UMD Touts Expertise, Announces New Investments and Expanded Partnership in Quantum

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The University of Maryland (UMD) and IonQ have signed a $9 million agreement to expand their partnership at the National Quantum Lab at Maryland (QLab). This investment reinforces Maryland's position as the 'Capital of Quantum' and UMD's 35-year history of quantum expertise. Key highlights include:

- UMD's 10 quantum-focused centers with over 200 researchers
- 200+ annual quantum publications
- 100+ quantum-focused physics Ph.D. graduates in the last decade
- QLab's support for undergraduate interns, academic research, and quantum startups
- Collaboration with government partners like NASA

The expanded partnership aims to drive quantum innovation, economic development, and attract top talent to the region while providing access to IonQ's industry-leading trapped ion quantum computers.

L'Università del Maryland (UMD) e IonQ hanno firmato un accordo di 9 milioni di dollari per ampliare la loro collaborazione presso il National Quantum Lab del Maryland (QLab). Questo investimento rafforza la posizione del Maryland come 'Capitale del Quantum' e la lunga storia di 35 anni di esperienza quantistica dell'UMD. I principali punti salienti includono:

- 10 centri focalizzati sul quantum con oltre 200 ricercatori
- Oltre 200 pubblicazioni annuali sul quantum
- Più di 100 laureati in fisica con specializzazione in quantum negli ultimi dieci anni
- Il supporto di QLab per tirocinanti universitari, ricerca accademica e startup quantistiche
- Collaborazione con partner governativi come la NASA

Il partenariato ampliato mira a stimolare l'innovazione quantistica, lo sviluppo economico e ad attrarre talenti di alto livello nella regione, fornendo al contempo accesso ai computer quantistici a ioni intrappolati di IonQ, leader del settore.

La Universidad de Maryland (UMD) y IonQ han firmado un acuerdo de 9 millones de dólares para expandir su asociación en el Laboratorio Nacional de Cuántica de Maryland (QLab). Esta inversión refuerza la posición de Maryland como ‘Capital del Quantum’ y la historia de 35 años de experiencia cuántica de UMD. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- 10 centros enfocados en cuántica con más de 200 investigadores
- Más de 200 publicaciones anuales sobre cuántica
- Más de 100 graduados en física con enfoque en cuántica en la última década
- El apoyo del QLab a pasantes de pregrado, investigación académica y startups cuánticas
- Colaboración con socios gubernamentales como la NASA

La asociación ampliada busca impulsar la innovación cuántica, el desarrollo económico y atraer talento de alto nivel a la región, al tiempo que proporciona acceso a las computadoras cuánticas líderes de la industria de iones atrapados de IonQ.

메릴랜드 대학교(UMD)와 IonQ는 900만 달러 규모의 계약을 체결했습니다 메릴랜드의 국가 양자 연구소(QLab)에서 파트너십을 확장하기 위해 이 투자로 메릴랜드는 ‘양자 수도’로서의 입지를 공유하게 되며 UMD의 35년 양자 전문성이 강화됩니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 200명 이상의 연구원과 함께하는 10개의 양자 중심
- 연간 200건 이상의 양자 공적
- 지난 10년간 100명 이상의 양자 전공 물리학 박사 졸업생
- 학부 인턴, 학술 연구, 양자 스타트업에 대한 QLab의 지원
- NASA와 같은 정부 파트너와의 협력

확대된 파트너십은 양자 혁신과 경제 개발을 촉진하고, 지역의 최고의 인재를 유치하며, IonQ의 업계를 선도하는 트랩 이온 양자 컴퓨터에 대한 접근을 제공합니다.

