U.K. Firms Conduct Orchestrated Approach to Cybersecurity

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The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity report for the U.K. highlights a trend among enterprises to integrate individual security tools into a unified security framework. This approach aims to counter increasingly complex cyberattacks by improving threat visibility and response times. The report emphasizes the growing strategic importance of cybersecurity, with businesses aligning security measures with overall goals and including cyber experts on corporate boards.

Key findings include:

  • Adoption of unified management interfaces for consolidated security functions
  • Focus on creating a cybersecurity awareness culture across organizations
  • Increasing trend towards cyber risk quantification services
  • Evaluation of 112 providers across eight cybersecurity quadrants

The report names several companies as Leaders in multiple quadrants, including IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini, and Deloitte.

Il report Cybersecurity 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ per il Regno Unito mette in evidenza una tendenza tra le imprese a integrare singoli strumenti di sicurezza in un quadro di sicurezza unificato. Questo approccio mira a contrastare attacchi informatici sempre più complessi, migliorando la visibilità delle minacce e i tempi di risposta. Il report sottolinea l'importanza strategica crescente della cybersecurity, con le aziende che allineano le misure di sicurezza agli obiettivi complessivi e includono esperti informatici nei consigli aziendali.

Tra le principali conclusioni troviamo:

  • Adozione di interfacce di gestione unificate per le funzioni di sicurezza consolidate
  • Focus sulla creazione di una cultura di consapevolezza della cybersecurity all'interno delle organizzazioni
  • Tendenza crescente verso i servizi di quantificazione del rischio informatico
  • Valutazione di 112 fornitori in otto quadranti di cybersecurity

Il report nomina diverse aziende come Leader in più quadranti, tra cui IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini e Deloitte.

El informe de Ciberseguridad 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ para el Reino Unido resalta una tendencia entre las empresas a integrar herramientas de seguridad individuales en un marco de seguridad unificado. Este enfoque tiene como objetivo contrarrestar ataques cibernéticos cada vez más complejos mejorando la visibilidad de amenazas y los tiempos de respuesta. El informe enfatiza la creciente importancia estratégica de la ciberseguridad, con las empresas alineando las medidas de seguridad con los objetivos generales e incluyendo expertos en ciberseguridad en las juntas corporativas.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Adopción de interfaces de gestión unificadas para funciones de seguridad consolidadas
  • Enfoque en la creación de una cultura de concienciación sobre la ciberseguridad en las organizaciones
  • Tendencia creciente hacia servicios de cuantificación del riesgo cibernético
  • Evaluación de 112 proveedores en ocho cuadrantes de ciberseguridad

El informe nombra varias empresas como Líderes en múltiples cuadrantes, incluyendo IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini y Deloitte.

2024 ISG Provider Lens™ 사이버 보안 보고서는 영국의 기업들이 개별 보안 도구를 통합 보안 프레임워크에 통합하는 경향을 강조합니다. 이 접근 방식은 위협 가시성과 대응 시간을 개선하여 점점 더 복잡해지는 사이버 공격에 대응하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 보고서는 사이버 보안의 전략적 중요성 증가를 강조하며, 기업들은 보안 조치를 전체 목표와 정렬하고 사이버 전문가를 이사회에 포함시키고 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 할당된 보안 기능을 위해 통합 관리 인터페이스 채택
  • 조직 전반에 걸쳐 사이버 보안 인식 문화 생성에 집중
  • 사이버 위험 정량화 서비스에 대한 증가하는 경향
  • 여덟 개 사이버 보안 사분면에서 112개 공급자 평가

이 보고서는 IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini 및 Deloitte를 포함하여 여러 회사들을 여러 사분면에서 리더로 지명했습니다.

Le rapport Cybersecurity 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ pour le Royaume-Uni met en lumière une tendance parmi les entreprises à intégrer des outils de sécurité individuels dans un cadre de sécurité unifié. Cette approche vise à contrer des cyberattaques de plus en plus complexes en améliorant la visibilité des menaces et les temps de réponse. Le rapport souligne l'importance stratégique croissante de la cybersécurité, les entreprises alignant les mesures de sécurité sur les objectifs globaux et incluant des experts en cybersécurité au sein des conseils d'administration.

