Alliance for Genomic Discovery completes 250,000 whole genomes to accelerate drug discovery

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Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) and Nashville Biosciences (NashBio) announced the completion of sequencing 250,000 whole genomes for the Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD) initiative. The project, which began in January 2023, has created one of the largest clinical genomic datasets, completing ahead of the projected 2025 timeline.

The dataset, processed using Illumina's sequencing workflow and DRAGEN analysis pipeline, combines DNA samples from VUMC's BioVU® biobank with de-identified clinical data. Eight biopharma members access this data through Illumina Connected Analytics platform, already yielding novel target discoveries in autoimmune, liver fibrotic, and metabolic diseases.

According to a 2024 Nature study, drugs developed with genetic evidence are 2.6 times more likely to succeed. The next phase of AGD will expand into multiomics, exploring proteomics and other modalities to enhance understanding of disease mechanisms and drug target discovery.

Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) e Nashville Biosciences (NashBio) hanno annunciato il completamento del sequenziamento di 250.000 genomi completi per l'iniziativa Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD). Il progetto, iniziato a gennaio 2023, ha creato uno dei più grandi dataset clinici genomici, completando in anticipo rispetto alla scadenza prevista per il 2025.

Il dataset, elaborato utilizzando il flusso di lavoro di sequenziamento di Illumina e la pipeline di analisi DRAGEN, combina campioni di DNA dalla biobanca BioVU® di VUMC con dati clinici de-identificati. Otto membri del settore biofarmaceutico accedono a questi dati tramite la piattaforma Illumina Connected Analytics, che ha già portato a nuove scoperte di target in malattie autoimmuni, fibrosi epatica e malattie metaboliche.

Secondo uno studio pubblicato su Nature nel 2024, i farmaci sviluppati con evidenze genetiche hanno 2,6 volte più probabilità di avere successo. La prossima fase dell'AGD si espanderà verso la multiomica, esplorando la proteomica e altre modalità per migliorare la comprensione dei meccanismi delle malattie e la scoperta di target terapeutici.

Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) y Nashville Biosciences (NashBio) anunciaron la finalización del secuenciación de 250,000 genomas completos para la iniciativa Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD). El proyecto, que comenzó en enero de 2023, ha creado uno de los conjuntos de datos clínicos genómicos más grandes, completándose antes de lo previsto para 2025.

El conjunto de datos, procesado utilizando el flujo de trabajo de secuenciación de Illumina y la pipeline de análisis DRAGEN, combina muestras de ADN del biobanco BioVU® de VUMC con datos clínicos desidentificados. Ocho miembros de la biofarmacia acceden a estos datos a través de la plataforma Illumina Connected Analytics, que ya ha dado lugar a nuevos descubrimientos de objetivos en enfermedades autoinmunes, fibrosis hepática y enfermedades metabólicas.

Según un estudio de Nature de 2024, los medicamentos desarrollados con evidencia genética tienen 2.6 veces más probabilidades de tener éxito. La próxima fase de AGD se expandirá hacia la multiómica, explorando la proteómica y otras modalidades para mejorar la comprensión de los mecanismos de las enfermedades y el descubrimiento de objetivos terapéuticos.

일루미나 (NASDAQ: ILMN)와 내슈빌 바이오사이언스 (NashBio)는 유전체 발견 동맹(AGD) 이니셔티브를 위해 250,000개의 전체 유전체 시퀀싱 완료를 발표했습니다. 2023년 1월에 시작된 이 프로젝트는 2025년 예상 일정보다 앞서 세계에서 가장 큰 임상 유전체 데이터 세트를 생성했습니다.

일루미나의 시퀀싱 작업 흐름과 DRAGEN 분석 파이프라인을 사용하여 처리된 이 데이터 세트는 VUMC의 BioVU® 바이오뱅크의 DNA 샘플과 비식별화된 임상 데이터를 결합합니다. 8개의 생명공학 제약 회사가 Illumina Connected Analytics 플랫폼을 통해 이 데이터에 접근하며, 이미 자가면역, 간 섬유화 및 대사 질환에서 새로운 타겟 발견을 이끌어내고 있습니다.

