Infosys Collaborates with Clearstream, Part of Deutsche Börse, to Enhance Digital Issuance Platform to Simplify Securities Issuance and Servicing

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Infosys has announced a successful collaboration with Clearstream, part of Deutsche Börse, to enhance the D7 digital post-trade platform. The project involved end-to-end implementation, customization, and deployment of the platform's Generation 2 launch. D7 allows market participants to issue securities digitally, setting a foundation for institutional-grade digital asset infrastructure.

Key achievements include:

  • Over 150,000 digital issuances via D7, surpassing any other digital issuance platform globally
  • Faster, easier, and more efficient digital issuance process
  • Enhanced time-to-market for Clearstream's customers
  • Streamlined operations and simplified technology landscape
  • Improved ability to manage regulatory changes

This collaboration marks a significant step towards the digitization of financial markets and demonstrates Infosys' expertise in driving digital transformation in the securities and stock exchange industry.

Infosys ha annunciato una collaborazione di successo con Clearstream, parte di Deutsche Börse, per migliorare la piattaforma D7 per il post-trade digitale. Il progetto ha comportato l'implementazione end-to-end, la personalizzazione e l'implementazione del lancio della Generazione 2 della piattaforma. D7 consente ai partecipanti al mercato di emettere titoli digitalmente, creando una base per un'infrastruttura di asset digitali di livello istituzionale.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Oltre 150.000 emissioni digitali tramite D7, superando qualsiasi altra piattaforma di emissione digitale a livello globale
  • Processo di emissione digitale più veloce, facile ed efficiente
  • Tempo di immissione sul mercato migliorato per i clienti di Clearstream
  • Operazioni semplificate e paesaggio tecnologico semplificato
  • Migliorata capacità di gestire i cambiamenti normativi

Questa collaborazione rappresenta un passo significativo verso la digitalizzazione dei mercati finanziari e dimostra l'expertise di Infosys nell'abilitare la trasformazione digitale nel settore dei titoli e delle borse.

Infosys ha anunciado una colaboración exitosa con Clearstream, parte de Deutsche Börse, para mejorar la plataforma digital D7 de post-trade. El proyecto involucró la implementación de extremo a extremo, personalización y despliegue del lanzamiento de la Generación 2 de la plataforma. D7 permite a los participantes del mercado emitir valores digitalmente, sentando las bases para una infraestructura de activos digitales de nivel institucional.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Más de 150,000 emisiones digitales a través de D7, superando cualquier otra plataforma de emisión digital en el mundo
  • Proceso de emisión digital más rápido, fácil y eficiente
  • Mejor tiempo de comercialización para los clientes de Clearstream
  • Operaciones optimizadas y paisaje tecnológico simplificado
  • Capacidad mejorada para gestionar cambios regulatorios

Esta colaboración marca un paso significativo hacia la digitalización de los mercados financieros y demuestra la experiencia de Infosys en impulsar la transformación digital en la industria de valores y bolsas de valores.

인포시스는 도이치 뵈르제의 일부인 클리어스트림과 함께 D7 디지털 포스트 트레이드 플랫폼을 개선하기 위한 성공적인 협력을 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 플랫폼의 2세대 출시를 위한 끝에서 끝까지의 구현, 맞춤화 및 배포를 포함했습니다. D7은 시장 참가자들이 디지털로 증권을 발행할 수 있게 하여 기관급 디지털 자산 인프라의 기반을 마련합니다.

주요 성과로는:

  • D7을 통해 150,000건 이상의 디지털 발행이 이루어져 세계의 다른 디지털 발행 플랫폼을 초월했습니다.
  • 더 빠르고 쉽고 효율적인 디지털 발행 프로세스
  • 클리어스트림 고객을 위한 시장 출시 시간 향상
  • 운영 간소화 및 기술 환경 간소화
  • 규제 변화 관리 능력 향상

이번 협력은 금융 시장의 디지털화를 향한 중요한 단계로, 증권 및 주식 거래 산업에서 디지털 혁신을 주도하는 인포시스의 전문성을 보여줍니다.

Infosys a annoncé une collaboration réussie avec Clearstream, une filiale de Deutsche Börse, pour améliorer la plateforme numérique D7 de post-trade. Le projet a impliqué la mise en œuvre de bout en bout, la personnalisation et le déploiement du lancement de la Génération 2 de la plateforme. D7 permet aux participants du marché de détenir des titres de manière numérique, établissant ainsi les bases d'une infrastructure d'actifs numériques de niveau institutionnel.

Les réalisations clés comprennent :

  • Plus de 150 000 émissions numériques via D7, dépassant toute autre plateforme d'émission numérique au niveau mondial
  • Un processus d'émission numérique plus rapide, plus facile et plus efficace
  • Un temps de mise sur le marché amélioré pour les clients de Clearstream
  • Des opérations rationalisées et un paysage technologique simplifié
  • Une meilleure capacité à gérer les changements réglementaires

Cette collaboration marque une étape significative vers la numérisation des marchés financiers et démontre l'expertise d'Infosys dans la conduite de la transformation numérique dans le secteur des valeurs mobilières et des marchés boursiers.

Infosys hat eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Clearstream, einem Teil der Deutschen Börse, angekündigt, um die D7 digitale Post-Trade-Plattform zu verbessern. Das Projekt umfasste die End-to-End-Implementierung, Anpassung und Bereitstellung des Generation 2-Starts der Plattform. D7 ermöglicht es den Marktteilnehmern, Wertpapiere digital zu emittieren, und legt damit den Grundstein für eine institutionenfähige digitale Vermögensinfrastruktur.

