Insteel Industries Announces Addition of Blake Doyle to Its Board of Directors
Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) has appointed Blake Doyle to its board of directors, with a term extending through the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders. Doyle will serve on the Audit Committee. She currently serves as Managing Director at Chevy Chase Trust Company, where she heads Institutional Sales and Product Development. Her prior experience includes roles at Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets, and Audax Group. The company, headquartered in Mount Airy, North Carolina, is the nation's largest manufacturer of steel wire reinforcing products for concrete construction applications, operating eleven manufacturing facilities across the United States.
Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) ha nominato Blake Doyle nel suo consiglio di amministrazione, con un mandato che si estende fino all'assemblea annuale degli azionisti del 2025. Doyle farà parte del Comitato di Revisione. Attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Direttore Generale presso Chevy Chase Trust Company, dove dirige le Vendite Istituzionali e lo Sviluppo Prodotto. La sua esperienza precedente include ruoli in Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets e Audax Group. L'azienda, con sede a Mount Airy, Carolina del Nord, è il maggiore produttore nazionale di prodotti in filo d'acciaio per il rinforzo del calcestruzzo, operando undici stabilimenti di produzione negli Stati Uniti.
Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) ha nombrado a Blake Doyle para su junta directiva, con un mandato que se extenderá hasta la reunión anual de accionistas de 2025. Doyle formará parte del Comité de Auditoría. Actualmente, es Directora General en Chevy Chase Trust Company, donde lidera las Ventas Institucionales y el Desarrollo de Productos. Su experiencia previa incluye roles en Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets y Audax Group. La empresa, con sede en Mount Airy, Carolina del Norte, es el mayor fabricante del país de productos de alambre de acero para refuerzo en aplicaciones de construcción de concreto, operando once instalaciones de fabricación en Estados Unidos.
인스틸 산업(Insteel Industries) (NYSE: IIIN)는 블레이크 도일(Blake Doyle)을 이사로 임명하였으며, 임기는 2025년 주주 연례 총회까지입니다. 도일은 감사위원회에서 활동하게 됩니다. 현재 그녀는 체비 체이스 트러스트 컴퍼니(Chevy Chase Trust Company)의 전무이사로 재직 중이며, 기관 판매 및 제품 개발을 담당하고 있습니다. 그녀의 이전 경력에는 Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets 및 Audax Group에서의 역할이 포함됩니다. 노스캐롤라이나주 마운트 에어리(Mount Airy)에 본사를 두고 있는 이 회사는 미국 내에서 콘크리트 건설 응용을 위한 강철 와이어 보강 제품을 가장 많이 제조하는 업체로, 미국 전역에 11개의 제조 시설을 운영하고 있습니다.
Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) a nommé Blake Doyle au sein de son conseil d'administration, pour un mandat qui s'étend jusqu'à l'assemblée générale annuelle des actionnaires de 2025. Doyle fera partie du Comité d'Audit. Elle occupe actuellement le poste de Directrice Générale chez Chevy Chase Trust Company, où elle dirige les Ventes Institutionnelles et le Développement de Produits. Son expérience précédente inclut des rôles chez Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets et Audax Group. L'entreprise, dont le siège est situé à Mount Airy, en Caroline du Nord, est le plus grand fabricant de produits en fil d'acier utilisés pour le renforcement du béton dans le pays et exploite onze installations de fabrication à travers les États-Unis.
Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) hat Blake Doyle in seinen Vorstand berufen, dessen Amtszeit bis zur Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre im Jahr 2025 reicht. Doyle wird im Prüfungsausschuss tätig sein. Sie ist derzeit Geschäftsführerin bei Chevy Chase Trust Company, wo sie die Bereiche Institutionelle Verkäufe und Produktentwicklung leitet. Ihre vorherige Erfahrung umfasst Positionen bei Height Securities, FBR Capital Markets und Audax Group. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Mount Airy, North Carolina, ist der größte Hersteller von Stahlseil-Verstärkungsprodukten für Betonanwendungen im Land und betreibt insgesamt elf Produktionsstätten in den Vereinigten Staaten.
- Addition of experienced capital markets professional to the board strengthens corporate governance
- New director brings institutional investor relations expertise
- None.
Ms. Doyle is currently a Managing Director at Chevy Chase Trust Company, a
“We are pleased to welcome Blake to our board of directors,” said H.O. Woltz III, Insteel’s President and CEO. “Her extensive experience in capital markets and her work in institutional investor outreach will be a valuable addition to our board.”
About Insteel
Insteel is the nation’s largest manufacturer of steel wire reinforcing products for concrete construction applications. Insteel manufactures and markets prestressed concrete strand and welded wire reinforcement, including engineered structural mesh, concrete pipe reinforcement and standard welded wire reinforcement. Insteel’s products are sold to manufacturers of concrete products that are used in nonresidential construction. Headquartered in
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Scot Jafroodi
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Insteel Industries Inc.
(336) 786-2141, Ext. 3020
Source: Insteel Industries Inc.