Les conclusions clés incluent :

  • Adoption d'interfaces de gestion unifiées pour des fonctions de sécurité consolidées
  • Mise en avant de la création d'une culture de sensibilisation à la cybersécurité au sein des organisations
  • Tendance croissante vers des services de quantification des risques cybernétiques
  • Évaluation de 112 fournisseurs à travers huit quadrants de cybersécurité

Le rapport désigne plusieurs entreprises comme Leaders dans plusieurs quadrants, y compris IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini et Deloitte.

Der Cybersecurity-Bericht 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ für das Vereinigte Königreich hebt einen Trend unter Unternehmen hervor, individuelle Sicherheitswerkzeuge in ein einheitliches Sicherheitsframework zu integrieren. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, zunehmend komplexe Cyberangriffe zu bekämpfen, indem die Bedrohungssichtbarkeit und die Reaktionszeiten verbessert werden. Der Bericht betont die wachsende strategische Bedeutung der Cybersecurity, da Unternehmen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen mit den übergeordneten Zielen in Einklang bringen und Cyber-Experten in die Unternehmensvorstände einbeziehen.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • Adoption einheitlicher Verwaltungsoberflächen für konsolidierte Sicherheitsfunktionen
  • Fokus auf die Schaffung einer Cybersecurity-Bewusstseinskultur in Organisationen
  • Steigende Tendenz zu Dienstleistungen zur Quantifizierung von Cyberrisiken
  • Bewertung von 112 Anbietern in acht Cybersecurity-Quadranten

Der Bericht nennt mehrere Unternehmen als Führer in mehreren Quadranten, darunter IBM, Accenture, BT, Capgemini und Deloitte.

  • Integration of security tools into a unified framework improves threat visibility and response times
  • Growing trend of including cyber experts on corporate boards
  • Increased focus on creating a cybersecurity awareness culture across organizations
  • Adoption of cyber risk quantification services among U.K. enterprises
  • Heightened risk of cyberattacks in terms of frequency, complexity, and sophistication
  • Economic downturn leading to increased scrutiny of cybersecurity spending and ROI

As a tech expert, I find this report on U.K. cybersecurity trends highly relevant for investors in the technology and cybersecurity sectors. The shift towards integrated security frameworks is a significant development that could reshape the competitive landscape.

Key takeaways include:

  • U.K. enterprises are moving towards unified security frameworks, combining tools like IAM, XDR and SSE. This trend could benefit providers offering comprehensive, integrated solutions.
  • There's a growing emphasis on cyber resilience as a business strategy, not just an IT concern. This could drive increased demand for cybersecurity services and solutions across various industries.
  • The adoption of cyber risk quantification services is on the rise, potentially opening new market opportunities for firms specializing in this area.

Investors should pay attention to companies like IBM, Accenture and Capgemini, which were named as leaders in multiple quadrants. Their strong positioning could translate to increased market share and revenue growth in the U.K. cybersecurity market.

However, it's important to note that the cybersecurity landscape is highly competitive and rapidly evolving. The recent incident with CrowdStrike, while not a cyberattack, highlights the potential risks and complexities in this sector. Investors should carefully evaluate companies' ability to maintain service quality and quickly address issues as they arise.

From a financial perspective, this report signals potential growth opportunities in the U.K. cybersecurity market. The increasing integration of security tools and the elevation of cybersecurity to a board-level concern suggest rising investment in this sector.

Key financial implications include:

  • Potential revenue growth for companies offering integrated security solutions, as U.K. enterprises seek to streamline their security operations.
  • Increased demand for cybersecurity expertise at the board level could drive up valuations for firms with strong advisory capabilities.
  • The focus on ROI during economic downturns might favor established players with proven track records, potentially challenging smaller or newer entrants.

Investors should monitor the financial performance of leaders identified in the report, such as IBM, Accenture and Deloitte. Their multiple leadership positions could translate to strong revenue streams from the U.K. market.

However, it's important to note that the cybersecurity market is highly competitive and subject to rapid technological changes. Companies will need to continually invest in R&D to maintain their market positions, which could impact profit margins in the short term.

The trend towards cyber risk quantification services could also create new revenue streams for firms that can effectively monetize these offerings. Investors should look for companies demonstrating growth in this area as a potential indicator of future financial performance.