Wichtige Erfolge umfassen:

  • Über 150.000 digitale Emissionen über D7, die jede andere digitale Emissionsplattform weltweit übertreffen
  • Schnellerer, einfacher und effizienterer Prozess für digitale Emissionen
  • Verbesserte Markteinführungszeit für Clearstream-Kunden
  • Optimierte Abläufe und vereinfachte Technologielandschaft
  • Verbesserte Fähigkeit zur Verwaltung regulatorischer Änderungen

Diese Zusammenarbeit markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung Digiitalisierung der Finanzmärkte und zeigt das Fachwissen von Infosys bei der Umsetzung digitaler Transformationen in der Wertpapier- und Börsenbranche.

  • Successful launch of Clearstream's D7 platform Generation 2, enhancing digital securities issuance
  • Over 150,000 digital issuances via D7, surpassing any other digital issuance platform globally
  • Improved time-to-market and operational efficiency for Clearstream's customers
  • Established foundation for institutional-grade digital asset infrastructure
  • Strengthened Infosys' position in the financial services digital transformation market
  • None.

The collaboration between Infosys and Clearstream marks a significant leap in the digitization of financial markets. The enhanced D7 platform is poised to revolutionize securities issuance, potentially disrupting traditional processes. With over 150,000 digital issuances already processed, it's clear that the platform is gaining traction rapidly.

The streamlined digital issuance process could lead to reduced costs and increased efficiency for market participants. This may translate to improved profitability for Clearstream and its clients. However, the true test will be in the platform's ability to handle increased volumes and maintain security as adoption grows.

Investors should watch for potential ripple effects across the industry, as competitors may need to accelerate their own digital transformation efforts to keep pace. This could lead to increased tech spending in the financial sector, benefiting companies like Infosys that specialize in these services.

The successful launch of D7 Generation 2 positions Deutsche Börse and Clearstream at the forefront of the digital asset infrastructure movement. This could potentially expand their market share and attract new clients seeking modern, efficient issuance processes.

The platform's ability to adapt quickly to market changes is a significant advantage in the fast-paced financial world. This flexibility could lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, potentially driving long-term revenue growth for Deutsche Börse.

However, it's important to monitor adoption rates and any potential regulatory challenges that may arise as digital asset platforms become more prevalent. The success of D7 could also spark increased competition in the space, potentially squeezing margins in the long run.

Successfully enhanced the D7 platform to accelerate time-to-market for exchange group's customers and improve their profitability

FRANKFURT, Germany and BENGALURU, India, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Infosys (NSE: INFY), (BSE: INFY), (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, today announced that it has collaborated with Clearstream, the post-trade services part of Deutsche Börse, an international exchange organisation and leading provider of market infrastructure. The collaboration supported the successful Generation 2 launch of Clearstream's D7 platform, an innovative digital post-trade platform that allows market participants to issue securities digitally.

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Within the project, Infosys assisted Clearstream in driving end-to-end implementation, customization, and deployment alongside go-live and aftercare support. The platform has set a foundation of institutional-grade, digital asset infrastructure to unlock the tremendous value of asset tokenization and digital assets.

Daniel Besse, Clearstream CTO, said, "The successful release of D7 Generation 2 is a major achievement and sets the standard for our clients and the industry as a whole, making the digital issuance process faster, easier, and more efficient. Throughout this project, the collaboration of Clearstream and Infosys has been very productive. The enhanced platform lays the foundation for future digitization of financial markets as adapting to market changes can be done expeditiously. Being an innovation pacesetter in the securities industry, Clearstream has enabled over 150,000 digital issuances via D7 already today, which is more than any digital issuance platform globally."

Dennis Gada, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Banking & Financial Services, Infosys, said, "We are delighted to have collaborated with Clearstream, part of Deutsche Börse, on their digital transformation journey towards the D7 platform for issuance of securities. This integration has empowered Clearstream to enhance time-to-market, streamline operations, simplify their technology landscape, and effectively manage regulatory changes, all while fostering sustainable growth. This transformation sets an example for future modernization and digitization of the securities and stock exchange industry."

About Infosys

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. Over 300,000 of our people work to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. We enable clients in more than 56 countries to navigate their digital transformation. With over four decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises, we expertly steer clients, as they navigate their digital transformation powered by cloud and AI. We enable them with an AI-first core, empower the business with agile digital at scale and drive continuous improvement with always-on learning through the transfer of digital skills, expertise, and ideas from our innovation ecosystem. We are deeply committed to being a well-governed, environmentally sustainable organization where diverse talent thrives in an inclusive workplace.

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What is the D7 platform developed by Clearstream and Infosys (INFY)?

The D7 platform is an innovative digital post-trade platform that allows market participants to issue securities digitally. It was developed through a collaboration between Clearstream, part of Deutsche Börse, and Infosys (INFY).

How many digital issuances has the D7 platform (INFY) facilitated?

The D7 platform has enabled over 150,000 digital issuances, which is more than any other digital issuance platform globally, according to Clearstream.

What benefits does the D7 platform provide to Clearstream's customers (INFY)?

The D7 platform enhances time-to-market, streamlines operations, simplifies the technology landscape, and improves the ability to manage regulatory changes for Clearstream's customers, ultimately fostering sustainable growth.

When was the Generation 2 launch of Clearstream's D7 platform announced by Infosys (INFY)?

The successful Generation 2 launch of Clearstream's D7 platform was announced by Infosys (INFY) on September 11, 2024.

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