InMode Announces Departures of President of North America, Chief Medical Officer and VP of Sales USA as Part of a Global Reorganization Strategy

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InMode (Nasdaq: INMD) announced the departure of three key executives from its North American operations as part of a global reorganization strategy. Shakil Lakhani, President of North America, Dr. Spero Theodorou, Chief Medical Officer, and Dan Wilson, VP of Sales USA, have left the company. InMode has also changed management teams in three European subsidiaries.

This restructuring aligns with InMode's global expansion and penetration into new business verticals, particularly the wellness sector. The role of President of North America will be divided to better manage the company's growth and full pipeline of new platforms. CEO Moshe Mizrahy emphasized that this new structure aims to enhance operational efficiency in North America and build a robust infrastructure for future growth.

InMode (Nasdaq: INMD) ha annunciato la partenza di tre dirigenti chiave dalle sue operazioni nordamericane come parte di una strategia globale di riorganizzazione. Shakil Lakhani, Presidente della Nord America, Dr. Spero Theodorou, Direttore Medico, e Dan Wilson, VP delle Vendite USA, hanno lasciato l'azienda. InMode ha anche cambiato i team di gestione in tre sussidiarie europee.

Questa ristrutturazione è in linea con l'espansione globale di InMode e la penetrazione in nuovi settori commerciali, in particolare nel settore del benessere. Il ruolo di Presidente della Nord America sarà suddiviso per gestire meglio la crescita dell'azienda e il completo pipeline di nuove piattaforme. Il CEO Moshe Mizrahy ha sottolineato che questa nuova struttura mira a migliorare l'efficienza operativa in Nord America e a costruire un'infrastruttura solida per la crescita futura.

InMode (Nasdaq: INMD) anunció la salida de tres ejecutivos clave de sus operaciones en América del Norte como parte de una estrategia global de reorganización. Shakil Lakhani, Presidente de América del Norte, Dr. Spero Theodorou, Director Médico, y Dan Wilson, VP de Ventas USA, han dejado la empresa. InMode también ha cambiado los equipos de gestión en tres filiales europeas.

Esta reestructuración se alinea con la expansión global de InMode y la penetración en nuevos verticales de negocio, particularmente en el sector del bienestar. El rol de Presidente de América del Norte se dividirá para gestionar mejor el crecimiento de la empresa y el completo portafolio de nuevas plataformas. El CEO Moshe Mizrahy enfatizó que esta nueva estructura tiene como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia operativa en América del Norte y construir una infraestructura robusta para el crecimiento futuro.

InMode (Nasdaq: INMD)는 글로벌 재조직 전략의 일환으로 북미 운영에서 세 명의 주요 임원 이탈을 발표했습니다. 북미 사장 샤킬 라카니, 최고 의료 책임자 스페로 테오도로 박사, 미국 영업 VP 댄 윌슨이 회사를 떠났습니다. InMode는 또한 세 개의 유럽 자회사에서 경영진을 변경했습니다.

이 재구성은 InMode의 글로벌 확장 및 새로운 비즈니스 분야, 특히 웰빙 부문으로의 침투와 일치합니다. 북미 사장의 역할은 회사의 성장과 새로운 플랫폼의 전체 파이프라인을 보다 잘 관리하기 위해 나누어질 것입니다. CEO 모셰 미즈라히는 이 새로운 구조가 북미에서의 운영 효율성을 향상하고 미래 성장을 위한 강력한 인프라를 구축하는 것을 목표로 한다고 강조했습니다.

InMode (Nasdaq: INMD) a annoncé le départ de trois dirigeants clés de ses opérations nord-américaines dans le cadre d'une stratégie de réorganisation mondiale. Shakil Lakhani, Président de l'Amérique du Nord, le Dr Spero Theodorou, Directeur Médical, et Dan Wilson, VP des Ventes USA, ont quitté l'entreprise. InMode a également changé les équipes de direction dans trois filiales européennes.

Cette restructuration s'aligne sur l'expansion mondiale d'InMode et la pénétration dans de nouveaux secteurs d'activité, en particulier le secteur du bien-être. Le rôle de Président de l'Amérique du Nord sera divisé afin de mieux gérer la croissance de l'entreprise et l'ensemble de la pipeline de nouvelles plateformes. Le PDG Moshe Mizrahy a souligné que cette nouvelle structure vise à améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle en Amérique du Nord et à construire une infrastructure robuste pour la croissance future.

InMode (Nasdaq: INMD) gab die Abberufung von drei Schlüsselmanagern aus seinen nordamerikanischen Betrieben im Rahmen einer globalen Reorganisationsstrategie bekannt. Shakil Lakhani, Präsident von Nordamerika, Dr. Spero Theodorou, Chief Medical Officer, und Dan Wilson, VP für den USA-Vertrieb, haben das Unternehmen verlassen. InMode hat auch die Managementteams in drei europäischen Tochtergesellschaften verändert.

