67% of Global Enterprises Have Sophisticated Cloud Strategies, Yet Less Than 10% Have Fully Integrated AI, says MIT Technology Review Insights Report with Infosys Cobalt

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A new report by Infosys (NSE: INFY) and MIT Technology Review Insights reveals that 67% of global enterprises have sophisticated cloud strategies, but less than 10% have fully integrated AI into their operations. The study, which surveyed 500 global industry leaders, found that:

- 48% of executives say their firms are experimenting with AI
- 45% cite concerns about data security, ethical use, privacy, and safety as limiting factors
- 71% expect spending on cloud infrastructure for AI to increase by at least 25% in the next two years
- 27% predict it will increase by 50-100%

The report highlights the growing importance of cloud-enabled AI and the need for significant, sustained investment in cloud infrastructure to realize AI's full potential.

Un nuovo rapporto di Infosys (NSE: INFY) e MIT Technology Review Insights rivela che il 67% delle imprese globali ha strategie cloud sofisticate, ma meno del 10% ha integrato completamente l'IA nelle proprie operazioni. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto 500 leader industriali a livello globale, ha rilevato che:

- Il 48% dei dirigenti afferma che le proprie aziende stanno sperimentando con l'IA
- Il 45% cita preoccupazioni riguardo alla sicurezza dei dati, all'uso etico, alla privacy e alla sicurezza come fattori limitanti
- Il 71% si aspetta che la spesa per l'infrastruttura cloud per l'IA aumenti di almeno il 25% nei prossimi due anni
- Il 27% prevede che aumenterà del 50-100%

Il rapporto sottolinea l'importanza crescente dell'IA abilitata dal cloud e la necessità di investimenti significativi e sostenuti nell'infrastruttura cloud per realizzare il pieno potenziale dell'IA.

Un nuevo informe de Infosys (NSE: INFY) y MIT Technology Review Insights revela que el 67% de las empresas globales tiene estrategias de nube sofisticadas, pero menos del 10% ha integrado completamente la IA en sus operaciones. El estudio, que encuestó a 500 líderes de la industria a nivel global, encontró que:

- El 48% de los ejecutivos dice que sus empresas están experimentando con la IA
- El 45% cita preocupaciones sobre la seguridad de los datos, el uso ético, la privacidad y la seguridad como factores limitantes
- El 71% espera que el gasto en infraestructura de nube para la IA aumente al menos un 25% en los próximos dos años
- El 27% prevé que aumentará entre un 50 y un 100%

El informe destaca la creciente importancia de la IA habilitada por la nube y la necesidad de una inversión significativa y sostenida en infraestructura de nube para realizar todo el potencial de la IA.

Infosys (NSE: INFY)와 MIT Technology Review Insights의 새로운 보고서에 따르면, 67%의 글로벌 기업이 정교한 클라우드 전략을 가지고 있지만 10% 미만이 AI를 운영에 완전히 통합하고 있다고 합니다. 500명의 글로벌 산업 리더를 대상으로 한 이 연구는 다음과 같은 결과를 보여주었습니다:

- 48%의 경영진이 자사에서 AI를 실험하고 있다고 응답했습니다.
- 45%는 데이터 보안, 윤리적 사용, 프라이버시 및 안전에 대한 우려가 제한 요소라고 언급했습니다.
- 71%는 향후 2년 동안 AI를 위한 클라우드 인프라 지출이 최소 25% 증가할 것으로 예상합니다.
- 27%는 50-100% 증가할 것이라고 전망하고 있습니다.

이 보고서는 클라우드 기반 AI의 중요성이 커지고 있으며, AI의 잠재력을 실현하기 위해 클라우드 인프라에 대한 상당하고 지속적인 투자가 필요함을 강조합니다.

Un nouveau rapport d'Infosys (NSE: INFY) et MIT Technology Review Insights révèle que 67 % des entreprises mondiales ont des stratégies cloud sophistiquées, mais que moins de 10 % ont entièrement intégré l'IA dans leurs opérations. L'étude, qui a interrogé 500 leaders de l'industrie à travers le monde, a révélé que :

- 48 % des dirigeants déclarent que leurs entreprises expérimentent avec l'IA
- 45 % citent des préoccupations concernant la sécurité des données, l'utilisation éthique, la vie privée et la sécurité comme des facteurs limitants
- 71 % s'attendent à ce que les dépenses liées à l'infrastructure cloud pour l'IA augmentent d'au moins 25 % au cours des deux prochaines années
- 27 % prévoient une augmentation de 50 à 100 %

Le rapport souligne l'importance croissante de l'IA renforcée par le cloud et la nécessité d'investissements significatifs et durables dans l'infrastructure cloud pour réaliser le plein potentiel de l'IA.

