IonQ Awarded Ground-breaking Quantum Computing Contract With Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)

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IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) has secured a $5.7 million contract with the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS) to design a pioneering networked quantum computing system for the Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Community. The project's initial phase focuses on system design, with future phases potentially including construction, delivery, and maintenance.

This contract extends IonQ's collaboration with federal agencies, following previous deals with the U.S. Air Force Research Lab. The project aims to advance cybersecurity in multi-party quantum computation, including blind quantum computing protocols. Funded by the Secretary of the Air Force, this initiative aligns with the U.S. government's goal to establish leadership in quantum computing.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) ha ottenuto un contratto di 5,7 milioni di dollari con il Laboratorio di Ricerca Applicata per l'Intelligence e la Sicurezza (ARLIS) per progettare un sistema di calcolo quantistico a rete innovativo per il Dipartimento della Difesa e la Comunità di Intelligence degli Stati Uniti. La fase iniziale del progetto si concentra sulla progettazione del sistema, con possibili fasi future che potrebbero includere costruzione, consegna e manutenzione.

Questo contratto estende la collaborazione di IonQ con le agenzie federali, dopo precedenti accordi con il Laboratorio di Ricerca dell'Aviazione degli Stati Uniti. Il progetto mira a migliorare la cybersecurity nel calcolo quantistico multi-party, inclusi i protocolli di calcolo quantistico cieco. Finanziato dal Segretario dell'Aviazione, questa iniziativa è in linea con l'obiettivo del governo degli Stati Uniti di stabilire una leadership nel calcolo quantistico.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) ha conseguido un contrato de 5,7 millones de dólares con el Laboratorio de Investigación Aplicada para la Inteligencia y Seguridad (ARLIS) para diseñar un sistema de computación cuántica en red pionero para el Departamento de Defensa y la Comunidad de Inteligencia de EE. UU. La fase inicial del proyecto se centra en el diseño del sistema, con futuras fases que podrían incluir construcción, entrega y mantenimiento.

Este contrato amplía la colaboración de IonQ con agencias federales, tras acuerdos previos con el Laboratorio de Investigación de la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU. El proyecto tiene como objetivo avanzar en la ciberseguridad en la computación cuántica multipartita, incluidos los protocolos de computación cuántica ciega. Financiada por el Secretario de la Fuerza Aérea, esta iniciativa se alinea con el objetivo del gobierno de EE. UU. de establecer liderazgo en la computación cuántica.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ)는 정보 및 보안 응용 연구 실험실(ARLIS)과 570만 달러 계약을 체결하여 국방부 및 미국 정보 커뮤니티를 위한 선구적인 네트워크 양자 컴퓨팅 시스템을 설계합니다. 이 프로젝트의 초기 단계는 시스템 설계에 중점을 두며, 향후 단계에서는 건설, 납품 및 유지 관리가 포함될 수 있습니다.

이 계약은 이전에 미국 공군 연구소와의 계약에 이어 IonQ와 연방 기관 간의 협력을 확장합니다. 이 프로젝트는 다자 양자 계산의 사이버 보안을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하며, 블라인드 양자 컴퓨팅 프로토콜도 포함됩니다. 공군 장관이 자금을 지원하는 이 이니셔티브는 미국 정부의 양자 컴퓨팅 리더십 구축 목표와 일치합니다.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) a obtenu un contrat de 5,7 millions de dollars avec le Laboratoire de recherche appliquée pour le renseignement et la sécurité (ARLIS) pour concevoir un système de calcul quantique en réseau innovant pour le ministère de la Défense et la communauté du renseignement des États-Unis. La phase initiale du projet se concentre sur la conception du système, avec des phases futures qui pourraient potentiellement inclure la construction, la livraison et la maintenance.

Ce contrat prolonge la collaboration d'IonQ avec les agences fédérales, après des accords précédents avec le laboratoire de recherche de l'US Air Force. Le projet vise à améliorer la sûreté informatique dans le calcul quantique multipartite, y compris les protocoles de calcul quantique aveugles. Financé par le secrétaire de l'Armée de l'air, cette initiative s'aligne sur l'objectif du gouvernement américain d'établir un leadership dans le domaine du calcul quantique.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) hat einen Vertrag über 5,7 Millionen US-Dollar mit dem Angewandten Forschungslabor für Nachrichtendienst und Sicherheit (ARLIS) gesichert, um ein bahnbrechendes Netzwerk-Quantensystem für das Verteidigungsministerium und die US-Nachrichtendienste zu entwerfen. Die Anfangsphase des Projekts konzentriert sich auf das Design des Systems, während zukünftige Phasen möglicherweise Bau, Lieferung und Wartung umfassen könnten.

