATA per il trasporto aereo
- Si spedisce piatta ai processori, riducendo i costi di trasporto e le emissioni
- 100% riciclabile e approvata FBA
- Prodotta utilizzando la tecnologia brevettata Greencoat®
- Possiede le certificazioni USDA, CFIA, FDA
La tecnologia è già in fase di implementazione con successo da parte di clienti come Kvarøy Arctic, un produttore norvegese di salmone. L'iniziativa di DS Smith è in linea con i loro obiettivi di sostenibilità, avendo sostituito oltre 1 miliardo di articoli di plastica e creato più di 30.000 progetti pronti per il riciclo attraverso il loro strumento Circular Design Metrics.
International Paper (IP) a través de su subsidiaria DS Smith ha presentado DryPack, una solución innovadora de embalaje para mariscos que ofrece beneficios significativos para la industria pesquera. La caja, 100% resistente al agua, mantiene el pescado fresco por debajo de 40°F durante más de 40 horas en operaciones de cadena de frío.
La solución DryPack presenta ventajas notables:
- Aprobada por la IATA para el transporte aéreo
- Se envía plana a los procesadores, reduciendo costos de envío y emisiones
- 100% reciclable y aprobada por FBA
- Fabricada con tecnología patentada Greencoat®
- Posee certificaciones USDA, CFIA, FDA
La tecnología ya está siendo implementada con éxito por clientes como Kvarøy Arctic, un productor noruego de salmón. La iniciativa de DS Smith está alineada con sus objetivos de sostenibilidad, habiendo reemplazado más de 1 mil millones de artículos de plástico y creado más de 30,000 proyectos listos para el reciclaje a través de su herramienta Circular Design Metrics.
인터내셔널 페이퍼 (IP)의 자회사 DS 스미스가 드라이팩을 도입했습니다. 이는 해산물 산업에 중요한 이점을 제공하는 혁신적인 포장 솔루션입니다. 100% 방수 상자는 냉장 유통 과정에서 40°F 이하의 신선한 생선을 40시간 이상 유지합니다.
드라이팩 솔루션의 주목할 만한 장점은 다음과 같습니다:
- 항공 화물 운송을 위한 IATA 승인
- 납품 시 평평하게 배송되어 운송 비용과 배출량 감소
- 100% 재활용 가능 및 FBA 승인
- 특허받은 그린코트® 기술로 제조됨
- USDA, CFIA, FDA 인증 보유
이 기술은 노르웨이 연어 생산업체인 Kvarøy Arctic와 같은 고객에 의해 성공적으로 구현되고 있습니다. DS 스미스의 이니셔티브는 그들의 지속 가능성 목표와 일치하며, 10억 개 이상의 플라스틱 제품을 대체하고 Circular Design Metrics 도구를 통해 30,000개 이상의 순환 준비 프로젝트를 창출했습니다.
International Paper (IP) a présenté par l'intermédiaire de sa filiale DS Smith DryPack, une solution d'emballage innovante pour les fruits de mer qui offre des avantages significatifs pour l'industrie de la pêche. La boîte, entièrement résistante à l'eau, maintient le poisson frais en dessous de 40°F pendant plus de 40 heures dans les opérations de chaîne du froid.
La solution DryPack présente des avantages notables :
- Approuvée par l'IATA pour le transport aérien
- Livrée à plat aux transformateurs, réduisant les coûts de transport et les émissions
- 100% recyclable et approuvée par la FBA
- Fabriquée avec la technologie brevetée Greencoat®
- Possède les certifications USDA, CFIA, FDA
La technologie est déjà mise en œuvre avec succès par des clients comme Kvarøy Arctic, un producteur norvégien de saumon. L'initiative de DS Smith s'aligne sur leurs objectifs de durabilité, ayant remplacé plus d'un milliard d'articles en plastique et créé plus de 30 000 projets prêts pour le recyclage grâce à leur outil Circular Design Metrics.
