inTEST Reports Fourth Quarter 2024 Revenue Grew 31% and Operating Income Increased 87% Year-over-Year
inTEST (INTT) reported strong Q4 2024 results with record revenue of $36.6 million, up 31% year-over-year. The company achieved operating income of $2.1 million, an 87% increase, while net earnings grew 3% to $1.5 million.
Key highlights include:
- Q4 orders improved 11% year-over-year to $30.7 million
- Generated $3.8 million in operating cash flow in 2024
- Paid down $7.8 million in debt during the year
- Gross margin was 39.7%, impacted by one-time acquisition inventory step-up expense
The company's market diversification strategy proved effective as growth in defense/aerospace, semiconductor, and life sciences offset weakness in industrial markets. For 2025, inTEST provided guidance of $125-135 million in revenue, with Q1 2025 expected at $27-29 million. The company plans to consolidate its Netherlands operations into its Mansfield facility, expecting $0.6 million in restructuring costs and $0.5 million in annual savings by 2026.
inTEST (INTT) ha riportato risultati solidi per il quarto trimestre del 2024 con un fatturato record di 36,6 milioni di dollari, in aumento del 31% rispetto all'anno precedente. L'azienda ha raggiunto un reddito operativo di 2,1 milioni di dollari, con un incremento dell'87%, mentre gli utili netti sono cresciuti del 3% a 1,5 milioni di dollari.
I punti salienti includono:
- Gli ordini del quarto trimestre sono migliorati dell'11% rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo 30,7 milioni di dollari
- Generato 3,8 milioni di dollari di flusso di cassa operativo nel 2024
- Ridotto il debito di 7,8 milioni di dollari durante l'anno
- Il margine lordo è stato del 39,7%, influenzato da spese una tantum per l'acquisizione di inventario
La strategia di diversificazione del mercato dell'azienda si è rivelata efficace, poiché la crescita nei settori della difesa/aerospaziale, semiconduttori e scienze della vita ha compensato la debolezza nei mercati industriali. Per il 2025, inTEST ha fornito una guida di fatturato compresa tra 125 e 135 milioni di dollari, con il primo trimestre del 2025 previsto tra 27 e 29 milioni di dollari. L'azienda prevede di consolidare le sue operazioni nei Paesi Bassi nella sua struttura di Mansfield, prevedendo costi di ristrutturazione di 0,6 milioni di dollari e risparmi annuali di 0,5 milioni di dollari entro il 2026.
inTEST (INTT) reportó resultados sólidos para el cuarto trimestre de 2024 con ingresos récord de 36,6 millones de dólares, un aumento del 31% en comparación con el año anterior. La compañía logró un ingreso operativo de 2,1 millones de dólares, un incremento del 87%, mientras que las ganancias netas crecieron un 3% hasta 1,5 millones de dólares.
Los aspectos destacados incluyen:
- Los pedidos del cuarto trimestre mejoraron un 11% interanual, alcanzando 30,7 millones de dólares
- Generó 3,8 millones de dólares en flujo de caja operativo en 2024
- Redujo 7,8 millones de dólares en deuda durante el año
- El margen bruto fue del 39,7%, afectado por un gasto único por aumento de inventario de adquisición
La estrategia de diversificación de mercado de la compañía demostró ser efectiva, ya que el crecimiento en defensa/aeroespacial, semiconductores y ciencias de la vida compensó la debilidad en los mercados industriales. Para 2025, inTEST proporcionó una guía de ingresos de entre 125 y 135 millones de dólares, con el primer trimestre de 2025 esperado entre 27 y 29 millones de dólares. La empresa planea consolidar sus operaciones en los Países Bajos en su instalación de Mansfield, anticipando costos de reestructuración de 0,6 millones de dólares y ahorros anuales de 0,5 millones de dólares para 2026.
inTEST (INTT)는 2024년 4분기 강력한 실적을 보고하며 3660만 달러의 기록적인 수익을 달성했으며, 이는 전년 대비 31% 증가한 수치입니다. 회사는 210만 달러의 운영 수익을 기록했으며, 이는 87% 증가한 수치이고, 순이익은 3% 증가하여 150만 달러에 달했습니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 4분기 주문은 전년 대비 11% 증가하여 3070만 달러에 도달했습니다.
- 2024년에 380만 달러의 운영 현금을 생성했습니다.
- 올해 동안 780만 달러의 부채를 상환했습니다.
- 총 마진은 39.7%였으며, 이는 일회성 인수 재고 증가 비용의 영향을 받았습니다.
