Inspira Achieves Positive Results of Above 95% For Preventing Bloodstream Infections
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN) announced positive initial results from its collaboration with Ennocure MedTech to develop a novel bio-electronic treatment for preventing bloodstream infections. The ex-vivo testing on porcine skin model demonstrated a 95% reduction in bacterial presence within 4 hours, maintaining effectiveness over 24 hours.
The innovative technology uses physical electric stimulation instead of chemical agents to prevent pathogen growth. This development addresses an estimated 250,000 annual bloodstream infections related to intravenous lines worldwide. The bio-electronic technology aims to overcome traditional IV dressing challenges through bacterial growth prevention, extended wear time, applicability to both skin surface and cannula areas, and real-time monitoring capabilities.
Testing followed adjusted standardized protocols, including the AATCC TM100 standard for antimicrobial performance, showing consistent bacterial reduction under active patches versus controls.
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN) ha annunciato risultati iniziali positivi dalla sua collaborazione con Ennocure MedTech per sviluppare un nuovo trattamento bio-elettronico per prevenire le infezioni del flusso sanguigno. I test ex-vivo su un modello di pelle suina hanno dimostrato una riduzione del 95% della presenza batterica entro 4 ore, mantenendo l'efficacia per 24 ore.
Questa innovativa tecnologia utilizza la stimolazione elettrica fisica anziché agenti chimici per prevenire la crescita di patogeni. Questo sviluppo affronta un numero stimato di 250.000 infezioni del flusso sanguigno annuali correlate a linee endovenose in tutto il mondo. La tecnologia bio-elettronica mira a superare le sfide tradizionali delle medicazioni IV attraverso la prevenzione della crescita batterica, un tempo di utilizzo prolungato, l'applicabilità sia alle superfici cutanee che alle aree della cannula e capacità di monitoraggio in tempo reale.
I test sono stati eseguiti seguendo protocolli standardizzati adeguati, incluso lo standard AATCC TM100 per le prestazioni antimicrobiche, mostrando una riduzione batterica coerente sotto patch attive rispetto ai controlli.
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN) anunció resultados iniciales positivos de su colaboración con Ennocure MedTech para desarrollar un nuevo tratamiento bioelectrónico para prevenir infecciones en el torrente sanguíneo. Las pruebas ex-vivo en un modelo de piel porcino demostraron una reducción del 95% en la presencia bacteriana en 4 horas, manteniendo la efectividad durante 24 horas.
Esta innovadora tecnología utiliza estimulación eléctrica física en lugar de agentes químicos para impedir el crecimiento de patógenos. Este desarrollo aborda un estimado de 250,000 infecciones anuales en el torrente sanguíneo relacionadas con líneas intravenosas en todo el mundo. La tecnología bioelectrónica busca superar los desafíos tradicionales del vendaje IV a través de la prevención del crecimiento bacteriano, un tiempo de uso prolongado, aplicabilidad tanto a la superficie de la piel como a las áreas de la cánula, y capacidades de monitoreo en tiempo real.
Las pruebas siguieron protocolos estandarizados ajustados, incluido el estándar AATCC TM100 para el rendimiento antimicrobiano, mostrando una reducción bacteriana consistente bajo parches activos en comparación con los controles.
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN)는 Ennocure MedTech와 협력하여 혈류 감염 예방을 위한 새로운 바이오 전자 치료법 개발에서 긍정적인 초기 결과를 발표했습니다. 돼지 피부 모델에서 실시한 4시간 이내에 세균 존재가 95% 감소한 것으로 나타났으며, 24시간 동안 효과가 유지되었습니다.
이 혁신적인 기술은 병원성 미생물의 성장을 방지하기 위해 화학 약물 대신 물리적 전기 자극을 사용합니다. 이 개발은 전 세계적으로 정맥 주사와 관련된 연간 250,000건의 혈류 감염을 해결하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 바이오 전자 기술은 세균 성장 방지, 착용 시간 연장, 피부 표면과 캐뉼라 지역 모두에 적용 가능, 실시간 모니터링 기능 등을 통해 전통적인 IV 드레싱의 문제를 극복하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
테스트는 AATCC TM100의 항균 성능 표준을 포함한 조정된 표준화 프로토콜을 따랐으며, 활성 패치와 대조군 간의 일관된 세균 감소를 보였습니다.
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN) a annoncé des résultats initiaux positifs de sa collaboration avec Ennocure MedTech pour développer un nouveau traitement bioélectronique visant à prévenir les infections du sang. Les tests ex-vivo sur un modèle de peau porcine ont démontré une réduction de 95 % de la présence bactérienne en 4 heures, maintenant l'efficacité pendant 24 heures.