International Paper (IP) hat über seine Tochtergesellschaft DS Smith DryPack vorgestellt, eine innovative Verpackungslösung für Meeresfrüchte, die erhebliche Vorteile für die Fischereiindustrie bietet. Die 100% wasserfeste Box hält frischen Fisch bei unter 40°F für über 40 Stunden in der Kühlkette.
Die DryPack-Lösung bietet bemerkenswerte Vorteile:
- IATA-zugelassen für den Luftfrachttransport
- Flach an die Verarbeiter geliefert, wodurch Frachtkosten und Emissionen gesenkt werden
- 100% recycelbar und FBA-zugelassen
- Hergestellt mit patentierter Greencoat®-Technologie
- Besitzt USDA-, CFIA- und FDA-Zertifizierungen
Die Technologie wird bereits erfolgreich von Kunden wie Kvarøy Arctic, einem norwegischen Lachsproduzenten, umgesetzt. Die Initiative von DS Smith steht im Einklang mit ihren Nachhaltigkeitszielen, da sie über 1 Milliarde Plastikartikel ersetzt und mehr als 30.000 kreislauffähige Projekte durch ihr Circular Design Metrics-Tool geschaffen haben.
- Product innovation expanding IP's market presence in sustainable packaging
- Cost reduction potential through efficient shipping and storage
- Multiple regulatory certifications enabling broad market access
- Successfully implemented by major industry customers
- None.
Processors see improved sustainability, reduced costs and ability to phase out plastics

DS Smith, a leading fiber-based packaging manufacturer, which was acquired by International Paper in 2025, is helpings seafood processors reduce costs and CO2 emissions through its DryPack seafood box. DryPack is a
Sustainability and cost savings advantages
DryPack is the only container board seafood box approved for air freight by the International Air Transport Association, giving seafood processors the ability to safely ship fresh fish for short and long distances. The boxes ship flat to seafood processors - requiring less space than traditional boxes – and are easy and quick to assemble manually or with the use of automation equipment.
“DS Smith is changing how the seafood industry delivers seafood, salmon and other fish from catch to customers with DryPack, a proven,
DS Smith is now manufacturing DryPack boxes at its
Norwegian DS Smith customer Kvarøy Arctic – a family-owned salmon producer located on an island inside the Arctic Circle – depends on DryPack’s recyclability and reliability as a water-resistant and versatile packaging solution. According to the company’s CEO, Alf-Gøran Knutsen, “Our packaging in corrugated board is a win for both the environment and our brand.”
This patented seafood box – a past design winner of the World Packaging Association’s WorldStar Award – is on display at the Seafood Expo in
Driving circularity and reducing waste
With DryPack, DS Smith is furthering its ambition to help replace plastic in the packaging space. Driven by its Now and Next sustainability strategy and working in partnership with customers, DS Smith has replaced more than 1 billion plastics.
The company is committed to supporting a transition to the Circular Economy, reducing waste and pollution, and helping keep materials in use for longer. DS Smith creates
For more information about DryPack, visit www.dsmith.com/us.
About DS Smith:
DS Smith, which was acquired by International Paper in 2025, is a leading provider of sustainable fiber-based packaging worldwide, which is supported by recycling and papermaking operations. It plays a central role in the value chain across sectors including e-commerce, fast-moving consumer goods and industrials. Through its purpose of “Redefining Packaging for a Changing World” and its Now and Next sustainability strategy, DS Smith is committed to leading the transition to the circular economy, while delivering more circular solutions for its customers and wider society – replacing problem plastics, taking carbon out of supply chains and providing innovative recycling solutions. Its bespoke box-to-box in 14 days model, design capabilities and innovation strategy sit at the heart of this response.
About International Paper
International Paper (NYSE: IP; LSE: IPC) is the global leader in sustainable packaging solutions. With company headquarters in
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Taylor Tuscai
Source: DS Smith