Incyte Reports Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) has announced the granting of restricted stock unit awards (RSUs) to 14 new employees, totaling 11,497 shares of the company's common stock. These awards were made under Incyte's 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan, with a grant date and vesting commencement date of September 3, 2024. The compensation committee of Incyte's board of directors approved these grants as an inducement for new employees joining the company, in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The RSUs will vest over a four-year period, with 25% of the shares vesting on each anniversary of the vesting commencement date, contingent upon the employee's continued service with Incyte. This stock-based compensation strategy aims to align employee interests with those of the company and its shareholders.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) ha annunciato l'assegnazione di premi in unità di azioni limitate (RSU) a 14 nuovi dipendenti, per un totale di 11.497 azioni del comune di società. Questi premi sono stati conferiti nell'ambito del Piano di Incentivazione azionaria per Induzione 2024 di Incyte, con data di concessione e data di inizio vesting fissate al 3 settembre 2024. Il comitato per la compensazione del consiglio di amministrazione di Incyte ha approvato queste concessioni come incentivo per i nuovi dipendenti che entrano a far parte dell'azienda, in conformità con la Regola di quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Le RSU matureranno nell'arco di un periodo di quattro anni, con il 25% delle azioni che maturerà ad ogni anniversario della data di inizio vesting, subordinatamente alla continuazione del servizio del dipendente con Incyte. Questa strategia di compensazione basata su azioni mira a allineare gli interessi dei dipendenti con quelli dell'azienda e dei suoi azionisti.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) ha anunciado la concesión de premios en unidades de acciones restringidas (RSU) a 14 nuevos empleados, con un total de 11,497 acciones de la acción ordinaria de la compañía. Estos premios se otorgaron bajo el Plan de Incentivos de Acciones de Inducción 2024 de Incyte, con fecha de concesión y fecha de inicio de adquisición establecidas para el 3 de septiembre de 2024. El comité de compensación de la junta directiva de Incyte aprobó estas concesiones como un incentivo para los nuevos empleados que se unen a la empresa, en cumplimiento con la Regla de Cotización de Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Las RSU se adquirirán durante un periodo de cuatro años, con el 25% de las acciones adquiriendo derechos en cada aniversario de la fecha de inicio de la adquisición, condicionado a la continuidad del servicio del empleado con Incyte. Esta estrategia de compensación basada en acciones tiene como objetivo alinear los intereses de los empleados con los de la empresa y sus accionistas.

인사이트(Incyte) (Nasdaq: INCY)는 14명의 신규 직원에게 총 11,497주의 보통주에 대한 제한된 주식 단위(RSU) 수여를 발표했습니다. 이러한 수여는 인사이트의 2024 유인 주식 인센티브 계획에 따라 이루어졌으며, 수여일과 권리 부여 시작일은 2024년 9월 3일로 설정되었습니다. 인사이트 이사회 보상위원회는 새로운 직원이 회사에 합류하는 것에 대한 유인으로 이 수여를 승인했습니다. 이는 Nasdaq 상장 규정 5635(c)(4)에 따라 이루어진 것입니다.

이 RSU는 4년 동안 단계적으로 부여되며, 권리 부여 시작일의 매년 기념일에 25%의 주식이 부여됩니다. 이는 직원이 인사이트와 계속해서 근무하는 조건에 따릅니다. 이 주식 기반 보상 전략은 직원의 이익을 회사 및 주주와 일치시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) a annoncé l'octroi de prix en unités d'actions restreintes (RSU) à 14 nouveaux employés, totalisant 11 497 actions ordinaires de la société. Ces prix ont été attribués dans le cadre du Plan d'Incitation Actionnaire 2024 d'Incyte, avec une date d'octroi et une date de début d'acquisition fixées au 3 septembre 2024. Le comité de rémunération du conseil d'administration d'Incyte a approuvé ces attributions comme incitation pour les nouveaux employés rejoignant l'entreprise, en conformité avec la règle de cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Les RSU seront acquises sur une période de quatre ans, avec 25 % des actions acquises à chaque anniversaire de la date de début d'acquisition, sous réserve que l'employé reste en service chez Incyte. Cette stratégie de rémunération en actions vise à aligner les intérêts des employés avec ceux de l'entreprise et de ses actionnaires.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) hat die Vergabe von Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) an 14 neue Mitarbeiter angekündigt, insgesamt 11.497 Aktien des Stammkapitals des Unternehmens. Diese Vergaben erfolgten im Rahmen des 2024 Incentive Stock Plans von Incyte, mit einem Vergabetermin und dem Beginn des Vestings am 3. September 2024. Das Vergütungskomitee des Aufsichtsrats von Incyte genehmigte diese Vergaben als Anreiz für neue Mitarbeiter, die dem Unternehmen beitreten, in Übereinstimmung mit der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4).

Die RSUs werden über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren erworben, wobei 25% der Aktien an jedem Jahrestag des Beginns des Vestings erworben werden, vorausgesetzt, der Mitarbeiter bleibt weiterhin bei Incyte tätig. Diese Aktienvergütungsstrategie zielt darauf ab, die Interessen der Mitarbeiter mit denen des Unternehmens und seiner Aktionäre in Einklang zu bringen.

  • Attraction of new talent with 14 new employees joining the company
  • Implementation of long-term incentive plan to retain employees for at least four years
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders' stock value due to issuance of new shares

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Incyte (Nasdaq:INCY) today announced that it granted restricted stock unit awards (RSUs) representing an aggregate of 11,497 shares of the Company’s common stock to 14 new employees. The awards were made under the Company’s 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan, with a grant date and vesting commencement date of September 3, 2024, and were approved by the compensation committee of the Company’s board of directors as an inducement material to the new employees entering into employment with the Company in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Each RSU vests as to 25% of the shares subject to the RSU on each of the first four anniversaries of the vesting commencement date, subject to the employee's continued service with the Company on each such date.

About Incyte

A global biopharmaceutical company on a mission to Solve On., Incyte follows the science to find solutions for patients with unmet medical needs. Through the discovery, development and commercialization of proprietary therapeutics, Incyte has established a portfolio of first-in-class medicines for patients and a strong pipeline of products in Oncology and Inflammation & Autoimmunity. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, Incyte has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.

For additional information on Incyte, please visit or follow us on social media: LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.



Source: Incyte


How many new employees received RSU grants from Incyte (INCY)?

Incyte (INCY) granted restricted stock unit awards (RSUs) to 14 new employees.

What is the total number of shares granted in Incyte's (INCY) recent RSU awards?

Incyte (INCY) granted RSUs representing an aggregate of 11,497 shares of the company's common stock.

When is the grant date and vesting commencement date for Incyte's (INCY) recent RSU awards?

The grant date and vesting commencement date for Incyte's (INCY) recent RSU awards is September 3, 2024.

How does the vesting schedule work for Incyte's (INCY) newly granted RSUs?

Each RSU vests as to 25% of the shares on each of the first four anniversaries of the vesting commencement date, subject to the employee's continued service with Incyte (INCY).

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