Flapmax Expands Collaboration with Intel to Launch Quantum AI Challenge

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Flapmax and Intel have announced the launch of the Quantum AI Challenge, an initiative aimed at fostering innovation among Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The challenge invites students, faculty, and researchers to solve real-world problems using quantum computing and AI technologies. Applications open on September 20, 2024.

Participants will gain access to cutting-edge AI hardware, tools, and mentorship from global experts. The challenge focuses on defining and solving complex optimization problems in industries like healthcare, energy, material science, and supply chain. Selected teams will receive Intel AI PCs to run Python-based quantum simulations enhanced with AI.

The initiative builds on Flapmax's collaboration with Intel to accelerate AI innovation in underserved populations. It aims to empower HBCU students to lead in AI and quantum computing, addressing global challenges and developing practical applications across key industries.

Flapmax e Intel hanno annunciato il lancio del Quantum AI Challenge, un'iniziativa volta a promuovere l'innovazione tra i College e Università Storicamente Nere (HBCUs). La sfida invita studenti, docenti e ricercatori a risolvere problemi del mondo reale utilizzando tecnologie di calcolo quantistico e AI. Le iscrizioni apriranno il 20 settembre 2024.

I partecipanti avranno accesso a hardware AI all'avanguardia, strumenti e mentorship da esperti globali. La sfida si concentra sulla definizione e risoluzione di problemi complessi di ottimizzazione in settori come sanità, energia, scienza dei materiali e catena di approvvigionamento. I team selezionati riceveranno PC Intel AI per eseguire simulazioni quantistiche basate su Python potenziate con AI.

L'iniziativa si basa sulla collaborazione tra Flapmax e Intel per accelerare l'innovazione AI nelle popolazioni svantaggiate. Mira a dare potere agli studenti HBCU per diventare leader nell'AI e nel calcolo quantistico, affrontando sfide globali e sviluppando applicazioni pratiche in settori chiave.

Flapmax e Intel han anunciado el lanzamiento del Quantum AI Challenge, una iniciativa destinada a fomentar la innovación entre los Colegios y Universidades Históricamente Negros (HBCUs). El desafío invita a estudiantes, docentes e investigadores a resolver problemas del mundo real utilizando tecnologías de computación cuántica e inteligencia artificial. Las inscripciones se abrirán el 20 de septiembre de 2024.

Los participantes tendrán acceso a hardware de inteligencia artificial de vanguardia, herramientas y mentoría de expertos globales. El desafío se centra en definir y resolver problemas complejos de optimización en industrias como la salud, energía, ciencia de materiales y cadena de suministro. Los equipos seleccionados recibirán PCs Intel AI para ejecutar simulaciones cuánticas basadas en Python mejoradas con inteligencia artificial.

La iniciativa se basa en la colaboración de Flapmax con Intel para acelerar la innovación en inteligencia artificial en poblaciones desatendidas. Busca empoderar a los estudiantes de HBCU para que lideren en inteligencia artificial y computación cuántica, abordando desafíos globales y desarrollando aplicaciones prácticas en industrias clave.

Flapmax와 Intel은 Quantum AI Challenge의 시작을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 역사적으로 흑인 대학 및 대학(HBCU)에서 혁신을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 도전은 학생, 교수 및 연구자들이 양자 컴퓨팅 및 AI 기술를 이용해 실제 문제를 해결하도록 초대합니다. 신청은 2024년 9월 20일에 시작됩니다.

참가자들은 최첨단 AI 하드웨어, 도구 및 글로벌 전문가의 멘토링을 받을 수 있습니다. 이 대회는 의료, 에너지, 재료 과학 및 공급망과 같은 산업에서 복잡한 최적화 문제를 정의하고 해결하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 선정된 팀은 AI로 강화된 Python 기반의 양자 시뮬레이션을 실행하기 위해 Intel AI PC를 받게 됩니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Flapmax와 Intel의 협력을 통해 소외된 인구에서 AI 혁신을 가속화하는 데 기반하고 있습니다. 그것은 HBCU 학생들이 AI와 양자 컴퓨팅에서 주도권을 잡도록 하고, 글로벌 과제를 해결하며, 주요 산업 전반에 걸쳐 실용적인 응용 프로그램을 개발하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Flapmax et Intel ont annoncé le lancement du Quantum AI Challenge, une initiative visant à favoriser l'innovation au sein des Collèges et Universités Historiquement Noires (HBCUs). Ce défi invite les étudiants, le personnel académique et les chercheurs à résoudre des problèmes du monde réel en utilisant des technologies de calcul quantique et d'IA. Les candidatures ouvriront le 20 septembre 2024.

Les participants auront accès à du matériel d'IA à la pointe de la technologie, à des outils et à un mentorat d'experts mondiaux. Le défi se concentre sur la définition et la résolution de problèmes complexes d'optimisation dans des secteurs tels que la santé, l'énergie, la science des matériaux et la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Les équipes sélectionnées recevront des PC Intel AI pour exécuter des simulations quantiques basées sur Python améliorées par l'IA.

Cette initiative s'appuie sur la collaboration entre Flapmax et Intel pour accélérer l'innovation en IA au sein des populations défavorisées. Elle vise à autonomiser les étudiants HBCU afin qu'ils puissent être à la pointe de l'IA et du calcul quantique, en répondant aux défis mondiaux et en développant des applications pratiques dans des secteurs clés.

