Inspira™ Expands HYLA™ Blood Sensor Technology into Personalized Blood Lab Testing for Rapid Detection of Serious Medical Conditions
Inspira Technologies (NASDAQ: IINN) announced the expansion of its HYLA blood sensor technology into personalized Blood Lab Testing. The technology aims to provide real-time patient blood work for rapid detection of life-threatening conditions within minutes, potentially replacing traditional blood sampling methods in extracorporeal procedures.
The HYLA system is designed for use in ERs, ICUs, Medical Units, and operating rooms, with potential benefits including replacement of expensive equipment, elimination of blood cartridges, reduced dependency on central labs, and decreased hospital staff burden. The technology is currently undergoing clinical evaluations at Sheba Hospital in patients undergoing open-heart procedures, with FDA submission planned for 2025.
Inspira Technologies (NASDAQ: IINN) ha annunciato l'espansione della sua tecnologia HYLA per il sensore del sangue nei test ematici personalizzati. Questa tecnologia mira a fornire risultati ematici in tempo reale per la rilevazione rapida di condizioni potenzialmente letali in pochi minuti, con la possibilità di sostituire i metodi tradizionali di prelievo di sangue nelle procedure extracorporee.
Il sistema HYLA è progettato per essere utilizzato nei pronto soccorso, nelle unità di terapia intensiva, nelle unità mediche e nelle sale operatorie, con vantaggi potenziali tra cui la sostituzione di attrezzature costose, l'eliminazione delle cartucce di sangue, una riduzione della dipendenza dai laboratori centrali e una diminuzione del carico di lavoro del personale ospedaliero. La tecnologia è attualmente in fase di valutazione clinica presso l'ospedale Sheba per pazienti sottoposti a interventi cardiaci a cuore aperto, con una presentazione alla FDA prevista per il 2025.
Inspira Technologies (NASDAQ: IINN) anunció la expansión de su tecnología de sensor de sangre HYLA en pruebas de laboratorio de sangre personalizadas. La tecnología tiene como objetivo proporcionar análisis de sangre en tiempo real para la detección rápida de condiciones potencialmente mortales en minutos, con el potencial de reemplazar los métodos tradicionales de muestreo de sangre en procedimientos extracorpóreos.
El sistema HYLA está diseñado para su uso en salas de emergencia, unidades de cuidados intensivos, unidades médicas y quirófanos, con beneficios potenciales que incluyen la sustitución de equipos costosos, la eliminación de cartuchos de sangre, la reducción de la dependencia de laboratorios centrales y disminución de la carga del personal hospitalario. La tecnología se encuentra actualmente en evaluación clínica en el Hospital Sheba en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos de cirugía cardíaca a corazón abierto, con una presentación a la FDA prevista para 2025.
인스피라 테크놀로지스 (NASDAQ: IINN)가 개인화된 혈액 실험실 테스트로 HYLA 혈액 센서 기술의 확장을 발표했습니다. 이 기술은 생명을 위협하는 질환을 몇 분 안에 신속하게 감지하기 위한 실시간 환자 혈액 분석을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 체외 절차에서 전통적인 혈액 샘플링 방법을 대체할 가능성이 있습니다.
HYLA 시스템은 응급실, 중환자실, 의료 단위 및 수술실에서 사용하도록 설계되었으며, 잠재적인 이점으로는 비싼 장비의 교체, 혈액 카트리지의 제거, 중앙 실험실에 대한 의존도 감소, 병원 직원의 부담 감소 등이 있습니다. 이 기술은 현재 열린 심장 수술을 받는 환자들에 대해 셰바 병원에서 임상 평가를 진행 중이며, 2025년 FDA 제출이 예정되어 있습니다.
Inspira Technologies (NASDAQ: IINN) a annoncé l'expansion de sa technologie de capteur de sang HYLA dans des tests sanguins personnalisés. Cette technologie vise à fournir des analyses de sang en temps réel pour la détection rapide de conditions potentiellement mortelles en quelques minutes, avec la possibilité de remplacer les méthodes traditionnelles d'échantillonnage sanguin lors de procédures extracorporelles.