Ein neuer Bericht von Infosys (NSE: INFY) und MIT Technology Review Insights zeigt, dass 67% der globalen Unternehmen über ausgefeilte Cloud-Strategien verfügen, jedoch weniger als 10% KI vollständig in ihre Operationen integriert haben. Die Studie, die 500 Führungskräfte aus der Industrie weltweit befragte, ergab Folgendes:

- 48% der Führungskräfte geben an, dass ihre Unternehmen mit KI experimentieren
- 45% nennen Bedenken hinsichtlich Datensicherheit, ethischer Nutzung, Datenschutz und Sicherheit als Einschränkungsfaktoren
- 71% erwarten, dass die Ausgaben für die Cloud-Infrastruktur für KI in den nächsten zwei Jahren um mindestens 25% steigen
- 27% prognostizieren einen Anstieg um 50-100%

Der Bericht hebt die wachsende Bedeutung von cloudfähiger KI hervor und betont die Notwendigkeit erheblicher und nachhaltiger Investitionen in die Cloud-Infrastruktur, um das volle Potenzial der KI zu entfalten.

  • 67% of respondents have a 'developed' or 'advanced' cloud infrastructure
  • 71% of executives expect spending on cloud infrastructure for AI to increase by at least 25% in the next two years
  • 48% of executives say their firms are experimenting with AI
  • Less than 10% of executives have fully integrated AI into their operations
  • Only 13% report having a 'detailed roadmap' on how cloud investments will advance AI adoption beyond data and computer power/scale
  • 45% of respondents cite concerns about data security and ethical use of data, privacy, and overall safety as limiting factors

The MIT Technology Review Insights report, in collaboration with Infosys, reveals significant insights into the current state of AI adoption and cloud infrastructure readiness among global enterprises. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Cloud Infrastructure Maturity: 67% of respondents have 'developed' or 'advanced' cloud infrastructure, indicating a solid foundation for AI implementation.
  • AI Integration: Despite the cloud readiness, only 8% of companies have fully integrated AI into their operations, with 48% still in the experimentation phase.
  • Cloud Strategy for AI: There's a lack of comprehensive planning, with only 13% of companies having a detailed roadmap for leveraging cloud investments to advance AI adoption.
  • Challenges: 45% of respondents cite data security, ethical use, privacy and safety concerns as major hurdles in achieving cloud-ready AI systems.
  • Future Investments: A staggering 98% of executives anticipate increased spending on AI for cloud in the next two years, with 71% expecting at least a 25% increase.

These findings suggest a significant gap between cloud infrastructure readiness and actual AI integration. While companies have invested in cloud technologies, they're still grappling with how to effectively leverage these investments for AI implementation. This presents both challenges and opportunities for technology providers and consultants in the AI and cloud space.

The expected surge in AI-related cloud spending indicates a growing market for cloud services tailored to AI needs. However, the concerns around data security and ethical use highlight the need for robust solutions that address these issues. Companies that can offer secure, ethical and efficient AI-cloud integration services are likely to see substantial growth opportunities in the coming years.

This report unveils a critical juncture in the business technology landscape, highlighting both progress and challenges in the AI-cloud nexus. Let's break down the strategic implications:

  • AI Adoption Gap: The stark contrast between cloud readiness (67% advanced) and AI integration (8% fully integrated) suggests a significant opportunity for businesses to gain competitive advantage by accelerating their AI implementation.
  • Investment Trends: With 98% of executives planning increased AI-cloud spending, we're on the cusp of a major shift in enterprise technology investments. This could reshape competitive dynamics across industries.
  • Strategic Planning Deficit: Only 13% of companies have a detailed AI-cloud roadmap, indicating a critical need for strategic planning and expertise in this area.
  • Risk Management: The 45% of respondents citing security and ethical concerns highlight the need for robust risk management strategies in AI adoption.

For businesses, these findings underscore the importance of developing a comprehensive AI strategy that aligns with their cloud infrastructure. The coming years will likely see a widening gap between AI leaders and laggards, making it important for companies to act swiftly but thoughtfully.

Moreover, the anticipated increase in spending presents a significant opportunity for cloud service providers, AI consultants and cybersecurity firms. These entities should focus on developing solutions that address the integration challenges and security concerns highlighted in the report.

In conclusion, we're witnessing the dawn of the AI-first enterprise era. Companies that can effectively navigate the complexities of AI integration while leveraging their cloud investments will be best positioned to thrive in this new landscape.

98% of executives expect to see a significant rise in spending on AI for cloud over the next two years

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and BENGALURU, India, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, in collaboration with MIT Technology Review Insights, today announced the release of a new report: Reimagining Cloud Strategy for AI-first Enterprises. The report analyzed 500 global industry leaders with at least $500M in revenue across sectors to understand their organization's cloud and data readiness as they prepare to launch AI initiatives at scale.

