Leading PACE Provider InnovAge Selected to Participate in National Study Focused on Preventing Falls by Seniors

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InnovAge, a leading Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provider, has been chosen to participate in a national study on preventing falls among seniors. This research aligns with National PACE Awareness Month and Falls Prevention Month in September. InnovAge's involvement highlights the critical need to address falls, which are the leading cause of injury and death in older adults.

Key points:

  • InnovAge participants experience 16% fewer falls than the National PACE Association's average
  • The U.S. population aged 65+ is projected to grow 47% by 2050
  • PACE offers comprehensive care, including access to various healthcare professionals
  • The LeaHD study, in partnership with prestigious universities, aims to improve fall risk prediction and enhance senior healthcare outcomes

This initiative underscores InnovAge's commitment to enabling seniors to age safely at home and in their communities.

InnovAge, un fornitore leader del Programma di Assistenza Globale per Anziani (PACE), è stato scelto per partecipare a uno studio nazionale sulla prevenzione delle cadute tra gli anziani. Questa ricerca si allinea con il Mese Nazionale di Consapevolezza PACE e il Mese di Prevenzione delle Cadute, che si celebra a settembre. Il coinvolgimento di InnovAge evidenzia la necessità critica di affrontare le cadute, che rappresentano la principale causa di infortuni e morti tra gli adulti anziani.

Punti chiave:

  • I partecipanti di InnovAge registrano un 16% di cadute in meno rispetto alla media dell'Associazione Nazionale PACE
  • Si prevede che la popolazione statunitense di età pari o superiore a 65 anni crescerà del 47% entro il 2050
  • PACE offre assistenza completa, inclusa l'accesso a vari professionisti della salute
  • Lo studio LeaHD, in collaborazione con università prestigiose, mira a migliorare la previsione del rischio di cadute e a ottimizzare i risultati dell'assistenza sanitaria per gli anziani

Questa iniziativa sottolinea l'impegno di InnovAge nel permettere agli anziani di invecchiare in sicurezza a casa e nelle loro comunità.

InnovAge, un proveedor líder del Programa de Atención Integral para Ancianos (PACE), ha sido seleccionado para participar en un estudio nacional sobre la prevención de caídas entre los ancianos. Esta investigación se alinea con el Mes Nacional de Concientización PACE y el Mes de Prevención de Caídas en septiembre. La participación de InnovAge resalta la necesidad crítica de abordar las caídas, que son la principal causa de lesiones y muertes en adultos mayores.

Puntos clave:

  • Los participantes de InnovAge experimentan un 16% menos de caídas que el promedio de la Asociación Nacional PACE
  • Se proyecta que la población de EE.UU. de 65 años o más crecerá un 47% para 2050
  • PACE ofrece atención integral, incluyendo acceso a varios profesionales de la salud
  • El estudio LeaHD, en asociación con universidades prestigiosas, tiene como objetivo mejorar la predicción del riesgo de caídas y mejorar los resultados de atención médica para los ancianos

Esta iniciativa subraya el compromiso de InnovAge de permitir que los ancianos envejezcan de manera segura en casa y en sus comunidades.

InnovAge노인을 위한 통합 돌봄 프로그램 (PACE)의 선도적인 제공업체로, 노인의 낙상 예방에 관한 국가 연구에 참여하도록 선정되었습니다. 이 연구는 9월의 국가 PACE 인식의 달 및 낙상 예방의 달과 일치합니다. InnovAge의 참여는 노인에서 부상 및 사망의 주요 원인인 낙상 문제를 해결할 필요성을 강조합니다.

주요 사항:

  • InnovAge 참여자는 전국 PACE 협회의 평균보다 16% 적은 낙상을 겪습니다.
  • 65세 이상의 미국 인구는 2050년까지 47% 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • PACE는 다양한 의료 전문인에게 접근할 수 있는 포괄적인 돌봄을 제공합니다.
  • 유명 대학과 협력하여 실시되는 LeaHD 연구는 낙상 위험 예측을 개선하고 노인 의료 결과를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 이니셔티브는 노인이 안전하게 가정과 지역사회에서 나이를 먹을 수 있도록 하는 InnovAge의 의지를 강조합니다.

InnovAge, un fournisseur de premier plan du Programme de Soins Inclusifs pour les Personnes Âgées (PACE), a été choisi pour participer à une étude nationale sur la prévention des chutes chez les seniors. Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre du Mois National de Sensibilisation au PACE et du Mois de Prévention des Chutes en septembre. La participation d'InnovAge met en évidence le besoin crucial d'aborder les chutes, qui sont la principale cause de blessures et de décès chez les personnes âgées.

Points clés :

  • Les participants d'InnovAge subissent 16 % de chutes en moins que la moyenne de l'Association Nationale PACE
  • La population américaine âgée de 65 ans et plus devrait croître de 47 % d'ici 2050
  • Le PACE offre des soins complets, y compris l'accès à divers professionnels de la santé
  • L'étude LeaHD, en partenariat avec des universités de renom, vise à améliorer la prédiction des risques de chutes et à améliorer les résultats de soins de santé pour les personnes âgées

Cette initiative souligne l'engagement d'InnovAge à permettre aux personnes âgées de vieillir en toute sécurité chez elles et dans leurs communautés.