2024년 Nature 연구에 따르면, 유전적 증거로 개발된 약물은 성공할 가능성이 2.6배 더 높습니다. AGD의 다음 단계는 다중 오믹스로 확장되어 단백질체학 및 기타 방법을 탐색하여 질병 메커니즘과 약물 타겟 발견에 대한 이해를 높일 것입니다.

Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) et Nashville Biosciences (NashBio) ont annoncé l'achèvement du séquençage de 250 000 génomes complets pour l'initiative Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD). Le projet, qui a débuté en janvier 2023, a créé l'un des plus grands ensembles de données cliniques génomiques, se terminant avant le calendrier prévu de 2025.

L'ensemble de données, traité à l'aide du flux de travail de séquençage d'Illumina et de la pipeline d'analyse DRAGEN, combine des échantillons d'ADN de la biobanque BioVU® de VUMC avec des données cliniques anonymisées. Huit membres de biopharma accèdent à ces données via la plateforme Illumina Connected Analytics, qui a déjà permis de découvrir de nouvelles cibles dans les maladies auto-immunes, la fibrose hépatique et les maladies métaboliques.

Selon une étude de Nature de 2024, les médicaments développés avec des preuves génétiques ont 2,6 fois plus de chances de réussir. La prochaine phase de l'AGD s'étendra à la multiomique, explorant la protéomique et d'autres modalités pour améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes des maladies et la découverte de cibles thérapeutiques.

Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) und Nashville Biosciences (NashBio) haben den Abschluss der Sequenzierung von 250.000 vollständigen Genomen für die Initiative Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD) bekannt gegeben. Das Projekt, das im Januar 2023 begann, hat einen der größten klinischen genomischen Datensätze geschaffen und wurde vor dem geplanten Zeitrahmen von 2025 abgeschlossen.

Der Datensatz, der mit Illuminas Sequenzierungsworkflow und der DRAGEN-Analyse-Pipeline verarbeitet wurde, kombiniert DNA-Proben aus der BioVU®-Biobank von VUMC mit anonymisierten klinischen Daten. Acht biopharmazeutische Mitglieder greifen über die Illumina Connected Analytics-Plattform auf diese Daten zu, die bereits neuartige Zielentdeckungen bei Autoimmun-, Leberfibrose- und Stoffwechselerkrankungen hervorgebracht hat.

Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2024 in Nature zeigt, dass Medikamente, die mit genetischen Beweisen entwickelt wurden, 2,6-mal wahrscheinlicher erfolgreich sind. Die nächste Phase der AGD wird sich auf Multiomics ausdehnen und Proteomik sowie andere Modalitäten erkunden, um das Verständnis der Krankheitsmechanismen und die Entdeckung von Arzneimittelzielen zu verbessern.

  • Ahead-of-schedule completion of 250,000 genome sequencing project
  • Already yielding novel drug target discoveries across multiple disease areas
  • Partnership with 8 biopharma companies provides commercial validation
  • Expansion into multiomics creates additional revenue opportunities
  • None.


Illumina's announcement represents a significant milestone in the genomics industry. The completion of 250,000 whole genomes through the Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD) initiative - ahead of schedule - demonstrates the company's technological efficiency and scalability. This positions Illumina as the backbone infrastructure provider for large-scale genomic research initiatives.

What's particularly valuable is the comprehensive integration of these genomic datasets with longitudinal clinical phenotype data from Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This creates a uniquely powerful resource for pharmaceutical discovery that has already yielded novel target identifications across multiple disease categories.

The planned expansion into multiomics represents Illumina's strategic pivot toward higher-value data integration. By layering proteomics and other omics data atop the genomic foundation, Illumina is creating an ecosystem that increases switching costs for partners and enhances the company's competitive moat. The Nature study cited (showing drugs with genetic evidence are 2.6 times more likely to succeed) provides empirical validation of this approach.

