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Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) has announced an exclusive partnership with Homecare Homebase to offer the EASE® All-Payer application, empowering over 25% of home health providers in the U.S. This cloud-based platform enhances patient data accuracy and administrative efficiency across all payers. The EASE® application boasts a 99% clean claims rate, benefiting providers through advanced analytics and real-time corrections for Medicare and commercial claims. This strategic move positions Inovalon as a key player in the data-driven healthcare landscape.
Inovalon (NASDAQ: INOV) announced the award of U.S. Patent No. 11,011,256 for its real-time patient-specific data analysis platform.
This patent enhances Inovalon's capabilities in Data-as-a-Service and Analytics-as-a-Service, facilitating on-demand healthcare analytics.
The Inovalon ONE® Platform utilizes this technology to address challenges in healthcare data accessibility and analytics, paving the way for improved patient care and operational efficiency.
Inovalon (NASDAQ: INOV) hosted its Virtual Investor Day on May 18, 2021, showcasing its growth strategy, market presence, and cloud-based platform capabilities. The event lasted approximately 2.5 hours and featured executives discussing the company’s vision and financial information. The presentation materials and a replay of the event will be available on their Investor Relations website.
Inovalon’s ONE® Platform supports over 25 leading health plans and pharmaceutical companies, leveraging extensive datasets to drive efficiency and improve healthcare outcomes.
Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) will participate in the 49th Annual J.P. Morgan Technology, Media and Communications Conference. CEO Keith Dunleavy, M.D., and CFO Jonathan R. Boldt will present in a fireside chat on May 25, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. ET. Investors can access the live webcast via the Investor Relations section of Inovalon’s website. The company offers cloud-based platforms for data-driven healthcare, leveraging the Inovalon ONE® Platform to provide insights and enhance care across the healthcare ecosystem for its extensive client base.
Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) has announced participation at the 16th Annual Needham Technology & Media Conference. Keith Dunleavy, CEO, and Jonathan R. Boldt, CFO, will present in a virtual fireside chat on May 19, 2021, at 2:15 p.m. ET. The presentation can be accessed via the Investor Relations section of Inovalon's website, with an archived version available for a limited time. Additionally, management will hold virtual one-on-one meetings with registered institutional investors throughout the day.
Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) will host a virtual Investor Day on May 18, 2021, starting at 10 a.m. ET. This 2.5-hour event will feature executives discussing the company's vision, growth strategy, markets, cloud-based platform capabilities, and financial information. The event will be webcast live, with a replay and presentation materials available afterward on their website. Inovalon is a leader in cloud-based healthcare data solutions, empowering insights to enhance care and operational efficiency across the healthcare ecosystem.
Inovalon reported Q1 2021 financial results with revenue of $177.2 million, a 15% year-over-year increase. Subscription-based revenue reached $158.0 million, representing 89% of total revenue. Net income was $9.2 million, or $0.06 per share. Non-GAAP net income was $25.0 million, up 55% YoY. Adjusted EBITDA surged to $58.6 million, a 23% increase. The company raised full-year revenue guidance to a growth range of 12% to 16% and provided optimistic Q2 guidance.
Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) will hold a conference call on April 28, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. ET to discuss its Q1 2021 financial results. The results will be released after market close on the same day. Investors can access the call by dialing (855) 783-2604 or (631) 485-4882 for international calls, using conference ID 3581518. A replay will be available on Inovalon's website. Inovalon provides cloud-based platforms for data-driven healthcare and serves a wide range of clients, including major health plans, pharma companies, and healthcare systems.
Inovalon (Nasdaq: INOV) announced the presentation of new data-driven research at various significant healthcare conferences. This research is powered by Inovalon’s MORE2 Registry®, which contains extensive real-world data on over 332 million patients. The MORE2 Registry® will be highlighted at meetings such as the AMCP Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting and the ISPOR Annual Meeting, focusing on healthcare costs and outcomes. This initiative aims to provide stakeholders with deeper insights into healthcare utilization and economic impacts.