SUBARU Chooses Informatica’s AI-Powered Intelligent Data Management Cloud Platform to Drive a Data-Driven Customer Experience

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SUBARU has chosen Informatica's AI-powered Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) to drive a global-scale data integration project. This decision aims to address SUBARU's challenge of siloed data and utilization issues across departments. The project, launched in 2020, consolidates data from vehicle development to after-sales maintenance, creating a company-wide data integration platform.

The platform went live in 2022, enabling seamless linkage of lifetime data, including vehicle development, manufacturing, sales, maintenance, and customer IDs. Informatica's IDMC platform and cloud data integration capabilities allow SUBARU to curate data globally, driving business insights from reliable data. Currently, about 400 data assets have been cataloged, with plans to expand user access through BI tools in the future.

SUBARU ha scelto il Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) di Informatica, alimentato da intelligenza artificiale, per guidare un progetto di integrazione dei dati su scala globale. Questa decisione mira a affrontare la sfida di SUBARU riguardo ai dati isolati e ai problemi di utilizzo tra i vari dipartimenti. Il progetto, lanciato nel 2020, consolida i dati dallo sviluppo dei veicoli alla manutenzione post-vendita, creando una piattaforma di integrazione dei dati a livello aziendale.

La piattaforma è stata attivata nel 2022, consentendo un collegamento senza soluzione di continuità dei dati lungo tutto il ciclo di vita, inclusi sviluppo dei veicoli, produzione, vendite, manutenzione e identificazione dei clienti. La piattaforma IDMC di Informatica e le sue capacità di integrazione dei dati nel cloud consentono a SUBARU di curare i dati a livello globale, generando approfondimenti aziendali da dati affidabili. Attualmente, circa 400 asset di dati sono stati catalogati, con piani per espandere l'accesso agli utenti tramite strumenti di BI in futuro.

SUBARU ha elegido el Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) de Informatica, impulsado por inteligencia artificial, para llevar a cabo un proyecto de integración de datos a nivel global. Esta decisión tiene como objetivo abordar el desafío de SUBARU con los datos aislados y los problemas de utilización en los diferentes departamentos. El proyecto, lanzado en 2020, consolida datos desde el desarrollo de vehículos hasta el mantenimiento post-venta, creando una plataforma de integración de datos a nivel corporativo.

La plataforma se activó en 2022, permitiendo una conexión fluida de datos de por vida, incluidos el desarrollo de vehículos, la fabricación, las ventas, el mantenimiento y las identificaciones de clientes. La plataforma IDMC de Informatica y sus capacidades de integración de datos en la nube permiten a SUBARU gestionar datos a nivel mundial, generando conocimientos empresariales a partir de datos confiables. Actualmente, se han catalogado alrededor de 400 activos de datos, con planes para expandir el acceso de los usuarios a través de herramientas de BI en el futuro.

SUBARU는 Informatica의 AI 기반 Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC)를 선택하여 글로벌 규모의 데이터 통합 프로젝트를 추진하고 있습니다. 이 결정은 SUBARU의 부서 간 데이터 고립 및 활용 문제를 해결하는 데 목적이 있습니다. 2020년에 시작된 이 프로젝트는 차량 개발부터 판매 후 유지 보수까지의 데이터를 통합하여 회사 전반에 걸친 데이터 통합 플랫폼을 생성합니다.

이 플랫폼은 2022년에 가동되어 차량 개발, 제조, 판매, 유지 보수 및 고객 ID를 포함한 수명 데이터의 원활한 연결을 가능하게 했습니다. Informatica의 IDMC 플랫폼과 클라우드 데이터 통합 기능은 SUBARU가 전 세계적으로 데이터를 관리하고 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터에서 비즈니스 통찰력을 이끌어낼 수 있도록 합니다. 현재 약 400개의 데이터 자산이 등록되었으며, 미래에는 BI 도구를 통해 사용자 접근성을 확대할 계획입니다.

SUBARU a choisi le Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) d'Informatica, alimenté par l'intelligence artificielle, pour mener un projet d'intégration de données à l'échelle mondiale. Cette décision vise à relever le défi de SUBARU concernant les données isolées et les problèmes d'utilisation entre les différents départements. Le projet, lancé en 2020, consolide les données allant du développement des véhicules à la maintenance après-vente, créant ainsi une plateforme d'intégration de données à l'échelle de l'entreprise.

La plateforme a été mise en service en 2022, permettant un lien sans faille des données tout au long de leur cycle de vie, y compris le développement des véhicules, la fabrication, les ventes, la maintenance et l'identification des clients. La plateforme IDMC d'Informatica et ses capacités d'intégration de données dans le cloud permettent à SUBARU de gérer des données à l'échelle mondiale, générant des résultats commerciaux à partir de données fiables. Actuellement, environ 400 actifs de données ont été catalogués, avec des projets d'élargir l'accès des utilisateurs via des outils de BI à l'avenir.

SUBARU hat sich für die Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) von Informatica entschieden, die von künstlicher Intelligenz betrieben wird, um ein globales Datenintegrationsprojekt voranzutreiben. Diese Entscheidung zielt darauf ab, die Herausforderung von SUBARU mit isolierten Daten und Nutzungsproblemen in den verschiedenen Abteilungen anzugehen. Das 2020 gestartete Projekt konsolidiert Daten vom Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozess bis zur Nachverkaufswartung und schafft eine unternehmensweite Datenintegrationsplattform.

