Intel Awarded up to $3B by the Biden-Harris Administration for Secure Enclave

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Intel has been awarded up to $3 billion in direct funding under the CHIPS and Science Act for the Secure Enclave program. This initiative aims to expand trusted manufacturing of leading-edge semiconductors for the U.S. government, building on previous collaborations with the Department of Defense (DoD). As the only American company designing and manufacturing leading-edge logic chips, Intel will help secure the domestic chip supply chain and enhance U.S. technological resilience.

The award is separate from Intel's proposed funding agreement in March 2023 for semiconductor facility construction. Intel Foundry is advancing its Intel 18A technology, set for production in 2025. The company has made significant progress in DoD projects like SHIP and RAMP-C, delivering multi-chip package prototypes and onboarding defense industrial base customers including Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Microsoft.

Intel ha ricevuto fino a 3 miliardi di dollari in finanziamenti diretti ai sensi del CHIPS and Science Act per il programma Secure Enclave. Questa iniziativa mira ad ampliare la produzione fidata di semiconduttori all'avanguardia per il governo degli Stati Uniti, basandosi su precedenti collaborazioni con il Dipartimento della Difesa (DoD). Essendo l'unica azienda americana che progetta e produce chip logici avanzati, Intel contribuirà a garantire la catena di fornitura di chip domestici e a migliorare la resilienza tecnologica degli Stati Uniti.

Il premio è separato dall'accordo di finanziamento proposto da Intel a marzo 2023 per la costruzione di strutture per semiconduttori. Intel Foundry sta avanzando con la sua tecnologia Intel 18A, prevista per la produzione nel 2025. L'azienda ha compiuto progressi significativi in progetti del DoD come SHIP e RAMP-C, fornendo prototipi di pacchetti multi-chip e integrando clienti della base industriale della difesa, tra cui Boeing, Northrop Grumman e Microsoft.

Intel ha sido galardonada con hasta 3 mil millones de dólares en financiamiento directo bajo la Ley CHIPS y Ciencia para el programa Secure Enclave. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo ampliar la fabricación confiable de semiconductores de última generación para el gobierno de EE. UU., basándose en colaboraciones anteriores con el Departamento de Defensa (DoD). Como la única empresa americana que diseña y fabrica chips lógicos de vanguardia, Intel ayudará a asegurar la cadena de suministro de chips nacionales y a mejorar la resiliencia tecnológica de EE. UU.

El premio es independiente del acuerdo de financiamiento propuesto por Intel en marzo de 2023 para la construcción de instalaciones de semiconductores. Intel Foundry está avanzando en su tecnología Intel 18A, programada para producción en 2025. La compañía ha realizado importantes avances en proyectos del DoD como SHIP y RAMP-C, entregando prototipos de paquetes de múltiples chips y sumando clientes de la base industrial de defensa, incluidos Boeing, Northrop Grumman y Microsoft.

Intel은 30억 달러의 직접 자금을 CHIPS 및 과학 법에 따라 Secure Enclave 프로그램을 위해 지원받았습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 미국 정부를 위한 첨단 반도체의 신뢰할 수 있는 제조를 확장하는 것을 목표로 하며, 국방부(DoD)와의 이전 협력을 기반으로 하고 있습니다. 첨단 로직 칩을 설계하고 제조하는 유일한 미국 회사로서 Intel은 국내 칩 공급망을 확보하고 미국의 기술적 회복력을 강화하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

이 상은 2023년 3월 Intel이 제안한 반도체 시설 건설에 대한 자금 지원 협의와는 별개입니다. Intel Foundry는 2025년 생산을 목표로 하는 Intel 18A 기술를 발전시키고 있습니다. 이 회사는 SHIP 및 RAMP-C와 같은 DoD 프로젝트에서 다중 칩 패키지 프로토타입을 제공하고 Boeing, Northrop Grumman 및 Microsoft와 같은 방위 산업 기반 고객을 영입하는 등 상당한 진전을 이루었습니다.

Intel a reçu jusqu'à 3 milliards de dollars de financement direct dans le cadre de la loi CHIPS and Science pour le programme Secure Enclave. Cette initiative vise à étendre la fabrication de semi-conducteurs de pointe de manière fiable pour le gouvernement américain, en s'appuyant sur des collaborations précédentes avec le Département de la Défense (DoD). En tant que seule entreprise américaine à concevoir et fabriquer des puces logiques de pointe, Intel contribuera à sécuriser la chaîne d'approvisionnement de puces nationale et à améliorer la résilience technologique des États-Unis.