회사의 시장 다각화 전략은 방위/항공우주, 반도체 및 생명 과학 분야의 성장이 산업 시장의 약세를 상쇄하면서 효과적임을 입증했습니다. 2025년을 위해 inTEST는 1억 2500만 달러에서 1억 3500만 달러의 수익을 예상하며, 2025년 1분기는 2700만 달러에서 2900만 달러로 예상하고 있습니다. 회사는 네덜란드의 운영을 맨스필드 시설로 통합할 계획이며, 2026년까지 60만 달러의 구조조정 비용과 연간 50만 달러의 절감을 예상하고 있습니다.
inTEST (INTT) a annoncé de solides résultats pour le quatrième trimestre 2024 avec un chiffre d'affaires record de 36,6 millions de dollars, en hausse de 31 % par rapport à l'année précédente. L'entreprise a réalisé un bénéfice d'exploitation de 2,1 millions de dollars, soit une augmentation de 87 %, tandis que le bénéfice net a augmenté de 3 % pour atteindre 1,5 million de dollars.
Les points forts incluent:
- Les commandes du quatrième trimestre ont augmenté de 11 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 30,7 millions de dollars
- Généré 3,8 millions de dollars de flux de trésorerie d'exploitation en 2024
- Remboursé 7,8 millions de dollars de dettes au cours de l'année
- La marge brute était de 39,7 %, impactée par des frais exceptionnels liés à l'augmentation des stocks d'acquisition
La stratégie de diversification du marché de l'entreprise s'est révélée efficace, car la croissance dans les secteurs de la défense/aérospatial, des semi-conducteurs et des sciences de la vie a compensé la faiblesse des marchés industriels. Pour 2025, inTEST a fourni des prévisions de revenus de 125 à 135 millions de dollars, avec un premier trimestre 2025 prévu entre 27 et 29 millions de dollars. L'entreprise prévoit de consolider ses opérations aux Pays-Bas dans ses installations de Mansfield, s'attendant à des coûts de restructuration de 0,6 million de dollars et des économies annuelles de 0,5 million de dollars d'ici 2026.
inTEST (INTT) hat starke Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 gemeldet, mit Rekordumsätzen von 36,6 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 31 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht. Das Unternehmen erzielte einen Betriebsgewinn von 2,1 Millionen Dollar, ein Anstieg von 87 %, während der Nettogewinn um 3 % auf 1,5 Millionen Dollar stieg.
Wichtige Highlights sind:
- Die Aufträge im vierten Quartal verbesserten sich um 11 % im Jahresvergleich auf 30,7 Millionen Dollar
- Generierte 3,8 Millionen Dollar an operativem Cashflow im Jahr 2024
- Reduzierte die Schulden um 7,8 Millionen Dollar im Laufe des Jahres
- Die Bruttomarge betrug 39,7 %, beeinflusst durch einmalige Kosten für die Erhöhung des Bestands bei der Akquisition
Die Diversifizierungsstrategie des Unternehmens erwies sich als effektiv, da das Wachstum in den Bereichen Verteidigung/Luftfahrt, Halbleiter und Lebenswissenschaften die Schwäche in den Industrien ausglich. Für 2025 gab inTEST eine Umsatzprognose von 125 bis 135 Millionen Dollar ab, wobei das erste Quartal 2025 voraussichtlich zwischen 27 und 29 Millionen Dollar liegen wird. Das Unternehmen plant, seine Aktivitäten in den Niederlanden in die Einrichtung in Mansfield zu konsolidieren, wobei es mit 0,6 Millionen Dollar an Umstrukturierungskosten und 0,5 Millionen Dollar an jährlichen Einsparungen bis 2026 rechnet.
- Record Q4 revenue of $36.6M (+31% YoY)
- Operating income up 87% YoY to $2.1M
- Orders increased 11% YoY to $30.7M
- $3.8M operating cash flow generated in 2024
- $7.8M debt reduction in 2024
- Back-end semiconductor orders up 18% YoY
- Weak front-end semiconductor and industrial market demand
- Q4 gross margin impacted by 430 basis points due to acquisition costs
- Expected Q1 2025 revenue decline to $27-29M
- Restructuring costs of $0.6M expected in 2025
- Customer delivery pushouts to latter half of 2025
inTEST's Q4 2024 results demonstrate strong topline growth with revenue increasing 31% year-over-year to a record
The company's market diversification strategy is proving effective, with semiconductor back-end business offsetting weakness in front-end semiconductor and industrial segments. The
The 430 basis point negative impact from acquisition inventory step-up resulted in
However, management's cautious 2025 guidance of
Order trends provide mixed signals –
inTEST's Q4 performance reveals a company effectively navigating divergent end-market conditions through targeted diversification. The semiconductor testing segment shows a notable dichotomy – with back-end semi orders growing 18% year-over-year while front-end remains sluggish, reflecting the broader semiconductor capital equipment cycle where back-end typically recovers first.
