ISG Says Low Satisfaction Scores for AI Services Reflect ‘Growing Pains’ as Enterprises Struggle with Adoption
Information Services Group (ISG) reports that AI and GenAI services received the lowest customer experience scores among emerging technologies in 2024, according to their Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report. GenAI services scored 69.5, while broader AI services reached 71.5, both below average.
The report shows declining ratings across all six customer experience pillars compared to 2023. While AI services scored 73.8 for customization, they received lower scores of 69.3 for cost and 70.3 for delivery speed. Governance and Compliance remained the highest-rated area at 83.8 (down 2.4 points), while Innovation and Thought Leadership scored lowest at 78.9 (down 2.0 points).
In other findings, cloud-native technologies scored 80.3, with AWS leading vendor ecosystems. The power and utilities sector showed highest satisfaction (81.5, up 5%), while public sector scores dropped 12.3%. EMEA ratings declined from 82.7 to 77.6, while Asia Pacific and Americas improved.
Information Services Group (ISG) riporta che i servizi di AI e GenAI hanno ricevuto i punteggi di esperienza del cliente più bassi tra le tecnologie emergenti nel 2024, secondo il loro Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report. I servizi GenAI hanno ottenuto un punteggio di 69,5, mentre i servizi AI più ampi hanno raggiunto 71,5, entrambi al di sotto della media.
Il rapporto mostra un calo dei punteggi in tutti e sei i pilastri dell'esperienza del cliente rispetto al 2023. Sebbene i servizi AI abbiano ottenuto 73,8 per la personalizzazione, hanno ricevuto punteggi più bassi di 69,3 per i costi e 70,3 per la velocità di consegna. Governance e Conformità rimangono l'area con il punteggio più alto a 83,8 (in calo di 2,4 punti), mentre Innovazione e Leadership di Pensiero hanno ottenuto il punteggio più basso a 78,9 (in calo di 2,0 punti).
In altre scoperte, le tecnologie cloud-native hanno ottenuto 80,3, con AWS che guida gli ecosistemi dei fornitori. Il settore dell'energia e dei servizi pubblici ha mostrato la massima soddisfazione (81,5, in aumento del 5%), mentre i punteggi del settore pubblico sono diminuiti del 12,3%. I punteggi dell'EMEA sono scesi da 82,7 a 77,6, mentre quelli dell'Asia Pacifico e delle Americhe sono migliorati.
Information Services Group (ISG) informa que los servicios de IA y GenAI recibieron las puntuaciones más bajas de experiencia del cliente entre las tecnologías emergentes en 2024, según su informe Star of Excellence™ CX Insights. Los servicios de GenAI obtuvieron una puntuación de 69,5, mientras que los servicios de IA más amplios alcanzaron 71,5, ambos por debajo del promedio.
El informe muestra una disminución en las calificaciones en los seis pilares de la experiencia del cliente en comparación con 2023. Si bien los servicios de IA obtuvieron 73,8 en personalización, recibieron puntuaciones más bajas de 69,3 en costos y 70,3 en velocidad de entrega. Gobernanza y Cumplimiento se mantuvo como el área mejor valorada con 83,8 (una disminución de 2,4 puntos), mientras que Innovación y Liderazgo de Pensamiento obtuvieron la puntuación más baja con 78,9 (una disminución de 2,0 puntos).
En otros hallazgos, las tecnologías nativas de la nube obtuvieron 80,3, con AWS liderando los ecosistemas de proveedores. El sector de energía y servicios públicos mostró la mayor satisfacción (81,5, un aumento del 5%), mientras que las puntuaciones del sector público cayeron un 12,3%. Las calificaciones de EMEA disminuyeron de 82,7 a 77,6, mientras que Asia-Pacífico y América mejoraron.
정보 서비스 그룹 (ISG)는 2024년 신기술 중 AI 및 GenAI 서비스가 고객 경험 점수가 가장 낮았다고 보고했습니다. 이는 그들의 Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report에 따르면 GenAI 서비스는 69.5점을 기록했습니다, 반면 더 넓은 AI 서비스는 71.5점을 기록하여 모두 평균 이하입니다.
이 보고서는 2023년과 비교하여 여섯 가지 고객 경험 기둥 모두에서 평가 점수가 감소했음을 보여줍니다. AI 서비스는 맞춤화에서 73.8점을 기록했지만, 비용에서 69.3점, 배송 속도에서 70.3점으로 낮은 점수를 받았습니다. 거버넌스 및 규정 준수는 83.8점으로 가장 높은 평가를 받았고 (2.4점 하락), 혁신 및 사고 리더십은 78.9점으로 가장 낮은 점수를 기록했습니다 (2.0점 하락).