Ce prix est distinct de l'accord de financement proposé par Intel en mars 2023 pour la construction d'installations de semi-conducteurs. Intel Foundry fait progresser sa technologie Intel 18A, prévue pour une mise en production en 2025. L'entreprise a réalisé d'importants progrès dans les projets du DoD comme SHIP et RAMP-C, en livrant des prototypes de paquets multi-puces et en intégrant des clients de l'industrie de la défense, notamment Boeing, Northrop Grumman et Microsoft.

Intel erhielt bis zu 3 Milliarden Dollar an direkten Mitteln nach dem CHIPS and Science Act für das Secure Enclave-Programm. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die vertrauenswürdige Herstellung von hochmodernen Halbleitern für die US-Regierung auszubauen und basiert auf früheren Kooperationen mit dem Verteidigungsministerium (DoD). Als das einzige amerikanische Unternehmen, das hochmoderne Logikchips entwirft und herstellt, wird Intel dazu beitragen, die inländische Chip-Lieferkette zu sichern und die technologische Resilienz der USA zu verbessern.

Die Auszeichnung ist unabhängig von dem von Intel im März 2023 vorgeschlagenen Finanzierungsvertrag zum Bau von Halbleiteranlagen. Intel Foundry entwickelt die Intel 18A-Technologie, die für die Produktion im Jahr 2025 vorgesehen ist. Das Unternehmen hat bedeutende Fortschritte bei DoD-Projekten wie SHIP und RAMP-C gemacht, indem es Prototypen für Multi-Chip-Pakete geliefert und Kunden aus der Verteidigungsindustrie wie Boeing, Northrop Grumman und Microsoft gewonnen hat.

  • Awarded up to $3 billion in funding for the Secure Enclave program
  • Intel 18A technology on track for production in 2025
  • Successful delivery of first multi-chip package prototypes under SHIP program
  • Onboarded several defense industrial base customers for RAMP-C program
  • None.

The $3 billion award to Intel under the CHIPS Act is a significant boost to the company's financials and strategic position. This funding, dedicated to the Secure Enclave program, strengthens Intel's role in the U.S. semiconductor industry and national security infrastructure. The investment will likely enhance Intel's competitive edge in advanced chip manufacturing, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue streams from government contracts.

Investors should note that this award is separate from the previously announced CHIPS Act funding for commercial fab construction. The combination of these investments positions Intel favorably for long-term growth in both commercial and government sectors. The company's progress in advanced packaging technologies and the Intel 18A process, slated for 2025 production, further reinforces its technological leadership. This multi-faceted government support could significantly impact Intel's stock performance and long-term valuation.

Intel's Secure Enclave program represents a important advancement in semiconductor security for defense applications. The $3 billion investment will likely accelerate the development of cutting-edge, secure chip manufacturing processes. This initiative builds upon Intel's existing SHIP and RAMP-C programs, creating a comprehensive ecosystem for secure chip design and production.

The focus on 18A technology, set for 2025 production, puts Intel at the forefront of semiconductor innovation. This could lead to breakthroughs in chip performance, power efficiency and security features. The collaboration with major defense contractors and tech giants for the RAMP-C program also suggests a growing ecosystem around Intel's foundry services, potentially establishing Intel as a key player in the foundry market, competing more effectively with TSMC and Samsung.

The Secure Enclave program significantly enhances the U.S. government's access to advanced, secure semiconductor technologies. This $3 billion investment in Intel not only strengthens national security but also reduces dependence on foreign chip manufacturers for critical defense systems. The program's integration with existing initiatives like SHIP and RAMP-C creates a comprehensive approach to securing the semiconductor supply chain for defense applications.

Intel's success in delivering multi-chip package prototypes under the SHIP program and onboarding major defense contractors for RAMP-C demonstrates the company's growing influence in the defense sector. This could lead to a long-term shift in defense procurement strategies, favoring domestic chip production and potentially reshaping the landscape of the defense technology industry. Investors should watch for increased defense-related revenue and potential spin-off technologies that could enter the commercial market.

Secure Enclave award builds on Intel’s programmatic engagement across strategic U.S. government defense programs, including SHIP and RAMP-C.