Dieser Vertrag erweitert die Zusammenarbeit von IonQ mit Bundesbehörden, nach vorherigen Vereinbarungen mit dem Forschungsinstitut der United States Air Force. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Cybersicherheit in der multiparty Quantenberechnung zu verbessern, einschließlich von Blind-Quantencomputing-Protokollen. Das von dem Sekretär der Luftwaffe finanzierte Projekt steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel der US-Regierung, eine Führungsposition im Bereich der Quantencomputing zu etablieren.

  • Secured a $5.7 million contract for the initial design phase of a pioneering quantum computing system
  • Potential for additional revenue from future phases including construction, delivery, and maintenance
  • Expands IonQ's presence in the federal government sector, following previous deals with other agencies
  • Aligns with U.S. government's focus on establishing leadership in quantum computing
  • None.

This contract award to IonQ is highly significant for the company and the quantum computing industry. The $5.7 million initial phase for designing a networked quantum computing system for the DOD and U.S. Intelligence Community demonstrates growing federal interest in quantum technologies. The potential for future phases involving construction, delivery and maintenance suggests a long-term commitment that could lead to substantial revenue streams for IonQ.

The focus on cybersecurity and blind quantum computing protocols addresses critical national security concerns, potentially positioning IonQ as a key player in government quantum initiatives. This contract, along with previous deals like the $25.5 million agreement with the U.S. Air Force Research Lab, indicates a strengthening relationship between IonQ and federal agencies, which could provide a stable foundation for future growth and market leadership in the quantum computing sector.

The development of a multi-node, blind quantum computing system represents a significant technological advancement. Blind quantum computing is important for maintaining data privacy and security in quantum computations, addressing a major concern in the adoption of quantum technologies. This project could position IonQ at the forefront of secure quantum computing, potentially leading to breakthroughs in quantum cryptography and secure multi-party computation.

The involvement of ARLIS, a DOD-affiliated research center, suggests that this technology could have wide-ranging applications beyond just defense and intelligence. Success in this project could open doors for IonQ in various sectors where data security is paramount, such as finance, healthcare and telecommunications. However, investors should note that quantum computing is still an emerging field with technological challenges and uncertain timelines for widespread practical applications.

This contract solidifies IonQ's position as a leading player in the quantum computing market, particularly in the government sector. The company's ability to secure contracts with multiple federal agencies demonstrates its competitive edge and could lead to increased investor confidence. The potential for future phases of the project suggests a pipeline of government work that could provide steady revenue and support ongoing R&D efforts.

However, investors should consider the competitive landscape and potential geopolitical implications. The mention of maintaining leadership against actors like China and Russia highlights the strategic importance of quantum computing in national security. This could lead to increased government funding in the sector, benefiting IonQ but also potentially attracting more competitors. The company's success will depend on its ability to deliver on these high-stakes projects and maintain its technological lead in a rapidly evolving field.

IonQ will design a first-of-its-kind, multi-node, blind quantum computing system for ARLIS

The contract extends IonQ’s work with the Federal Government on quantum initiatives and technical advancements

COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, announced today that it has won a contract through a competitive solicitation with the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS) to design a first-of-its-kind, networked quantum computing system for the Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. Intelligence Community. The first phase of the project – awarded at $5.7 million – will focus on the design phase of the quantum system. Future phases of the project, which have yet to be awarded, include the construction, delivery, and maintenance of these systems. Through this project, ARLIS will conduct hands-on research into the cybersecurity of multi-party quantum computation, including blind quantum computing protocols – a process where quantum computers remain ‘blind’ to what information is being processed through them. This effort is funded by an award from the Secretary of the Air Force Concepts, Development, and Management Office.

ARLIS is the Department of Defense’s principal university-affiliated research center (UARC) for intelligence and security, and this contract extends the reach of IonQ technology to yet another U.S. federal agency. The federal government is focused on shaping the U.S. into an internationally recognized leader in quantum computing. Agencies like the U.S. Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) have previously announced deals with IonQ to use the company’s systems for quantum networking research and application development.