As a market research analyst, I see this report as indicative of significant shifts in the U.K. cybersecurity market landscape. The trend towards integrated security frameworks and the elevation of cybersecurity to a strategic business concern are reshaping market dynamics.

Key market trends to watch:

  • The demand for unified security management interfaces could drive consolidation in the market, as smaller, specialized providers may struggle to offer comprehensive solutions.
  • The growing emphasis on cyber resilience and board-level involvement in cybersecurity decisions could lengthen sales cycles but lead to larger, more strategic contracts.
  • The focus on employee awareness and training presents a growing sub-market within the broader cybersecurity sector.

The report's quadrant analysis provides valuable insights into market leadership. Companies like IBM, Accenture and BT appear well-positioned to capitalize on these trends. However, the presence of numerous leaders across different quadrants suggests a fragmented market with opportunities for specialization.

The mention of cyber risk quantification services as a growing trend is particularly interesting. This could represent a new battleground for market share, with providers racing to establish leadership in this emerging niche.

Investors and market participants should closely monitor how these trends evolve and impact market share distributions. The ability of companies to adapt to these changing market demands will likely determine their future success in the U.K. cybersecurity landscape.

A growing business-wide awareness of security threats helps employees understand their role in safeguarding enterprise assets, ISG Provider Lens™ report says

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Enterprises in the U.K. are responding to a heightened risk of cyberattacks by integrating individual security tools into a unified security framework, according to a new research report published today by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity - Solutions and Services report for the U.K. finds that security tools such as Identity and Access Management (IAM), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and Security Service Edge (SSE) are increasingly being used in concert by U.K. enterprises to counteract cyberattacks that are growing in frequency, complexity and sophistication. Effectively harmonizing these disparate and potentially discordant elements of a security ensemble can improve threat visibility, detection and response times while streamlining security operations.

“Providers are developing unified management interfaces that consolidate various security functions into a single dashboard,” said Anthony Drake, partner and head of ISG in the U.K. and Ireland. “This simplifies administration and provides a more holistic view of the security landscape.”

Cybersecurity is becoming a strategic component that aligns security measures with overall business goals, the ISG report says. Now that cybersecurity is viewed not just as an IT issue but as a business problem, business and cyber leaders have begun working together on cyber-related topics, the report says. There is a growing trend toward including cyber experts on corporate boards, ISG says. This is particularly important in the time of an economic downturn when U.K. enterprises are seeking heightened assurance of the quality and return on investment (ROI) of their cybersecurity spends, the ISG report says.

By incorporating cyber resilience into their business strategy, enterprises in the U.K. can ensure that cybersecurity remains a priority at all levels of the organization, from the board of directors to front-line employees, the ISG report says. This helps to create a cybersecurity awareness culture and ensures that employees understand their role in protecting the enterprise’s assets, the report says. To further increase this awareness, enterprises should focus on providing regular and engaging training sessions that cover trends such as phishing and social engineering techniques, ISG says.

“A well-defined cyber resilience strategy is no longer optional for U.K. enterprises,” said Jan Erik Aase, partner and global leader, ISG Provider Lens Research. “Businesses need to develop a comprehensive roadmap for cyber resilience that is aligned with business goals.”

The report also examines the growing trend toward adoption of cyber risk quantification services among U.K. enterprises.

For more insights into the cybersecurity challenges that enterprises in the U.K. face, including balancing security with cost and guarding against supply-chain attacks, and ISG’s advice for addressing them, see the ISG Provider Lens™ Focal Points briefing here.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity - Solutions and Services report for the U.K. evaluates the capabilities of 112 providers across eight quadrants: Identity and Access Management, Extended Detection and Response, Security Service Edge, Technical Security Services, Strategic Security Services (Large Accounts), Strategic Security Services (Midmarket), Managed Security Services – SOC (Large Accounts) and Managed Security Services – SOC (Midmarket).

The report names IBM as a Leader in five quadrants, while Accenture, BT, Capgemini, Deloitte, Eviden, HCLTech, TCS and Wipro are named as Leaders in three quadrants each. Broadcom, Claranet, Cyderes, EY, Integrity360, Microsoft, NCC Group, Orange Cyberdefense and Palo Alto Networks are named as Leaders in two quadrants each, while Adarma, Bridewell, Cato Networks, Cisco, Computacenter, CrowdStrike, CyberArk, Forcepoint, Fortinet, Infosys, Netskope, NTT DATA, Okta, Ping Identity, Redscan, SailPoint, SecurityHQ, SentinelOne, Tech Mahindra, Thales, Trend Micro, Versa Networks and Zscaler are named as Leaders in one quadrant each.