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Biden-Harris Administration announced today that Intel Corporation has been awarded up to $3 billion in direct funding under the CHIPS and Science Act for the Secure Enclave program. The program is designed to expand the trusted manufacturing of leading-edge semiconductors for the U.S. government.

The Secure Enclave program builds on previous projects between Intel and the Department of Defense (DoD) such as Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes - Commercial (RAMP-C) and State-of-the-Art Heterogeneous Integration Prototype (SHIP). As the only American company that both designs and manufactures leading-edge logic chips, Intel will help secure the domestic chip supply chain and collaborate with the DoD to help enhance the resilience of U.S. technological systems by advancing secure, cutting-edge solutions.

The Secure Enclave award is separate from the proposed funding agreement that Intel reached with the Biden-Harris Administration in March of this year to support the construction and modernization of semiconductor commercial fabrication facilities under the CHIPS and Science Act.

“Intel is proud of our ongoing collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense to help strengthen America’s defense and national security systems,” said Chris George, president and general manager of Intel Federal. “Today’s announcement highlights our joint commitment with the U.S. government to fortify the domestic semiconductor supply chain and to ensure the United States maintains its leadership in advanced manufacturing, microelectronics systems, and process technology.”

Today’s announcement reflects the continued progress of Intel Foundry, which brings together all the components customers need to design and manufacture chips at the leading edge. Intel Foundry is nearing completion of a historic pace of design and process technology innovation with its most advanced technology – Intel 18A – on track for production in 2025. The company, which develops and produces many of the world’s most advanced chips and semiconductor packaging technologies, is advancing critical semiconductor manufacturing and research and development projects at its sites in Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio and Oregon.

Intel has a long-standing history of working closely with the Department of Defense. In 2020, Intel was awarded the second phase of the SHIP program, allowing the U.S. government to access Intel’s advanced semiconductor packaging capabilities in Arizona and Oregon and leverage Intel’s substantial annual R&D and manufacturing investments. In 2023, Intel successfully delivered the first multi-chip package prototypes under the SHIP program, a major achievement in ensuring access to cutting-edge microelectronics packaging and paving the way for modernization for the DoD.

In 2021, Intel was awarded an agreement to provide commercial foundry services for multiple phases of the DoD’s RAMP-C program, which aims to leverage U.S.-based commercial semiconductor foundries to produce custom and integrated circuits for critical DoD systems. Since then, Intel has successfully onboarded several defense industrial base (DIB) customers, including Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Microsoft, IBM, Nvidia and others, and has made progress in developing early DIB product prototypes. This progress showcases the readiness of Intel’s 18A process technology, intellectual property and ecosystem solutions for high-volume manufacturing.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements, including with respect to Intel’s foundry expectations, role in the U.S. domestic chip supply chain, collaboration with the DoD and expectations as to the readiness and commercial production of its Intel 18A process technology, that involve many risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied, including those associated with: the high level of competition and rapid technological change in our industry; the significant long-term and inherently risky investments we are making in R&D and manufacturing facilities that may not realize a favorable return; the complexities and uncertainties in developing and implementing new semiconductor products and manufacturing process technologies; our ability to time and scale our capital investments appropriately and successfully secure favorable alternative financing arrangements and government grants; and other risks and uncertainties described in our 2023 Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC. All information in this release reflects management's expectations as of the date of this release, unless an earlier date is specified. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaim any duty, to update such statements, whether as a result of new information, new developments, or otherwise, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law.

About Intel

Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to and

© Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Sarah Keller

+1 (202) 297-7285

Source: Intel Corporation


What is the value of Intel's (INTC) Secure Enclave program award?

Intel (INTC) has been awarded up to $3 billion in direct funding under the CHIPS and Science Act for the Secure Enclave program.

When is Intel's (INTC) 18A technology expected to enter production?

Intel's (INTC) most advanced technology, Intel 18A, is on track for production in 2025.

Which major companies has Intel (INTC) onboarded for the RAMP-C program?

Intel (INTC) has onboarded several defense industrial base customers for the RAMP-C program, including Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Microsoft, IBM, and Nvidia.

What recent achievement has Intel (INTC) made in the SHIP program?

In 2023, Intel (INTC) successfully delivered the first multi-chip package prototypes under the SHIP program, a major achievement in ensuring access to cutting-edge microelectronics packaging for the DoD.

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