Inspira™ Collaborates with New York's Westchester Medical Center to Evaluate the INSPIRA™ ART100 Functionality and Performance in Clinical Scenarios
Inspira Technologies has established a strategic collaboration with Westchester Medical Center in New York to evaluate the performance of its FDA-cleared INSPIRA ART100 systems in clinical scenarios. The partnership aims to expose Inspira's technology to leading physicians and medical institutions.
The collaboration includes plans to explore future deployment of Inspira's next-generation flagship technology, the INSPIRA ART system, currently in development. This system is designed to treat acute respiratory failure by elevating declining oxygen saturation levels without mechanical ventilators.
Westchester Medical Center, as one of few centers in New York State performing Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, will integrate this technology to enhance treatment of acute respiratory failure.
Inspira Technologies ha stabilito una collaborazione strategica con Westchester Medical Center a New York per valutare le prestazioni dei suoi sistemi INSPIRA ART100 approvati dalla FDA in scenari clinici. L'obiettivo della partnership è mettere in mostra la tecnologia di Inspira a medici e istituzioni sanitarie di alto livello.
La collaborazione include piani per esplorare il futuro utilizzo della tecnologia di punta di Inspira, il sistema INSPIRA ART, attualmente in fase di sviluppo. Questo sistema è progettato per trattare l'insufficienza respiratoria acuta elevando i livelli di saturazione dell'ossigeno in calo senza l'uso di ventilatori meccanici.
Il Westchester Medical Center, essendo uno dei pochi centri nello Stato di New York che eseguono bypass cardiopolmonare e ossigenazione extracorporea con membrana, integrerà questa tecnologia per migliorare il trattamento dell'insufficienza respiratoria acuta.
Inspira Technologies ha establecido una colaboración estratégica con Westchester Medical Center en Nueva York para evaluar el rendimiento de sus sistemas INSPIRA ART100 aprobados por la FDA en escenarios clínicos. La asociación tiene como objetivo presentar la tecnología de Inspira a médicos e instituciones médicas líderes.
La colaboración incluye planes para explorar el futuro despliegue de la tecnología insignia de nueva generación de Inspira, el sistema INSPIRA ART, que actualmente se encuentra en desarrollo. Este sistema está diseñado para tratar la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda elevando los niveles de saturación de oxígeno en declive sin ventiladores mecánicos.
El Westchester Medical Center, como uno de los pocos centros en el Estado de Nueva York que realizan bypass cardiopulmonar y oxigenación extracorporea, integrará esta tecnología para mejorar el tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda.
Inspira Technologies는 뉴욕에 있는 Westchester Medical Center와 전략적 협력을 체결하여 FDA 승인을 받은 INSPIRA ART100 시스템의 임상 시나리오 성능을 평가합니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 Inspira의 기술을 선도하는 의사 및 의료 기관에 소개하는 것입니다.
협력에는 현재 개발 중인 Inspira의 차세대 주력 기술인 INSPIRA ART 시스템의 향후 배치 가능성을 탐색할 계획이 포함됩니다. 이 시스템은 기계식 인공호흡기 없이 감소하는 산소 포화 수준을 높여 급성 호흡 부전을 치료하도록 설계되었습니다.
Westchester Medical Center는 뉴욕 주에서 심폐 우회와 세포외막 산소화를 수행하는 몇 안 되는 센터 중 하나로, 급성 호흡 부전 치료를 향상시키기 위해 이 기술을 통합할 것입니다.
Inspira Technologies a établi une collaboration stratégique avec le Westchester Medical Center à New York pour évaluer la performance de ses systèmes INSPIRA ART100 approuvés par la FDA dans des scénarios cliniques. L'objectif du partenariat est de faire connaître la technologie d'Inspira aux médecins et aux institutions médicales de premier plan.
La collaboration englobe des plans d'exploration du déploiement futur de la technologie phare de nouvelle génération d'Inspira, le système INSPIRA ART, actuellement en développement. Ce système est conçu pour traiter l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë en élevant les niveaux de saturation en oxygène déclinants sans ventilateurs mécaniques.
Le Westchester Medical Center, l'un des rares centres de l'État de New York à effectuer un pontage cardiopulmonaire et une oxygénation extracorporelle, intégrera cette technologie pour améliorer le traitement de l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë.
Inspira Technologies hat eine strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Westchester Medical Center in New York etabliert, um die Leistung seiner von der FDA zugelassenen INSPIRA ART100-Systeme in klinischen Szenarien zu bewerten. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die Technologie von Inspira führenden Ärzten und medizinischen Institutionen vorzustellen.
Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst Pläne zur Erkundung des zukünftigen Einsatzes von Inspiras nächster Generation Flagship-Technologie, dem INSPIRA ART-System, das sich derzeit in der Entwicklung befindet. Dieses System ist dazu konzipiert, akute Atemversagen zu behandeln, indem es das abnehmende Sauerstoffsättigungsniveau ohne mechanische Beatmungsgeräte erhöht.
Das Westchester Medical Center, eines der wenigen Zentren im Bundesstaat New York, das Herz-Lungen-Überbrückung und extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung durchführt, wird diese Technologie integrieren, um die Behandlung akuter Atemversagen zu verbessern.
- FDA clearance obtained for INSPIRA ART100 systems
- Strategic partnership with major medical center validates technology
- Access to leading physicians and medical institutions for product evaluation
- Next-generation INSPIRA ART system still in development phase
- No immediate revenue impact mentioned from the collaboration
The strategic collaboration with Westchester Medical Center marks a significant milestone for Inspira Technologies' commercialization efforts of their FDA-cleared INSPIRA ART100 systems. This partnership with a major medical center will provide important real-world validation data and exposure to key opinion leaders in the field of critical care.
The collaboration is particularly notable because Westchester Medical Center is one of the few centers in New York State performing CPB and ECMO procedures. This specialized expertise makes them an ideal partner to evaluate and potentially implement Inspira's technology. Their experience with advanced respiratory support systems will provide valuable insights into the ART100's performance and clinical utility.
Looking ahead, the partnership also positions Inspira favorably for the future launch of their flagship INSPIRA ART system, which aims to address acute respiratory failure without mechanical ventilation. However, it's important to note that no specific financial terms or purchase commitments were disclosed in this announcement.
From a market perspective, this collaboration represents a strategic entry point into the U.S. healthcare market, particularly in the competitive Northeast region. Westchester Medical Center's status as a premier healthcare provider could help establish credibility for Inspira's technology and potentially lead to broader adoption within their network and beyond.
For a small-cap company with a market capitalization of
The focus on acute respiratory failure treatment represents entry into a substantial market opportunity, particularly given the increased attention on respiratory care solutions post-COVID. However, investors should note that the immediate revenue impact may be as this appears to be primarily an evaluation partnership.

The strategic collaboration allows for Westchester Medical Center, a premier provider of advanced medical care, and Inspira Technologies, a pioneer of breakthrough technologies, to advance critical patient care with the deployment of Inspira's proprietary INSPIRA ART100 systems. The parties have entered the strategic collaboration with the intention to mutually explore a long-term collaboration towards the future deployment of Inspira's next-generation flagship technology, its INSPIRA™ ART system, which is currently in development and which is being designed to treat acute respiratory failure by elevating declining oxygen saturation levels in minutes without mechanical ventilators.
"We are thrilled to supply Westchester Medical Center with our FDA-cleared INSPIRA ART100 systems," Joe Hayon, co-founder and President of Inspira Technologies. "We believe that this collaboration validates the growing interest in our innovative technology and also provides us with an opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities in one of
David Spielvogel, MD, Section Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, said: "This partnership exemplifies Westchester Medical Center's commitment to investing in innovative technologies to provide the highest, safest, and most effective care. By integrating this technology we aim to enhance our treatment of acute respiratory failure and improve patient outcomes. As one of the few centers in
About Westchester Medical Center Health Network
The Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth) is a 1,700-bed healthcare system headquartered in
About Inspira™ Technologies OXY B.H.N. Ltd.
Inspira Technologies is an innovative medical technology company in the life support and respiratory treatment arena. The Company has developed a breakthrough Augmented Respiration Technology (INSPIRA™ ART), a groundbreaking device poised to revolutionize the
The Company's INSPIRA™ ART100 system has obtained FDA 510(k) clearance for use in Cardiopulmonary Bypass procedures, along with the Israeli AMAR certification for both Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Cardiopulmonary Bypass procedures.
The Company's other products and technologies, including the INSPIRA ART also known as the INSPIRA™ ART500 or Gen 2, the INSPIRA™ Cardi-ART portable modular device, VORTX orbiting Oxygen Delivery System and HYLA™ blood sensor, are currently being designed and developed, and have not yet been tested or used in humans and have not been approved by any regulatory entity.
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SOURCE Inspira Technologies
What is the purpose of Inspira Technologies' collaboration with Westchester Medical Center?
What is the current status of Inspira Technologies' (IINN) INSPIRA ART system?