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The survey found that most companies are still experimenting and preparing their infrastructure landscape for AI from a cloud perspective—and many are planning additional investments to accelerate their infrastructure progress.

As the cloud has evolved beyond its initial purpose as a storage tool and cost saver, realizing AI's full potential and becoming a truly 'AI-first enterprise' will require a significant, sustained investment in cloud infrastructure and strategy. The report's key findings include:

  • Around two-thirds (67%) of respondents have a 'developed' or 'advanced' cloud infrastructure. Only one-third (33%) classify their cloud infrastructure as'growing' or 'nascent.'
  • Less than 10% of executives have fully integrated AI into their operations. While nearly half (48%) of executives say their firms are experimenting with AI, only 8% say they've comprehensively integrated AI into their business.
  • Companies have varied strategies for optimizing their cloud systems to support AI initiatives. Half of the executives report they're using cloud services only to integrate data for AI purposes. Another 30% are using cloud infrastructure for computing capacity, and just 13% report having a 'detailed roadmap' on how cloud investments will advance AI adoption beyond data and computer power/scale.
  • Complexity, security, safety, and data challenges are all hurdles to cloud-ready AI systems. When asked about the factors limiting their organization's cloud readiness for AI, 45% of respondents cite 'concerns about data security and ethical use of data, privacy, and overall safety.'
  • Spending on cloud systems is expected to climb. A significant percentage (71%) of executives expect spending on cloud infrastructure for AI will increase by at least 25% in the next two years. More than one-quarter (27%) predict it will increase by 50-100%.

"Today, we are in the early stages of reimagining enterprise with AI and as we move towards a human plus AI collaborative state, cloud & data will be the catalyst in scaling AI," said Mohammed Rafee Tarafdar, Chief Technology Officer, Infosys. "However, just 13% of the executives have a 'detailed roadmap' on how cloud investments will advance AI adoption beyond data and computational power. By leveraging the cloud and adopting responsible AI practices, businesses can navigate this transformation and achieve sustainable growth."

"Although 67% of executives have advanced cloud infrastructures, only a small percentage have fully integrated AI into their operations," said Laurel Ruma, Global Editorial Director, MIT Technology Review Insights. "Despite concerns about data security and privacy, a majority are planning significant investments in cloud technology for AI in the coming years. It is clear that cloud-enabled AI is the future, and companies are eager to invest."

"Along with the ever-increasing relevance of cloud, we are also seeing that the focus and resources of several companies are towards implementing fully integrated AI systems. They expect to see significant growth in spending on this over the next several years," said Anant Adya, Executive Vice President and Service Offering Head, Infosys. "With 71% of executives expecting spending on cloud infrastructure for AI to increase by at least 25% in the next two years, it is clear that an integrated cloud and AI strategy will be the foundation for AI transformation for organizations moving forward." 

About MIT Technology Review Insights

MIT Technology Review Insights is the custom publishing division of MIT Technology Review, the world's longest-running technology magazine, backed by the world's foremost technology institution—producing live events and research on the leading technology and business challenges of the day. Insights conducts qualitative and quantitative research and analysis in the U.S. and abroad and publishes a wide variety of content, including articles, reports, infographics, videos, and podcasts. And through its growing MIT Technology Review Global Insights Panel, Insights has unparalleled access to senior-level executives, innovators, and entrepreneurs worldwide for surveys and in-depth interviews.

About Infosys 

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. Over 300,000 of our people work to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. We enable clients in more than 56 countries to navigate their digital transformation. With over four decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises, we expertly steer clients, as they navigate their digital transformation powered by cloud and AI. We enable them with an AI-first core, empower the business with agile digital at scale and drive continuous improvement with always-on learning through the transfer of digital skills, expertise, and ideas from our innovation ecosystem. We are deeply committed to being a well-governed, environmentally sustainable organization where diverse talent thrives in an inclusive workplace.

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What percentage of global enterprises have sophisticated cloud strategies according to the Infosys (INFY) report?

According to the report, 67% of global enterprises have sophisticated cloud strategies.

How many companies have fully integrated AI into their operations as per the Infosys (INFY) study?

The study reveals that less than 10% of companies have fully integrated AI into their operations.

What percentage of executives expect increased spending on cloud infrastructure for AI in the next two years, according to the Infosys (INFY) report?

71% of executives expect spending on cloud infrastructure for AI to increase by at least 25% in the next two years.

What are the main challenges to cloud-ready AI systems identified in the Infosys (INFY) study?

The main challenges identified are complexity, security, safety, and data challenges, with 45% of respondents citing concerns about data security, ethical use of data, privacy, and overall safety.

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