Die Plattform wurde 2022 in Betrieb genommen und ermöglicht eine nahtlose Verknüpfung von Lebenszeitdaten, einschließlich Fahrzeugentwicklung, Herstellung, Verkauf, Wartung und Kunden-IDs. Die IDMC-Plattform von Informatica und ihre Fähigkeiten zur Cloud-Datenintegration erlauben es SUBARU, Daten weltweit zu verwalten und Geschäftseinblicke aus zuverlässigen Daten zu gewinnen. Derzeit sind etwa 400 Datenressourcen katalogisiert, mit Plänen, den Zugang für Benutzer in Zukunft über BI-Tools zu erweitern.

  • Implementation of Informatica's AI-powered IDMC platform for global-scale data integration
  • Successful completion and launch of company-wide data integration platform in 2022
  • Improved data linkage from technical development to customer information
  • Enhanced quality of car manufacturing through better data integration
  • Increased employee productivity and improved customer experience
  • Cataloging of approximately 400 data assets
  • None.

SUBARU's adoption of Informatica's AI-powered IDMC platform marks a significant step towards data-driven decision-making and improved customer experience. The implementation addresses critical challenges in data integration and utilization, consolidating information from various stages of the product lifecycle. This move is likely to enhance operational efficiency and provide SUBARU with a competitive edge in the automotive industry.

The platform's ability to curate data from multiple departments on a global scale is particularly noteworthy. By eliminating data silos, SUBARU can now achieve greater data visibility across business functions, potentially leading to more informed strategic decisions and improved product development. The low-code/no-code environment of IDMC is a key feature that could accelerate SUBARU's digital transformation by enabling non-technical users to participate in data integration processes.

This partnership between SUBARU and Informatica represents a growing trend in the automotive industry towards leveraging big data and AI for competitive advantage. By centralizing data from vehicle development to after-sales maintenance, SUBARU is positioning itself to better understand and respond to customer needs. This could lead to improved customer retention and potentially increased market share.

The scalability of the solution, with plans to expand user access through BI tools, suggests a long-term commitment to data-driven strategies. This approach could yield significant cost savings and efficiency gains across SUBARU's operations. However, investors should monitor the ROI of this implementation, as the full benefits of such large-scale data integration projects often take time to materialize.

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, today announced that SUBARU Corporation (SUBARU) has chosen to implement Informatica’s AI-powered Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC), to enable the automaker to drive a global-scale data integration project.

SUBARU was faced with siloed data and utilization issues in 2019 with each department and operation handling data in isolated systems which resulted in disparate data. In 2020, SUBARU launched their global PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) project with an aim to consolidate data from business-critical processes, from vehicle development to production and after-sales maintenance, and develop a company-wide data integration platform to connect, track and share trusted data across their departments. The data integration platform supporting the global PLM project was completed in 2022 and went “live” in production that year, enabling lifetime data such as vehicle development to manufacturing, sales and maintenance, to customer IDs and other information to be seamlessly linked.

“With the help of Informatica, we are able to connect, integrate and strengthen our data linkage as early as technical development and design stages, and thus improve the quality of our car manufacturing,” said Kentaro Ichikawa, Chief of the Data Management and Utilization Promotion Department at SUBARU Corporation. “As our AI-powered data management partner, Informatica plays an integral part in our data integration project. The transformation brought SUBARU closer to realizing our two missions as it not only benefited our employees’ productivity level but also enhanced the customer experience.”

Informatica's AI-powered IDMC platform and its cloud data integration and catalog capabilities enable SUBARU to curate data from its development, procurement, manufacturing, sales and maintenance services on a global scale to drive business insights from reliable and trustworthy data. The low-code/no-code environment within IDMC also enables SUBARU to scale its data integration through automation and eliminate data silos to allow users to drive greater data visibility across business functions from their business intelligence (BI) tool.

As of now, approximately 400 data assets have been cataloged and SUBARU plans to expand the range of users who utilize the data integration platform in their daily work through BI tool in the future.

“SUBARU’s decision to move to a single, AI-powered cloud data management platform with a consumption-based pricing model allowed them to advance at their own pace and remain flexible and adaptive to their business environment and needs,” said Taito Kozawa, Country Manager and President of Informatica Japan. “Informatica is proud to be the partner of choice for enterprise cloud data management to help SUBARU solve their upstream and downstream data challenges, empowering users across their organization to drive trusted business insights through transformative power of data on our AI-powered IDMC platform.”

About Informatica

Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, brings data and AI to life by empowering businesses to realize the transformative power of their most critical assets. We have created a new category of software, the Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC). IDMC is an end-to-end data management platform, powered by CLAIRE® AI, that connects, manages and unifies data across any multi-cloud or hybrid system, democratizing data and enabling enterprises to modernize and advance their business strategies. Customers in approximately 100 countries, including more than 80 of the Fortune 100, rely on Informatica to drive data-led digital transformation. Informatica. Where data and AI come to life.

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Source: Informatica


What is the purpose of SUBARU's global PLM project launched in 2020?

SUBARU's global PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) project aims to consolidate data from business-critical processes, from vehicle development to production and after-sales maintenance, and develop a company-wide data integration platform to connect, track and share trusted data across departments.

How does Informatica's IDMC platform benefit SUBARU (INFA)?

Informatica's AI-powered IDMC platform enables SUBARU to curate data from development, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance services on a global scale. It helps drive business insights from reliable data, eliminates data silos, and allows users to gain greater data visibility across business functions through their business intelligence tools.

What are SUBARU's future plans for the data integration platform?

SUBARU plans to expand the range of users who utilize the data integration platform in their daily work through Business Intelligence (BI) tools in the future, building on the approximately 400 data assets that have already been cataloged.

When did SUBARU's data integration platform go live in production?

SUBARU's data integration platform supporting the global PLM project was completed and went live in production in 2022.

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