Fujifilm Solves Data Fragmentation and Enhances Decision-Making with Informatica’s AI-Powered Master Data Management

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FUJIFILM Holdings has implemented Informatica's Master Data Management (MDM) solution to unify their data strategy and drive centralized decision-making. This move addresses data fragmentation resulting from decades of business expansion and transformation. Informatica's MDM enables FUJIFILM to combine data across multiple source systems, streamlining diverse data domains including product codes, sales, inventory, and business partner data.

The implementation allows FUJIFILM to visualize data from global operations through a unified, cross-functional view, contributing to more efficient operations and data-driven decision-making. FUJIFILM plans to advance self-service business intelligence, integrate AI into management decisions, and improve data utilization while maintaining high-quality, trusted data within the organization.

FUJIFILM Holdings ha implementato la soluzione di Master Data Management (MDM) di Informatica per unificare la propria strategia di dati e promuovere decisioni centralizzate. Questa mossa affronta la frammentazione dei dati causata da decenni di espansione e trasformazione aziendale. MDM di Informatica consente a FUJIFILM di combinare dati provenienti da più sistemi sorgente, semplificando diversi domini di dati, tra cui codici prodotto, vendite, inventario e dati sui partner commerciali.

L'implementazione consente a FUJIFILM di visualizzare i dati delle operazioni globali tramite una vista unificata e trasversale, contribuendo a operazioni più efficienti e a decisioni basate sui dati. FUJIFILM prevede di avanzare nella business intelligence self-service, integrare l'IA nelle decisioni aziendali e migliorare l'utilizzo dei dati mantenendo dati di alta qualità e fidati all'interno dell'organizzazione.

FUJIFILM Holdings ha implementado la solución de Master Data Management (MDM) de Informatica para unificar su estrategia de datos y fomentar la toma de decisiones centralizada. Este movimiento aborda la fragmentación de datos que resulta de décadas de expansión y transformación empresarial. MDM de Informatica permite a FUJIFILM combinar datos de múltiples sistemas de origen, optimizando diversos dominios de datos, incluidos códigos de productos, ventas, inventario y datos de socios comerciales.

La implementación permite a FUJIFILM visualizar datos de operaciones globales a través de una vista unificada y cross-funcional, contribuyendo a operaciones más eficientes y a una toma de decisiones basada en datos. FUJIFILM planea avanzar en inteligencia de negocios autoservicio, integrar inteligencia artificial en las decisiones de gestión y mejorar la utilización de datos mientras mantiene datos de alta calidad y confiables dentro de la organización.

FUJIFILM Holdings는 Informatica의 마스터 데이터 관리(MDM) 솔루션을 구현하여 데이터 전략을 통합하고 중앙 집중형 의사 결정을 촉진했습니다. 이 조치는 수십 년 간의 비즈니스 확장과 변혁으로 인한 데이터 단편화를 해결합니다. Informatica의 MDM은 FUJIFILM이 여러 출처 시스템의 데이터를 결합하도록 하여 제품 코드, 판매, 재고 및 비즈니스 파트너 데이터와 같은 다양한 데이터 도메인을 간소화할 수 있게 합니다.

이 구현을 통해 FUJIFILM은 통합되고 교차 기능적인 뷰를 통해 글로벌 운영 데이터를 시각화할 수 있으며, 이는 더 효율적인 운영과 데이터 기반 의사 결정에 기여합니다. FUJIFILM은 셀프 서비스 비즈니스 인텔리전스를 발전시키고, 의사 결정에 AI를 통합하며, 데이터 활용을 개선하면서 조직 내에서 높은 품질의 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터를 유지할 계획입니다.

FUJIFILM Holdings a mis en œuvre la solution de gestion des données maîtresses (MDM) d'Informatica pour unifier sa stratégie de données et favoriser une prise de décision centralisée. Ce mouvement répond à la fragmentation des données résultant de décennies d'expansion et de transformation d'entreprise. MDM d'Informatica permet à FUJIFILM de combiner des données provenant de plusieurs systèmes sources, rationalisant ainsi divers domaines de données, y compris les codes produits, les ventes, les stocks et les données des partenaires commerciaux.