InnovAge, ein führender Anbieter des Programms für Inklusive Pflege für Senioren (PACE), wurde ausgewählt, um an einer nationalen Studie zur Prävention von Stürzen bei Senioren teilzunehmen. Diese Forschung fällt mit dem Nationalen Monat des PACE-Bewusstseins und dem Monat zur Sturzprävention im September zusammen. Die Beteiligung von InnovAge hebt die dringende Notwendigkeit hervor, Stürze zu bekämpfen, die die Hauptursache für Verletzungen und Todesfälle bei älteren Erwachsenen sind.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Teilnehmer von InnovAge erleben 16 % weniger Stürze als der Durchschnitt der National PACE Association
  • Die US-Bevölkerung ab 65 Jahren wird bis 2050 voraussichtlich um 47 % wachsen
  • PACE bietet umfassende Pflege, einschließlich Zugang zu verschiedenen Gesundheitsfachleuten
  • Die LeaHD-Studie, in Partnerschaft mit renommierten Universitäten, zielt darauf ab, die Vorhersage des Sturzrisikos zu verbessern und die Gesundheits Ergebnisse für Senioren zu optimieren

Diese Initiative unterstreicht das Engagement von InnovAge, es Senioren zu ermöglichen, sicher zu Hause und in ihren Gemeinschaften älter zu werden.

  • None.
  • None.

New LeaHD Study Advances as Industry Observes National PACE Awareness Month & Falls Prevention Month

DENVER, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- InnovAge Holding Corp. (“InnovAge”) (Nasdaq: INNV), a leading Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provider, has been selected as a research partner for a national study exploring how to prevent falls by seniors. This September’s National PACE Awareness Month and Falls Prevention Month observances emphasize the impact of this timely and critical work aimed at reducing dangerous falls by seniors, as well as helping many others facing a wide range of health conditions.

According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults, with one in four adults aged 65 and older experiencing a fall each year. InnovAge participants average 16% fewer falls than the National PACE Association’s estimated average1 through proactive screening, risk assessments, and personalized interventions designed to prevent falls. As the largest PACE provider (of enrolled participants), InnovAge provides comprehensive emotional, physical, and social support to older adults through 24/7, integrated care.

As the U.S. population aged 65 and older is projected to grow 47% by 2050, affordable and accessible alternatives to nursing homes, like PACE, are more important than ever. As part of InnovAge’s commitment to enabling seniors to age safely in their homes and communities, participants receive a holistic care approach that includes access to doctors, dentists, physical therapists, home health aides, dietitians, and social workers. By proactively addressing all of the complex factors that impact health, PACE aims to increase longevity and quality of life for older adults. For most eligible seniors, all medically necessary care and services are provided for free through PACE.

“We believe that the PACE model is integral to creating a safer, healthier, and more independent future for our seniors,” said Patrick Blair, CEO and President of InnovAge. “National PACE Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity to deepen our education efforts about the transformative benefits PACE offers participants and their families.”

“Our participation in the LeaHD study is a testament to our dedication to advancing research and evidence-based practices that directly impact senior health and safety,” said Dr. Ann Wells, Chief Population Health and Clinical Value Officer of InnovAge. “This study will help us better understand the multi-faceted factors contributing to falls among seniors and develop intervention strategies tailored to their unique needs.”

InnovAge was selected by LeaHD, a research and training center established in partnership with Brown University, Boston University, and University of Pittsburgh in the Center on Health Services Training and Research (CoHSTAR). Dr. Wells and the LeaHD team will work collaboratively in the study to advance the training of scientists in rehabilitation and long-term services, focusing on fall risk prediction to enhance senior healthcare outcomes. Their combined research also includes efforts improve the lives of adults living with disabilities and chronic conditions. The study is expected to be completed in October 2025.

About InnovAge
InnovAge is a market leader in managing the care of high-cost, frail, and predominantly dual-eligible seniors through the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). With a mission of enabling older adults to age independently in their own homes for as long as safely possible, InnovAge’s patient-centered care model is designed to improve the quality of care its participants receive while reducing over-utilization of high-cost care settings. InnovAge believes its PACE healthcare model is one in which all constituencies — participants, their families, providers, and government payors — “win.” As of June 30, 2024, InnovAge served approximately 7,020 participants across 20 centers in six states.

Media Contacts:

Lara Hazenfield
InnovAge Public Relations Manager

John Eddy
Goldin Solutions for InnovAge

1 InnovAge participant data as of December 31, 2023. NPA benchmark as of December 2022.


What is the focus of the national study InnovAge (INNV) is participating in?

InnovAge (INNV) is participating in a national study focused on preventing falls among seniors. The study, conducted by LeaHD, aims to improve fall risk prediction and enhance senior healthcare outcomes.

How does InnovAge's fall rate compare to the National PACE Association's average?

InnovAge participants experience 16% fewer falls than the National PACE Association's estimated average, thanks to proactive screening, risk assessments, and personalized interventions designed to prevent falls.

When is the LeaHD study involving InnovAge (INNV) expected to be completed?

The LeaHD study involving InnovAge (INNV) is expected to be completed in October 2025.

What services does InnovAge (INNV) provide through its PACE program?

InnovAge (INNV) provides comprehensive emotional, physical, and social support to older adults through its PACE program. This includes access to doctors, dentists, physical therapists, home health aides, dietitians, and social workers.

How much is the U.S. population aged 65 and older projected to grow by 2050?

The U.S. population aged 65 and older is projected to grow 47% by 2050, highlighting the increasing importance of affordable and accessible alternatives to nursing homes, like PACE.

InnovAge Holding Corp.


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Medical Care Facilities
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United States of America