Diese Umstrukturierung steht im Einklang mit den globalen Expansionsplänen von InMode und der Erschließung neuer Geschäftsfelder, insbesondere im Wellness-Sektor. Die Rolle des Präsidenten von Nordamerika wird aufgeteilt, um das Unternehmenswachstum und die vollständige Pipeline neuer Plattformen besser zu steuern. CEO Moshe Mizrahy betonte, dass diese neue Struktur darauf abzielt, die Betriebseffizienz in Nordamerika zu verbessern und eine robuste Infrastruktur für zukünftiges Wachstum aufzubauen.

  • Global expansion and penetration into new business verticals, particularly the wellness sector
  • Full pipeline of new platforms with over a dozen already in the market
  • Restructuring aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and supporting future growth
  • Departure of three key executives from North American operations
  • Management changes in three European subsidiaries
  • Potential short-term disruption due to organizational restructuring


The departure of key executives and reorganization of InMode's North American operations signals a significant shift in the company's strategy. This move appears to be driven by InMode's expansion into the wellness sector and the need to adapt its organizational structure to support new business verticals. The decision to split the role of President of North America suggests a more specialized approach to management, which could lead to improved operational efficiency.

However, the simultaneous departure of three high-level executives may raise concerns about potential internal issues or disagreements regarding the company's direction. Investors should monitor how quickly and effectively InMode fills these positions, as leadership continuity is important during periods of strategic change. The global nature of this reorganization, including changes in European subsidiaries, indicates a comprehensive overhaul of InMode's operations.

While this restructuring could position InMode for better growth in new markets, it also carries execution risks. The success of this strategy will largely depend on how well the new management structure adapts to the challenges of expanding into the wellness sector while maintaining the company's core medical technology business. Investors should watch for any impact on sales and market share in the coming quarters as a measure of the reorganization's effectiveness.

InMode's strategic shift towards the wellness sector represents a significant expansion of its market potential. With "over a dozen" new platforms already in the market and more in development, the company is clearly investing heavily in product innovation. This diversification could help InMode tap into the growing consumer wellness market, potentially driving new revenue streams.

The departure of the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Spero Theodorou, is particularly noteworthy. In medical device companies, the CMO often plays a important role in product development and clinical strategy. InMode will need to ensure that this position is filled with someone who can maintain the company's medical credibility while also supporting its expansion into wellness products.

The reorganization may also impact InMode's relationships with healthcare providers and clinics, which are typically managed through the sales team. The departure of the VP of Sales USA could temporarily disrupt these relationships. However, if the new structure allows for more focused attention on different market segments, it could ultimately lead to improved sales strategies tailored to both medical and wellness customers.

YOKNEAM, Israel, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- InMode Ltd. (Nasdaq: INMD), a leading global provider of innovative medical technologies today announced the departure of Shakil Lakhani, President of North America effective September 30, 2024. His departure follows that of Dr. Spero Theodorou, Chief Medical Officer, and Dan Wilson, VP of Sales USA.

In addition to the departure of the three executives from InMode's North American operations, over the last few months, InMode has changed the management teams in three of its subsidiaries in Europe: InMode UK, InMode Iberia and InMode France.

These changes come as part of InMode's ongoing effort to establish an optimal company structure that aligns with its global expansion and penetration into new business verticals. As the Company continues to expand into the wellness sector, it has become clear that a reorganization is necessary to ensure that InMode has the right structure, and skill sets in place to support future goals.

InMode has a full pipeline of new platforms, with over a dozen already in the market and more on the horizon. To manage this growth effectively, the role of President of North America will be divided into separate roles, each providing the focus needed for the Company's evolving business landscape.

Moshe Mizrahy, InMode's CEO, said, "This new structure is designed to enhance operational efficiency of our North American operations. This reorganization marks an important step in InMode's evolution as a global company and demonstrates our commitment to building a robust infrastructure for future growth. I will be working closely with the executive team in North America to guide this transition.

"We thank Shakil, Dr. Theodorou, and Dan, and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. We look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead," concluded Moshe Mizrahy.

About InMode

InMode is a leading global provider of innovative medical technologies. InMode develops, manufactures, and markets devices harnessing novel radiofrequency ("RF") technology. InMode strives to enable new emerging surgical procedures as well as improve existing treatments. InMode has leveraged its medically accepted minimally invasive RF technologies to offer a comprehensive line of products across several categories for plastic surgery, gynecology, dermatology, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology. For more information about InMode and its wide array of medical technologies, visit

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Miri Segal-Scharia


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Why did InMode (INMD) announce the departure of three key executives?

InMode announced the departure of three key executives as part of a global reorganization strategy to align with its expansion into new business verticals and enhance operational efficiency for future growth.

What changes are being made to InMode's (INMD) organizational structure?

InMode is dividing the role of President of North America into separate roles to better manage growth and its pipeline of new platforms. The company has also changed management teams in three European subsidiaries.

How many new platforms does InMode (INMD) have in its pipeline?

InMode has a full pipeline of new platforms, with over a dozen already in the market and more on the horizon.

What is the main reason for InMode's (INMD) global reorganization?

The main reason for InMode's global reorganization is to establish an optimal company structure that aligns with its global expansion, penetration into new business verticals (especially the wellness sector), and to support future growth goals.

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