Immutep to Present Pivotal TACTI-004 Trial in Progress Poster at the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP) has announced an upcoming poster presentation at the European Lung Cancer Congress (ELCC) 2025 in Paris, featuring their pivotal TACTI-004 Phase III trial. The trial evaluates eftilagimod alfa (efti) in combination with KEYTRUDA® and chemotherapy for first-line treatment of advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
The global study will enroll approximately 750 patients across 150+ clinical sites in 25+ countries, including patients with non-squamous or squamous tumors regardless of PD-L1 expression. The poster presentation, numbered 131TiP, will be delivered by Dr. Margarita Majem on March 26, 2025, at 13:50 CET.
According to CSO Frédéric Triebel, the combination therapy could potentially transform treatment for advanced NSCLC patients, building on promising safety and efficacy data observed to date.
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP) ha annunciato una prossima presentazione di un poster al Congresso Europeo sul Cancro del Polmone (ELCC) 2025 a Parigi, che presenterà il loro trial cruciale TACTI-004 di Fase III. Lo studio valuta eftilagimod alfa (efti) in combinazione con KEYTRUDA® e chemioterapia per il trattamento di prima linea del cancro polmonare non a piccole cellule (NSCLC) avanzato o metastatico.
Lo studio globale arruolerà circa 750 pazienti in oltre 150 siti clinici in più di 25 paesi, inclusi pazienti con tumori non squamosi o squamosi indipendentemente dall'espressione di PD-L1. La presentazione del poster, numerata 131TiP, sarà effettuata dalla Dr.ssa Margarita Majem il 26 marzo 2025, alle 13:50 CET.
Secondo il CSO Frédéric Triebel, la terapia combinata potrebbe trasformare il trattamento per i pazienti con NSCLC avanzato, basandosi su dati di sicurezza ed efficacia promettenti osservati fino ad oggi.
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP) ha anunciado una próxima presentación de un póster en el Congreso Europeo de Cáncer de Pulmón (ELCC) 2025 en París, que presentará su ensayo pivotal TACTI-004 de Fase III. El ensayo evalúa eftilagimod alfa (efti) en combinación con KEYTRUDA® y quimioterapia para el tratamiento de primera línea del cáncer de pulmón no microcítico (NSCLC) avanzado o metastásico.
El estudio global inscribirá aproximadamente 750 pacientes en más de 150 sitios clínicos en más de 25 países, incluidos pacientes con tumores no escamosos o escamosos sin importar la expresión de PD-L1. La presentación del póster, numerada 131TiP, será realizada por la Dra. Margarita Majem el 26 de marzo de 2025, a las 13:50 CET.
Según el CSO Frédéric Triebel, la terapia combinada podría transformar el tratamiento para los pacientes con NSCLC avanzado, basándose en datos prometedores de seguridad y eficacia observados hasta la fecha.
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP)는 2025 유럽 폐암 학회 (ELCC)에서 파리에서 열리는 포스터 발표를 발표하였으며, 그들의 중요한 TACTI-004 3상 임상 시험을 소개할 예정입니다. 이 시험은 eftilagimod alfa (efti)를 KEYTRUDA® 및 화학요법과 병용하여 진행성 또는 전이성 비소세포 폐암 (NSCLC)의 1차 치료로 평가합니다.
이 글로벌 연구는 25개국 이상의 150개 이상의 임상 사이트에서 약 750명의 환자를 등록할 예정이며, PD-L1 발현 여부에 관계없이 비편평 또는 편평 종양 환자를 포함합니다. 포스터 발표는 2025년 3월 26일 13:50 CET에 Dr. Margarita Majem이 진행할 예정이며, 번호는 131TiP입니다.
CSO 프레데릭 트리벨에 따르면, 이 병용 요법은 진행성 NSCLC 환자 치료를 혁신적으로 변화시킬 수 있으며, 지금까지 관찰된 안전성과 효능 데이터에 기반하고 있습니다.
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP) a annoncé une prochaine présentation d'affiche lors du Congrès Européen sur le Cancer du Poumon (ELCC) 2025 à Paris, mettant en avant leur essai pivot TACTI-004 de Phase III. L'essai évalue eftilagimod alfa (efti) en combinaison avec KEYTRUDA® et une chimiothérapie pour le traitement de première ligne du cancer du poumon non à petites cellules (NSCLC) avancé ou métastatique.
L'étude mondiale recrutera environ 750 patients dans plus de 150 sites cliniques dans plus de 25 pays, y compris des patients avec des tumeurs non squameuses ou squameuses, indépendamment de l'expression de PD-L1. La présentation de l'affiche, numérotée 131TiP, sera réalisée par le Dr Margarita Majem le 26 mars 2025 à 13h50 CET.