The strategic acquisition of Alfamation has dramatically altered inTEST's market exposure, particularly strengthening their position in automotive/EV testing – a critical pivot as semiconductor content in vehicles continues increasing. However, the
The planned consolidation of Netherlands-based Videology operations into the Massachusetts facility represents a textbook manufacturing rationalization, with projected
Most concerning from a manufacturing perspective is the customer delivery pushouts mentioned in the Q1 guidance, suggesting demand timing uncertainty rather than cancellations. The
The geographic expansion initiatives in Japan and Southeast Asia represent important diversification as global supply chains continue to fragment. The mention of "recent and impending tariffs" creating market uncertainty highlights how manufacturing companies must increasingly navigate complex geopolitical factors disrupting traditional supply chains and customer planning cycles.
Achieved record
in revenue in fourth quarter; at high end of guidance range$36.6 million - Demonstrated effectiveness of market diversification strategy as improving back-end semi market helped offset weak front-end semi and slow industrial market
One-time acquisition inventory step-up expense1 in fourth quarter negatively impacted margin by 430 basis points resulting in gross margin of
39.7% -
Operating income grew
87% year-over-year to , or$2.1 million 5.7% of sales, in the fourth quarter -
Net earnings increased
3% to ; Adjusted EBITDA2 increased to$1.5 million from$4.4 million in prior-year period, an$2.4 million 82% increase -
Orders3 improved
11% year-over-year and9% sequentially to ; backend semi business offset weakness in front-end with orders up$30.7 million 18% year-over-year; sequentially semi orders doubled -
in cash from operations in 2024; paid down$3.8 million in debt for the year$7.8 million
Nick Grant, President and CEO, commented, “Our team delivered record revenue and strong operational results in the fourth quarter further validating the effectiveness of our market and customer diversification strategy as well as our focus on innovation. Growth in sales from our core business was driven by defense/aerospace, semi and life sciences and the benefit of
He added, “Given stubbornly soft end markets, we are being cautious with our outlook for 2025. Nonetheless, we have seen gradual improvements in some back-end semi applications, and we continue to see new opportunities in defense/aero. We also expect benefits from our continued geographic expansion initiatives with our new partner in
Fourth Quarter 2024 Review (see revenue by market and by segments in accompanying tables)
Three Months Ended |
($ in 000s) |
Change |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
9/30/2024 |
$ |
% |
Revenue |
Gross profit |
Gross margin |
Operating expenses (incl. intangible amort.) |
- |
Operating income |
Operating margin |
Net earnings |
Net margin |
Earnings per diluted share (“EPS”) |
- |
- |
Adjusted net earnings (Non-GAAP)4 |
Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP)4 |
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)4 |
Adjusted EBITDA margin (Non-GAAP)4 |
Sequentially, revenue was up
Sequentially, gross profit of
Year-over-year, fourth quarter revenue increased
Year-over-year, gross margin contracted 490-basis points primarily due to the 430 basis points related to the inventory step-up charge. Operating expenses increased
Net earnings for the quarter of
2024 Review (see revenue by market and by segments in accompanying tables)
Years Ended |
($ in 000s) |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
Revenue |
Gross profit |
- |
Gross margin |
Operating expenses (incl. intangible amort.) |
Operating income |
- |
Operating margin |
Net earnings |
- |
Net margin |
Earnings per diluted share (“EPS”) |
- |
Adjusted net earnings (Non-GAAP)5 |
- |
Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP)5 |
- |
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)5 |
- |
Adjusted EBITDA margin (Non-GAAP)5 |
2024 revenue increased
Mr. Grant concluded, “While 2024 was challenging, it represents our third consecutive year of record revenue for inTEST since launching our 5-Point Strategy in 2021. We have made measurable progress since then by increasing exposure to our targeted markets, expanding our customer base and driving innovative solutions to better serve our customers. We have built a team that is driven to excel and evolved the culture of the organization to one with a sense of urgency for continuous improvement. We believe we have positioned the Company well to deliver long-term growth while maintaining the strong margin profile and cash generation for which inTEST is known.”
Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Review
During the quarter, the Company generated
At quarter end, total debt was
Fourth Quarter 2024 Orders and Backlog6 (see orders by market in accompanying tables)
Three Months Ended |
($ in 000s) |
Change |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
9/30/2024 |
$ |
% |
Orders |
Backlog (at quarter end) |
- |
- |
Fourth quarter orders of
Sequentially, the
Backlog at December 31, 2024, was
First Quarter and Full Year 2025 Outlook
Given the Company’s cautious outlook for 2025, inTEST expects full year 2025 revenue to be approximately
First quarter 2025 revenue is forecasted to be
The foregoing guidance is based on management’s current views with respect to operating and market conditions and customers’ forecasts. It also assumes macroeconomic conditions remain unchanged through the end of the year. Actual results may differ materially from what is provided here today as a result of, among other things, the factors described under “Forward-Looking Statements” below.
Conference Call and Webcast
The Company will host a conference call and webcast today at 8:30 a.m. ET. During the conference call, management will review the financial and operating results and discuss inTEST’s corporate strategy and outlook. A question-and-answer session will follow. To listen to the live call, dial (201) 689-8263. In addition, the webcast and slide presentation may be found at
A telephonic replay will be available from 12:30 p.m. ET on the day of the call through Friday, March 14, 2025. To listen to the archived call, dial (412) 317-6671 and enter replay pin number 13751127. The webcast replay can be accessed via the investor relations section of, where a transcript will also be posted once available.
About inTEST Corporation
inTEST Corporation is a global supplier of innovative test and process technology solutions for use in manufacturing and testing in key target markets including both the front-end and back-end of the semiconductor manufacturing industry, industrial, automotive/EV, life sciences, defense/aerospace, and security. Backed by decades of engineering expertise and a culture of operational excellence, inTEST solves difficult thermal, mechanical, and electronic challenges for customers worldwide while generating strong cash flow and profits. inTEST’s strategy leverages these strengths to grow organically and with acquisitions through the addition of innovative technologies, deeper and broader geographic reach, and market expansion. For more information, visit
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In addition to disclosing results that are determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices in
Definition of Non-GAAP Measures
The Company defines these non-GAAP measures as follows:
- Adjusted net earnings is derived by adding acquired intangible amortization and acquired inventory step-up expense adjusted for the related income tax expense (benefit), to net earnings.
- Adjusted earnings per diluted share (“adjusted EPS”) is derived by dividing adjusted net earnings by diluted weighted average shares outstanding.
- Adjusted EBITDA is derived by adding acquired intangible amortization, acquired inventory step-up expense, net interest expense, income tax expense, depreciation, and stock-based compensation expense to net earnings.
- Adjusted EBITDA margin is derived by dividing adjusted EBITDA by revenue.
These results are provided as a complement to the results provided in accordance with GAAP. Adjusted net earnings and adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS) are non-GAAP financial measures presented to provide investors with meaningful, supplemental information regarding our baseline performance before acquired intangible amortization and inventory step-up charges as management believes this expense may not be indicative of our underlying operating performance. Adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin are non-GAAP financial measures presented primarily as a measure of liquidity as they exclude non-cash charges for acquired intangible amortization, acquired inventory step-up, depreciation and stock-based compensation. In addition, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin also exclude the impact of interest income or expense and income tax expense or benefit, as management believes these expenses may not be indicative of our underlying operating performance.
Management’s Use of Non-GAAP Measures
The non-GAAP financial measures presented in this press release are used by management to make operational decisions, to forecast future operational results, and for comparison with our business plan, historical operating results and the operating results of our peers. Reconciliations from net earnings and earnings per diluted share (EPS) to adjusted net earnings and adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS) and from net earnings and net margin to adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin, are contained in the tables below.
Limitations of adjusted net earnings, adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS), adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin
Each of our non-GAAP measures have limitations as analytical tools. They should not be viewed in isolation or as a substitute for GAAP measures of earnings or cash flows. Limitations may include the cash portion of interest expense, income tax (benefit) provision, charges related to intangible asset amortization and stock-based compensation expense. These items could significantly affect our financial results.
Management believes these Non-GAAP financial measures are important in evaluating our performance, results of operations, and financial position. We use non-GAAP financial measures to supplement our GAAP results to provide a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting our business.
Adjusted net earnings, adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS), adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin are not alternatives to net earnings, earnings per diluted share or margin as calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP. As such, they should not be considered or relied upon as substitutes or alternatives for any such GAAP financial measure. We strongly urge you to review the reconciliations of adjusted net earnings, adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS), adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin along with our financial statements included elsewhere in this press release. We also strongly urge you not to rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business. In addition, because adjusted net earnings, adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS), adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin are not measures of financial performance under GAAP and are susceptible to varying calculations, the adjusted net earnings, adjusted earnings per diluted share (adjusted EPS), adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin measures as presented in this press release may differ from and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.
