Incyte Announces Positive Topline Results from Pivotal Study of Tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) in Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma

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Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) announced positive topline results from the pivotal Phase 3 inMIND trial evaluating tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) in combination with lenalidomide and rituximab for relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL). The trial met its primary endpoint of progression-free survival (PFS) and key secondary endpoints. Based on these results, Incyte plans to file a supplemental Biologics License Application for tafasitamab in this indication by year-end.

Follicular lymphoma is the most common indolent form of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, with treatment options for relapsed or refractory cases. Tafasitamab is already approved for certain diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients in the US and Europe.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) ha annunciato risultati positivi dai dati preliminari del trial pivotal di Fase 3 inMIND che valuta tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) in combinazione con lenalidomide e rituximab per il linfoma follicolare (FL) recidivante o refrattario. Lo studio ha raggiunto il suo obiettivo primario di sopravvivenza libera da progressione (PFS) e i principali obiettivi secondari. Basandosi su questi risultati, Incyte prevede di presentare una domanda supplementare per la Licenza Biologica per tafasitamab in questa indicazione entro la fine dell'anno.

Il linfoma follicolare è la forma più comune di linfoma non-Hodgkin indolente delle cellule B, con opzioni di trattamento per i casi recidivanti o refrattari. Tafasitamab è già approvato per alcuni pazienti con linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B negli Stati Uniti e in Europa.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) anunció resultados positivos de los datos preliminares del ensayo pivotal de Fase 3 inMIND que evalúa tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) en combinación con lenalidomida y rituximab para el linfoma folicular (FL) en recaída o refractario. El ensayo alcanzó su objetivo primario de supervivencia libre de progresión (PFS) y los principales objetivos secundarios. Basado en estos resultados, Incyte planea presentar una solicitud suplementaria para la Licencia de Productos Biológicos para tafasitamab en esta indicación para fin de año.

El linfoma folicular es la forma más común de linfoma no-Hodgkin indolente de células B, con opciones de tratamiento para casos en recaída o refractarios. Tafasitamab ya está aprobado para ciertos pacientes con linfoma difuso de células B grandes en EE. UU. y Europa.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY)는 tafasitamab (Monjuvi®)와 lenalidomide, rituximab의 조합에 대한 Fase 3 inMIND 임상의 긍정적인 초기 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 임상 시험은 진행 없는 생존율(PFS)이라는 주요 목표를 달성했으며, 주요 이차 목표들도 달성했습니다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 Incyte는 연말까지 이 적응증에 대한 제출 보충 생물 의약품 허가 신청을 할 계획입니다.

여포 림프종은 재발 또는 저항성 사례에 대한 치료 옵션이 있는 B세포 비호지킨 림프종의 가장 일반적인 완만한 형태입니다. Tafasitamab는 이미 미국 및 유럽에서 특정 거대 B세포 림프종 환자에게 승인되었습니다.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) a annoncé des résultats préliminaires positifs de l'essai pivot de phase 3 inMIND évaluant tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) en association avec la léalidomide et le rituximab pour le lymphome folliculaire (FL) en rechute ou réfractaire. L'essai a atteint son objectif principal de survie sans progression (PFS) ainsi que des objectifs secondaires clés. Sur la base de ces résultats, Incyte prévoit de déposer une demande de licence biologique supplémentaire pour tafasitamab dans cette indication d'ici la fin de l'année.

Le lymphome folliculaire est la forme indolente la plus courante du lymphome non hodgkinien à cellules B, avec des options de traitement pour les cas en rechute ou réfractaires. Tafasitamab est déjà approuvé pour certains patients atteints de lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B aux États-Unis et en Europe.

Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) gab positive vorläufige Ergebnisse der entscheidenden Phase-3-Studie inMIND bekannt, die tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) in Kombination mit Lenalidomid und Rituximab bei rezidiviertem oder refraktärem follikulärem Lymphom (FL) untersucht. Die Studie erreichte ihr primäres Ziel von progressionsfreier Überlebenszeit (PFS) sowie wichtige sekundäre Endpunkte. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen plant Incyte bis Ende des Jahres einen Zusatzantrag für eine biologisch-homologe Arzneimittelzulassung für tafasitamab in diesem Indikationsbereich einzureichen.

