Core-Backbone Upgrades Key Network Routes in Germany with Infinera’s GX Series Solution

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Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) announced that Core-Backbone, a global network provider, has deployed Infinera's GX Series ICE6 800G coherent solution to upgrade key network routes in Germany. The upgrade doubles network capacity on each segment while reducing power consumption per bit. Core-Backbone can now deliver capacity at 800G per wavelength, with the option to upgrade to 1.2T, significantly increasing capacity at the lowest cost and power per bit.

The deployment expands Core-Backbone's network across Europe, providing high-capacity, high-performance connectivity services. Ulrich Koehler, Head of Network and IT-Operation at Core-Backbone, praised the easy installation and deployment of Infinera's solution, which avoided service interruptions. The upgrade enables Core-Backbone to meet growing customer demands for high-speed transmission, supporting 400G to 800G+ capacity for individual wavelengths.

Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) ha annunciato che Core-Backbone, un fornitore di rete globale, ha implementato la soluzione coerente ICE6 800G della serie GX di Infinera per aggiornare le principali rotte di rete in Germania. L'aggiornamento raddoppia la capacità della rete su ciascun segmento, riducendo al contempo il consumo di energia per bit. Core-Backbone può ora fornire una capacità di 800G per lunghezza d'onda, con l'opzione di aggiornare a 1,2T, aumentando significativamente la capacità al costo e al consumo energetico più bassi per bit.

Il dispiegamento espande la rete di Core-Backbone in tutta Europa, fornendo servizi di connettività ad alta capacità e alte prestazioni. Ulrich Koehler, responsabile della rete e delle operazioni IT di Core-Backbone, ha lodato la facilità di installazione e implementazione della soluzione di Infinera, che ha evitato interruzioni del servizio. L'aggiornamento consente a Core-Backbone di soddisfare la crescente domanda dei clienti per trasmissioni ad alta velocità, supportando capacità da 400G a 800G+ per lunghezze d'onda individuali.

Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) anunció que Core-Backbone, un proveedor de red global, ha desplegado la solución coherente ICE6 800G de la serie GX de Infinera para actualizar las principales rutas de red en Alemania. La actualización duplica la capacidad de red en cada segmento, mientras reduce el consumo de energía por bit. Core-Backbone ahora puede ofrecer capacidad de 800G por longitud de onda, con la opción de actualizar a 1.2T, aumentando significativamente la capacidad al costo más bajo y con menor consumo de energía por bit.

El despliegue expande la red de Core-Backbone en toda Europa, proporcionando servicios de conectividad de alta capacidad y alto rendimiento. Ulrich Koehler, jefe de Red y Operaciones de TI en Core-Backbone, elogió la sencilla instalación y despliegue de la solución de Infinera, que evitó interrupciones en el servicio. La actualización permite a Core-Backbone satisfacer la creciente demanda de los clientes por transmisión de alta velocidad, apoyando capacidades de 400G a 800G+ para longitudes de onda individuales.

인피네라 (NASDAQ: INFN)는 글로벌 네트워크 제공업체인 코어-백본(Core-Backbone)이 독일의 주요 네트워크 경로를 업그레이드하기 위해 인피네라의 GX 시리즈 ICE6 800G 코히런트 솔루션을 배포했다고 발표했습니다. 이 업그레이드는 각 세그먼트의 네트워크 용량을 두 배로 늘리면서 비트당 전력 소비를 줄입니다. 코어-백본은 이제 파장당 800G의 용량을 제공할 수 있으며, 1.2T로 업그레이드할 수 있는 옵션이 있어, 가장 낮은 비용과 비트당 전력 소비로 용량을 크게 증가시킵니다.

이번 배포는 코어-백본의 네트워크를 유럽 전역으로 확장하여, 높은 용량과 성능의 연결 서비스를 제공합니다. 코어-백본의 네트워크 및 IT 운영 책임자인 울리히 쾨러는 인피네라의 솔루션이 서비스 중단 없이 간편하게 설치 및 배포되었다고 치켜세웠습니다. 이번 업그레이드는 높은 속도의 전송에 대한 고객의 증가하는 수요를 충족할 수 있게 하여, 개별 파장에 대해 400G에서 800G+ 용량을 지원합니다.

Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) a annoncé que Core-Backbone, un fournisseur de réseau global, a déployé la solution cohérente ICE6 800G de la série GX d'Infinera pour mettre à niveau des itinéraires réseau clés en Allemagne. La mise à niveau double la capacité du réseau sur chaque segment tout en réduisant la consommation d'énergie par bit. Core-Backbone peut désormais offrir une capacité de 800G par longueur d'onde, avec l'option de passer à 1,2T, augmentant considérablement la capacité au coût et à la consommation d'énergie les plus bas par bit.

Ce déploiement étend le réseau de Core-Backbone à travers l'Europe, offrant des services de connectivité de haute capacité et haute performance. Ulrich Koehler, responsable du réseau et des opérations informatiques chez Core-Backbone, a salué la facilité d'installation et de déploiement de la solution d'Infinera, qui a évité des interruptions de service. La mise à niveau permet à Core-Backbone de répondre à la demande croissante des clients en matière de transmission à haute vitesse, supportant des capacités de 400G à 800G+ pour des longueurs d'onde individuelles.

Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) gab bekannt, dass Core-Backbone, ein globaler Netzwerkprovider, die GX Series ICE6 800G kohärente Lösung von Infinera eingesetzt hat, um wichtige Netzwerkstrecken in Deutschland aufzurüsten. Das Upgrade verdoppelt die Netzwerkkapazität jedes Segments und verringert gleichzeitig den Stromverbrauch pro Bit. Core-Backbone kann nun eine Kapazität von 800G pro Wellenlänge bereitstellen, mit der Möglichkeit, auf 1,2T aufzurüsten, was die Kapazität signifikant zu den niedrigsten Kosten und dem geringsten Energieverbrauch pro Bit erhöht.

Der Einsatz erweitert das Netzwerk von Core-Backbone in ganz Europa und bietet hochkapazitive, leistungsstarke Konnektivitätsdienste. Ulrich Koehler, Leiter Netzwerk und IT-Betrieb bei Core-Backbone, lobte die einfache Installation und den Einsatz von Infineras Lösung, die Dienstunterbrechungen vermieden hat. Das Upgrade ermöglicht es Core-Backbone, die wachsende Kundennachfrage nach Hochgeschwindigkeitstransmission zu befriedigen und unterstützt 400G bis 800G+ Kapazitäten für einzelne Wellenlängen.

  • Doubled network capacity on key routes while reducing power consumption per bit
  • Enabled delivery of 800G per wavelength capacity with option to upgrade to 1.2T
  • Expanded Core-Backbone's network across Europe
  • Easy installation and deployment without service interruptions
  • Increased capacity at lowest cost and power per bit
  • None.

Core-Backbone's deployment of Infinera's GX Series ICE6 800G coherent solution marks a significant advancement in network infrastructure. The upgrade doubles network capacity while reducing power consumption per bit, addressing two critical needs in modern telecommunications: increased bandwidth and improved energy efficiency. The ability to deliver 800G per wavelength, with a future upgrade path to 1.2T, positions Core-Backbone to meet the growing demands for high-speed transmission in key European routes.

This upgrade enhances Core-Backbone's competitiveness in the rapidly evolving telecommunications market, particularly in serving data centers and financial services that require high-capacity, low-latency connections. The ease of installation and seamless integration with existing Infinera XTM platforms suggest a well-planned, forward-thinking network strategy that minimizes disruption while maximizing performance gains.

Infinera's (NASDAQ: INFN) partnership with Core-Backbone demonstrates the company's strong market position in optical networking solutions. This deal likely contributes positively to Infinera's revenue stream, although specific financial terms were not disclosed. The expansion of Core-Backbone's network across Europe, Asia and North America using Infinera's technology could lead to recurring revenue opportunities and potential upsells as bandwidth demands increase.

For investors, this news signals Infinera's ability to secure contracts with fast-growing carriers, potentially leading to market share gains in the competitive optical networking sector. The emphasis on cost-efficiency and power reduction aligns with industry trends towards sustainable and economical network solutions, which could drive further adoption of Infinera's products. However, the long-term financial impact will depend on Infinera's ability to leverage this success for additional contracts and maintain technological leadership in the face of fierce competition.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) announced today that Core-Backbone, a global network provider, deployed Infinera’s GX Series ICE6 800G coherent solution to upgrade and extend key network routes between Nuremburg and Munich, Nuremburg and Prague, and Hamburg and Düsseldorf, doubling network capacity on each network segment while reducing power consumption per bit. This network upgrade further expands Core-Backbone’s network across Europe, providing high-capacity, high-performance connectivity services that are reliable, secure, and cost-efficient.