Cette technologie innovante utilise une stimulation électrique physique au lieu d'agents chimiques pour prévenir la croissance des agents pathogènes. Ce développement s'attaque à un nombre estimé de 250 000 infections du sang annuelles liées aux lignes intraveineuses dans le monde. La technologie bioélectronique vise à surmonter les défis des pansements IV traditionnels grâce à la prévention de la croissance bactérienne, une durée d'utilisation prolongée, une applicabilité tant à la surface de la peau qu'aux zones de la canule, et des capacités de surveillance en temps réel.
Les tests ont suivi des protocoles standardisés ajustés, y compris la norme AATCC TM100 pour les performances antimicrobiennes, montrant une réduction bactérienne cohérente sous des patchs actifs par rapport aux contrôles.
Inspira Technologies (Nasdaq: IINN) hat positive erste Ergebnisse aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Ennocure MedTech zur Entwicklung einer neuartigen bioelektronischen Behandlung zur Verhinderung von Blutstrominfektionen bekannt gegeben. Die Ex-vivo-Tests an einem Schweinehautmodell zeigten eine 95%ige Reduktion der bakteriellen Präsenz innerhalb von 4 Stunden, wobei die Wirksamkeit über 24 Stunden aufrechterhalten wurde.
Diese innovative Technologie nutzt physikalische elektrische Stimulation anstelle von chemischen Mitteln, um das Wachstum von Krankheitserregern zu verhindern. Diese Entwicklung betrifft schätzungsweise 250.000 jährliche Blutstrominfektionen, die weltweit mit intravenösen Leitungen in Verbindung stehen. Die bioelektronische Technologie zielt darauf ab, die Herausforderungen traditioneller IV-Verbände durch die Verhinderung des bakteriellen Wachstums, eine längere Tragezeit, Anwendbarkeit sowohl auf der Hautoberfläche als auch im Bereich der Kanüle sowie Echtzeitüberwachungsmöglichkeiten zu überwinden.
Die Tests folgten angepassten standardisierten Protokollen, einschließlich dem AATCC TM100-Standard für antimikrobielle Leistung, und zeigten eine konsistente bakterielle Reduktion unter aktiven Pflastern im Vergleich zu Kontrollen.
- Achieved 95% bacterial reduction in ex-vivo testing within 4 hours
- Demonstrated sustained effectiveness over 24-hour period
- Technology addresses large market with 250,000 annual bloodstream infections
- Results are preliminary and from ex-vivo testing only
- Product still in development phase, not yet commercialized
The successful ex-vivo testing of Inspira's bio-electronic IV dressing technology marks a potentially transformative development in infection prevention. The 95% bacterial reduction rate achieved within 4 hours represents a significant technical achievement, particularly given the novel physical approach versus traditional chemical solutions.
Several key technical and market differentiators stand out: First, the use of electric stimulation rather than chemical agents could potentially reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance - a growing concern in healthcare settings. The technology's reported effectiveness over a 24-hour period suggests potential for extended wear time, which could substantially reduce nursing workload and associated costs.
The market opportunity is substantial:
- The global IV dressing market exceeds
$1 billion annually - Each bloodstream infection can cost hospitals
$45,000 to treat - Current solutions typically require dressing changes every 72 hours, creating significant labor costs
However, several critical milestones remain before commercialization:
- Transition from ex-vivo to in-vivo clinical trials
- FDA clearance process, likely requiring 510(k) submission
- Manufacturing scale-up and cost optimization
While the AATCC TM100 standard testing protocol provides credibility to the results, investors should note that ex-vivo porcine skin models, while valuable, represent an early stage of validation. The path to market will require demonstration of safety and efficacy in human trials.
The ex-vivo testing demonstrated significant bacterial reduction for the innovative IV dressing technology aimed at preventing bloodstream infections in critical patients

In ex-vivo porcine skin model testing, the bio-electronic patch demonstrated a
"We believe that these initial results represent an important milestone in our development of next-generation infection prevention technology," said Dagi Ben-Noon, CEO of Inspira. "With an estimated 250,000 bloodstream infections related to intravenous lines occurring worldwide each year, we believe this novel approach could potentially offer significant advantages in critical care settings."
The bio-electronic technology is being designed to address several key challenges associated with traditional IV dressings, including:
- Prevention of bacterial growth through physical rather than chemical means
- Potential for extended wear time, reducing frequency of dressing changes
- Applicability to both skin surface and cannula areas
- Real-time monitoring capabilities
Testing was conducted following adjusted standardized protocols, including the AATCC TM100 standard for antimicrobial performance, with results showing consistent bacterial reduction under active patches compared to controls.
About Ennocure MedTech Ltd.
Ennocure, is a pioneer in the development of bio-electronic wound dressing. At the core of the technology is a proprietary bio-electronic wound dressing designed to prevent bacterial infections, while providing remote wound monitoring & infection alerts based on AI-driven personalized therapy.
About Inspira
Inspira is an innovative medical technology company in the life support and respiratory treatment arena. The Company has developed a breakthrough Augmented Respiration Technology (INSPIRA™ ART), a groundbreaking device poised to revolutionize the
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