L'implémentation permet à FUJIFILM de visualiser les données des opérations mondiales à travers une vue unifiée et transversale, contribuant à des opérations plus efficaces et à une prise de décision basée sur les données. FUJIFILM prévoit d'avancer dans l'intelligence d'affaires en libre-service, d'intégrer l'IA dans les décisions de gestion et d'améliorer l'utilisation des données tout en maintenant des données de haute qualité et dignes de confiance au sein de l'organisation.

FUJIFILM Holdings hat die Master Data Management (MDM)-Lösung von Informatica implementiert, um ihre Datenstrategie zu vereinheitlichen und zentralisierte Entscheidungen voranzutreiben. Dieser Schritt adressiert die Datenfragmentierung, die durch Jahrzehnte an Geschäftserweiterungen und -transformationen entstanden ist. MDM von Informatica ermöglicht es FUJIFILM, Daten aus mehreren Quellsystemen zu kombinieren und dabei verschiedene Datenbereiche wie Produktcodes, Verkaufszahlen, Bestände und Partnerdaten umzustrukturieren.

Die Implementierung ermöglicht es FUJIFILM, Daten aus globalen Operationen durch eine einheitliche, funktionsübergreifende Sicht zu visualisieren, was zu effizienteren Abläufen und datengestützten Entscheidungen beiträgt. FUJIFILM plant, die Self-Service-Business-Intelligence voranzutreiben, KI in Managemententscheidungen zu integrieren und die Datennutzung zu verbessern, während innerhalb der Organisation hochwertige, vertrauenswürdige Daten erhalten bleiben.

  • Implementation of Informatica's MDM solution to unify data strategy across FUJIFILM's diverse business lines
  • Improved visualization of global operations data through a unified, cross-functional view
  • Enhanced ability to make data-driven decisions and unlock valuable insights
  • Streamlined management of diverse data domains including product codes, sales, inventory, and business partner data
  • Accelerated in-house solution development through comprehensive Informatica training programs
  • None.

FUJIFILM's implementation of Informatica's MDM solution marks a significant step in their digital transformation journey. By consolidating data from 90+ core systems into a unified platform, FUJIFILM is addressing the critical issue of data fragmentation. This move is likely to enhance operational efficiency and improve decision-making processes across the organization.

The adoption of a platform-based solution over component-based systems indicates a strategic shift towards scalability and interoperability. This approach should yield long-term benefits in terms of cost reduction and improved data governance. The emphasis on self-service BI and plans to integrate AI into decision-making processes suggest that FUJIFILM is positioning itself for data-driven growth and innovation in its diverse business segments.

While specific financial figures are not provided, this development has positive implications for FUJIFILM's operational efficiency and potential cost savings. By centralizing data management, the company can expect to reduce redundancies, streamline processes and potentially lower IT infrastructure costs in the long run. The investment in Informatica's MDM solution should be viewed as a strategic move to enhance data-driven decision making, which could lead to improved resource allocation and revenue optimization across FUJIFILM's diverse business portfolio.

Investors should monitor for future earnings reports to gauge the financial impact of this implementation, particularly in terms of operational cost reductions and improved profit margins resulting from more efficient data-driven strategies.

FUJIFILM's adoption of Informatica's MDM solution is a clear indication of its commitment to digital transformation and data-centric operations. This move aligns with the company's broader strategy of diversification and innovation since 2000. By unifying data across its expanded business lines, FUJIFILM is positioning itself to leverage synergies between its various segments more effectively.

The focus on self-service BI and AI integration in management decision-making suggests a forward-thinking approach that could give FUJIFILM a competitive edge. This data strategy could enable more agile responses to market changes and foster innovation across its diverse portfolio. However, the success of this initiative will depend on effective change management and the company's ability to cultivate a data-driven culture throughout the organization.