Follikuläres Lymphom ist die häufigste indolente Form des B-Zell-Nicht-Hodgkin-Lymphoms, mit Behandlungsoptionen für rezidivierte oder refraktäre Fälle. Tafasitamab ist bereits für bestimmte Patienten mit diffus großzelligen B-Lymphomen in den USA und Europa zugelassen.

  • Phase 3 inMIND trial met its primary endpoint of progression-free survival in follicular lymphoma
  • Trial also met key secondary endpoints, including PFS in the overall population
  • No new safety signals with tafasitamab were observed
  • Incyte plans to file a supplemental Biologics License Application by year-end
  • None.

This is a significant development in the treatment of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL). The positive results from the Phase 3 inMIND trial demonstrate that adding tafasitamab to the standard lenalidomide and rituximab regimen significantly improves progression-free survival (PFS). This is important because FL, while slow-growing, often relapses after initial treatment.

The trial's success in meeting both primary and key secondary endpoints, including PFS and complete response rate, suggests a potentially game-changing treatment option for FL patients who have failed previous therapies. With over 17,000 new cases of relapsed or refractory FL annually in major markets, this could represent a substantial market opportunity for Incyte.

Importantly, no new safety signals were observed, which is reassuring given the potential for increased toxicity when combining multiple therapies. This positive safety profile could facilitate regulatory approval and adoption in clinical practice.

These results are likely to have a positive impact on Incyte's financial outlook. The company's plan to file a supplemental Biologics License Application by year-end could lead to an expanded market for tafasitamab, potentially driving significant revenue growth. The follicular lymphoma market is substantial and a new effective treatment option could capture a meaningful share.

Investors should note that tafasitamab is already approved for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, so this expansion into FL represents a broadening of the drug's market potential. The positive trial results may also enhance Incyte's position in negotiations with payers and could lead to increased adoption by oncologists.

However, it's important to consider potential competition in the FL space and the time it may take for regulatory approval and market penetration. Overall, this news is likely to be viewed favorably by the market, potentially boosting Incyte's stock in the short term.

The inMIND trial results represent a significant advancement in FL treatment research. The study's design, comparing tafasitamab plus lenalidomide and rituximab to lenalidomide and rituximab alone, addresses a critical question in the field: can we improve upon current standard therapies?

The positive PFS results, confirmed by both investigator assessment and blinded independent review, provide robust evidence of tafasitamab's efficacy. The consistency between these two assessment methods strengthens the reliability of the findings. Additionally, the improved complete response rate in FDG-avid FL patients is particularly noteworthy, as it suggests a deeper and potentially more durable response.

These results could pave the way for new combination strategies in FL treatment. They also highlight the potential of targeted therapies like tafasitamab in improving outcomes for patients with indolent lymphomas, opening avenues for further research in this area.

- Phase 3 inMIND trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) or placebo in combination with lenalidomide and rituximab met its primary endpoint of progression free survival (PFS) in relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL)

- Based on these results, Incyte expects to file a supplemental Biologics License Application for tafasitamab in combination with lenalidomide and rituximab in FL by the end of the year

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Incyte (Nasdaq: INCY) today announces positive topline results from the pivotal Phase 3 inMIND trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tafasitamab (Monjuvi®), a humanized Fc-modified cytolytic CD19 targeting monoclonal antibody, or placebo in combination with lenalidomide and rituximab compared to lenalidomide and rituximab alone in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL).

The trial met its primary endpoint of progression free survival (PFS) by investigator assessment in FL. It also met key secondary endpoints of PFS in the overall population by investigator assessment as well as the positron-emission tomography-complete response rate in the FDG-avid FL population. In addition, the secondary endpoint of PFS results by blinded independent review are consistent with investigator based PFS results. No new safety signals with tafasitamab were observed.