Key Performance Indicators
In addition to the foregoing non-GAAP measures, management uses orders and backlog as key performance metrics to analyze and measure the Company’s financial performance and results of operations. Management uses orders and backlog as measures of current and future business and financial performance, and these may not be comparable with measures provided by other companies. Orders represent written communications received from customers requesting the Company to provide products and/or services. Backlog is calculated based on firm purchase orders we receive for which revenue has not yet been recognized. Management believes tracking orders and backlog are useful as it often is a leading indicator of future performance. In accordance with industry practice, contracts may include provisions for cancellation, termination, or suspension at the discretion of the customer.
Given that each of orders and backlog are operational measures and that the Company’s methodology for calculating orders and backlog does not meet the definition of a non-GAAP measure, as that term is defined by the
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements do not convey historical information but relate to predicted or potential future events and financial results, such as statements of the Company’s plans, strategies and intentions, or our future performance or goals, that are based upon management’s current expectations. These forward-looking statements can often be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “appears,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “expects,” “guidance,” “may,” “outlook,” “will,” “should,” “plan,” “potential,” “forecasts,” “target,” “estimates,” or similar terminology. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, any mentioned in this press release as well as the Company’s ability to execute on its 5-Point Strategy, realize the potential benefits of acquisitions and successfully integrate any acquired operations, grow the Company’s presence in its key target and international markets, manage supply chain challenges, convert backlog to sales and to ship product in a timely manner; the success of the Company’s strategy to diversify its markets; the impact of inflation on the Company’s business and financial condition; indications of a change in the market cycles in the semi market or other markets served; changes in business conditions and general economic conditions both domestically and globally including rising interest rates and fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rates; changes in the demand for semiconductors; access to capital and the ability to borrow funds or raise capital to finance potential acquisitions or for working capital; changes in the rates and timing of capital expenditures by the Company’s customers; and other risk factors set forth from time to time in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including, but not limited to, the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. Any forward-looking statement made by the Company in this press release is based only on information currently available to management and speaks to circumstances only as of the date on which it is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the information in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events, except as required by law.
inTEST Corporation Consolidated Statements of Operations (In thousands, except share and per share data) (Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue |
$ |
36,603 |
$ |
27,884 |
$ |
130,690 |
$ |
123,302 |
Cost of revenue |
22,064 |
15,435 |
75,266 |
66,324 |
Gross profit |
14,539 |
12,449 |
55,424 |
56,978 |
Operating expenses: |
Selling expense |
4,402 |
4,194 |
17,378 |
17,605 |
Engineering and product development expense |
2,166 |
1,929 |
8,548 |
7,618 |
General and administrative expense |
5,892 |
5,217 |
26,104 |
21,316 |
Total operating expenses |
12,460 |
11,340 |
52,030 |
46,539 |
Operating income |
2,079 |
1,109 |
3,394 |
10,439 |
Interest expense |
(234 |
) |
(153 |
) |
(846 |
) |
(679 |
) |
Other (expense) income |
(43 |
) |
610 |
906 |
1,288 |
Earnings before income tax expense |
1,802 |
1,566 |
3,454 |
11,048 |
Income tax expense |
298 |
111 |
563 |
1,706 |
Net earnings |
$ |
1,504 |
$ |
1,455 |
$ |
2,891 |
$ |
9,342 |
Earnings per common share - basic |
$ |
0.12 |
$ |
0.12 |
$ |
0.24 |
$ |
0.82 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding - basic |
12,156,931 |
11,962,679 |
12,151,913 |
11,461,399 |
Earnings per common share - diluted |
$ |
0.12 |
$ |
0.12 |
$ |
0.24 |
$ |
0.79 |