다른 발견 사항으로는 클라우드 네이티브 기술이 80.3점을 기록했으며, AWS가 공급업체 생태계를 선도하고 있습니다. 전력 및 유틸리티 부문은 가장 높은 만족도 (81.5점, 5% 증가)를 보였고, 공공 부문 점수는 12.3% 감소했습니다. EMEA 평가는 82.7점에서 77.6점으로 감소했으며, 아시아 태평양 및 아메리카는 개선되었습니다.
Information Services Group (ISG) rapporte que les services d'IA et de GenAI ont reçu les scores d'expérience client les plus bas parmi les technologies émergentes en 2024, selon leur rapport Star of Excellence™ CX Insights. Les services GenAI ont obtenu un score de 69,5, tandis que les services d'IA plus larges ont atteint 71,5, tous deux en dessous de la moyenne.
Le rapport montre une baisse des évaluations dans les six piliers de l'expérience client par rapport à 2023. Bien que les services d'IA aient obtenu 73,8 pour la personnalisation, ils ont reçu des scores plus bas de 69,3 pour le coût et 70,3 pour la vitesse de livraison. Gouvernance et Conformité est resté le domaine le mieux noté à 83,8 (en baisse de 2,4 points), tandis que l'Innovation et le Leadership de Pensée ont obtenu les scores les plus bas à 78,9 (en baisse de 2,0 points).
Dans d'autres résultats, les technologies cloud-native ont obtenu 80,3, avec AWS en tête des écosystèmes de fournisseurs. Le secteur de l'énergie et des services publics a montré la plus grande satisfaction (81,5, en hausse de 5%), tandis que les scores du secteur public ont chuté de 12,3%. Les évaluations en EMEA ont diminué de 82,7 à 77,6, tandis que l'Asie-Pacifique et les Amériques se sont améliorées.
Information Services Group (ISG) berichtet, dass KI- und GenAI-Dienste im Jahr 2024 die niedrigsten Kundenerfahrungswerte unter den aufkommenden Technologien erhalten haben, gemäß ihrem Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report. GenAI-Dienste erzielten 69,5 Punkte, während breitere KI-Dienste 71,5 Punkte erreichten, beide unter dem Durchschnitt.
Der Bericht zeigt einen Rückgang der Bewertungen in allen sechs Säulen der Kundenerfahrung im Vergleich zu 2023. Während KI-Dienste 73,8 Punkte für Anpassung erzielten, erhielten sie niedrigere Werte von 69,3 für Kosten und 70,3 für Liefergeschwindigkeit. Governance und Compliance blieben der am höchsten bewertete Bereich mit 83,8 Punkten (ein Rückgang um 2,4 Punkte), während Innovation und Thought Leadership mit 78,9 Punkten (ein Rückgang um 2,0 Punkte) die niedrigsten Werte erzielten.
In anderen Erkenntnissen erzielten cloud-native Technologien 80,3 Punkte, wobei AWS die Anbieter-Ökosysteme anführt. Der Energiesektor zeigte die höchste Zufriedenheit (81,5 Punkte, ein Anstieg um 5%), während die Punktzahlen im öffentlichen Sektor um 12,3% zurückgingen. Die Bewertungen in EMEA sanken von 82,7 auf 77,6, während Asien-Pazifik und Amerika sich verbesserten.
- Cloud-native technologies maintained strong performance (80.3 score)
- Power and utilities sector satisfaction increased 5% to 81.5
- Improved satisfaction scores in Asia Pacific and Americas regions
- AI services scored well in customization (73.8)
- GenAI services received lowest satisfaction scores (69.5) among emerging technologies
- All six customer experience pillars declined in 2024
- AI services scored poorly on cost-effectiveness (69.3)
- Clients reporting delays in AI service delivery (70.3 score)
- Public sector satisfaction dropped 12.3%
- EMEA satisfaction declined significantly from 82.7 to 77.6
AI lags other emerging technologies in customer experience despite surge in service offerings, investment, ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report finds
The ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report for 2024, an annual review that sheds light on what enterprise buyers think about their service and solution providers, shows that GenAI earned the lowest average CX score of any emerging technology. The findings suggest many clients believe the value they get from GenAI services does not yet justify the cost.