Le système HYLA est conçu pour être utilisé dans les urgences, les unités de soins intensifs, les unités médicales et les salles d'opération, avec des avantages potentiels comprenant le remplacement d'équipements coûteux, l'élimination des cartouches de sang, une réduction de la dépendance aux laboratoires centraux et une diminution de la charge de travail du personnel hospitalier. La technologie est actuellement en cours d'évaluation clinique à l'hôpital Sheba pour des patients subissant des interventions chirurgicales à cœur ouvert, avec une soumission à la FDA prévue pour 2025.
Inspira Technologies (NASDAQ: IINN) hat die Erweiterung seiner HYLA-Blutsensor-Technologie in personalisierte Blutlabortests angekündigt. Die Technologie soll Echtzeit-Blutanalysen für die schnelle Erkennung lebensbedrohlicher Zustände innerhalb von Minuten bereitstellen und könnte daher traditionelle Blutentnahmeverfahren bei extrakorporealen Verfahren ersetzen.
Das HYLA-System ist für den Einsatz in Notaufnahmen, Intensivstationen, medizinischen Einheiten und Operationssälen konzipiert und bietet potenzielle Vorteile wie den Austausch teurer Geräte, die Eliminierung von Blutkartuschen, verringerte Abhängigkeit von zentralen Laboren und eine reduzierte Belastung des Krankenhauspersonals. Die Technologie wird derzeit im Sheba Hospital bei Patienten, die sich einer offenen Herzoperation unterziehen, klinisch evaluiert, wobei eine Einreichung bei der FDA für 2025 geplant ist.
- Clinical evaluations ongoing at prestigious Sheba Hospital (ranked 9th globally)
- FDA submission for first HYLA configuration planned for 2025
- Technology could reduce costs by replacing expensive equipment and eliminating blood cartridges
- Potential to streamline hospital operations by reducing dependency on central labs
- Products including HYLA have not yet been tested or used in humans
- No regulatory approval obtained for HYLA technology
- Timeline to market remains uncertain pending FDA review

The HYLA business model is designed to replace the need for nurses to take intermittent physical blood samples from patients undergoing extracorporeal procedures by providing patient blood work with pre-determined setup options, or alternatively, supporting physical immediate intermittent blood work testing and analysis. The HYLA is expected to be used near a patient's bed in ER's, ICU's, Medical Units and in operating rooms, with the potential to replace expensive equipment, eliminate the need for blood cartridges and dependency on central labs and reduce the burden on hospital staff. The HYLA technology could also potentially reduce countless tests performed each year where valuable time is often lost between the time of ordering a blood test and when test results are received, which can impact patient treatment and outcomes.
The HYLA is undergoing clinical evaluations in Sheba Hospital (Ranked 9th in the world by Newsweek™ magazine) in patients undergoing open-heart procedures, in preparation of the Company's planned
"Our plans to use HYLA to perform blood work without the need to take physical blood samples is part of a broader business strategy," said Dagi Ben-Noon, CEO of Inspira Technologies. "The core technologies of the INSPIRA ART are progressing, with the Company currently performing a clinical evaluation of the HYLA blood technology at Sheba hospital, with results expected to be revealed in the near future."
Inspira™ Technologies OXY B.H.N. Ltd.
Inspira Technologies is an innovative medical technology company in the life support and respiratory treatment arena. The Company has developed a breakthrough Augmented Respiration Technology (INSPIRA™ ART), a groundbreaking device poised to revolutionize the
The Company's INSPIRA™ ART100 system has obtained FDA 510(k) clearance for use in Cardiopulmonary Bypass procedures, along with the Israeli AMAR certification for both Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Cardiopulmonary Bypass procedures.
The Company's other products and technologies, including the INSPIRA ART also known as the INSPIRA™ ART500 or Gen 2, the INSPIRA™ Cardi-ART portable modular device, VORTX orbiting Oxygen Delivery System and HYLA™ blood sensor, are currently being designed and developed, and have not yet been tested or used in humans and have not been approved by any regulatory entity.
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What is the HYLA blood sensor technology's main purpose for IINN stock?
When is Inspira Technologies (IINN) planning FDA submission for HYLA?
Where is IINN's HYLA technology currently being tested?