“While many patients with follicular lymphoma initially benefit from first-line treatment, relapse of the disease is common, underscoring the need for additional therapies,” said Steven Stein, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Incyte. “These results demonstrate the potential of tafasitamab added to the standard of care to be a meaningful new treatment option for patients with FL whose disease has progressed after at least one prior therapy.”

FL is the most common indolent, or slow growing, form of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and accounts for approximately 13-26% of overall NHL cases.1,2,3,4,5 There are limited treatment options for the more than 17,000 new cases of relapsed or refractory FL treated every year in the United States, Europe and Japan.6

Based on these positive results, Incyte expects to file a supplemental Biologics License Application for tafasitamab for the treatment of patients with FL who have failed at least one prior systemic anti-CD20 immunotherapy or chemo-immunotherapy by the end of the year.

The full inMIND data will also be submitted for presentation at an upcoming scientific meeting.

Tafasitamab was approved in combination with lenalidomide by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 2020 and 2021 respectively, for adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not otherwise specified including DLBCL arising from low-grade lymphoma, and who are not eligible for autologous stem cell transplant. Tafasitamab is marketed as Monjuvi® (tafasitamab-cxix) in the United States and Minjuvi® (tafasitamab) in Europe and Canada.

About inMIND

A global, double-blind, randomized, controlled Phase 3 study, inMIND (NCT04680052) evaluated the clinical benefit of tafasitamab and lenalidomide as an add-on to rituximab compared with lenalidomide alone as an add-on to rituximab in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade 1 to 3a or relapsed or refractory nodal, splenic or extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (MZL). The study enrolled a total of 654 adults (age ≥18 years).

The primary endpoint of the study is progression-free survival (PFS) by investigator assessment in the FL population, and the key secondary endpoints are PFS in the overall population as well as positron emission tomography complete response (PET-CR) and overall survival (OS) in the FL population.

For more information about the study, please visit

About Tafasitamab

Tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) is a humanized Fc-modified cytolytic CD19 targeting monoclonal antibody. In 2010, MorphoSys licensed exclusive worldwide rights to develop and commercialize tafasitamab from Xencor, Inc. Tafasitamab incorporates an XmAb® engineered Fc domain, which mediates B-cell lysis through apoptosis and immune effector mechanism including Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC) and Antibody-Dependent Cellular Phagocytosis (ADCP). MorphoSys and Incyte entered into: (a) in January 2020, a collaboration and licensing agreement to develop and commercialize tafasitamab globally; and (b) in February 2024, an agreement whereby Incyte obtained exclusive rights to develop and commercialize tafasitamab globally.

In the United States, Monjuvi® (tafasitamab-cxix) received accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in combination with lenalidomide for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not otherwise specified, including DLBCL arising from low grade lymphoma, and who are not eligible for autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT). In Europe, Minjuvi® (tafasitamab) received conditional Marketing Authorization from the European Medicines Agency in combination with lenalidomide, followed by Minjuvi monotherapy, for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory DLBCL who are not eligible for ASCT.

XmAb® is a registered trademark of Xencor, Inc.

Monjuvi, Minjuvi, the Minjuvi and Monjuvi logos and the “triangle” design are registered trademarks of Incyte.


What are the possible side effects of MONJUVI?

MONJUVI may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Infusion reactions. Your healthcare provider will monitor you for infusion reactions during your infusion of MONJUVI. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get fever, chills, flushing, headache, or shortness of breath during an infusion of MONJUVI.
  • Low blood cell counts (platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells). Low blood cell counts are common with MONJUVI, but can also be serious or severe. Your healthcare provider will monitor your blood counts during treatment with MONJUVI. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or above, or any bruising or bleeding.
  • Infections. Serious infections, including infections that can cause death, have happened in people during treatment with MONJUVI and after the last dose. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or above, or develop any signs and symptoms of an infection.

