Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) Offers Open Letter to Shareholders From New Incoming CEO

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Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) has released an open letter from incoming CEO Frank Casella, highlighting recent achievements and future plans. Key points include:

1. Retirement of $1,945,860 in debt
2. Efforts to bring the company to current status with OTC
3. Focus on providing effective solutions for small and medium-sized businesses
4. Two primary products: Review Control™ and 2-Cent Texts
5. Plans for aggressive market share capture in B2B digital services
6. Commitment to transparency, business ethics, and shareholder value

The company aims to grow its brands, adopt new technologies, and expand its market reach while navigating challenges such as inflation and market uncertainty.

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) ha pubblicato una lettera aperta dal nuovo CEO Frank Casella, evidenziando i recenti successi e i piani futuri. I punti chiave includono:

1. Eliminazione di $1.945.860 di debito
2. Sforzi per portare l'azienda a uno stato conforme con l'OTC
3. Focus nel fornire soluzioni efficaci per piccole e medie imprese
4. Due prodotti principali: Review Control™ e 2-Cent Texts
5. Piani per una cattura aggressiva di quota di mercato nei servizi digitali B2B
6. Impegno per la trasparenza, l'etica aziendale e il valore per gli azionisti

L'azienda mira a far crescere i propri brand, adottare nuove tecnologie e espandere la propria portata di mercato affrontando sfide come l'inflazione e l'incertezza del mercato.

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) ha lanzado una carta abierta del nuevo CEO Frank Casella, destacando los logros recientes y los planes futuros. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Reducción de $1,945,860 en deuda
2. Esfuerzos para llevar a la empresa a un estado actualizado con OTC
3. Enfoque en proporcionar soluciones efectivas para pequeñas y medianas empresas
4. Dos productos principales: Review Control™ y 2-Cent Texts
5. Planes para una captura agresiva de cuota de mercado en servicios digitales B2B
6. Compromiso con la transparencia, la ética empresarial y el valor para los accionistas

La empresa tiene como objetivo hacer crecer sus marcas, adoptar nuevas tecnologías y expandir su alcance en el mercado, enfrentando desafíos como la inflación y la incertidumbre del mercado.

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL)는 새로 취임한 CEO Frank Casella의 공개 서한을 발표하여 최근 성과와 향후 계획을 강조했습니다. 주요 포인트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. $1,945,860의 부채 상환
2. OTC와의 현행 상태로 회사를 가져오기 위한 노력
3. 중소기업을 위한 효과적인 솔루션 제공에 집중
4. 두 가지 주요 제품: Review Control™ 및 2-Cent Texts
5. B2B 디지털 서비스에서의 공격적인 시장 점유율 확보 계획
6. 투명성, 비즈니스 윤리 및 주주 가치에 대한 헌신

회사는 브랜드를 성장시키고, 새로운 기술을 채택하며, 인플레이션 및 시장 불확실성과 같은 도전 과제를 해결하면서 시장 범위를 확장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) a publié une lettre ouverte du nouveau PDG Frank Casella, soulignant les réalisations récentes et les projets futurs. Les points clés comprennent :

1. Remboursement de $1.945.860 de dette
2. Efforts pour amener l'entreprise à un statut conforme avec l'OTC
3. Accent sur la fourniture de solutions efficaces pour les petites et moyennes entreprises
4. Deux produits principaux : Review Control™ et 2-Cent Texts
5. Plans pour une capture agressive de parts de marché dans les services numériques B2B
6. Engagement envers la transparence, l'éthique des affaires et la valeur pour les actionnaires

L'entreprise vise à développer ses marques, à adopter de nouvelles technologies et à étendre sa portée sur le marché, tout en naviguant à travers des défis tels que l'inflation et l'incertitude du marché.

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) hat einen offenen Brief des neuen CEO Frank Casella veröffentlicht, in dem die jüngsten Erfolge und zukünftigen Pläne hervorgehoben werden. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

1. Rückzahlung von $1.945.860 Schulden
2. Bemühungen, das Unternehmen auf den aktuellen Stand mit OTC zu bringen
3. Fokus auf die Bereitstellung effektiver Lösungen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen
4. Zwei Hauptprodukte: Review Control™ und 2-Cent Texts
5. Pläne zur aggressiven Markanteilseroberung im B2B-Digitalbereich
6. Engagement für Transparenz, Unternehmensethik und Aktionärswert

Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, seine Marken auszubauen, neue Technologien zu übernehmen und seine Marktpräsenz zu erweitern, während es Herausforderungen wie Inflation und Marktunsicherheit meistert.

  • Retirement of $1,945,860 in debt
  • Efforts to bring the company to current status with OTC filings and compliance
  • Two successful primary products: Review Control™ and 2-Cent Texts
  • Monthly growth in revenue and brand recognition for existing products
  • Plans for aggressive market share capture in the multi-million dollar B2B digital services market
  • Ongoing process to complete filings and compliance issues
  • Challenging business environment due to inflation, rising interest rates, and market uncertainty

NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) ( (“Image Protect” or the “Company”), is pleased to offer shareholders this open letter from incoming CEO, Frank Casella:

“In the months since my company was acquired by Image Protect Corporation last year, we are very proud to have completed several major tasks directly related to fixing certain critical past financial and administrative issues, and to set the stage for accelerated growth of the company.