“With the rapid advancement of technologies like quantum and AI, we as a nation must maintain our leadership position in these developing fields while also hardening our security tools against global actors like China and Russia,” said Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.). “I am pleased to have secured $40M to support this project to bring IonQ’s quantum systems to the ARLIS facility, and it’s exciting to see the first phase of this project underway, which will guide the DoD’s strategy for securing the quantum space.”

“Leading the way in emerging technologies like quantum computing is key to the future of our economy and our national security. That’s why I have fought to invest in quantum research and development – like the work being done at the University of Maryland’s ARLIS. Developing this cutting-edge quantum computing system will protect our military and intelligence community as they confront the ever-evolving security challenges our nation faces,” said Senator Van Hollen, a member of the Appropriations Committee.

“Delivering a first-of-its-kind, blind quantum computing system will enable ARLIS to test and validate communications for the DOD and U.S. Intelligence Community,” said Peter Chapman, President and CEO, IonQ. “Through our collaboration with Paul Lopata and the ARLIS and UMD teams, we look forward to each phase of development, construction, and deployment as we anticipate significant breakthroughs in the development of blind quantum computing protocols.”

Today’s announcement is the latest in a series of federal government investments in projects using IonQ’s systems. Earlier this year, the Department of Energy funded research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to explore how quantum technology can modernize the power grid. In 2023, IonQ announced a $25.5 million deal with the U.S. Air Force Research Lab to deploy two barium-based trapped ion quantum computing systems for quantum networking research and application development. IonQ also works with enterprise customers like Airbus and Hyundai Motor to incorporate quantum solutions into several industries.

To learn more about IonQ’s latest system news and business developments, visit

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems capable of solving the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ’s current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company’s innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company’s 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at

About the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security

The Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS), based at the University of Maryland, was established in 2018 under the sponsorship of the U.S. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, intended as a long-term strategic asset for research and development in artificial intelligence, information engineering, and human systems. ARLIS combines expertise, research, and development in human behavior, social science, culture, and language with emerging and advanced technologies. This enables development of problem-focused, evidence-based solutions for security and intelligence challenges that can be operationalized quickly and at scale. Learn more at

IonQ Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Some of the forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words. Statements that are not historical in nature, including the words “anticipate,” “enable,” “expect,” “will”, and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include those related to potential additional funding and bookings for future project phases, the use of IonQ’s quantum computers in ARLIS’ research on cybersecurity, anticipated breakthroughs in secure quantum computing and in blind quantum computing protocols, the potential for additional, larger federal initiatives using IonQ’s technology, the expectation that ARLIS’ project and IonQ’s technology may improve national cybersecurity, IonQ’s quantum computing capabilities and plans, and access to IonQ’s quantum computers. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections, and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including but not limited to: risks associated with U.S. government sales, including provisions that allow the government to unilaterally terminate or modify contracts for convenience; changes in the competitive industries in which IonQ operates, including development of competing technologies; changes in laws and regulations affecting IonQ’s business; and IonQ’s ability to implement its business plans, forecasts and other expectations, and to identify and realize partnerships and opportunities. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company’s filings, including but not limited to those described in the “Risk Factors” section of IonQ’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and other documents filed by IonQ from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and IonQ assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. IonQ does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

IonQ Media contact:

Tyler Ogoshi

IonQ Investor Contact:

Source: IonQ, Inc.


What is the value of IonQ's contract with ARLIS for the quantum computing system design?

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) has been awarded a $5.7 million contract for the initial design phase of the quantum computing system for ARLIS.

What is the purpose of the quantum computing system IonQ is designing for ARLIS?

IonQ is designing a networked quantum computing system to advance cybersecurity in multi-party quantum computation, including blind quantum computing protocols, for the Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Community.

How does this contract relate to IonQ's previous work with the U.S. government?

This contract extends IonQ's collaboration with federal agencies, following previous deals such as a $25.5 million agreement with the U.S. Air Force Research Lab for quantum networking research and application development.

What are the potential future phases of the IONQ-ARLIS quantum computing project?

Future phases of the project, which have yet to be awarded, may include the construction, delivery, and maintenance of the quantum computing systems.

IonQ, Inc.


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Computer Hardware
Services-computer Integrated Systems Design
United States of America