Ingredion Named a Finalist for the National Safety Council's Green Cross for Safety® Awards
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a leading global provider of ingredient solutions to the food and beverage industry, has been named a finalist for the National Safety Council's (NSC) Green Cross for Safety® awards in the 'Safety Excellence' category. This recognition highlights Ingredion's outstanding commitment to safety and health, innovative approaches to awareness, and comprehensive employee engagement.
In 2023, Ingredion achieved record lows in recordable and lost time incidents, operating at world-class levels of safety and performance. The company's 'Care First' culture and zero-injury mindset have empowered its 12,000 employees to take an active role in safety, both in the workplace and at home. The winners of the NSC awards will be announced on September 16.
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), un fornitore globale di soluzioni per ingredienti nel settore alimentare e delle bevande, è stata nominata finalista per il premio Green Cross for Safety® del National Safety Council (NSC) nella categoria 'Eccellenza nella Sicurezza'. Questo riconoscimento mette in evidenza l'eccezionale impegno di Ingredion per la sicurezza e la salute, gli approcci innovativi alla sensibilizzazione e il coinvolgimento completo dei dipendenti.
Nel 2023, Ingredion ha raggiunto minimi record in incidenti registrabili e di perdita di tempo, operando a livelli di sicurezza e performance di classe mondiale. La cultura 'Care First' dell'azienda e la mentalità zero infortuni hanno consentito ai suoi 12.000 dipendenti di assumere un ruolo attivo nella sicurezza, sia sul posto di lavoro che a casa. I vincitori dei premi NSC saranno annunciati il 16 settembre.
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), un proveedor global líder de soluciones de ingredientes para la industria de alimentos y bebidas, ha sido nombrado finalista para los premios Green Cross for Safety® del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad (NSC) en la categoría 'Excelencia en Seguridad'. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso excepcional de Ingredion con la seguridad y la salud, enfoques innovadores en la concienciación y un compromiso integral de los empleados.
En 2023, Ingredion alcanzó mínimos históricos en incidentes registrables y pérdidas de tiempo, operando a niveles de seguridad y rendimiento de clase mundial. La cultura 'Care First' de la empresa y su mentalidad de cero lesiones han empoderado a sus 12,000 empleados para asumir un rol activo en la seguridad, tanto en el lugar de trabajo como en casa. Los ganadores de los premios NSC se anunciarán el 16 de septiembre.
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR)는 식음료 산업을 위한 글로벌 재료 솔루션 제공업체로, 국가안전위원회(NSC)의 Green Cross for Safety® 시상식에서 '안전 우수' 부문 결선 진출자로 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 Ingredion이 안전과 건강에 대해 보여준 뛰어난 헌신, 인식 제고를 위한 혁신적인 접근 방식, 종합적인 직원 참여를 강조합니다.
2023년, Ingredion은 기록 가능한 사고 및 손실 시간 사건에서 사상 최저치를 기록하여 세계적 수준의 안전과 성능을 유지했습니다. 회사의 'Care First' 문화와 제로 부상 마인드는 12,000명의 직원이 직장과 가정 모두에서 안전에 적극적으로 참여하도록 했습니다. NSC 상의 수상자는 9월 16일에 발표될 예정입니다.
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), un fournisseur mondial de solutions d'ingrédients pour l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons, a été nommé finaliste pour les prix Green Cross for Safety® du Conseil national de la sécurité (NSC) dans la catégorie 'Excellence en matière de sécurité'. Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'engagement exceptionnel d'Ingredion envers la sécurité et la santé, ses approches novatrices en matière de sensibilisation et l'engagement global de ses employés.
En 2023, Ingredion a atteint des niveaux records en matière d'incidents signalables et de pertes de temps, opérant à des niveaux de sécurité et de performance de classe mondiale. La culture 'Care First' de l'entreprise et la mentalité zéro blessure ont permis à ses 12 000 employés d'assumer un rôle actif en matière de sécurité, tant au travail qu'à domicile. Les lauréats des prix NSC seront annoncés le 16 septembre.
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), ein führender globaler Anbieter von Zutatenlösungen für die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie, wurde als Finalist für die Green Cross for Safety®-Awards des National Safety Council (NSC) in der Kategorie 'Sicherheitsexzellenz' ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung hebt das herausragende Engagement von Ingredion für Sicherheit und Gesundheit, innovative Ansätze zur Sensibilisierung sowie umfassendes Mitarbeiterengagement hervor.
Im Jahr 2023 erreichte Ingredion Rekordtiefststände bei meldbaren und verlorenen Zeitereignissen und betrieb sich auf weltklasse Sicherheits- und Leistungsniveau. Die 'Care First'-Kultur des Unternehmens und die Null-Unfall-Mentalität haben es den 12.000 Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, eine aktive Rolle in der Sicherheit sowohl am Arbeitsplatz als auch zu Hause zu übernehmen. Die Gewinner der NSC-Auszeichnungen werden am 16. September bekannt gegeben.
- Named finalist for National Safety Council's Green Cross for Safety® awards in 'Safety Excellence' category
- Achieved record lows in recordable and lost time incidents in 2023
- Operating at world-class levels of safety and performance
- None.
Care First culture and innovative employee engagement drive industry leading safety record and recognition.
WESTCHESTER, Ill., Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a leading global provider of ingredient solutions to the food and beverage industry, has been named a finalist for the National Safety Council's (NSC) Green Cross for Safety® awards.
The NSC awards are designed to honor companies that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to safety and health. Ingredion is a finalist in the “Safety Excellence” category, which recognizes organizations with a proven track record combining innovative approaches to awareness and comprehensive employee engagement.
“By continuously reinforcing our foundational ‘Care First’ culture, both in the workplace and at home, we improved on our already stellar levels of safety in the manufacturing industry,” said Eric Seip, senior vice president, global operations, and chief supply chain officer.
In 2023, Ingredion reduced recordable and lost time incidents to record lows and continued to operate at world-class levels of safety and performance.
“Our zero-injury mindset empowers 12,000 employees at all levels to take an active role in safety and dedicating ourselves to continuous improvement, we are creating a better environment for everyone,” Seip said.
Winners will be announced on September 16.
ABOUT Ingredion
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), headquartered in the suburbs of Chicago, is a leading global ingredient solutions provider serving customers in nearly 120 countries. With 2023 annual net sales of approximately
Investors: Noah Weiss, 773-896-5242,
Media: Rick Wion, 708-209-6323,

What award has Ingredion (INGR) been nominated for in 2024?
What safety achievements did Ingredion (INGR) report for 2023?
When will the winners of the National Safety Council's Green Cross for Safety® awards be announced?