GenAI Becoming Part of Workplace Transformation in U.K.

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Organizations in the U.K. are preparing for greater adoption of generative AI within the next 12-18 months as part of their workplace transformation programs, according to the 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services report. Companies are seeking help from service providers to identify GenAI use cases, conduct pilot deployments, develop language models, and create governance frameworks.

This trend is part of ongoing workplace transformations spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of hybrid work. Over half of new job listings in the U.K. now offer remote work options. Factors driving this change include global economic challenges, talent shortages, and recent labor unrest.

Organizations are focusing on experience management (XM) services to oversee interconnected systems, promote workforce productivity, and identify friction points in digital transformation. While cost savings remain a primary driver, companies also aim to improve productivity, sustainability, and employee experience across digital workplace services.

Le organizzazioni nel Regno Unito si stanno preparando per una maggiore adozione dell'IA generativa nei prossimi 12-18 mesi come parte dei loro programmi di trasformazione del luogo di lavoro, secondo il rapporto 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services. Le aziende cercano aiuto da fornitori di servizi per identificare casi d'uso dell'IA generativa, condurre implementazioni pilota, sviluppare modelli linguistici e creare quadri di governance.

Questa tendenza fa parte delle trasformazioni in corso del posto di lavoro, stimolate dalla pandemia di COVID-19 e dall'aumento del lavoro ibrido. Oltre la metà dei nuovi annunci di lavoro nel Regno Unito ora offre opzioni di lavoro a distanza. I fattori che guidano questo cambiamento includono le sfide economiche globali, la carenza di talenti e i recenti disordini lavorativi.

Le organizzazioni si stanno concentrando sui servizi di gestione dell'esperienza (XM) per supervisionare i sistemi interconnessi, promuovere la produttività della forza lavoro e identificare i punti di attrito nella trasformazione digitale. Sebbene il risparmio sui costi rimanga un motore principale, le aziende mirano anche a migliorare la produttività, la sostenibilità e l'esperienza dei dipendenti nei servizi digitali per il lavoro.

Las organizaciones en el Reino Unido se están preparando para una mayor adopción de la IA generativa en los próximos 12-18 meses como parte de sus programas de transformación laboral, según el informe 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services. Las empresas están buscando ayuda de proveedores de servicios para identificar casos de uso de la IA generativa, realizar implementaciones piloto, desarrollar modelos de lenguaje y crear marcos de gobernanza.

Esta tendencia es parte de las transformaciones laborales en curso impulsadas por la pandemia de COVID-19 y el aumento del trabajo híbrido. Más de la mitad de las nuevas ofertas de trabajo en el Reino Unido ahora ofrecen opciones de trabajo remoto. Los factores que impulsan este cambio incluyen desafíos económicos globales, escasez de talento y recientes agitación laboral.

Las organizaciones están enfocándose en servicios de gestión de la experiencia (XM) para supervisar sistemas interconectados, promover la productividad de la fuerza laboral e identificar puntos de fricción en la transformación digital. Si bien el ahorro de costos sigue siendo una motivación primaria, las empresas también buscan mejorar la productividad, la sostenibilidad y la experiencia del empleado en los servicios digitales de trabajo.

영국의 조직들은 생성 AI의 더 큰 채택을 위해 향후 12-18개월 동안 직장 혁신 프로그램의 일환으로 준비하고 있다고 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services 보고서는 전합니다. 기업들은 서비스 제공업체의 도움을 받아 생성 AI의 사용 사례를 식별하고, 파일럿 배포를 실시하며, 언어 모델을 개발하고, 거버넌스 프레임워크를 만드는 데 지원받고자 합니다.

이러한 추세는 COVID-19 팬데믹과 하이브리드 작업의 증가에 의해 촉발된 지속적인 직장 혁신의 일환입니다. 영국의 새로운 구인 게시물 중 절반 이상이 이제 원격 근무 옵션을 제공하고 있습니다. 이러한 변화의 배경에는 세계적인 경제 과제, 인재 부족, 최근의 노동 불안 등이 있습니다.

조직들은 경험 관리(XM) 서비스에 집중하여 상호 연결된 시스템을 감독하고, 인력 생산성을 촉진하며, 디지털 혁신의 마찰 지점을 식별하고 있습니다. 비용 절감이 여전히 주요 원동력이지만, 기업들은 또한 디지털 직장 서비스 전반에서 생산성, 지속 가능성 및 직원 경험을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Les organisations au Royaume-Uni se préparent à une adoption accrue de l'IA générative au cours des 12 à 18 prochains mois dans le cadre de leurs programmes de transformation des lieux de travail, selon le rapport 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services. Les entreprises cherchent de l'aide auprès de fournisseurs de services pour identifier les cas d'utilisation de l'IA générative, mener des déploiements pilotes, développer des modèles linguistiques et créer des cadres de gouvernance.

