Indivior Highlights Growing Body of Data on SUBLOCADE® (buprenorphine once-monthly extended-release injection) Helping Patients Achieve Long-Term Recovery from Opioid Use Disorder during Substance Abuse Prevention Month

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Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV) highlights key findings demonstrating the effectiveness and safety of SUBLOCADE in treating opioid use disorder (OUD). A post-hoc analysis showed that SUBLOCADE 300 mg maintenance dose significantly increased opioid abstinence in injecting participants compared to 100 mg dose. The CoLAB Study demonstrated 96-week treatment maintenance with improvements in abstinence, depression, and quality of life. Research identified telemedicine as a common solution during COVID-19 for overcoming access barriers, though challenges persist. Multiple real-world evidence presentations addressed various aspects of OUD treatment, including ER visits, healthcare utilization, and treatment outcomes. Only 18% of the nearly 6 million people with OUD received MOUD treatment in 2023.

Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV) sottolinea i risultati chiave che dimostrano l'efficacia e la sicurezza di SUBLOCADE nel trattamento del disturbo da uso di oppioidi (OUD). Un'analisi post-hoc ha rivelato che la dose di mantenimento di SUBLOCADE 300 mg ha aumentato significativamente l'astinenza dagli oppioidi nei partecipanti iniettori rispetto alla dose di 100 mg. Lo Studio CoLAB ha dimostrato un mantenimento del trattamento di 96 settimane con miglioramenti nell'astinenza, nella depressione e nella qualità della vita. La ricerca ha identificato la telemental health come una soluzione comune durante il COVID-19 per superare le barriere di accesso, anche se persistono delle sfide. Molte presentazioni di evidenze del mondo reale hanno affrontato vari aspetti del trattamento dell'OUD, tra cui visite al pronto soccorso, utilizzo dei servizi sanitari e risultati del trattamento. Solo il 18% delle quasi 6 milioni di persone con OUD ha ricevuto trattamento MOUD nel 2023.

Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV) destaca hallazgos clave que demuestran la efectividad y seguridad de SUBLOCADE en el tratamiento del trastorno por uso de opioides (OUD). Un análisis post-hoc mostró que la dosis de mantenimiento de SUBLOCADE 300 mg aumentó significativamente la abstinencia de opioides en participantes inyectores en comparación con la dosis de 100 mg. El Estudio CoLAB demostró un mantenimiento del tratamiento de 96 semanas con mejoras en la abstinencia, la depresión y la calidad de vida. La investigación identificó la telemedicina como una solución común durante el COVID-19 para superar las barreras de acceso, aunque persisten desafíos. Múltiples presentaciones de evidencia del mundo real abordaron varios aspectos del tratamiento del OUD, incluidas las visitas a urgencias, la utilización de la atención médica y los resultados del tratamiento. Solo el 18% de los casi 6 millones de personas con OUD recibió tratamiento MOUD en 2023.

Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV)는 SUBLOCADE가 오피오이드 사용 장애(OUD) 치료에 효과적이고 안전하다는 주요 발견을 강조합니다. 후속 분석 결과 SUBLOCADE 300mg의 유지 용량이 100mg 용량에 비해 주사 참여자에서 오피오이드 금단을 유의미하게 증가시킨 것으로 나타났습니다. CoLAB 연구는 96주 치료 유지가 금단, 우울증 및 삶의 질 개선에 기여했음을 보여주었습니다. 연구 결과 COVID-19 동안 접근 장벽을 극복하기 위한 공통의 해결책으로 원격의료를 확인했지만, 여전히 도전 과제가 존재합니다. 여러 실제 증거 발표는 OUD 치료의 다양한 측면(응급실 방문, 의료 이용 및 치료 결과 포함)을 다루었습니다. 2023년에는 OUD가 있는 거의 600만 명 중 18%만이 MOUD 치료를 받았습니다.

Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV) souligne des résultats clés démontrant l'efficacité et la sécurité de SUBLOCADE dans le traitement des troubles liés à l'usage d'opioïdes (OUD). Une analyse post-hoc a montré que la dose de maintien de SUBLOCADE 300 mg augmentait significativement l'abstinence des opioïdes chez les participants injecteurs par rapport à la dose de 100 mg. L'étude CoLAB a démontré un maintien du traitement sur 96 semaines avec des améliorations de l'abstinence, de la dépression et de la qualité de vie. La recherche a identifié la télémédecine comme une solution commune durant le COVID-19 pour surmonter les barrières d'accès, bien que des défis persistent. Plusieurs présentations de preuves du monde réel ont abordé divers aspects du traitement de l'OUD, y compris les visites aux urgences, l'utilisation des soins de santé et les résultats des traitements. En 2023, seulement 18 % des près de 6 millions de personnes atteintes d'OUD ont reçu un traitement MOUD.

Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV) hebt wichtige Ergebnisse hervor, die die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von SUBLOCADE bei der Behandlung von Opioidgebrauchsstörungen (OUD) demonstrieren. Eine Post-hoc-Analyse zeigte, dass die Erhaltungsdosis von SUBLOCADE 300 mg die Opioidabstinenz bei injizierenden Teilnehmern im Vergleich zur 100 mg-Dosis signifikant erhöhte. Die CoLAB-Studie zeigte eine 96-wöchige Behandlungsdauer mit Verbesserungen bei Abstinenz, Depressionen und Lebensqualität. Forschungen identifizierten Telemedizin während COVID-19 als häufige Lösung zur Überwindung von Zugangsbarrieren, obwohl Herausforderungen bestehen bleiben. Mehrere Präsentationen von Realworld-Evidenz behandelten verschiedene Aspekte der OUD-Behandlung, einschließlich Notfallbesuche, Gesundheitsnutzung und Behandlungsergebnisse. Im Jahr 2023 erhielten nur 18% der fast 6 Millionen Menschen mit OUD eine MOUD-Behandlung.

  • SUBLOCADE 300mg showed statistically significant increase in abstinence from opioids
  • 96-week CoLAB Study demonstrated continuous improvements in abstinence, depression, and quality of life
  • Telemedicine adoption helped overcome access barriers during COVID-19
  • Only 18% of 6 million people with OUD received treatment in 2023
  • Significant challenges persist in ensuring appropriate access to medications
  • Clear disparity in access to MOUD between general public and incarcerated individuals


The growing evidence base for SUBLOCADE represents significant progress in OUD treatment, with several key findings standing out. The post-hoc analysis showing superior abstinence rates with 300mg vs 100mg maintenance doses in injection drug users provides valuable dosing guidance. The 96-week CoLAB study demonstrates impressive long-term effectiveness with sustained improvements across multiple outcomes.

However, the most concerning revelation is the massive treatment gap - only 18% of the estimated 6 million Americans with OUD received medication-assisted treatment in 2023. This represents a huge market opportunity, but also highlights critical access barriers including stigma, provider availability and insurance coverage issues that need addressing.

The extensive clinical evidence presented supports SUBLOCADE's efficacy and safety profile. The focus on real-world evidence through multiple studies examining healthcare utilization, costs and treatment retention provides valuable implementation insights that could help expand adoption.

The comprehensive research portfolio strengthens SUBLOCADE's market positioning as a leading long-acting injectable treatment for OUD. With only 18% of the potential patient population currently receiving MOUD, there is substantial room for market expansion. The positive long-term efficacy data and demonstrated improvements in quality of life metrics could help drive increased adoption and reimbursement.

The focus on access barriers and implementation challenges shows strategic foresight. Research examining telemedicine adoption, healthcare resource utilization and treatment program characteristics provides valuable insights for optimizing market penetration and addressing systemic obstacles to growth. The emphasis on correctional settings also targets an important but underserved market segment.

  • Evidence demonstrates that SUBLOCADE supports long-term recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD) and is effective and safe.
  • Publications highlight the importance of overcoming access barriers to long-acting injectable treatments for OUD

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Indivior PLC (Nasdaq/LSE: INDV), in recognizing Substance Abuse Prevention Month, provides an update on key findings from the last year that demonstrate the importance of access to medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder (MOUD) and the effectiveness and safety of SUBLOCADE® in the treatment of OUD. These data add to the growing body of evidence that SUBLOCADE can improve outcomes, such as abstinence, retention, and recovery in persons with OUD.