The most common side effects of MONJUVI include:

  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Diarrhea
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Swelling of lower legs or hands
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Decreased appetite

These are not all the possible side effects of MONJUVI. Your healthcare provider will give you medicines before each infusion to decrease your chance of infusion reactions. If you do not have any reactions, your healthcare provider may decide that you do not need these medicines with later infusions. Your healthcare provider may need to delay or completely stop treatment with MONJUVI if you have severe side effects.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Before you receive MONJUVI, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

  • Have an active infection or have had one recently.
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. MONJUVI may harm your unborn baby. You should not become pregnant during treatment with MONJUVI. Do not receive treatment with MONJUVI in combination with lenalidomide if you are pregnant because lenalidomide can cause birth defects and death of your unborn baby.
  • You should use an effective method of birth control (contraception) during treatment and for at least 3 months after your final dose of MONJUVI.
  • Tell your healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant or think that you may be pregnant during treatment with MONJUVI.
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if MONJUVI passes into your breastmilk. Do not breastfeed during treatment for at least 3 months after your last dose of MONJUVI.

You should also read the lenalidomide Medication Guide for important information about pregnancy, contraception, and blood and sperm donation.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medications you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Please see the full Prescribing Information for Monjuvi, including Patient Information, for additional Important Safety Information.

About Incyte

A global biopharmaceutical company on a mission to Solve On., Incyte follows the science to find solutions for patients with unmet medical needs. Through the discovery, development and commercialization of proprietary therapeutics, Incyte has established a portfolio of first-in-class medicines for patients and a strong pipeline of products in Oncology and Inflammation & Autoimmunity. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, Incyte has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.

For additional information on Incyte, please visit or follow us on social media: LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Facebook,YouTube.

Incyte Forward-looking Statements

Except for the historical information set forth herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including statements regarding the potential for tafasitamab to provide a successful treatment option for patients with FL and Incyte’s expectations with respect to filing a supplemental Biologics License Application for tafasitamab, contains predictions, estimates and other forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based on Incyte's current expectations and subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including unanticipated developments in and risks related to: unanticipated delays; further research and development and the results of clinical trials possibly being unsuccessful or insufficient to meet applicable regulatory standards or warrant continued development; the ability to enroll sufficient numbers of subjects in clinical trials; determinations made by the U.S. FDA and other regulatory authorities outside of the United States; the efficacy or safety of Incyte’s products; the acceptance of Incyte’s products in the marketplace; market competition; sales, marketing, manufacturing and distribution requirements; and other risks detailed from time to time in Incyte's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.. Incyte disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

1 Al-Hamadani M, et al. Am J Hematol. 2015;90(9):790-795.
2 Chihara D, et al. Br J Haematol. 2014;164(4):536-545.
3 Perry AM, et al. Haematologica. 2016;101(10):1244-1250.
4 Teras LR, et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2016;66(6):443-459.
5 Thandra KC, et al. Med Sci (Basel). 2021;9(1):5.
6 Decision Resources Group. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Landscape & Forecast. 2020.

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Source: Incyte


What were the results of Incyte's Phase 3 inMIND trial for tafasitamab (INCY)?

The Phase 3 inMIND trial met its primary endpoint of progression-free survival in relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma. It also met key secondary endpoints, including PFS in the overall population and positron-emission tomography-complete response rate in the FDG-avid FL population.

When does Incyte (INCY) plan to file for tafasitamab approval in follicular lymphoma?

Based on the positive results from the Phase 3 inMIND trial, Incyte expects to file a supplemental Biologics License Application for tafasitamab in combination with lenalidomide and rituximab for follicular lymphoma by the end of the year.

What is the current approval status of tafasitamab (Monjuvi®) for Incyte (INCY)?

Tafasitamab is currently approved in combination with lenalidomide by the FDA and EMA for adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) who are not eligible for autologous stem cell transplant. It is marketed as Monjuvi® in the US and Minjuvi® in Europe and Canada.

How common is follicular lymphoma, the target of Incyte's (INCY) tafasitamab study?

Follicular lymphoma is the most common indolent form of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, accounting for approximately 13-26% of overall NHL cases. There are over 17,000 new cases of relapsed or refractory FL treated annually in the United States, Europe, and Japan.

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