Weighted average common shares and common share equivalents outstanding - diluted |
12,216,344 |
12,122,099 |
12,239,158 |
11,779,912 |
inTEST Corporation Consolidated Balance Sheets (In thousands, except share and per share data) |
December 31 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
19,830 |
$ |
45,260 |
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses of |
29,495 |
18,175 |
Inventories |
26,837 |
20,089 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
2,650 |
2,254 |
Total current assets |
78,812 |
85,778 |
Property and equipment: |
Machinery and equipment |
9,162 |
7,118 |
Leasehold improvements |
4,125 |
3,601 |
Gross property and equipment |
13,287 |
10,719 |
Less: accumulated depreciation |
(8,830 |
) |
(7,529 |
) |
Net property and equipment |
4,457 |
3,190 |
Right-of-use assets, net |
10,767 |
4,987 |
Goodwill |
30,744 |
21,728 |
Intangible assets, net |
26,376 |
16,596 |
Deferred tax assets |
67 |
1,437 |
Restricted certificates of deposit |
100 |
100 |
Other assets |
965 |
1,013 |
Total assets |
$ |
152,288 |
$ |
134,829 |
Current liabilities: |
Current portion of long-term debt |
$ |
7,494 |
$ |
4,100 |
Current portion of operating lease liabilities |
1,989 |
1,923 |
Accounts payable |
7,991 |
5,521 |
Accrued wages and benefits |
5,420 |
4,156 |
Accrued professional fees |
1,294 |
1,228 |
Customer deposits and deferred revenue |
4,989 |
3,797 |
Accrued sales commissions |
1,039 |
1,055 |
Domestic and foreign income taxes payable |
- |
1,038 |
Other current liabilities |
1,732 |
1,481 |
Total current liabilities |
31,948 |
24,299 |
Operating lease liabilities, net of current portion |
9,021 |
3,499 |
Long-term debt, net of current portion |
7,538 |
7,942 |
Contingent consideration |
825 |
1,093 |
Deferred revenue, net of current portion |
1,432 |
1,331 |
Other liabilities |
1,734 |
384 |
Total liabilities |
52,498 |
38,548 |
Commitments and Contingencies |
Stockholders' equity: |
Preferred stock, |
- |
- |
Common stock, |
124 |
122 |
Additional paid-in capital |
57,658 |
54,450 |
Retained earnings |
45,087 |
42,196 |
Accumulated other comprehensive earnings |
(2,137 |
) |
414 |
Treasury stock, at cost; 79,382 and 75,758 shares, respectively |
(942 |
) |
(901 |
) |
Total stockholders' equity |
99,790 |
96,281 |
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |
$ |
152,288 |
$ |
134,829 |
inTEST Corporation Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In thousands) (Unaudited) |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Net earnings |
$ |
2,891 |
$ |
9,342 |
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
5,392 |
4,683 |
Provision for excess and obsolete inventory |
703 |
544 |
Foreign exchange (gain) loss |
203 |
(9 |
) |
Amortization of deferred compensation related to stock-based awards |
1,857 |
2,047 |
Discount on shares sold under Employee Stock Purchase Plan |
24 |
31 |
Loss on disposal of property and equipment |
25 |
11 |
Proceeds from sale of equipment, net of gain |
169 |
167 |
Deferred income tax benefit |
(1,508 |
) |
(1,157 |
) |
Adjustment to contingent consideration liability |
(126 |
) |
(294 |
) |
Changes in assets and liabilities: |
Trade accounts receivable |
(5,505 |
) |
2,991 |
Inventories |
4,903 |
2,027 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
903 |
(535 |
) |
Other assets |
(30 |
) |
(686 |
) |
Operating lease liabilities |
(1,649 |
) |
(1,712 |
) |
Accounts payable |
(2,306 |
) |
(1,811 |
) |
Accrued wages and benefits |
42 |
231 |
Accrued professional fees |
72 |
339 |
Customer deposits and deferred revenue |
(1,389 |
) |
(759 |
) |
Accrued sales commissions |
7 |
(421 |
) |
Domestic and foreign income taxes payable |
(1,369 |
) |
(371 |
) |
Other current liabilities |
(74 |
) |
231 |
Deferred revenue, net of current portion |
(16 |
) |
1,331 |
Other liabilities |
602 |
(17 |
) |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
3,821 |
16,203 |
Acquisition of business, net of cash acquired |
(18,727 |
) |
- |
Purchase of property and equipment |
(1,324 |
) |
(1,291 |
) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(20,051 |
) |
(1,291 |
) |
Net proceeds from public offering of common stock |
- |
19,244 |
Repurchases of common stock |
(1,042 |
) |
- |
Repayments of short-term borrowings |
(152 |
) |
- |
Repayments of long-term debt |
(7,689 |
) |
(4,100 |
) |
Proceeds from stock options exercised |
145 |
978 |
Proceeds from shares sold under Employee Stock Purchase Plan |
138 |
174 |
Settlement of employee tax liabilities in connection with treasury stock transaction |
(41 |
) |
(687 |
) |
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities |
