International Land Alliance Announces Second Quarter Results

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International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL) reported its Q2 2024 unaudited results, showing significant improvements:

- Quarterly sales volume increased to $740,000 from $485,000 in Q2 2023
- Net loss reduced to $20,000 from $440,000 in Q2 2023
- Sales for the first six months of 2024 reached $5,830,000 with a net income of $3,630,000
- Total assets grew to $30.6 million
- Total stockholders' equity rose to $14.9 million

CEO Frank Ingrande emphasized the company's focus on thoughtful growth and selective resource deployment into high-quality opportunities. ILAL, based in San Diego, specializes in acquiring raw land in Northern Baja California, leveraging technology for sustainable and socially responsible development solutions.

International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL) ha riportato i suoi risultati non verificati del Q2 2024, mostrando miglioramenti significativi:

- Il volume delle vendite trimestrali è aumentato a 740.000 dollari rispetto ai 485.000 dollari del Q2 2023
- La perdita netta è scesa a 20.000 dollari rispetto ai 440.000 dollari del Q2 2023
- Le vendite nei primi sei mesi del 2024 hanno raggiunto 5.830.000 dollari con un reddito netto di 3.630.000 dollari
- Gli attivi totali sono cresciuti a 30,6 milioni di dollari
- Il patrimonio totale degli azionisti è aumentato a 14,9 milioni di dollari

Il CEO Frank Ingrande ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda per una crescita ponderata e un impiego selettivo delle risorse in opportunità di alta qualità. ILAL, con sede a San Diego, si specializza nell'acquisizione di terreni grezzi nel nord di Baja California, sfruttando la tecnologia per soluzioni di sviluppo sostenibile e socialmente responsabile.

International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL) informó sus resultados no auditados del Q2 2024, mostrando mejoras significativas:

- El volumen de ventas trimestral aumentó a 740,000 dólares desde 485,000 dólares en el Q2 2023
- La pérdida neta se redujo a 20,000 dólares desde 440,000 dólares en el Q2 2023
- Las ventas durante los primeros seis meses de 2024 alcanzaron 5,830,000 dólares con un ingreso neto de 3,630,000 dólares
- Los activos totales crecieron a 30.6 millones de dólares
- El patrimonio neto total de los accionistas aumentó a 14.9 millones de dólares

El CEO Frank Ingrande enfatizó el enfoque de la compañía en un crecimiento reflexivo y en el despliegue selectivo de recursos en oportunidades de alta calidad. ILAL, con sede en San Diego, se especializa en adquirir terrenos sin desarrollar en el norte de Baja California, aprovechando la tecnología para soluciones de desarrollo sostenible y socialmente responsables.

International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL)는 2024년 2분기 감사되지 않은 결과를 발표하며 상당한 개선을 보였습니다:

- 분기 매출은 740,000달러로 증가했으며, 2023년 2분기에는 485,000달러였습니다.
- 순손실은 20,000달러로 감소했으며, 2023년 2분기에는 440,000달러였습니다.
- 2024년 상반기 매출은 5,830,000달러에 이르렀고 순수익은 3,630,000달러입니다.
- 총 자산은 3,060만 달러로 증가했습니다.
- 총 주주 자본은 1,490만 달러로 증가했습니다.

CEO Frank Ingrande는 회사가 신중한 성장과 고품질 기회에 자원을 선택적으로 배치하는 데 집중하고 있음을 강조했습니다. 샌디에이고에 본사를 두고 있는 ILAL은 북부 바하 캘리포니아의 원지 토지를 구매하는 데 전문화되어 있으며, 지속 가능한 사회적 책임 개발 솔루션을 위해 기술을 활용하고 있습니다.

International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL) a publié ses résultats non audités du T2 2024, montrant des améliorations significatives :

- Le volume des ventes trimestrielles a augmenté à 740 000 dollars contre 485 000 dollars au T2 2023
- La perte nette a été réduite à 20 000 dollars contre 440 000 dollars au T2 2023
- Les ventes pour les six premiers mois de 2024 ont atteint 5 830 000 dollars avec un revenu net de 3 630 000 dollars
- Total des actifs a augmenté à 30,6 millions de dollars
- Le capital total des actionnaires a augmenté à 14,9 millions de dollars

Le PDG Frank Ingrande a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise pour une croissance réfléchie et le déploiement sélectif des ressources dans des opportunités de haute qualité. ILAL, basé à San Diego, est spécialisé dans l'acquisition de terrains non développés dans le nord de Baja California, exploitant la technologie pour des solutions de développement durables et socialement responsables.