Flapmax und Intel haben den Start des Quantum AI Challenge angekündigt, einer Initiative, die darauf abzielt, Innovationen an historisch schwarzen Colleges und Universitäten (HBCUs) zu fördern. Die Herausforderung lädt Studenten, Dozenten und Forscher ein, reale Probleme mithilfe von Quantencomputing und KI-Technologien zu lösen. Die Bewerbungsfrist beginnt am 20. September 2024.

Teilnehmer erhalten Zugang zu modernster KI-Hardware, Werkzeugen und Mentorship von globalen Experten. Der Wettbewerb konzentriert sich auf die Definition und Lösung komplexer Optimierungsprobleme in Branchen wie Gesundheit, Energie, Materialwissenschaft und Lieferkette. Ausgewählte Teams erhalten Intel AI-PCs, um Python-basierte Quanten-Simulationen zu fahren, die mit KI verbessert sind.

Die Initiative baut auf der Zusammenarbeit von Flapmax mit Intel auf, um KI-Innovationen in unterversorgten Bevölkerungsgruppen zu beschleunigen. Ihr Ziel ist es, HBCU-Studenten zu ermächtigen, in KI und Quantencomputing führend zu sein, globale Herausforderungen anzugehen und praxisnahe Anwendungen in Schlüsselindustrien zu entwickeln.

  • Collaboration with Intel to provide access to cutting-edge AI hardware and tools
  • Initiative focused on fostering innovation among HBCUs
  • Opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience with quantum computing and AI technologies
  • Potential for developing practical applications in key industries like healthcare, energy, and material science
  • None.

Collaboration to Catalyze Innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing, Starting with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flapmax, in collaboration with Intel, today announced the launch of the Quantum AI Challenge, an initiative designed to foster innovation and collaboration among Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The challenge invites students, faculty, and researchers to solve real-world problems using quantum computing and AI technologies. Applications open on September 20, 2024.

By providing access to cutting-edge AI hardware and tools, we hope to accelerate innovation within the quantum community

"Sustainability is a growing challenge as AI becomes ubiquitous, and quantum computing offers promising solutions for optimizing problem-solving capabilities in a more sustainable way," said Dr. Dave Ojika, CEO of Flapmax. "By partnering with Intel and HBCUs, we are providing the next generation of students and researchers with the tools and resources to explore AI and quantum computing, push the boundaries of scientific discovery, and drive meaningful impact across industries."

Building on the collaboration with Intel to accelerate AI innovation in underserved populations, the Quantum AI Challenge brings quantum computing to the mix. The challenge invites participants to define and solve complex optimization problems that have the potential to transform industries like healthcare, energy, material science, and supply chain. Selected teams will gain exclusive access to quantum computing hardware, AI tools, and mentorship from global experts, offering a unique platform for hands-on learning and innovation.

"AI and quantum computing represent the next frontiers in solving some of the world's most pressing challenges, and we're excited to support this initiative that empowers HBCU students to lead in this space," said Michael Campbell, General Manager, Education Client Division, Intel Corporation. "By providing access to Intel's cutting-edge AI hardware and tools, we hope to accelerate innovation and inclusion within the quantum community."

Participants will collaborate with AI and quantum computing experts to tackle global challenges and develop practical applications across key industries. Teams will define real-world optimization problems—such as healthcare resource allocation or energy grid optimization—and translate them into quantum algorithms and circuits. Selected teams will receive Intel AI PC to run Python-based quantum simulations enhanced with AI. Winning teams will present their solutions to a global audience, earning prizes, mentorship, and more.

Flapmax is committed to fostering partnerships that ignite technological growth across industries, strengthen local economies, and expand the local tech ecosystem. The Flapmax FAI Institute advances human potential with cutting-edge research and educational programs designed to prepare the workforce of the future. Through FAST Accelerator, in partnership with Microsoft, Flapmax empowers local entrepreneurs, small businesses, and startups with state-of-the-art technology and funding opportunities.

Participants of the Quantum AI Challenge will also benefit from access to FAST Accelerator as well as the HPC AI Forum— an event organized by Flapmax to bring together High-Performance Computing (HPC) centers across Africa to discuss advancements in HPC, AI and quantum computing. For more information or to participate in the event please contact @HPCAI.

The Quantum AI Challenge 2024 prioritizes HBCU students, faculty, and researchers working in teams of 2-5 members. Projects focused on healthcare, education, energy, material science, or other social-impact fields are of particular interest. For more information and to apply, visit

About Intel

Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore's Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers' greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel's innovations, go to and

About Flapmax

Flapmax is a data and AI technology company partnering with leading technology providers around the globe to identify and accelerate sustainable technology solutions to improve communities worldwide. Our mission is to empower and transform lives through the widespread adoption of AI technology. Flapmax is scaling collaboration across borders and connecting entrepreneurs and innovators with digital transformation solutions, advanced AI models, and global partnerships.


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When does the Quantum AI Challenge 2024 application period open?

The Quantum AI Challenge 2024 application period opens on September 20, 2024.

Who is eligible to participate in the Quantum AI Challenge 2024?

The Quantum AI Challenge 2024 prioritizes HBCU students, faculty, and researchers working in teams of 2-5 members.

What resources will be provided to participants of the Quantum AI Challenge?

Participants will receive access to quantum computing hardware, AI tools, mentorship from global experts, and selected teams will receive Intel AI PCs for running quantum simulations.

What types of projects are of particular interest for the Quantum AI Challenge?

Projects focused on healthcare, education, energy, material science, or other social-impact fields are of particular interest for the Quantum AI Challenge.

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