  • In a post hoc analysis of the SUBLOCADE randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical trial, published in Harm Reduction Journal, SUBLOCADE 300 mg maintenance dose resulted in a statistically significant increase in abstinence from opioids among study participants with OUD who injected opioids compared to 100 mg maintenance dose. However, both were equally effective in non-injecting participants.
  • Results from the Community Long-Acting Buprenorphine (CoLAB) Study, a prospective single-arm, multicenter, open label trial in Australia, were published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, and demonstrated that participants could be maintained on SUBLOCADE treatment for 96 weeks with continuous improvements in abstinence, depression, quality of life and medication satisfaction.
  • In a qualitative research survey of 20 participants representing various practice settings, published in American Health & Drug Benefits, it was determined that telemedicine was the most common solution adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic to overcome access barriers. However, today there are still significant challenges in ensuring appropriate access to medications for those living with OUD and continued support, effective solutions and policies in the United States, need to be continually addressed.
  • In a narrowly focused literature, policy, and legal proceedings review, published in Corrections Today, a clear disparity in access to MOUD was found between the general public and incarcerated individuals.  Stigma and informed consent were the most discussed barriers used to justify policies limiting MOUD for incarcerated individuals. 


Multiple real-world evidence poster presentations highlight challenges and opportunities in treating persons with OUD.

  • 2024 American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists, April 7-10, Orlando FL
    • Title: Emergency Room (ER) Visits Among Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Patients
    • Title: Opioid Treatment Programs, Healthcare Resource Utilization, and Healthcare Costs among Patients Initiating Treatment with Buprenorphine Extended-Release
  • 2024 American Telemedicine Association Nexus, May 5-7, Phoenix AZ
    • Title: Impact of Telemedicine on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Retention during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Period Among Patients with OUD
  • 2024 College on Problems of Drug Dependence, June 15-19, Montreal Quebec Canada
    • Title: Buprenorphine Treatment After an Emergency Department Visit for Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose
    • Title: Pain Predicts Abstinence During Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder for Individuals Reporting Moderate to Severe Pain
    • Title: A Randomized Open-Label Study Comparing Rapid and Standard Inductions to Injectable Buprenorphine Extended-Release (BUP-XR) Treatment
    • Title: A Mechanistic Pharmacological Model to Predict and Inform Effective Buprenorphine Treatment Induction Strategies in the Era of Synthetic Opioids
  • 2024 U.S. Public Health Service Scientific & Training Symposium, June 24-27, Jacksonville FL
    • Title: Clinical and Treatment Characteristics of American Indian/Alaska Native Patients Managing Opioid Use Disorder Compared to the General US Population
  • BUPE2024 – Buprenorphine in Medicine: Clinical and Public Policy Implications, August 5, Virtual conference
    • Title: Healthcare Utilization and Costs Associated with Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) within Residential Treatment Programs (RTP) and Office-Based Opioid Treatment Programs (OBOT)
  • 2024 National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) Annual, October 19-23, Las Vegas, NV
    • Title: Outcomes Associated with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in the Carceral System: A Systematic Literature Review
    • Title: Diversion of Medications for OUD in the Criminal Justice System

Dr. Christian Heidbreder, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at Indivior, emphasized, "The collective evidence highlights the importance of access to Medications for OUD, such as SUBLOCADE, in reducing barriers to adherence and improving outcomes for individuals in recovery.  Indivior is committed to continuing to advance the understanding of patients with OUD, educate on evidence-based practices, overcome stigma, and focus on recovery outcomes."

Among the almost 6 million people aged 12 or older with a past year opioid use disorder in 2023, only 18% (or one million people) received treatment through MOUD.1


SUBLOCADE ® (buprenorphine extended-release) injection, for subcutaneous use, CIII



SUBLOCADE is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe opioid use disorder in patients who have initiated treatment with a buprenorphine-containing product, followed by dose adjustment for a minimum of 7 days.

SUBLOCADE should be used as part of a complete treatment plan that includes counseling and psychosocial support.



  • Serious harm or death could result if administered intravenously. SUBLOCADE forms a solid mass upon contact with body fluids and may cause occlusion, local tissue damage, and thrombo-embolic events, including life threatening pulmonary emboli, if administered intravenously.
  • Because of the risk of serious harm or death that could result from intravenous self-administration, SUBLOCADE is only available through a restricted program called the SUBLOCADE REMS Program. Healthcare settings and pharmacies that order and dispense SUBLOCADE must be certified in this program and comply with the REMS requirements.


SUBLOCADE should not be administered to patients who have been shown to be hypersensitive to buprenorphine or any component of Indivior's proprietary buprenorphine gel depot delivery system.


Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse: SUBLOCADE contains buprenorphine, a Schedule III controlled substance that can be abused in a manner similar to other opioids. Monitor patients for conditions indicative of diversion or progression of opioid dependence and addictive behaviors.

Respiratory Depression: Life threatening respiratory depression and death have occurred in association with buprenorphine. Warn patients of the potential danger of self-administration of benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants while under treatment with SUBLOCADE.

Opioids can cause sleep-related breathing disorders e.g., central sleep apnea (CSA), sleep-related hypoxemia. Opioid use increases the risk of CSA in a dose-dependent fashion. Consider decreasing the opioid using best practices for opioid taper if CSA occurs.

Strongly consider prescribing naloxone at SUBLOCADE initiation or renewal because patients being treated for opioid use disorder have the potential for relapse, putting them at risk for opioid overdose. Educate patients and caregivers on how to recognize respiratory depression and how to treat with naloxone if prescribed.

Risk of Serious Injection Site Reactions: The most common injection site reactions are pain, erythema and pruritus with some involving abscess, ulceration, and necrosis. The likelihood of serious injection site reactions may increase with inadvertent intramuscular or intradermal administration.

Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome is an expected and treatable outcome of prolonged use of opioids during pregnancy.

Adrenal Insufficiency: If diagnosed, treat with physiologic replacement of corticosteroids, and wean patient off the opioid.

Risk of Opioid Withdrawal With Abrupt Discontinuation: If treatment with SUBLOCADE is discontinued, monitor patients for several months for withdrawal and treat appropriately.

Risk of Hepatitis, Hepatic Events: Monitor liver function tests prior to and during treatment.

Risk of Withdrawal in Patients Dependent on Full Agonist Opioids: Verify that patient is clinically stable on transmucosal buprenorphine before injecting SUBLOCADE.

Treatment of Emergent Acute Pain: Treat pain with a non-opioid analgesic whenever possible. If opioid therapy is required, monitor patients closely because higher doses may be required for analgesic effect.


Adverse reactions commonly associated with SUBLOCADE (in ≥5% of subjects) were constipation, headache, nausea, injection site pruritus, vomiting, increased hepatic enzymes, fatigue, and injection site pain.

For more information about SUBLOCADE, the full Prescribing information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide, visit

About Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a chronic disease in which people develop a pattern of using opioids that can lead to negative consequences.2 OUD may affect the parts of the brain that are necessary for life-sustaining functions.2,3

About Indivior

Indivior is a global pharmaceutical company working to help change patients' lives by developing medicines to treat substance use disorders (SUD), overdose and serious mental illnesses. Our vision is that all patients around the world will have access to evidence-based treatment for the chronic conditions and co-occurring disorders of SUD. Indivior is dedicated to transforming SUD from a global human crisis to a recognized and treated chronic disease. Building on its global portfolio of OUD treatments, Indivior has a pipeline of product candidates designed to both expand on its heritage in this category and potentially address other chronic conditions and co-occurring disorders of SUD. Headquartered in the United States in Richmond, VA, Indivior employs over 1,000 individuals globally and its portfolio of products is available in over 30 countries worldwide. Visit to learn more. Connect with Indivior on LinkedIn by visiting


  1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2024). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. PEP24-07-021, NSDUH Series H-59). Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
    Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (
  2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Committee on Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, Mancher, M., & Leshner, A. I. (Eds.). (2019). Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives. National Academies Press (US). Accessed October 30, 2023, from
  3. NIDA. 2022, March 22. Drugs and the Brain. Accessed October 30,2023, from

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What were the key findings of SUBLOCADE's effectiveness in treating OUD?

SUBLOCADE 300mg maintenance dose showed significantly increased opioid abstinence in injecting participants compared to 100mg dose, and the CoLAB Study demonstrated successful 96-week treatment maintenance with improvements in abstinence, depression, and quality of life.

How many people with OUD received treatment through MOUD in 2023?

Only 18% (approximately one million people) of the nearly 6 million people aged 12 or older with OUD received treatment through MOUD in 2023.

What role did telemedicine play in INDV's OUD treatment during COVID-19?

Telemedicine emerged as the most common solution adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic to overcome access barriers for OUD treatment, though significant challenges in ensuring appropriate access still remain.


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