Core-Backbone is one of the fastest-growing German carriers, operating in Europe, Asia, and North America. With Infinera’s GX Series, Core-Backbone’s network can deliver capacity at 800G per wavelength, with the option to upgrade to 1.2T, significantly increasing capacity on the network at the lowest cost and lowest power per bit.

“We are excited to upgrade our network with Infinera’s innovative solutions and expand our service offerings. Infinera’s leading GX solution, similar to Infinera’s XTM platform currently in our network, was easy to install and deploy, eliminating lengthy set up times and avoiding any interruptions in service,” said Ulrich Koehler, Head of Network and IT-Operation, Core-Backbone. “With Infinera’s GX Series solution, our backbone network will be able to serve the growing needs of our customers with performance improvements and support 400G to 800G+ capacity for individual wavelengths to meet the growing demands for high-speed transmission today and in the future.”

“We are pleased to support Core-Backbone’s network upgrade and expansion plans, which support critical telecommunications, data centers, and financial services across the globe,” said Nick Walden, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales, Infinera. “Infinera’s GX Series coupled with the XTM Series will enable Core-Backbone to provide its customers with cost-effective, high-capacity, and highly available services.”


Infinera Media:
Anna Vue
Tel. +1 (916) 595-8157

Infinera Investors:
Amitabh Passi, Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +1 (669) 295-1489

About Core-Backbone
Core-Backbone is a German network service provider specializing in the operation and provision of IT infrastructure. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, Core-Backbone operates its own international backbone that interconnects data centers around the globe. Renowned for its exceptionally high-quality standards, Core-Backbone is considered one of the most reliable carriers in Europe, with an impressive annual average availability rate of 99.999%. Beyond technology, the company is committed to maintaining the highest quality and cutting-edge standards.

Core-Backbone offers a comprehensive range of network services tailored for businesses, data centers, CDNs, and ISPs. Their IP-Transit service provides high-speed connectivity with global reach and low latency. They also offer Layer2 Connections and Wavelength Services for secure and efficient data transmission between locations. Remote Peering enables customers to connect to multiple Internet Exchange Points globally, enhancing their network reach. For protection against cyber threats, Core-Backbone provides DDoS Protection services. Additionally, their Cloud Connect service offers direct and secure connections to major cloud providers, catering to businesses with advanced networking requirements. To learn more about Core-Backbone, follow us on LinkedIn and X.

About Infinera
Infinera is a global supplier of innovative open optical networking solutions and advanced optical semiconductors that enable carriers, cloud operators, governments, and enterprises to scale network bandwidth, accelerate service innovation, and automate network operations. Infinera solutions deliver industry-leading economics and performance in long-haul, submarine, data center interconnect, and metro transport applications. To learn more about Infinera, visit, follow us on X and LinkedIn, and subscribe for updates.

Infinera and the Infinera logo are registered trademarks of Infinera Corporation.

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the operational, financial and performance benefits of Infinera’s GX Series coherent solution. These statements are not guarantees of results and should not be considered as an indication of future activity or future performance. Actual results may vary materially from these expectations as a result of various risks and uncertainties. Information about these risks and uncertainties, and other risks and uncertainties that affect Infinera’s business, is contained in the risk factors section and other sections of Infinera’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter ended June 29, 2024 as filed with the SEC on August 2, 2024, as well as any subsequent reports filed with or furnished to the SEC. These reports are available on Infinera’s website at and the SEC’s website at Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our expectations, beliefs, intentions, or strategies and can be identified by words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “should,” “will,” and “would” or similar words. Infinera assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements.


What solution did Core-Backbone deploy for its network upgrade in Germany?

Core-Backbone deployed Infinera's (INFN) GX Series ICE6 800G coherent solution to upgrade key network routes in Germany.

How much did the network capacity increase after Core-Backbone's upgrade with Infinera's (INFN) solution?

The network upgrade doubled the capacity on each network segment while also reducing power consumption per bit.

What is the maximum capacity per wavelength that Core-Backbone can now deliver using Infinera's (INFN) GX Series?

Core-Backbone can now deliver capacity at 800G per wavelength, with the option to upgrade to 1.2T in the future.

Which specific network routes did Core-Backbone upgrade using Infinera's (INFN) GX Series solution?

Core-Backbone upgraded key network routes between Nuremburg and Munich, Nuremburg and Prague, and Hamburg and Düsseldorf.

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