Indivior Announces Joseph Ciaffoni Appointed Chief Executive Officer
Indivior PLC (INDV) has appointed Joe Ciaffoni as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective upon shareholder approval at the May 2025 AGM. Ciaffoni, 53, who joined as an Independent Non-Executive Director in December 2024, brings over 30 years of pharmaceutical and biotech experience, having previously served as President and CEO of Collegium Pharmaceutical.
Current CEO Mark Crossley will step down following his tenure since June 2020, but will remain to support the transition until at least May 2025. Under Crossley's leadership, the company strengthened its commitment to patients and expanded treatment access for substance use disorders.
Ciaffoni's appointment aims to fuel Indivior's next growth phase in addiction treatment, where the company maintains a global portfolio of OUD treatments and employs over 1,000 individuals with products available in more than 30 countries.
Indivior PLC (INDV) ha nominato Joe Ciaffoni come nuovo Amministratore Delegato, con effetto soggetto all'approvazione degli azionisti durante l'AGM di maggio 2025. Ciaffoni, 53 anni, che è entrato come Direttore Indipendente Non Esecutivo nel dicembre 2024, porta con sé oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel settore farmaceutico e biotecnologico, avendo precedentemente ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente e CEO di Collegium Pharmaceutical.
L'attuale CEO Mark Crossley si dimetterà al termine del suo mandato, iniziato a giugno 2020, ma rimarrà in carica per supportare la transizione fino ad almeno maggio 2025. Sotto la guida di Crossley, l'azienda ha rafforzato il suo impegno verso i pazienti e ha ampliato l'accesso ai trattamenti per i disturbi da uso di sostanze.
La nomina di Ciaffoni mira a alimentare la prossima fase di crescita di Indivior nel trattamento delle dipendenze, dove l'azienda mantiene un portafoglio globale di trattamenti per OUD e impiega oltre 1.000 persone con prodotti disponibili in più di 30 paesi.
Indivior PLC (INDV) ha nombrado a Joe Ciaffoni como su nuevo Director Ejecutivo, efectivo tras la aprobación de los accionistas en la AGM de mayo de 2025. Ciaffoni, de 53 años, que se unió como Director Independiente No Ejecutivo en diciembre de 2024, aporta más de 30 años de experiencia en la industria farmacéutica y biotecnológica, habiendo sido anteriormente Presidente y CEO de Collegium Pharmaceutical.
El actual CEO Mark Crossley dejará su puesto tras su mandato desde junio de 2020, pero permanecerá para apoyar la transición hasta al menos mayo de 2025. Bajo el liderazgo de Crossley, la empresa ha fortalecido su compromiso con los pacientes y ha ampliado el acceso a tratamientos para trastornos por uso de sustancias.
La designación de Ciaffoni tiene como objetivo impulsar la próxima fase de crecimiento de Indivior en el tratamiento de adicciones, donde la empresa mantiene un portafolio global de tratamientos para OUD y emplea a más de 1,000 personas con productos disponibles en más de 30 países.
Indivior PLC (INDV)는 Joe Ciaffoni를 새로운 CEO로 임명하였으며, 이는 2025년 5월 주주 총회의 승인을 조건으로 합니다. Ciaffoni는 53세로, 2024년 12월 독립 비상임 이사로 합류하였으며, 30년 이상의 제약 및 생명공학 분야의 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 이전에 Collegium Pharmaceutical의 사장 겸 CEO로 재직한 바 있습니다.
현재 CEO인 Mark Crossley는 2020년 6월부터 재직해온 임기를 마치고 물러나지만, 최소한 2025년 5월까지는 전환을 지원하기 위해 남아 있을 것입니다. Crossley의 리더십 아래, 회사는 환자에 대한 헌신을 강화하고 물질 사용 장애에 대한 치료 접근성을 확대하였습니다.
Ciaffoni의 임명은 Indivior의 중독 치료에서 다음 성장 단계에 박차를 가하기 위한 것으로, 회사는 OUD 치료를 위한 글로벌 포트폴리오를 유지하고 있으며, 30개 이상의 국가에서 제품을 제공하며 1,000명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다.
Indivior PLC (INDV) a nommé Joe Ciaffoni en tant que nouveau Directeur Général, avec effet sous réserve de l'approbation des actionnaires lors de l'AGM de mai 2025. Ciaffoni, âgé de 53 ans, qui a rejoint en tant que Directeur Indépendant Non Exécutif en décembre 2024, apporte plus de 30 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie pharmaceutique et biotechnologique, ayant précédemment été Président et CEO de Collegium Pharmaceutical.
L'actuel CEO Mark Crossley démissionnera à l'issue de son mandat commencé en juin 2020, mais restera pour soutenir la transition jusqu'à au moins mai 2025. Sous la direction de Crossley, l'entreprise a renforcé son engagement envers les patients et élargi l'accès aux traitements des troubles liés à l'usage de substances.