In addition to AI, the comprehensive annual report also covers client ratings of providers across technologies, industries, regions and by type of provider.
Amid the rapid rise of AI in 2024, average ratings for all six pillars of customer experience tracked by the survey shifted downward after mostly rising in 2023, ISG says. For 2024, Governance and Compliance remained the highest-rated area of provider performance but fell 2.4 points to 83.8. The Innovation and Thought Leadership pillar remained the lowest-rated and was down 2.0 points to 78.9.
“Many enterprises did not see clear benefits from AI investments in 2024,” said Heiko Henkes, ISG managing director and principal analyst in charge of the study. “Like all technologies that have fundamentally transformed business, AI and GenAI pose challenges in the early stages of implementation.”
Still, the firm’s view of the future remains optimistic. “We expect CX scores to improve as clients scale these technologies across their organizations and realize strong ROI from their investments,” Henkes said. “These growing pains underscore the need for expert advice on crafting AI strategies and selecting qualified service providers.”
The report’s findings on AI reveal that, even though GenAI is gaining traction, providers of GenAI services must bridge significant gaps to meet client expectations. GenAI services earned a CX score of 69.5, with the broader category of AI only slightly higher at 71.5, also below the average for emerging technologies.
Enterprises gave providers of AI services an average CX score of 73.8 for customization, indicating they do a good job of tailoring solutions to clients’ needs. However, the findings suggest providers need to be more responsive, reliable and aligned with client expectations. Enterprises gave a below-average score of 69.3 for the cost of AI services and a score of 70.3 for delivery speed, suggesting clients are encountering delays.
Providers continue to earn high marks in other emerging technology areas, especially for services related to cloud-native technologies such as containers and serverless architectures, which earned a score of 80.3, the report says. Application development and maintenance scored highest among IT outsourcing services, while digital engineering — crucial to transforming business processes — was the highest-rated segment of business process outsourcing (BPO). AWS remained the highest-rated vendor ecosystem in a competitive field, followed by Salesforce and Microsoft.
Enterprises in the power and utilities industry were most satisfied with providers’ services, giving them an average score of 81.5, up more than 5 percent from 2023, the report says. But scores from the public sector plummeted by 12.3 percent, suggesting providers struggle to meet customer expectations or evolving service standards. Providers earned higher scores in
CX scores for the top 60 providers reveal that many face challenges balancing agility with scalability, ISG says. Scores fell in 2024 for providers with more than
The report also examines a wide range of other trends in CX ratings across AI and other services, including client satisfaction with ITO and BPO specialists and firms that offer both types of services.
About ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Research
CX scores reported in the ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report represent the weighted average of client satisfaction scores and importance scores across six dimensions: Execution and Delivery, Governance and Compliance, Collaboration and Transparency, Innovation and Thought Leadership, People and Cultural Fit, and Business Continuity and Flexibility.
Through ISG’s continuous Voice of the Customer survey research, customers are asked to rate the importance of each of the six dimensions and then rate their service provider/vendor on each, on a scale of 1-100. CX scores are also generated across industries, regions and technology domains and for each service provider/vendor.
ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights scores are an integral part of the provider assessments offered by ISG Provider Lens™ research, the only service provider evaluation of its kind to combine empirical, data-driven research and market analysis with the real-world experience and observations of ISG's global advisory team.
The 2024 ISG Star of Excellence™ CX Insights Report is available as a free download from this webpage, with more detailed findings, including by provider, available by contacting ISG.
Enterprises that wish to participate in the ISG Voice of the Customer survey research can begin the process by visiting this website. Providers also can nominate their customers to participate.
About ISG
ISG (Nasdaq: III) is a global AI-centered technology research and advisory firm. A trusted partner to more than 900 clients, including 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is a long-time leader in technology and business services that is now at the forefront of leveraging AI to help organizations achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm, founded in 2006, is known for its proprietary market data, in-depth knowledge of provider ecosystems, and the expertise of its 1,600 professionals worldwide working together to help clients maximize the value of their technology investments.
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Press Contacts:
Will Thoretz, ISG
+1 203 517 3119
Julianna Sheridan, Matter Communications for ISG
+1 978-518-4520
Source: Information Services Group, Inc.
What are the customer satisfaction scores for GenAI services in ISG's 2024 report?
How did ISG (III) customer experience ratings change in 2024 compared to 2023?
Which industry showed the highest satisfaction in ISG's 2024 CX report?
What were the specific AI service scores for customization, cost, and delivery speed in 2024?