L'Université du Maryland (UMD) et IonQ ont signé un accord de 9 millions de dollars pour élargir leur partenariat au Laboratoire National de Quantum du Maryland (QLab). Cet investissement renforce la position du Maryland en tant que 'Capitale du Quantum' ainsi que l'expérience de 35 ans de l'UMD dans le domaine quantique. Les points forts incluent :

- 10 centres consacrés à la recherche quantique avec plus de 200 chercheurs
- Plus de 200 publications annuelles sur le quantum
- Plus de 100 docteurs en physique spécialisés en quantum au cours de la dernière décennie
- Le soutien du QLab pour les stagiaires de premier cycle, la recherche académique et les startups quantiques
- Collaboration avec des partenaires gouvernementaux tels que la NASA

Le partenariat élargi vise à stimuler l'innovation quantique, le développement économique, et à attirer les meilleurs talents dans la région tout en fournissant un accès aux ordinateurs quantiques à ions piégés d'IonQ, leaders de l'industrie.

Die Universität von Maryland (UMD) und IonQ haben einen Vertrag über 9 Millionen Dollar unterzeichnet, um ihre Partnerschaft im National Quantum Lab Maryland (QLab) zu erweitern. Diese Investition festigt Marylands Position als ‘Hauptstadt der Quanten’ und UMDs 35-jährige Geschichte in der Quantenkompetenz. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- 10 quantenfokussierte Zentren mit über 200 Forschern
- Über 200 jährliche Quantum-Publikationen
- Mehr als 100 Physik-Ph.D.-Absolventen mit Schwerpunkt Quanten im letzten Jahrzehnt
- Unterstützung von QLab für Bachelorpraktikanten, akademische Forschung und Quanten-Startups
- Zusammenarbeit mit Regierungsorganisationen wie der NASA

Die erweiterte Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Innovationen im Bereich Quanten zu fördern, die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung voranzutreiben und Spitzenkräfte in die Region zu ziehen, während sie Zugang zu IonQs branchenführenden Quantencomputern mit gefangenen Ionen bietet.

  • $9 million agreement to expand UMD-IonQ partnership
  • Access to IonQ's industry-leading trapped ion quantum computers
  • QLab supports multiple cohorts of undergraduate interns and academic research projects
  • Collaboration with government partners like NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Potential for economic development and talent attraction in Maryland
  • None.

The $9 million agreement between UMD and IonQ signifies a substantial commitment to quantum computing research and development. This investment strengthens Maryland's position as a quantum hub, potentially accelerating breakthroughs in the field. The expansion of QLab could lead to more practical applications of quantum technology, benefiting various sectors including materials science, aerospace and climate research.

The collaboration between academia and industry is important for advancing quantum computing. By providing students and researchers access to IonQ's cutting-edge trapped ion quantum computers, UMD is fostering a new generation of quantum experts. This could result in a competitive advantage for both the university and IonQ in the rapidly evolving quantum landscape.

For IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), this partnership represents a strategic move to solidify its market position. The $9 million agreement not only provides a revenue stream but also enhances IonQ's reputation through association with a leading academic institution. This collaboration could potentially lead to new intellectual property and innovations, boosting IonQ's competitive edge in the quantum computing market.

Investors should note that while this partnership strengthens IonQ's long-term prospects, the immediate financial impact may be The quantum computing industry is still in its early stages and significant returns may take time to materialize. However, this agreement demonstrates IonQ's commitment to R&D and talent development, which are important for long-term success in this high-potential sector.

The expansion of QLab and UMD's quantum initiatives signals growing momentum in the quantum computing market. With 200+ researchers and 100+ quantum-focused Ph.D. graduates over the last decade, UMD is creating a substantial talent pool for the quantum industry. This concentration of expertise could attract more quantum-related businesses to the region, potentially creating a quantum technology cluster similar to Silicon Valley for traditional tech.

The collaboration between UMD and IonQ also highlights the increasing importance of university-industry partnerships in driving technological innovation. As quantum computing moves closer to practical applications, we may see more such partnerships forming, accelerating the commercialization of quantum technologies and expanding the market size.

The university's renewed investment in the National Quantum Laboratory bolsters Maryland's leadership in quantum computing

COLLEGE PARK, Md., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The University of Maryland, an international powerhouse in quantum research and applications, and IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, today announced they have signed a $9 million agreement to expand their partnership to provide state-of-the-art quantum computing access at the National Quantum Lab at Maryland (QLab). Since its launch in 2021, QLab has provided UMD-affiliated students, faculty, researchers, staff and partners with an unprecedented opportunity to work closely with IonQ's scientists and engineers as they gain experience with industry-leading trapped ion quantum computers. 