This initiative differentiates Illumina from competitors by demonstrating real-world pharmaceutical applications rather than just technological capabilities. The accelerated timeline compared to industry norms (3-5 years for 100,000 genomes elsewhere) showcases the company's execution advantage in large-scale projects - a critical factor for attracting additional pharmaceutical partnerships.

The AGD initiative represents a transformative approach to drug discovery with significant implications for Illumina's revenue model. Traditional target discovery has been notoriously inefficient, but this dataset creates a powerful hypothesis-generation engine for the eight participating biopharma companies.

What's particularly valuable is the diversity of data types, demographics, ancestries, and diseases represented. This heterogeneity enables identification of targets with broader applicability across patient populations, potentially reducing clinical development risks. The existing discoveries in autoimmune, fibrotic, and metabolic diseases are especially notable as these represent areas with substantial unmet medical needs and commercial opportunity.

The planned expansion into proteomics is strategically sound. While genomics identifies potential targets, proteomic validation dramatically increases confidence in druggability. This integration positions Illumina to capture more value across the discovery pipeline rather than being siloed as just a sequencing provider.

For pharmaceutical partners, the accelerated timeline translates directly to competitive advantage - potentially shaving years off early discovery phases. This creates a powerful incentive for additional pharma companies to join similar initiatives, expanding Illumina's customer base beyond the initial eight partners.

The collaborative model demonstrated here represents a blueprint for more efficient R&D spending across the industry, with Illumina establishing itself as the essential infrastructure provider for data-driven drug discovery.

Creates one of the largest, most comprehensive clinical genomic datasets of its kind; multiomic data to be added in next phase of program      

AGD members are using the population-level insights to uncover novel drug targets

SAN DIEGO, March 19, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Illumina Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN) and Nashville Biosciences, LLC (NashBio), a leading clinical and genomic data company and wholly owned subsidiary of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), today announced that 250,000 whole genomes have been sequenced for the Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD) initiative. Insights from the AGD database are being leveraged to accelerate drug target discovery, therapeutic research and clinical development.

"AGD is delivering on its promise of unlocking new discoveries, and we're eager to build on this success with the addition of multiomic measurements to drive advances in therapeutic development," said Todd Christian, senior vice president of services, arrays, and genomic access at Illumina. "The rapid achievement of this major milestone demonstrates the value of our strategic collaborations across the ecosystem to advance unprecedented progress in biologic and therapeutic discovery." 

An unparalleled R&D resource    

The resulting AGD dataset is being made available to the alliance's eight biopharma members using Illumina Connected Analytics as a shared research tool and data platform. De-identified DNA samples were provided by NashBio from VUMC's BioVU® biobank, and sequenced by deCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, using Illumina's complete, end-to-end sequencing workflow including the DRAGEN analysis pipeline, and integrated with de-identified longitudinal clinical phenotype data derived from VUMC's electronic health record data.      

"The AGD dataset is unique for its diversity and depth and has already proven its value by empowering us to make important discoveries we would not have made without it," said Kári Stefánsson, CEO of deCODE genetics.

A study published in Nature in 2024 indicates that drugs in development with a genetic basis are 2.6 times more likely to succeed than those without. This supports the significant impact of genetic evidence in the field of drug discovery.

The data generated through AGD will provide a dynamic research platform for years to come and has already yielded initial novel target discoveries and validations by biopharma company members across autoimmune, liver fibrotic, and metabolic diseases. The diversity of data types, demographics, ancestries, and diseases represented in the dataset makes it a valuable resource for life sciences exploration. 

The next phase of the Alliance for Genomic Discovery will double down on multiomics    

In the next phase of AGD, its members plan to further expand the breadth, depth, and diversity of the dataset by adding multiomic layers.  

