IonQ Selected to Present at Fast Company’s 2024 Innovation Festival

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IonQ, a leader in quantum computing, will participate in the Fast Company Innovation Festival from September 16-19 in New York City. Margaret Arakawa, IonQ's Chief Marketing Officer, will discuss 'Preparing for a Quantum Leap' alongside industry leaders from IBM and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The festival will feature prominent speakers like Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos, and Ryan Reynolds. IonQ's session on quantum computing was highlighted as an exciting panel to watch. Recently, IonQ secured contracts with ARLIS for blind quantum computing, extended its partnership with Amazon Web Services, and announced a $9M deal with the University of Maryland.

IonQ continues to focus on building powerful, scalable quantum computers and delivering enterprise-grade solutions.

IonQ, un leader nel campo del calcolo quantistico, parteciperà al Fast Company Innovation Festival dal 16 al 19 settembre a New York City. Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Officer di IonQ, discuterà di 'Prepararsi a un Balzo Quantistico' insieme a leader del settore di IBM e del Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Il festival presenterà relatori di spicco come Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos e Ryan Reynolds. La sessione di IonQ sul calcolo quantistico è stata evidenziata come un pannello entusiasmante da seguire. Recentemente, IonQ ha ottenuto contratti con ARLIS per il calcolo quantistico cieco, ha esteso la sua partnership con Amazon Web Services e ha annunciato un accordo da 9 milioni di dollari con l'Università del Maryland.

IonQ continua a concentrarsi sulla costruzione di computer quantistici potenti e scalabili e sulla fornitura di soluzioni di livello enterprise.

IonQ, un líder en computación cuántica, participará en el Fast Company Innovation Festival del 16 al 19 de septiembre en Nueva York. Margaret Arakawa, Directora de Marketing de IonQ, hablará sobre 'Preparándose para un Salto Cuántico' junto a líderes de la industria de IBM y del Instituto Politécnico Rensselaer.

El festival contará con destacados oradores como Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos y Ryan Reynolds. La sesión de IonQ sobre computación cuántica ha sido destacada como un panel emocionante para ver. Recientemente, IonQ aseguró contratos con ARLIS para computación cuántica ciega, amplió su asociación con Amazon Web Services y anunció un acuerdo de 9 millones de dólares con la Universidad de Maryland.

IonQ sigue centrado en construir computadoras cuánticas potentes y escalables y en ofrecer soluciones de nivel empresarial.

IonQ는 양자 컴퓨팅의 선두주자로서 9월 16일부터 19일까지 뉴욕에서 열리는 Fast Company Innovation Festival에 참여합니다. IonQ의 최고 마케팅 책임자인 Margaret Arakawa는 IBM 및 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute의 산업 리더들과 함께 '양자 도약 준비하기'에 대해 논의할 예정입니다.

이 축제에는 Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos 및 Ryan Reynolds와 같은 저명한 연사들이 나올 것입니다. IonQ의 양자 컴퓨팅 세션은 흥미진진한 패널로 주목받고 있습니다. 최근 IonQ는 ARLIS와의 블라인드 양자 컴퓨팅 계약을 체결하고 Amazon Web Services와의 파트너십을 연장했으며, 메릴랜드대학교와 900만 달러 규모의 계약을 발표했습니다.

IonQ는 강력하고 확장 가능한 양자 컴퓨터 구축 및 기업 수준의 솔루션 제공에 집중하고 있습니다.

IonQ, un leader dans le domaine de l'informatique quantique, participera au Fast Company Innovation Festival du 16 au 19 septembre à New York. Margaret Arakawa, Directrice Marketing d'IonQ, discutera de 'Se Préparer à un Saut Quantique' aux côtés de leaders du secteur d'IBM et de l'Institut Polytechnique Rensselaer.

Le festival mettra en vedette des intervenants de renom tels que Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos et Ryan Reynolds. La session d'IonQ sur l'informatique quantique a été mise en avant comme un panel passionnant à suivre. Récemment, IonQ a obtenu des contrats avec ARLIS pour l'informatique quantique aveugle, a prolongé son partenariat avec Amazon Web Services et a annoncé un contrat de 9 millions de dollars avec l'Université du Maryland.

IonQ continue de se concentrer sur la construction d'ordinateurs quantiques puissants et évolutifs et sur la fourniture de solutions de niveau entreprise.

IonQ, ein Leader im Bereich Quantencomputing, wird vom 16. bis 19. September am Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York City teilnehmen. Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Officer von IonQ, wird gemeinsam mit Branchenführern von IBM und dem Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute über 'Vorbereitung auf einen Quantensprung' sprechen.