University of Maryland President Darryll J. Pines shared news of the expanded partnership during his remarks at the third annual Quantum World Congress, where he spoke to quantum leaders from across the globe about the university's commitment to growing the vision of "quantum for all", including the development of QLab.

"From computing and photonics to networks and sensors, the University of Maryland is making sure the Capital of Quantum is at the center of the drive, determination and resources needed to take on the grandest challenges of our time for the betterment of everyone," Pines said. 

This expanded QLab partnership is only the most recent example in UMD's 35-year history of quantum investments. In that time, UMD has produced a world-leading concentration of quantum expertise—including Nobel Laureate Dr. William Phillips. The university's 10 quantum-focused centers have over 200 researchers, who have produced 200+ publications annually and graduated 100+ quantum-focused physics Ph.D.s over the last decade. 

As a result of UMD's investments, QLab has become a quantum innovation hub, driving economic development in the state while attracting top talent to the region. With substantial allocations to the open science community for high-impact scientific research projects, UMD and IonQ strive to foster connections with universities in Maryland and provide access to researchers globally. 

"This partnership strengthens IonQ's commitment to the state of Maryland, a state that has positioned itself as the Capital of Quantum," said IonQ President and CEO Peter Chapman. "UMD's dedication to quantum research, coupled with the collaborative nature of QLab, makes them the ideal partner to accelerate breakthroughs in the quantum industry."

"UMD's continued partnership with IonQ reaffirms our commitment to quantum innovation and the dramatic impact it is making in academia, government and the public sector," said Pines. "IonQ's industry-leading technology and expertise make them an invaluable partner in driving quantum research and development that will transform lives here in Maryland and around the world."

QLab, a first-of-its-kind lab for quantum research and development, has supported multiple cohorts of undergraduate interns, multiple academic research projects, and multiple companies within UMD's Quantum Startup Foundry and Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance. Workshops have also been held for government partners such as NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, as well as other events and tours for government and international visitors. 

The grand opening of QLab's physical location a year ago marked a pivotal moment in establishing a collaborative, diverse quantum research community in Maryland, including enabling the launch of its Global User Program. QLab has brought together stakeholders from academia, industry, and government and integrated researchers from diverse fields such as materials science, aerospace engineering, and climate science. 

Together with IonQ, UMD is focused on growing the quantum computing user base by supporting research projects that advance quantum computing solutions, enable scientific discovery, and prepare a skilled workforce. 

About the University of Maryland

The University of Maryland (UMD) is the state's flagship university and a leading public research institution, propelled by a $1.3 billion joint research enterprise. Located four miles from Washington, D.C., the university is dedicated to addressing the grand challenges of our time and is the nation's first Do Good campus. It is driven by a diverse and proudly inclusive community of more than 50,000 fearless Terrapins. UMD is a top producer of Fulbright scholars and offers an unparalleled student experience with more than 300 academic programs, 25 living-learning programs and 400 study abroad programs. Spurred by a culture of innovation and creativity, UMD faculty are global leaders in their field and include Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners and members of the national academies. For more information about the University of Maryland, visit

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems to solve the world's largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ's current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company's innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company's 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte's 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at

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What is the value of the new agreement between UMD and IonQ (IONQ)?

The University of Maryland and IonQ (IONQ) have signed a $9 million agreement to expand their partnership at the National Quantum Lab at Maryland (QLab).

How many quantum-focused centers does UMD have and how many researchers are involved?

UMD has 10 quantum-focused centers with over 200 researchers working on quantum technologies.

What is the annual quantum publication output of UMD?

UMD produces over 200 quantum-related publications annually.

How many quantum-focused physics Ph.D.s has UMD graduated in the last decade?

UMD has graduated over 100 quantum-focused physics Ph.D.s in the last decade.

What government partners has QLab collaborated with?

QLab has held workshops for government partners such as NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

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