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, today announced that FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (FUJIFILM) has implemented Informatica’s Master Data Management (MDM) solution to manage master data to unify their data strategy and drive centralized decision-making. Fujifilm chose Informatica’s MDM to combine data across multiple source systems resulting from decades-long business expansion and transformations.

Starting as a photographic filmmaker in 1934, FUJIFILM embarked on a company-wide transformation in 2000 with a mission to diversify into different product lines including healthcare, material business, business innovation and imaging. Over the decades, almost 90 core systems operated across businesses, resulting in data fragmentation across the organization.

From a component-based strategy where specialized systems were developed individually for each business and department, FUJIFILM decided to optimize data management across the company by implementing a platform-based solution. This new strategy involves creating shared functions tailored to meet specific needs across the entire group. However, migrating all existing core systems, including moving data from enterprise systems and applications, and 20-plus SAP ERP systems to their new management analytics system would have been costly and time-consuming.

FUJIFILM decided to establish a unified master data strategy, leveraging Informatica’s MDM and Data Quality solutions to streamline and consolidate diverse data domains, including product codes, sales, inventory and business partner data from its core systems, and centrally manage and utilize the data across different departments and company divisions at global level.

Takaharu Furusho, Senior Manager of the ICT Strategy Department at FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, commented, "Informatica’s Master Data Management solution has enabled us to visualize data generated daily from our global operations through a unified, cross-functional view. This adoption has contributed immensely to our group management’s ability to use trusted data to operate more efficiently and make data-driven decisions to unlock valuable insights."

Taito Kozawa, Country Manager and President of Informatica Japan, said, "Informatica is pleased to be able to contribute to FUJIFILM's innovation and value creation by enabling the customer to establish a single view of trusted data across their entire group of businesses. Our MDM solution empowers business users and analysts to make more accurate decisions and connections by leveraging high-quality, consistent and trusted data."

In addition, the comprehensive Informatica training programs and support were a key advantage to FUJIFILM, enabling the customer’s ICT employees to accelerate in-house solution developments while acquiring the relevant data management knowledge and skills. For FUJIFILM, which prioritizes development speed, the ease of making modifications and changes without coding and the ability to test the system with minimal man-hours were also key factors driving the adoption.

FUJIFILM plans to advance self-service business intelligence (BI) further, integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into management decision-making, and improve data utilization across the business while maintaining high-quality, trusted data within the organization.

About Informatica

Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, brings data and AI to life by empowering businesses to realize the transformative power of their most critical assets. We have created a new category of software, the Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC). IDMC is an end-to-end data management platform, powered by CLAIRE® AI, that connects, manages and unifies data across any multi-cloud or hybrid system, democratizing data and enabling enterprises to modernize and advance their business strategies. Customers in approximately 100 countries, including more than 80 of the Fortune 100, rely on Informatica to drive data-led digital transformation. Informatica. Where data and AI come to life.

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Informatica Public Relations

Source: Informatica


What solution did FUJIFILM implement to solve data fragmentation issues?

FUJIFILM implemented Informatica's Master Data Management (MDM) solution to solve data fragmentation issues and enhance decision-making across its diverse business lines.

How does Informatica's MDM solution benefit FUJIFILM's operations?

Informatica's MDM solution enables FUJIFILM to visualize data from global operations through a unified view, leading to more efficient operations and data-driven decision-making.

What types of data does FUJIFILM manage with Informatica's MDM solution?

FUJIFILM uses Informatica's MDM solution to manage diverse data domains including product codes, sales, inventory, and business partner data from its core systems.

What are FUJIFILM's future plans for data management and utilization?

FUJIFILM plans to advance self-service business intelligence, integrate AI into management decision-making, and improve data utilization while maintaining high-quality, trusted data within the organization.

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