(8,641 |
) |
15,609 |
Effects of exchange rates on cash |
(559 |
) |
163 |
Net cash (used in) provided by all activities |
(25,430 |
) |
30,684 |
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period |
45,260 |
14,576 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
$ |
19,830 |
$ |
45,260 |
Cash payments for: |
Domestic and foreign income taxes |
$ |
3,072 |
$ |
3,240 |
Details of acquisition: |
Fair value of assets acquired, net of cash |
$ |
37,472 |
Liabilities assumed |
(26,542 |
) |
Stock issued |
(2,086 |
) |
Goodwill resulting from acquisition |
9,883 |
Net cash paid for acquisition |
$ |
18,727 |
inTEST Corporation |
Revenue by Market |
(In thousands) |
(Unaudited) |
($ in 000s) |
Three Months Ended |
Change |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
9/30/2024 |
$ |
% |
Revenue |
Semi |
Industrial |
2,246 |
5,911 |
(3,665) |
- |
3,534 |
(1,288) |
- |
Auto/EV |
11,928 |
3,981 |
7,947 |
6,250 |
5,678 |
Life Sciences |
1,231 |
878 |
353 |
1,322 |
(91) |
- |
Defense/Aerospace |
5,157 |
2,416 |
2,741 |
3,239 |
1,918 |
Security |
947 |
819 |
128 |
666 |
281 |
Other |
2,887 |
3,136 |
(249) |
- |
3,851 |
(964) |
- |
($ in 000s) |
Years Ended |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
Revenue |
Semi |
- |
Industrial |
13,382 |
14,310 |
(928) |
- |
Auto/EV |
32,871 |
9,895 |
22,976 |
Life Sciences |
5,400 |
4,856 |
544 |
Defense/Aerospace |
15,317 |
12,537 |
2,780 |
Security |
2,946 |
3,688 |
(742) |
- |
Other |
12,066 |
12,281 |
(216) |
- |
inTEST Corporation |
Orders by Market |
(In thousands) |
(Unaudited) |
($ in 000s) |
Three Months Ended |
Change |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
9/30/2024 |
$ |
% |
Orders |
Semi |
Industrial |
2,450 |
3,445 |
(995) |
- |
2,237 |
213 |
Auto/EV |
3,487 |
1,822 |
1,665 |
7,141 |
(3,654) |
- |
Life Sciences |
2,346 |
877 |
1,469 |
534 |
1,812 |
Defense/Aerospace |
3,896 |
5,161 |
(1,265) |
- |
4,470 |
(574) |
- |
Security |
54 |
65 |
(11) |
- |
1,062 |
(1,008) |
- |
Other |
2,789 |
2,858 |
(69) |
- |
4,962 |
(2,173) |
- |
($ in 000s) |
Years Ended |
Change |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
$ |
% |
Orders |
Semi |
- |
Industrial |
11,265 |
14,980 |
(3,715) |
- |
Auto/EV |
19,390 |
10,193 |
9,197 |
Life Sciences |
4,603 |
4,353 |
250 |
Defense/Aerospace |
13,715 |
13,386 |
329 |
Security |
1,237 |
2,945 |
(1,708) |
- |
Other |
12,920 |
11,478 |
1,442 |
- |
inTEST Corporation |
Segment Data |
(In thousands) |
(Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 |
Electronic Test |
Environmental Technologies |
Process Technologies |
Corporate & Other |
Consolidated |
Revenue |
$ - |
Cost of revenue |
12,974 |
4,196 |
4,894 |
- |
22,064 |
Other divisional costs |
5,283 |
2,185 |
2,553 |
- |
10,021 |
Division operating income |
2,865 |
682 |
971 |
- |
4,518 |
Acquired intangible amortization |
109 |
109 |
Corporate Expenses |
2,330 |
2,330 |
Operating income |
2,865 |
682 |
971 |
(2,439) |
2,079 |
Interest Expense |
(234) |
(234) |
Other expense |
(43) |
(43) |
Earnings before income tax expense |
Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 |
Electronic Test |
Environmental Technologies |
Process Technologies |
Corporate & Other |
Consolidated |
Revenue |
$ - |
Cost of revenue |
3,749 |
4,810 |
6,876 |
- |
15,435 |
Other divisional costs |
2,654 |
2,219 |
3,098 |
- |
7,971 |
Division operating income |
1,702 |
594 |
2,182 |
- |
4,478 |
Acquired intangible amortization |
513 |
513 |
Corporate Expenses |
2,856 |
2,856 |
Operating income |
1,702 |
594 |
2,182 |
(3,369) |
1,109 |
Interest Expense |
(153) |
(153) |
Other income |
610 |
610 |
Earnings before income tax expense |
inTEST Corporation |
Segment Data |
(In thousands) |
(Unaudited) |
Year Ended December 31, 2024 |
Electronic Test |
Environmental Technologies |
Process Technologies |
Corporate & Other |
Consolidated |
Revenue |
$ - |
Cost of revenue |
35,843 |
17,780 |
21,643 |
- |
75,266 |
Other divisional costs |
19,303 |
9,002 |
11,299 |
- |
39,604 |
Division operating income |
8,732 |
2,116 |
4,972 |
- |
15,820 |
Acquired intangible amortization |
2,545 |
2,545 |
Corporate Expenses |
9,881 |
9,881 |
Operating income |
8,732 |
2,116 |
4,972 |
(12,426) |
3,394 |
Interest Expense |
(846) |
(846) |
Other income |
906 |
906 |
Earnings before income tax expense |
Year Ended December 31, 2023 |
Electronic Test |
Environmental Technologies |
Process Technologies |
Corporate & Other |
Consolidated |
Revenue |
$ - |
Cost of revenue |
18,076 |
18,631 |
29,617 |
- |
66,324 |
Other divisional costs |
12,751 |
9,097 |
12,324 |
- |
34,172 |
Division operating income |
10,189 |