Cette tendance fait partie des transformations en cours du lieu de travail, stimulées par la pandémie de COVID-19 et l'essor du travail hybride. Plus de la moitié des nouvelles offres d'emploi au Royaume-Uni proposent désormais des options de travail à distance. Les facteurs qui entraînent ce changement incluent des défis économiques mondiaux, des pénuries de talents et des troubles sociaux récents.

Les organisations se concentrent sur des services de gestion de l'expérience (XM) pour superviser des systèmes interconnectés, promouvoir la productivité de la main-d'œuvre et identifier les points de friction dans la transformation numérique. Bien que l'économies de coûts restent un moteur principal, les entreprises visent également à améliorer la productivité, la durabilité et l'expérience des employés dans les services de travail numérique.

Organisationen im Vereinigten Königreich bereiten sich auf eine größere Akzeptanz von generativer KI in den nächsten 12-18 Monaten im Rahmen ihrer Arbeitsplatztransformationen vor, so der Bericht 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services. Unternehmen suchen Unterstützung von Dienstleistern, um Anwendungsfälle für generative KI zu identifizieren, Pilotprojekte durchzuführen, Sprachmodelle zu entwickeln und Governance-Frameworks zu erstellen.

Dieser Trend ist Teil der anhaltenden Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz, die durch die COVID-19-Pandemie und den Anstieg von hybriden Arbeiten angestoßen wurden. Mehr als die Hälfte der neuen Stellenangebote im Vereinigten Königreich bietet mittlerweile Optionen für Remote-Arbeit an. Faktoren, die diesen Wandel vorantreiben, sind globale wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen, Fachkräftemangel und kürzliche Arbeitsunruhen.

Organisationen konzentrieren sich auf Erlebnismanagement (XM)-Dienste, um miteinander verbundene Systeme zu überwachen, die Produktivität der Belegschaft zu fördern und Reibungspunkte in der digitalen Transformation zu identifizieren. Während Kosteneinsparungen nach wie vor ein Hauptmotiv bleiben, streben Unternehmen auch danach, die Produktivität, Nachhaltigkeit und Mitarbeitererfahrung in den digitalen Arbeitsplatzdiensten zu verbessern.

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Organizations are preparing for GenAI as part of broader plans to improve productivity, sustainability and employee experience, ISG Provider Lens™ report says

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Organizations in the U.K. are preparing for greater adoption of generative AI within the next 12 to 18 months as part of their overall workplace transformation programs, according to a new research report published today by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services report for the U.K. says enterprises and public sector organizations are turning to service providers for help identifying GenAI use cases, conducting pilot deployments, developing large language models, and creating governance frameworks in preparation for broader GenAI adoption in the future.

GenAI is part of an ongoing trend of workplace transformation in the U.K. spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of hybrid work, which has become increasingly common in the U.K. More than half of new job listings in the U.K. allow employees to work remotely for one or more days each week, the report notes, as companies respond to workers seeking flexibility.

Global economic challenges and geopolitical uncertainty in Europe, talent shortages and recent labor unrest, marked by widespread strikes for better pay and working conditions, are additional factors that underscore the need for investment in workplace technologies, the report says.

“The future of work is constantly evolving to assimilate new business models and meet dynamic customer demands,” said Iain Fisher, director, ISG Provider Lens Research. “U.K. organizations are turning to technology providers to support their workplace transformations as they seek increased productivity, sustainability and improved employee experience across all digital workplace services.”

Leading providers of experience management (XM) services now offer a more comprehensive management layer to oversee and evaluate interconnected systems, the report notes. By focusing on XM, organizations not only promote a happier and more productive workforce but also identify friction points and challenges in digital transformation initiatives that inhibit the adoption of workplace technology, the report says.

The driving force behind most workplace transformations is potential cost savings, the report notes, but forward-looking organizations also realize they can create value by streamlining complex processes and tasks to improve sustainability and employee experience.

“Experience parity is becoming a significant differentiator in the market,” said Jan Erik Aase, partner and global leader, ISG Provider Lens Research. “Workplaces must deliver seamless EX regardless of location or customer interaction, with ubiquitous access to devices, applications, data, workflow, documents and processes.”