Aase, the head of ISG Provider Lens Research, noted CrowdStrike was named a Leader in one of the report’s quadrants before the recent incident involving a failed CrowdStrike software update impacted global computer systems. He said ISG stands by its research and rating of CrowdStrike.

“CrowdStrike is one of the largest providers of cybersecurity solutions in the world. It’s important to note the recent computer outages were not caused by a cyberattack, but a failed software update that impacted Microsoft 365 systems,” said Aase. “These outages, while highly disruptive, underscore the complexity and interconnectedness of modern ecosystems and the need for ongoing cyber vigilance.”

In addition to the Leaders named above, BeyondTrust, EY, Infosys, Rackspace Technology, Saviynt, SecurityHQ, Skyhigh Security, Thales, Trellix, Trustwave and Wavestone are named Rising Stars — companies with a “promising portfolio” and “high future potential” by ISG’s definition — in one quadrant each.

In the area of customer experience, Zensar Technologies is named the global ISG CX Star Performer for 2024 among Cybersecurity – Solutions and Services partners. Zensar Technologies earned the highest customer satisfaction scores in ISG's Voice of the Customer survey, part of the ISG Star of Excellence™ program, the premier quality recognition for the technology and business services industry.

Customized versions of the report are available from BT, Computacenter and IBM.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity - Solutions and Services report for the U.K. is available to subscribers or for one-time purchase on this webpage.

About ISG Provider Lens™ Research

The ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant research series is the only service provider evaluation of its kind to combine empirical, data-driven research and market analysis with the real-world experience and observations of ISG's global advisory team. Enterprises will find a wealth of insights to help guide their selection of appropriate sourcing partners, while ISG advisors use the reports to validate their own market knowledge and make recommendations to ISG's enterprise clients. The research currently covers providers offering their services globally, across Europe, as well as in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the U.K., France, Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, the Nordics, Australia and Singapore/Malaysia, with additional markets to be added in the future. For more information about ISG Provider Lens research, please visit this webpage.

About ISG

ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. A trusted business partner to more than 900 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is committed to helping corporations, public sector organizations, and service and technology providers achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm specializes in digital transformation services, including AI and automation, cloud and data analytics; sourcing advisory; managed governance and risk services; network carrier services; strategy and operations design; change management; market intelligence and technology research and analysis. Founded in 2006, and based in Stamford, Conn., ISG employs 1,600 digital-ready professionals operating in more than 20 countries—a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, deep industry and technology expertise, and world-class research and analytical capabilities based on the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace data. For more information, visit


Sarah Ye, ISG

+44 7833 567868

Will Thoretz, ISG

+1 203 517 3119

Source: Information Services Group, Inc.


What is the main trend in cybersecurity for U.K. enterprises according to the ISG report?

The main trend is the integration of individual security tools into a unified security framework to counteract increasingly complex cyberattacks and improve threat visibility and response times.

How are U.K. enterprises addressing cybersecurity awareness?

U.K. enterprises are focusing on creating a cybersecurity awareness culture by providing regular training sessions on topics like phishing and social engineering techniques, ensuring employees understand their role in protecting company assets.

Which companies were named Leaders in multiple quadrants in the ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity report for the U.K.?

IBM was named a Leader in five quadrants, while Accenture, BT, Capgemini, Deloitte, Eviden, HCLTech, TCS, and Wipro were named Leaders in three quadrants each.

What is the significance of cyber risk quantification services mentioned in the ISG report?

The report notes a growing trend towards adoption of cyber risk quantification services among U.K. enterprises, which helps in assessing and managing cybersecurity risks more effectively.

How is the economic downturn affecting cybersecurity strategies in the U.K., according to the ISG report?

The economic downturn is leading U.K. enterprises to seek heightened assurance of the quality and return on investment (ROI) of their cybersecurity spending, emphasizing the need for effective and efficient security measures.

Information Services Group, Inc.


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