3,073 |
9,544 |
- |
22,806 |
Acquired intangible amortization |
2,095 |
2,095 |
Corporate Expenses |
10,272 |
10,272 |
Operating income |
10,189 |
3,073 |
9,544 |
(12,367) |
10,439 |
Interest Expense |
(679) |
(679) |
Other income |
1,288 |
1,288 |
Earnings before income tax expense |
inTEST Corporation Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (In thousands, except per share and percentage data) (Unaudited) |
Reconciliation of Net Earnings to Adjusted Net Earnings (Non-GAAP) and Earnings Per Diluted Share to Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP): |
Three Months Ended |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
9/30/2024 |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
109 |
513 |
944 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
1,570 |
- |
- |
Tax effect of adjusting items |
(401) |
(58) |
(223) |
Adjusted net earnings (Non-GAAP) |
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding |
12,216 |
12,122 |
12,252 |
Earnings per diluted share: |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
0.01 |
0.04 |
0.08 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
0.13 |
- |
- |
Tax effect of adjusting items |
(0.03) |
- |
(0.02) |
Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP) |
Years Ended |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
2,545 |
2,095 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
1,570 |
- |
Tax effect of adjusting items |
(792) |
(324) |
Adjusted net earnings (Non-GAAP) |
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding |
12,239 |
11,780 |
Earnings per diluted share: |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
0.21 |
0.18 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
0.13 |
- |
Tax effect of adjusting items |
(0.07) |
(0.03) |
Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP) |
Reconciliation of Net Earnings and Net Margin to Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP) and Adjusted EBITDA Margin (Non-GAAP): |
Three Months Ended |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
9/30/2024 |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
109 |
513 |
944 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
1,570 |
- |
- |
Net interest expense (income) |
109 |
(340) |
36 |
Income tax expense |
298 |
111 |
74 |
Depreciation |
415 |
255 |
355 |
Stock-based compensation |
407 |
424 |
537 |
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP) |
Revenue |
36,603 |
27,884 |
30,272 |
Net margin |
Adjusted EBITDA margin (Non-GAAP) |
Years Ended |
12/31/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
Net earnings |
Acquired intangible amortization |
2,545 |
2,095 |
Acquired inventory step-up |
1,570 |
- |
Net interest income |
(7) |
(404) |
Income tax expense |
563 |
1,706 |
Depreciation |
1,399 |
1,021 |
Stock-based compensation |
1,857 |
2,047 |
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP) |
Revenue |
130,690 |
123,302 |
Net margin |
Adjusted EBITDA margin (Non-GAAP) |
1 In the fourth quarter, the Company refined and finalized the purchase price allocation for the Alfamation acquisition. Adjustments recorded included a
2 Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. Further information can be found under “Non-GAAP Financial Measures.” See also the reconciliations of GAAP financial measures to non-GAAP financial measures that accompany this press release.
3 Orders and backlog are key performance metrics. See “Key Performance Indicators” below for important disclosures regarding inTEST’s use of these metrics.
4 Adjusted net earnings, adjusted EPS, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin are non-GAAP financial measures. Further information can be found under “Non-GAAP Financial Measures.” See also the reconciliations of GAAP financial measures to non-GAAP financial measures that accompany this press release.
5 Adjusted net earnings, adjusted EPS, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin are non-GAAP financial measures. Further information can be found under “Non-GAAP Financial Measures.” See also the reconciliations of GAAP financial measures to non-GAAP financial measures that accompany this press release.
6 Orders and backlog are key performance metrics. See “Key Performance Indicators” below for important disclosures regarding inTEST’s use of these metrics.
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inTEST Corporation
Duncan Gilmour
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Tel: (856) 505-8999
Deborah K. Pawlowski
Alliance Advisors IR
Tel: (716) 843-3908
Source: inTEST Corporation
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