Collaboration and communication are critical, the report says, with enterprises turning to unified communications and collaboration (UCC) platforms such as Microsoft Teams, along with technologies such as AR, VR and XR, to improve information sharing and workflows. However, the report notes that enterprises often face challenges when integrating pre-pandemic infrastructure with newer, post-pandemic capabilities.

The report also explores other issues and trends impacting the future of work in the U.K., including the emergence of Experience-Level Agreements (XLA) in negotiations with service providers. XLAs are supplementing, and in some cases even replacing, traditional service-level agreements (SLA).

For more insights into the technology trends impacting the U.K. workplace, see the ISG Provider Lens™ Focal Points briefing, available here.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work - Services report for the U.K. evaluates the capabilities of 43 providers across six quadrants: Workplace Strategy and Enablement Services, Collaboration and Next-gen Experience Services, Managed End-user Technology Services – Large Accounts, Managed End-user Technology Services – Local Specialists, Continuous Productivity Services (including Next-gen Service Desk) and Smart and Sustainable Workplace Services.

The report names Accenture, Capgemini, DXC Technology, HCLTech, Infosys, TCS and Wipro as Leaders in five quadrants each. Unisys is named a Leader in four quadrants, and Computacenter and Fujitsu are named Leaders in three quadrants each. Atos is named a Leader in two quadrants, and Capita, CGI, Deloitte, Getronics, Kyndryl, PwC, and Sopra Steria are Leaders in one quadrant each.

In addition, Atos is named as a Rising Star — a company with a “promising portfolio” and “high future potential,” by ISG’s definition — in two quadrants. Kyndryl, Microland and SCC are all named Rising Stars in one quadrant each.

In the area of customer experience, HCLTech is named the global ISG CX Star Performer for 2024 among workplace providers. HCLTech earned the highest customer satisfaction scores in ISG's Voice of the Customer survey, part of the ISG Star of Excellence™ program, the premier quality recognition for the technology and business services industry.

Customized versions of the report are available from SCC and Unisys.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work - Services report for the U.K. is available to subscribers or for one-time purchase on this webpage.

About ISG Provider Lens™ Research

The ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant research series is the only service provider evaluation of its kind to combine empirical, data-driven research and market analysis with the real-world experience and observations of ISG's global advisory team. Enterprises will find a wealth of detailed data and market analysis to help guide their selection of appropriate sourcing partners, while ISG advisors use the reports to validate their own market knowledge and make recommendations to ISG's enterprise clients. The research currently covers providers offering their services globally, across Europe, as well as in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the U.K., France, Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, the Nordics, Australia and Singapore/Malaysia, with additional markets to be added in the future. For more information about ISG Provider Lens research, please visit this webpage.

About ISG

ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. A trusted business partner to more than 900 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is committed to helping corporations, public sector organizations, and service and technology providers achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm specializes in digital transformation services, including AI, cloud and data analytics; sourcing advisory; managed governance and risk services; network carrier services; strategy and operations design; change management; market intelligence and technology research and analysis. Founded in 2006, and based in Stamford, Conn., ISG employs more than 1,600 digital-ready professionals operating in more than 20 countries—a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, deep industry and technology expertise, and world-class research and analytical capabilities based on the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace data. For more information, visit

Press Contacts:

Sarah Ye, ISG

+44 7833 567868

Will Thoretz, ISG

+1 203 517 3119

Source: Information Services Group, Inc.


How are U.K. organizations preparing for generative AI adoption?

U.K. organizations are working with service providers to identify GenAI use cases, conduct pilot deployments, develop large language models, and create governance frameworks in preparation for broader GenAI adoption within the next 12-18 months.

What factors are driving workplace transformation in the U.K.?

Factors driving workplace transformation in the U.K. include the COVID-19 pandemic, rise of hybrid work, global economic challenges, geopolitical uncertainty in Europe, talent shortages, and recent labor unrest marked by widespread strikes for better pay and working conditions.

How is remote work affecting job listings in the U.K.?

More than half of new job listings in the U.K. now allow employees to work remotely for one or more days each week, as companies respond to workers seeking flexibility.

What are the main goals of workplace transformation for U.K. organizations?

The main goals of workplace transformation for U.K. organizations are increased productivity, sustainability, improved employee experience across digital workplace services, and potential cost savings.

How is experience management (XM) being used in workplace transformations?

Experience management (XM) services are being used to oversee and evaluate interconnected systems, promote a happier and more productive workforce, and identify friction points and challenges in digital transformation initiatives that inhibit the adoption of workplace technology.

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