La nomination de Ciaffoni vise à alimenter la prochaine phase de croissance d'Indivior dans le traitement des addictions, où l'entreprise maintient un portefeuille mondial de traitements pour OUD et emploie plus de 1 000 personnes avec des produits disponibles dans plus de 30 pays.
Indivior PLC (INDV) hat Joe Ciaffoni zum neuen Chief Executive Officer ernannt, was nach der Genehmigung durch die Aktionäre auf der Hauptversammlung im Mai 2025 wirksam wird. Ciaffoni, 53 Jahre alt, der im Dezember 2024 als unabhängiger nicht geschäftsführender Direktor einstieg, bringt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Pharma- und Biotech-Branche mit, nachdem er zuvor als Präsident und CEO von Collegium Pharmaceutical tätig war.
Der aktuelle CEO Mark Crossley wird nach seiner Amtszeit, die im Juni 2020 begann, zurücktreten, aber bis mindestens Mai 2025 zur Unterstützung des Übergangs bleiben. Unter Crossleys Führung hat das Unternehmen sein Engagement für Patienten gestärkt und den Zugang zu Behandlungen für Substanzgebrauchsstörungen erweitert.
Ciaffonis Ernennung zielt darauf ab, die nächste Wachstumsphase von Indivior im Bereich der Suchtbehandlung anzukurbeln, wo das Unternehmen ein globales Portfolio an OUD-Behandlungen pflegt und über 1.000 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, während Produkte in mehr als 30 Ländern verfügbar sind.
- Appointment of experienced pharma executive with 30+ years industry experience
- Smooth leadership transition planned with current CEO staying until May 2025
- Global presence in 30+ countries
- None.
Mr. Ciaffoni, 53, was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director to Indivior's Board in December 2024. He is a proven public company CEO with more than 30 years of experience in pharmaceuticals and biotech, working in both global and US organizations. He has a strong track record of operational and strategic success, working across diverse models and therapeutic areas spanning specialty, rare disease, mass market and hospital. He most recently served as President and CEO of Collegium Pharmaceutical and has held senior roles as Endo International, Biogen and Shionogi Inc.
By mutual agreement, Mark Crossley will be stepping down as Chief Executive Officer and as a Board Director following a distinguished tenure leading the Company. Mark will remain with Indivior to support the transition, ensuring stability and continuity for the business, and is expected to remain as CEO until at least the date of the Company's AGM in May 2025.
David Wheadon, Chair of Indivior's Board of Directors, said: "We are delighted to appoint Joe as our next Chief Executive Officer. He is an accomplished leader with a strong track record of delivering positive outcomes for patients while generating shareholder value. He has a clear mandate to fuel the next stage of Indivior's growth and deliver on the Company's significant potential and we look forward to supporting his success as CEO."
Joe Ciaffoni said: "It is an honor to be appointed as CEO. Indivior is a leader in the addiction treatment space and its work has never been more necessary. I look forward to working with the team to deliver on the Company's potential and to drive Indivior's future growth for the benefit of all our stakeholders".
Mark was appointed as CEO in June 2020. Under his stewardship, the Company has strengthened its commitment to patients, expanded access to treatment, and advanced its mission of pioneering life-transforming treatments for substance use disorders.
David Wheadon said: "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Mark for his many contributions to Indivior and wish him the best in his future endeavors. His integrity and commitment to our patients and the people of Indivior will leave a lasting impact."
Mark Crossley said: "It has been a tremendous privilege to have worked at Indivior over the last decade, the last five as CEO. I truly believe in our vision and commitment to helping our patients and widening access to treatment, a belief I know is shared by the many incredible colleagues across the business. I am proud of the pivotal role Indivior plays in combatting one of the great human crises of our lifetime and I wish the business every success going forward."
About Indivior
Indivior is a global pharmaceutical company working to help change patients' lives by developing medicines to treat substance use disorders (SUD). Our vision is that all patients around the world will have access to evidence-based treatment for the chronic conditions and co-occurring disorders of SUD. Indivior is dedicated to transforming SUD from a global human crisis to a recognized and treated chronic disease. Building on its global portfolio of OUD treatments, Indivior has a pipeline of product candidates designed to expand on its heritage in this category. Headquartered in
For Further Information
Investor Inquiries
Jason Thompson
VP, Investor Relations, Indivior PLC
Tim Owens
Director, Investor Relations, Indivior PLC
Jonathan Sibun
+44 (0)20 7353 4200
VP, Communications, Indivior PLC
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When will Joe Ciaffoni take over as CEO of Indivior (INDV)?
What is Joe Ciaffoni's background before joining Indivior (INDV)?
How long did Mark Crossley serve as Indivior's (INDV) CEO?