“This included a total retirement of debt in the amount of $1,945,860, and we are currently working on more enhancements to the stock as mentioned in previous news. Bringing our Company to current status with the intention of always managing all aspects of the filing and reporting duties relating to OTC, all rules for accounting and Company filings, and full transparency in all of our financial management.

“We are now poised to start making big things happen at the Company. I will be installed as the new CEO once all filings and compliance issues are completed over the next several weeks.

“At Image Protect Corporation, we are driven by the desire to provide the very best in effective solutions for our clients. Small and medium sized businesses, franchise owners and local entrepreneurs face many challenges in our current economic climate, and we are dedicated to creating effective and affordable tools to assist them in very specific ways to achieve their professional and personal goals.

“Our two successful primary products, Review Control™ and 2-Cent Texts, are already deployed and growing in revenue and brand recognition each and every month. We fully intend to aggressively capture a significant share of the multi-million dollar market of business to business digital services. We have very well-defined advantages over our competition, and the results for our clients have been nothing short of outstanding.

“As the newly appointed CEO, I will be conducting a variety of outreach activities to keep our shareholders informed of our goals for all of our brands. Our clients look to us for the solutions that help them each and every day. Our partners support us in achieving our successes. And most importantly, our shareholders expect us to be transparent, principled and respectful of their investment and their trust in our vision and its implementation.

“As we move forward, we will continue to grow, adopt new products and technologies, and market our brands and services to all business owners everywhere. We will avail ourselves of every resource to achieve our mission.

“Our Standards of Business Conduct include the aforementioned guiding principles, solid business ethics, financial honesty, transparency, and workplace professionalism. Our team has worked so diligently and have faithfully fulfilled all of their duties and have truly been the rock-solid core of our brands. They have allowed us to be able to compete in times of adversity and change, the unfortunate reality of the COVID 19 pandemic, and most recently the challenging environment of runaway inflation, rising interest rates and uncertainty in the markets.

“We pledge to continue to apply ourselves in the most effective manner as we move toward a better future for our employees, clients, partners and shareholders. We are very excited at the prospects that lie ahead for the Company, and invite you to share in our success. May God Bless our Company and the United States of America.”

Image Protect, Inc. remains committed to innovation, growth, and delivering unparalleled solutions in the dynamic landscape of online reputation management and text marketing business services.

Follow Image Protect, Inc. to learn more about Review Control™ Reputation Management and, and to stay informed about Company developments and growth:

Instagram: @ImageProtectCorp

Corporate updates on X (Formerly Twitter) @IMTLCorp

Company updates on X (Formerly Twitter):  @Review_Control

Image Protect, Inc:


Review Control™:

Facebook: ImageProtect

Mission Statement: To IMPROVE and PROTECT the online image of our clients.

About Image Protect, Inc.

Image Protect, Inc. is a Technology and Business Services Company, specializing in vitally important Review and Reputation Management for businesses of all types and sizes, as well as individuals who need online reputation assistance. Utilizing proprietary technology applications combined with excellent customer service and support, its newly acquired subsidiary Review Control™ Reputation Management has established itself in the space in recent years and continues to grow and penetrate new verticals. New services are currently in development to further the Company’s commitment to providing the very best in review marketing subscription products to the business community.

About Review Control™ Reputation Management

Review Control™ Reputation Management is a proprietary, business-to- business subscription platform that can increase and improve the online reviews of its clients and serves a vital business interest to millions of businesses of all types and sizes. With prices starting at just $59 per month it is an easy, affordable, and effective solution for any type of business to obtain more positive online reviews, which increases search ranking, attracts more customers and revenue, and increases the value of the client’s business. Founded in 2018, Review Control™ has established itself as a recognized national brand, and has grown steadily since inception, providing excellent service and many satisfied clients.


2-Cent Texts is our newest proprietary, business-to-business text marketing service that allows our clients to capitalize on their success by providing affordable outreach to their existing customer base via targeted text messaging. With both SMS and MMS capabilities, this platform closes communication gaps between business owners and their loyal customers. It also provides the ability to retain those valuable customers with a constant stream of updates, sales and promotions, service reminders and all manner of profitable messaging, increasing incremental sales and revenues.

Safe Harbor Provision

Cautionary statement for purposes of the 'Safe Harbor' provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Information in this news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, the results of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties, and assumptions include the execution and performance of contracts by the Company and its customers, suppliers, and partners. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.

Investor Relations


What debt amount did Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) retire recently?

Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) recently retired a total debt amount of $1,945,860.

What are the two primary products of Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL)?

The two primary products of Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) are Review Control™ and 2-Cent Texts.

Who is the incoming CEO of Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL)?

The incoming CEO of Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) is Frank Casella.

What market is Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) targeting for significant share capture?

Image Protect, Inc. (IMTL) is targeting to capture a significant share of the multi-million dollar market of business-to-business digital services.



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Software - Application
United States of America
New York