Das Festival wird prominente Redner wie Satya Nadella, Ted Sarandos und Ryan Reynolds präsentieren. Die Sitzung von IonQ über Quantencomputing wurde als spannendes Panel hervorgehoben, das man unbedingt verfolgen sollte. Kürzlich sicherte sich IonQ Verträge mit ARLIS für blindes Quantencomputing, erweiterte die Partnerschaft mit Amazon Web Services und kündigte einen Vertrag über 9 Millionen Dollar mit der Universität von Maryland an.

IonQ konzentriert sich weiterhin darauf, leistungsstarke, skalierbare Quantencomputer zu entwickeln und unternehmensgerechte Lösungen anzubieten.

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Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Officer at IonQ, discusses “Preparing for a Quantum Leap” with industry leaders from IBM and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, today announced its participation in Fast Company Innovation Festival, taking place September 16-19 in New York City. Live and in person, the 2024 Fast Company Innovation Festival will convene thousands of makers and innovators from across the globe for four days of inspired conversation, purposeful networking, and meaningful takeaways. This year’s speakers include Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos, Ryan Reynolds, producer, actor and entrepreneur, Lin-Manuel Miranda, award-winning songwriter, actor, producer and director, Jose Andres, Founder, Jose Andres Group, World Central Kitchen and Lina Khan, Chair Federal Trade commission, among others.

Throughout the Innovation Festival, Fast Company focuses on highlighting the most innovative and fast-moving trends in technology. The publication highlighted the quantum computing session from amongst 100 sessions as an exciting panel to watch in their article, What to expect at Fast Company’s 10th annual Innovation Festival”:

Preparing for a Quantum Leap

With all the buzz around AI, one has to wonder what’s next in tech. Many would argue it’s quantum computing, a multidisciplinary field that, at its core, uses quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for standard computers. Understand why tech giants, researchers, and investors see quantum computing as the next big leap—and where you should lean in.

“The Fast Company Innovation Festival is a unique event where tech influencers and today’s most important minds in the world of business, entertainment, and media come together to inform and shape the future,” said Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Office at IonQ. “I’m excited to help demystify quantum computing and its massive impact on society as IonQ continues to accelerate innovation in areas such as life sciences, logistics, AI, and energy.”

IonQ announced last month that it was selected by the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS) for a quantum networking contract to design a first-of-its-kind, networked system for blind quantum computing. In addition to government customers, IonQ works with global enterprise customers and leading academic institutions. Last month, IonQ announced a multi-million-dollar extension of its contract with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer its world-class quantum computers via Amazon Braket, the quantum computing service of AWS. Last week, the company announced a $9M deal with the University of Maryland to partner on quantum programs and provide access to their state-of-the-art quantum computers.

IonQ is focused on building the most powerful and scalable quantum computers in the world while delivering enterprise-grade solutions today. To learn more about IonQ and its latest system news and business developments, visit

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems to solve the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ’s current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company’s innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company’s 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at

IonQ Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Some of the forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words. Statements that are not historical in nature are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include those related to the company’s technology driving commercial advantage in the future, the ability for third parties to implement IonQ’s offerings to increase their quantum computing capabilities, the effect of increased availability of customer support functions, IonQ’s quantum computing capabilities and plans, access to IonQ’s quantum computers, increases in algorithmic qubit achievement, and the scalability, enterprise-readiness, and reliability of IonQ’s quantum computing offerings. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including but not limited to: changes in the competitive industries in which IonQ operates, including development of competing technologies; changes in laws and regulations affecting IonQ’s business; IonQ’s ability to implement its business plans, forecasts and other expectations, identify and realize partnerships and opportunities, and to engage new and existing customers. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company’s filings, including but not limited to those described in the “Risk Factors'' section of IonQ’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and other documents filed by IonQ from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and IonQ assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. IonQ does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

IonQ Media contact:

Tyler Ogoshi

IonQ Investor Contact:

Source: IonQ


When and where is IonQ presenting at the Fast Company Innovation Festival?

IonQ is presenting at the Fast Company Innovation Festival from September 16-19, 2024, in New York City.

What topic will IonQ's Margaret Arakawa discuss at the Innovation Festival?

Margaret Arakawa, IonQ's Chief Marketing Officer, will discuss 'Preparing for a Quantum Leap' at the Innovation Festival.

What recent contracts has IonQ (IONQ) secured?

IonQ (IONQ) recently secured contracts with ARLIS for blind quantum computing, extended its partnership with Amazon Web Services, and announced a $9M deal with the University of Maryland.

How is IonQ (IONQ) collaborating with Amazon Web Services?

IonQ (IONQ) has extended its contract with Amazon Web Services to offer its quantum computers via Amazon Braket, AWS's quantum computing service.

What is IonQ's (IONQ) main focus in quantum computing?

IonQ (IONQ) is focused on building the most powerful and scalable quantum computers in the world while delivering enterprise-grade solutions today.

IonQ, Inc.


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