International Land Alliance (OTCQB:ILAL) berichtete über seine unauditierten Ergebnisse des Q2 2024 und zeigte dabei signifikante Verbesserungen:

- Das Verkaufsvolumen im Quartal stieg auf 740.000 Dollar von 485.000 Dollar im Q2 2023
- Der Nettoverlust reduzierte sich auf 20.000 Dollar von 440.000 Dollar im Q2 2023
- Die Verkäufe in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres 2024 erreichten 5.830.000 Dollar mit einem Nettoeinkommen von 3.630.000 Dollar
- Die Gesamtsumme der Vermögenswerte wuchs auf 30,6 Millionen Dollar
- Das gesamte Eigenkapital der Aktionäre stieg auf 14,9 Millionen Dollar

CEO Frank Ingrande betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf durchdachtes Wachstum und selektive Ressourcenzuteilung in hochwertige Möglichkeiten. ILAL, mit Sitz in San Diego, hat sich auf den Erwerb von unerschlossenem Land in Nordbaja California spezialisiert und nutzt Technologie für nachhaltige und sozial verantwortliche Entwicklungslösungen.

  • Quarterly sales volume increased by 52.6% year-over-year to $740,000
  • Net loss significantly reduced by 95.5% to $20,000 compared to Q2 2023
  • Strong first half 2024 performance with $5,830,000 in sales and $3,630,000 net income
  • Total assets grew to $30.6 million
  • Total stockholders' equity increased to $14.9 million
  • Company still reported a net loss of $20,000 for Q2 2024

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- International Land Alliance, Inc. (OTCQB:ILAL), (“ILAL” or the “Company”), an international land investment and development firm, reported unaudited results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Q2 2024 Highlights

  • Quarterly sales volume of $740,000 compared to $485,000 for the same period last year
  • Net loss of $20,000 compared to a loss of $440,000 for the same period last year
  • Sales for the six months ended of $5,830,000 and net income of $3,630,000
  • Total Assets increased to $30.6 million
  • Total stockholders’ equity increased to $14.9 million

Frank Ingrande, ILAL’s President and CEO, commented: As we focus on 2024 and beyond, I am energized by the strong position we have established through our continued emphasis on thoughtful growth. To date, our 2024 results demonstrate our expertise in selectively deploying resources into High quality opportunities that support continued stability and long-term earnings.

About International Land Alliance, Inc.:
International Land Alliance, Inc. (OTCQB: ILAL) is an international land investment and development firm based in San Diego, California. As its’ core mission, the Company has embraced technology for sustainable and socially responsible solutions, in addition to using proptech and construction tech advanced applications to meet these goals. The Company is focused on acquiring attractive raw land primarily in Northern Baja California, often within driving distance from Southern California. The Company serves its shareholders by devoting considerable time and resources to seeking out the finest sites available and obtaining the necessary development permits to build a compelling portfolio of properties, which provide a diversity of investment and living options. Please visit:

Safe Harbor Statement
The press release may include certain statements that are not descriptions of historical facts but are forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements may include the description of our plans and objectives for future operations, assumptions underlying such plans and objectives, and other forward-looking terminology such as "may," "expects," "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "projects,” or similar terms, variations of such terms or the negative of such terms. There are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made herein. Such information is based upon various assumptions made by, and expectations of, our management that were reasonable when made but may prove to be incorrect. All such assumptions are inherently subject to significant economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies beyond our control and upon assumptions with respect to the future business decisions which are subject to change. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that actual results will meet expectations and actual results may vary (perhaps materially) from certain of the results anticipated herein.

Jason Sunstein


What were International Land Alliance's (ILAL) Q2 2024 sales figures?

International Land Alliance (ILAL) reported quarterly sales volume of $740,000 for Q2 2024, compared to $485,000 for the same period last year, representing a 52.6% increase.

How did ILAL's net income change in Q2 2024 compared to Q2 2023?

ILAL's net loss significantly improved in Q2 2024, reducing to $20,000 compared to a loss of $440,000 for the same period last year, a 95.5% reduction in net loss.

What were International Land Alliance's (ILAL) sales and net income for the first half of 2024?

For the first six months of 2024, ILAL reported sales of $5,830,000 and a net income of $3,630,000.

How much did International Land Alliance's (ILAL) total assets and stockholders' equity increase to in Q2 2024?

As of Q2 2024, ILAL's total assets increased to $30.6 million, and total stockholders' equity rose to $14.9 million.



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Real Estate - Development
Real Estate
United States of America
San Diego