Selon le CSO Frédéric Triebel, la thérapie combinée pourrait potentiellement transformer le traitement des patients atteints de NSCLC avancé, s'appuyant sur des données de sécurité et d'efficacité prometteuses observées jusqu'à présent.
Immutep (NASDAQ: IMMP) hat eine bevorstehende Posterpräsentation auf dem Europäischen Lungenkrebs-Kongress (ELCC) 2025 in Paris angekündigt, bei der ihre entscheidende TACTI-004 Phase-III-Studie vorgestellt wird. Die Studie bewertet eftilagimod alfa (efti) in Kombination mit KEYTRUDA® und Chemotherapie als Erstlinientherapie bei fortgeschrittenem oder metastasiertem nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC).
Die globale Studie wird voraussichtlich etwa 750 Patienten an über 150 klinischen Standorten in mehr als 25 Ländern einschließen, darunter Patienten mit nicht-squamösen oder squamösen Tumoren, unabhängig von der PD-L1-Expression. Die Posterpräsentation mit der Nummer 131TiP wird am 26. März 2025 um 13:50 CET von Dr. Margarita Majem gehalten.
Laut CSO Frédéric Triebel könnte die Kombinationstherapie potenziell die Behandlung von Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem NSCLC revolutionieren, basierend auf vielversprechenden Sicherheits- und Wirksamkeitsdaten, die bisher beobachtet wurden.
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- None.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, March 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Immutep Limited (ASX: IMM; NASDAQ: IMMP) (“Immutep” or “the Company”), a late-stage immunotherapy company targeting cancer and autoimmune diseases, today announces an upcoming poster presentation for the pivotal TACTI-004 Phase III trial. The poster will be presented at the European Lung Cancer Congress (ELCC) 2025, taking place in Paris, France, from 26-29 March 2025.
The Trial in Progress poster includes an overview and study design of the TACTI-004 Phase III evaluating the Company’s MHC Class II agonist, eftilagimod alfa (efti) in combination with MSD’s (Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA) anti-PD-1 KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) and chemotherapy as first line therapy for patients with advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (1L NSCLC). The global trial will enrol approximately 750 patients regardless of PD-L1 expression and with non-squamous or squamous tumours at over 150 clinical sites in over 25 countries.
Immutep CSO, Frédéric Triebel, M.D., Ph.D, said, “We look forward to engaging with physicians in the lung cancer community at the ELCC conference to discuss our TACTI-004 Phase III study that is actively recruiting patients. Efti in combination with KEYTRUDA may change the treatment paradigm for patients with advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, irrespective of their PD-L1 expression, and we hope to see this registrational trial confirm the promising safety and efficacy achieved to date.”
Details for the poster presentation:
Title: TACTI-004: a double-blinded, randomized phase 3 trial in patients with advanced/metastatic non-small cell cancer receiving eftilagimod alfa (MHC class II agonist) in combination with pembrolizumab (P) and chemotherapy (C) versus placebo + P + C
Presentation number: 131TiP
Presenter: Margarita Majem, MD, PhD, Department of Medical Oncology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Session Date and Time: 26 March 2025, 13:50 CET
The poster will be available on the Posters & Publications section of Immutep’s website following the presentation.
About Eftilagimod Alpha (efti)
Efti is Immutep’s proprietary soluble LAG-3 protein and MHC Class II agonist that stimulates both innate and adaptive immunity for the treatment of cancer. As a first-in-class antigen presenting cell (APC) activator, efti binds to MHC (major histocompatibility complex) Class II molecules on APC leading to activation and proliferation of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, CD4+ helper T cells, dendritic cells, NK cells, and monocytes. It also upregulates the expression of key biological molecules like IFN-ƴ and CXCL10 that further boost the immune system’s ability to fight cancer.
Efti is under evaluation for a variety of solid tumours including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), and metastatic breast cancer. Its favourable safety profile enables various combinations, including with anti-PD-[L]1 immunotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Efti has received Fast Track designation in first line HNSCC and in first line NSCLC from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
About Immutep
Immutep is a late-stage biotechnology company developing novel immunotherapies for cancer and autoimmune disease. The Company is a pioneer in the understanding and advancement of therapeutics related to Lymphocyte Activation Gene-3 (LAG-3), and its diversified product portfolio harnesses LAG-3’s ability to stimulate or suppress the immune response. Immutep is dedicated to leveraging its expertise to bring innovative treatment options to patients in need and to maximise value for shareholders. For more information, please visit
KEYTRUDA® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA.
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