"We have received extensive AGD member and broader customer interest," said Leeland Ekstrom, PhD, chief executive officer of NashBio. "Based on this extensive market interest, we're exploring proteomics and other omics modalities to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms of disease and enable discovery of promising targets for pharmacological intervention. The whole genomes of 'AGD 1.0' are only the start."

As Illumina expands its portfolio of multiomic capabilities, the Alliance for Genomic Discovery anticipates that it will use these technologies to further enrich the dataset and drive deeper biological insights. Illumina recently unveiled a road map of innovations that will establish the industry's largest portfolio of omics solutions and sequencing applications, spanning genomics, spatial transcriptomics, single-cell analysis, CRISPR technologies, epigenetics, and data analytics software.

AGD began sequencing to develop its clinical genomic database in January 2023, making it one of the fastest large-scale genomics projects to date. Originally, sequencing was projected to complete later in 2025. Similar programs have required three to five years to complete 100,000 whole genomes. The speed of this effort reflects the collaborative impact of AGD and its participating life sciences organizations.

About the Alliance for Genomic Discovery

Launched in 2022 by Illumina and NashBio, the Alliance for Genomic Discovery is a multiyear endeavor aiming to accelerate development of therapeutics through large-scale genomics and the establishment of a preeminent clinical genomic resource. Member companies AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GSK, Merck, and Novo Nordisk leverage the data resource to identify disease associations and targets for intervention.

To develop the dataset, Illumina next-generation sequencing solutions were used to analyze whole-genome data derived from Vanderbilt University Medical Center's BioVU®, an extensive, high-quality biobank of more than 250,000 de-identified human DNA samples and associated longitudinal, structured, and de-identified clinical data. One of the main objectives of the alliance is to help narrow the gap in the diversity of genomic data and ultimately work toward a more equitable representation of ancestries in genetic research. Learn more at

Use of forward-looking statements

This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Among the important factors to which our business is subject that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in any forward-looking statements are: (i) challenges inherent in developing and launching new products and services, including modifying and scaling manufacturing operations, and reliance on third-party suppliers for critical components; (ii) our ability to manufacture robust instrumentation and consumables; and (iii) the acceptance by customers of our newly launched products, which may or may not meet our and their expectations, together with other factors detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, or in information disclosed in public conference calls, the date and time of which are released beforehand. We undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update these forward-looking statements, to review or confirm analysts' expectations, or to provide interim reports or updates on the progress of the current quarter.

About Illumina

Illumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Our focus on innovation has established us as a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical, and applied markets. Our products are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture, and other emerging segments. To learn more, visit and connect with us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

About NashBio

Nashville Biosciences LLC (NashBio), a wholly owned, for-profit subsidiary of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), was created to make complex healthcare data easy to use for a wide range of life science research and development applications. Leveraging Vanderbilt University innovation, NashBio harnesses extensive real-world genomics and other longitudinal multi-modal datasets, along with powerful bioinformatics tools, to build and deliver a wide range of data products and services. NashBio works with clients in biotech, pharma, diagnostics, medical devices, and other life sciences domains to support their most critical use cases. We believe smarter data enables better outcomes for our clients and ultimately for patients. For more information, please visit, connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on X at @NashvilleBio.


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SOURCE Illumina, Inc.


What milestone did the Alliance for Genomic Discovery (AGD) achieve with ILMN in March 2025?

AGD completed sequencing 250,000 whole genomes, creating one of the largest clinical genomic datasets for drug discovery research.

How much faster was ILMN's AGD project compared to similar genomic initiatives?

AGD completed 250,000 genomes in about 2 years, while similar programs typically take 3-5 years to sequence just 100,000 genomes.

What are the next steps for the AGD and ILMN collaboration?

AGD plans to expand the dataset by adding multiomic layers, including proteomics and other omics modalities for deeper biological insights.

What success rate improvement do drugs with genetic basis show according to the 2024 Nature study cited in ILMN's announcement?

Drugs developed with genetic evidence are 2.6 times more likely to succeed compared to those without genetic basis.
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